UE4 capture frame using ID3D11Texture2D and convert to R8G8B8 bitmap - c++

I'm working on a streaming prototype using UE4.
My goal here (in this post) is solely about capturing frames and saving one as a bitmap, just to visually ensure frames are correctly captured.
I'm currently capturing frames converting the backbuffer to a ID3D11Texture2D then mapping it.
Note : I tried the ReadSurfaceData approach in the render thread, but it didn't perform well at all regarding performances (FPS went down to 15 and I'd like to capture at 60 FPS), whereas the DirectX texture mapping from the backbuffer currently takes 1 to 3 milliseconds.
When debugging, I can see the D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC's format is DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM, so red/green/blues are stored on 10 bits each, and alpha on 2 bits.
My questions :
How to convert the texture's data (using the D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE pData pointer) to a R8G8B8(A8), that is, 8 bit per color (a R8G8B8 without the alpha would also be fine for me there) ?
Also, am I doing anything wrong about capturing the frame ?
What I've tried :
All the following code is executed in a callback function registered to OnBackBufferReadyToPresent (code below).
void* NativeResource = BackBuffer->GetNativeResource();
if (NativeResource == nullptr)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Couldn't retrieve native resource"));
ID3D11Texture2D* BackBufferTexture = static_cast<ID3D11Texture2D*>(NativeResource);
D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC BackBufferTextureDesc;
// Get the device context
ID3D11Device* d3dDevice;
ID3D11DeviceContext* d3dContext;
// Staging resource
ID3D11Texture2D* StagingTexture;
D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC StagingTextureDesc = BackBufferTextureDesc;
StagingTextureDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_STAGING;
StagingTextureDesc.BindFlags = 0;
StagingTextureDesc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ;
StagingTextureDesc.MiscFlags = 0;
HRESULT hr = d3dDevice->CreateTexture2D(&StagingTextureDesc, nullptr, &StagingTexture);
if (FAILED(hr))
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("CreateTexture failed"));
// Copy the texture to the staging resource
d3dContext->CopyResource(StagingTexture, BackBufferTexture);
// Map the staging resource
hr = d3dContext->Map(
if (FAILED(hr))
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Map failed"));
// See https://dev.to/muiz6/c-how-to-write-a-bitmap-image-from-scratch-1k6m for the struct definitions & the initialization of bmpHeader and bmpInfoHeader
// I didn't copy that code here to avoid overloading this post, as it's identical to the article's code
// Just making clear the reassigned values below
bmpHeader.sizeOfBitmapFile = 54 + StagingTextureDesc.Width * StagingTextureDesc.Height * 4;
bmpInfoHeader.width = StagingTextureDesc.Width;
bmpInfoHeader.height = StagingTextureDesc.Height;
std::ofstream fout("output.bmp", std::ios::binary);
fout.write((char*)&bmpHeader, 14);
fout.write((char*)&bmpInfoHeader, 40);
// TODO : convert to R8G8B8 (see below for my attempt at this)
d3dContext->Unmap(StagingTexture, 0);
(As mentioned in the code comments, I followed this article about the BMP headers for saving the bitmap to a file)
Texture data
One thing I'm concerned about is the retrieved data with this method.
I used a temporary array to check with the debugger what's inside.
// Just noted which width and height had the texture and hardcoded it here to allocate the right size
uint32_t data[1936 * 1056];
// Multiply by 4 as there are 4 bytes (32 bits) per pixel
memcpy(data, mapInfo.pData, StagingTextureDesc.Width * StagingTextureDesc.Height * 4);
Turns out the 1935 first uint32 in this array all contain the same value ; 3595933029. And after that, the same values are often seen hundred times in a row.
This makes me think the frame isn't captured as it should, because the UE4 editor's window doesn't have the exact same color on its first row all along (whether it's top or bottom).
R10G10B10A2 to R8G8B8(A8)
So I tried to guess how to convert from R10G10B10A2 to R8G8B8. I started from this value that appears 1935 times in a row at the beginning of the data buffer : 3595933029.
When I color pick an editor's window screenshot (using the Windows tool, which gets me an image with the exact same dimensions as the DirectX texture, that is 1936x1056), I get the following different colors:
R=56, G=57, B=52 (top left & bottom left)
R=0, G=0, B=0 (top right)
R=46, G=40, B=72 (bottom right - it overlaps the task bar, thus the color)
So I tried to manually convert the color to check if it matches any of those I color picked.
I thought about bit shifting to simply compare the values
3595933029 (value in retrieved buffer) in binary : 11010110010101011001010101100101
Can already see the pattern : 11 followed 3 times by the 10-bit value 0101100101, and none of the picked colors follow this (except the black corner, which would be only made of zeros though)
Anyway, assuming RRRRRRRRRR GGGGGGGGGG BBBBBBBBBB AA order (ditched bits are marked with an x) :
R=214, G=86, B=86 : doesn't match
R=89, G=89, B=89 : doesn't match
If that can help, here's the editor window that should be captured (it really is a Third person template, didn't add anything to it except this capture code)
Here's the generated bitmap when shifting bits :
Code to generate bitmap's pixels data :
struct Pixel {
uint8_t blue = 0;
uint8_t green = 0;
uint8_t red = 0;
} pixel;
uint32_t* pointer = (uint32_t*)mapInfo.pData;
size_t numberOfPixels = bmpInfoHeader.width * bmpInfoHeader.height;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPixels; i++) {
uint32_t value = *pointer;
// Ditch the color's 2 last bits, keep the 8 first
pixel.blue = value >> 2;
pixel.green = value >> 12;
pixel.red = value >> 22;
fout.write((char*)&pixel, 3);
It somewhat seems similar in the present colors, however that doesn't look at all like the editor.
What am I missing ?

First of all, you are assuming that the mapInfo.RowPitch is exactly StagicngTextureDesc.Width * 4. This is often not true. When copying to/from Direct3D resources, you need to do 'row-by-row' copies. Also, allocating 2 MBytes on the stack is not good practice.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
// Assumes our staging texture is 4 bytes-per-pixel
// Allocate temporary memory
auto data = std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]>(
new uint32_t[StagingTextureDesc.Width * StagingTextureDesc.Height]);
auto src = static_cast<uint8_t*>(mapInfo.pData);
uint32_t* dest = data.get();
for(UINT y = 0; y < StagingTextureDesc.Height; ++y)
// Multiply by 4 as there are 4 bytes (32 bits) per pixel
memcpy(dest, src, StagingTextureDesc.Width * sizeof(uint32_t));
src += mapInfo.RowPitch;
dest += StagingTextureDesc.Width;
For C++11, using std::unique_ptr ensures the memory is eventually released automatically. You can transfer ownership of the memory to something else with uint32_t* ptr = data.release(). See cppreference.
With C++14, the better way to write the allocation is: auto data = std::make_unique<uint32_t[]>(StagingTextureDesc.Width * StagingTextureDesc.Height);. This assumes you are fine with a C++ exception being thrown for out-of-memory.
If you want to return an error code for out-of-memory instead of a C++ exception, use: auto data = std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]>(new (std::nothrow) uint32_t[StagingTextureDesc.Width * StagingTextureDesc.Height]); if (!data) // return error
Converting 10:10:10:2 content to 8:8:8:8 content can be done efficiently on the CPU with bit-shifting.
The tricky bit is dealing with the up-scaling of the 2-bit alpha to 8-bits. For example, you want the Alpha of 11 to map to 255, not 192.
Here's a replacement for the loop above
// Assumes our staging texture is DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM
for(UINT y = 0; y < StagingTextureDesc.Height; ++y)
auto sptr = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(src);
for(UINT x = 0; x < StagingTextureDesc.Width; ++x)
uint32_t t = *(sptr++);
uint32_t r = (t & 0x000003ff) >> 2;
uint32_t g = (t & 0x000ffc00) >> 12;
uint32_t b = (t & 0x3ff00000) >> 22;
// Upscale alpha
// 11xxxxxx -> 11111111 (255)
// 10xxxxxx -> 10101010 (170)
// 01xxxxxx -> 01010101 (85)
// 00xxxxxx -> 00000000 (0)
t &= 0xc0000000;
uint32_t a = (t >> 24) | (t >> 26) | (t >> 28) | (t >> 30);
// Convert to DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM
*(dest++) = r | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | (a << 24);
src += mapInfo.RowPitch;
Of course we can combine the shifting operations since we move them down and then back up in the previous loop. We do need to update the masks to remove the bits that are normally shifted off by the full shifts. This replaces the inner body of the loop above:
// Convert from 10:10:10:2 to 8:8:8:8
uint32_t t = *(sptr++);
uint32_t r = (t & 0x000003fc) >> 2;
uint32_t g = (t & 0x000ff000) >> 4;
uint32_t b = (t & 0x3fc00000) >> 6;
t &= 0xc0000000;
uint32_t a = t | (t >> 2) | (t >> 4) | (t >> 6);
*(dest++) = r | g | b | a;
Any time you reduce the bit-depth you will introduce error. Techniques like ordered dithering and error-diffusion dithering are commonly used in pixels conversions of this nature. These introduce a bit of noise to the image to reduce the visual impact of the lost low bits.
For examples of conversions for all DXGI_FORMAT types, see DirectXTex which makes use of DirectXMath for all the various packed vector types. DirectXTex also implements both 4x4 ordered dithering and Floyd-Steinberg error-diffusion dithering when reducing bit-depth.


How to decompress a BC3_UNORM DDS texture format?

I've read a lot of articles and code but I still cannot get this to work, I've read all the 128 bytes of the header in my texture and them read 65536 bytes of compressed data of the actual texture(the texture's resolution is 256x256 and each compressed pixel uses 1 byte). I've tried to create my decompression algorithm with no success, them I've decided to use someone's else, so I found this code here. This is the arguments I was trying to pass to it so it would decompress my DDS texture.BlockDecompressImageDXT5(textureHeader.dwWidth, textureHeader.dwHeight, temp, packedData)
Note: textureHeader is a valid struct with the DDS texture's header data loaded into it, temp is a unsigned char array holding all the DDS data that was read from the DDS texture and packedData is a unsigned long array I was expecting to receive the final decompressed data. So in the code I've linked, the RGBA channels for each pixel were packed in the PackRGBA function, one byte for each color in the packedData. Before pointing the data to the texture's data at D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATApSysMem, I've distributed each byte from the unsigned long packedData to 4 different unsigned char m_DDSData this way:
for (int i{ 0 }, iData{ 0 }; i < textureHeader.dwPitchOrLinearSize; i++, iData += 4) //dwPitchOrLinearSize is the size in bytes of the compressed data.
m_DDSData[iData] = ((packedData[i] << 24) >> 24); //first char receives the 1st byte, representing the red color.
m_DDSData[iData + 1] = ((packedData[i] << 16) >> 24); //second char receives the 2nd byte, representing the green color.
m_DDSData[iData + 2] = ((packedData[i] << 8) >> 24); //third char receives the 3rd byte, representing the blue color.
m_DDSData[iData + 3] = (packedData[i] >> 24); //fourth char receives the 4th byte, representing the alpha color.
Note: m_DDSData should be the final data array used by D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA to point to the texture's data, but when I use it this is the kind of result I get, only a frame with random colors instead of my actual texture. I also have algorithm's to other type of textures and they work properly so I can assure the problem is only in the DDS compressed format.
EDIT: Another example, this is a model of a chest and the program should be rendering the chest's texture: https://prnt.sc/11b62b6
For a full description of the BC3 compression scheme, see Microsoft Docs. BC3 is just the modern name for DXT4/DXT5 compression a.k.a. S3TC. In short, it compresses a 4x4 block of pixels at a time into the following structures resulting in 16 bytes per block:
struct BC1
uint16_t rgb[2]; // 565 colors
uint32_t bitmap; // 2bpp rgb bitmap
static_assert(sizeof(BC1) == 8, "Mismatch block size");
struct BC3
uint8_t alpha[2]; // alpha values
uint8_t bitmap[6]; // 3bpp alpha bitmap
BC1 bc1; // BC1 rgb data
static_assert(sizeof(BC3) == 16, "Mismatch block size");
CPU decompression
For the color portion, it's the same as the "BC1" a.k.a. DXT1 compressed block. This is pseudo-code, but should get the point across:
auto pBC = &pBC3->bc1;
clr0 = pBC->rgb[0]; // 5:6:5 RGB
clr0.a = 255;
clr1 = pBC->rgb[1]; // 5:6:5 RGB
clr1.a = 255;
clr2 = lerp(clr0, clr1, 1 / 3);
clr2.a = 255;
clr3 = lerp(clr0, clr1, 2 / 3);
clr3.a = 255;
uint32_t dw = pBC->bitmap;
for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; ++i, dw >>= 2)
switch (dw & 3)
case 0: pColor[i] = clr0; break;
case 1: pColor[i] = clr1; break;
case 2: pColor[i] = clr2; break;
case 3: pColor[i] = clr3; break;
Note while a BC3 contains a BC1 block, the decoding rules for BC1 are slightly modified. When decompressing BC1, you normally check the order of the colors as follows:
if (pBC->rgb[0] <= pBC->rgb[1])
/* BC1 with 1-bit alpha */
clr2 = lerp(clr0, clr1, 0.5);
clr2.a = 255;
clr3 = 0; // alpha of zero
BC2 and BC3 already include the alpha channel, so this extra logic is not used, and you always have 4 opaque colors.
For the alpha portion, BC3 uses two alpha values and then generates a look-up table based on those values:
alpha[0] = alpha0 = pBC3->alpha[0];
alpha[1] = alpha1 = pBC3->alpha[1];
if (alpha0 > alpha1)
// 6 interpolated alpha values.
alpha[2] = lerp(alpha0, alpha1, 1 / 7);
alpha[3] = lerp(alpha0, alpha1, 2 / 7);
alpha[4] = lerp(alpha0, alpha1, 3 / 7);
alpha[5] = lerp(alpha0, alpha1, 4 / 7);
alpha[6] = lerp(alpha0, alpha1, 5 / 7);
alpha[7] = lerp(alpha0, alpha1, 6 / 7);
// 4 interpolated alpha values.
alpha[2] = lerp(alpha0, alpha1, 1 / 5);
alpha[3] = lerp(alpha0, alpha1, 2 / 5);
alpha[4] = lerp(alpha0, alpha1, 3 / 5);
alpha[5] = lerp(alpha0, alpha1, 4 / 5);
alpha[6] = 0;
alpha[7] = 255;
uint32_t dw = uint32_t(pBC3->bitmap[0]) | uint32_t(pBC3->bitmap[1] << 8)
| uint32_t(pBC3->bitmap[2] << 16);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i, dw >>= 3)
pColor[i].a = alpha[dw & 0x7];
dw = uint32_t(pBC3->bitmap[3]) | uint32_t(pBC3->bitmap[4] << 8)
| uint32_t(pBC3->bitmap[5] << 16);
for (size_t i = 8; i < NUM_PIXELS_PER_BLOCK; ++i, dw >>= 3)
pColor[i].a = alpha[dw & 0x7];
DirectXTex includes functions for doing all the compression/decompression for all BC formats.
If you want to know what the pseudo-function lerp does, see wikipedia or HLSL docs.
Rendering with a compressed texture
If you are going to be rendering with Direct3D, you do not need to decompress the texture. All Direct3D hardware feature levels include support for BC1 - BC3 texture compression. You just create the texture with the DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM format and create the texture as normal. Something like this:
D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc = {};
desc.Width = textureHeader.dwWidth;
desc.Height = textureHeader.dwHeight;
desc.MipLevels = desc.ArraySize = 1;
desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM;
desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE;
D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA initData = {};
initData.pSrcBits = temp;
initData.SysMemPitch = 16 * (textureHeader.dwWidth / 4);
// For BC compressed textures pitch is the number of bytes in a ROW of blocks
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> pTexture;
hr = device->CreateTexture2D( &desc, &initData, &pTexture );
if (FAILED(hr))
// error
For a full-featured DDS loader that supports arbitrary DXGI formats, mipmaps, texture arrays, volume maps, cubemaps, cubemap arrays, etc. See DDSTextureLoader. This code is included in DirectX Tool Kit for DX11 / DX12. There's standalone versions for DirectX 9, DirectX 10, and DirectX 11 in DirectXTex.
If loading legacy DDS files (i.e. those that do not map directly to DXGI formats), then use the DDS functions in DirectXTex which does all the various pixel format conversions required (3:3:2, 3:3:2:8, 4:4, 8:8:8, P8, A8P8, etc.)

Convert FreeType GlyphSlot Bitmap To Vulkan BGRA

I'm trying to convert a FreeType GlyphSlot Bitmap to Vulkan BGRA format.
void DrawText(const std::string &text) {
// WIDTH & HEIGHT == dst image dimensions
FT_GlyphSlot Slot = face->glyph;
int dst_Pitch = WIDTH * 4;
for (auto c : text) {
FT_Error error = FT_Load_Char(face, c, FT_LOAD_RENDER);
if (error) {
printf("FreeType: Load Char Error\n");
auto char_width = Slot->bitmap.width;
auto char_height = Slot->bitmap.rows;
uint8_t* src = Slot->bitmap.buffer;
uint8_t* startOfLine = src;
for (int y = 0; y < char_height; ++y) {
src = startOfLine;
for (int x = 0; x < char_width; ++x) {
// y * dst_Pitch == Destination Image Row
// x * 4 == Destination Image Column
int dst = (y*dst_Pitch) + (x*4);
// Break if we have no more space to draw on our
// destination texture.
if (dst + 4 > buffer.size()) { break; }
auto value = *src;
buffer[dst] = 0xff; // +0 == B
buffer[dst+1] = 0xff; // +1 == G
buffer[dst+2] = 0xff; // +2 == R
buffer[dst+3] = value; // +3 == A
startOfLine += Slot->bitmap.pitch;
This is giving me garbled output. I'm not sure what I need to do to properly convert to Vulkan B8G8R8A8. I feel like moving from left to right in the buffer we write to our Vulkan texture is incorrect and maybe Vulkan is expecting I add the pixels into the buffer in a different way?
I understand this code will write each letter on top of one another, I will implement taking advantage of Slot->advance after I can properly draw at least a single letter.
One problem is that you resize buffer with every character (which will leave the previous data at the start of the newly allocated space) but when storing the data for the new character c you overwrite the start of the buffer since dst is 0. You probably want to set dst the buffer.size() from before the resize call.
int dst = /*previous buffer size*/;
The issue was due to the fact that I had VkImageCreateInfo tiling set to VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL. After changing it to VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR I received the correct output.
Taken straight from https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.1-extensions/man/html/VkImageTiling.html
VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL specifies optimal tiling (texels are laid out
in an implementation-dependent arrangement, for more optimal memory
VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR specifies linear tiling (texels are laid out in
memory in row-major order, possibly with some padding on each row).
While I may not be rendering garbage now, my letters are still backwards and seemingly drawing from right to left instead of left to right.
You can see the green 'the' in the top right corner.

How to efficiently render a 24-bpp image on a 32-bpp display?

First of all, I'm programming in the kernel context so no existing libraries exist. In fact this code is going to go into a library of my own.
Two questions, one more important than the other:
As the title suggests, how can I efficiently render a 24-bpp image onto a 32-bpp device, assuming that I have the address of the frame buffer?
Currently I have this code:
void BitmapImage::Render24(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, void (*r)(uint16_t, uint16_t, uint32_t))
uint32_t imght = Math::AbsoluteValue(this->DIB->GetBitmapHeight());
uint64_t ptr = (uint64_t)this->ActualBMP + this->Header->BitmapArrayOffset;
uint64_t rowsize = ((this->DIB->GetBitsPerPixel() * this->DIB->GetBitmapWidth() + 31) / 32) * 4;
uint64_t oposx = x;
uint64_t posx = oposx;
uint64_t posy = y + (this->DIB->Type == InfoHeaderV1 && this->DIB->GetBitmapHeight() < 0 ? 0 : this->DIB->GetBitmapHeight());
for(uint32_t d = 0; d < imght; d++)
for(uint32_t w = 0; w < rowsize / (this->DIB->GetBitsPerPixel() / 8); w++)
r(posx, posy, (*((uint32_t*)ptr) & 0xFFFFFF));
ptr += this->DIB->GetBitsPerPixel() / 8;
posx = oposx;
r is a function pointer to a PutPixel-esque thing that accepts x, y, and colour parameters.
Obviously this code is terribly slow, since plotting pixels one at a time is never a good idea.
For my 32-bpp rendering code (which I also have a question about, more on that later) I can easily Memory::Copy() the bitmap array (I'm loading bmp files here) to the frame buffer.
However, how do I do this with 24bpp images? On a 24bpp display this would be fine but I'm working with a 32bpp one.
One solution I can think of right now is to create another bitmap array which essentially contains values of 0x00(colour) and the use that to draw to the screen -- I don't think this is very good though, so I'm looking for a better alternative.
Next question:
2. Given, for obvious reasons, one cannot simply Memory::Copy() the entire array at once onto the frame buffer, the next best thing would be to copy them row by row.
Is there a better way?
Basically something like this:
for (uint32_t l = 0; l < h; ++l) // l line index in pixels
// srcPitch is distance between lines in bytes
char* srcLine = (char*)srcBuffer + l * srcPitch;
unsigned* trgLine = ((unsigned*)trgBuffer) + l * trgPitch;
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < w; ++c) // c is column index in pixels
// build target pixel. arrange indexes to fit your render target (0, 1, 2)
++(*trgLine) = (srcLine[0] << 16) | (srcLine[1] << 8)
| srcLine[2] | (0xff << 24);
srcLine += 3;
A few notes:
- better to write to a different buffer than the render buffer so the image is displayed at once.
- using functions for pixel placement like you did is very (very very) slow.

Get HBITMAPs For *ALL* Sizes and Depths of a File Type Icon (C++)

Compiler: MinGW/GCC
I'm trying to get the HICON of a file type based on what icon windows has registered for that file type, and then grab all of the HICON's images.
The problem is, I can't seem to get anything other than the 32x32 or 16x16 icon. Also, I've looked at GetIconInfoEx() but that function doesn't allow me to choose the icon size that I'm wanting, it just sort of arbitrarily pukes up whatever Windows feels like handing me at the time.
I want to at least have all of the 16x16, 32x32, and 48x48 icons, but I would really enjoy being able to extract every size that's in the HICON that I pass in.
Here's the code I'm currently working with (copy and pasted most of this from the web and stitched it together):
HBITMAP GetFileTypeIcon(const char* ext, int type, int depth)
HICON hIcon;
SHFILEINFO sfi= {0};
int wh = 16;
wh = 16; flag|=SHGFI_SMALLICON;
wh = 32; flag|=SHGFI_LARGEICON;
wh = 48; flag|=SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX;
case FILE_ICON_SIZE_256:
wh = 256; flag|=SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX;
HRESULT hr = SHGetFileInfo(ext,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,&sfi,sizeof(sfi),flag);
if((type == FILE_ICON_SIZE_48) || (type == FILE_ICON_SIZE_256))
// THIS PART DOESN'T COMPILE: undeclared function/indentifiers
// HIMAGELIST* imageList;
// hr = SHGetImageList(((type == FILE_ICON_SIZE_256)?SHIL_JUMBO:SHIL_EXTRALARGE), IID_IImageList, (void**)&imageList);
// if(SUCCEEDED(hr))
// {
// //Get the icon we need from the list. Note that the HIMAGELIST we retrieved
// //earlier needs to be casted to the IImageList interface before use.
// hr = ((IImageList*)imageList)->GetIcon(sfi.iIcon, ILD_TRANSPARENT, &hIcon);
// }
// Convert to an HBITMAP (to get it out of the icon...)
HDC hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
HBITMAP hMemBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, wh, wh);
HGDIOBJ hOrgBMP = SelectObject(hMemDC, hMemBmp);
DrawIconEx(hMemDC, 0, 0, hIcon, wh, wh, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
SelectObject(hMemDC, hOrgBMP);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC);
return hMemBmp;
I don't even know what to do about color depths. I'll hazard a guess: make a DC that has a certain color depth (rather than just a compatible DC) and pass that into DrawIconEx()?
Edit: I answered my own question after much research/work.
See my answer below for a way to find and parse the raw icon data.
I basically had to do everything myself (with the help of the web, Stack Overflow, and several MSDN articles) so I think I'll just post my own solution here.
I ended up parsing the registry to find the locations of the icons of each previously registered file extension, since the API functions that should have easily gotten me the information I wanted have some... problems.
After that I spent several days manually observing the data formats at hand by observing output of an icon program, and with this information in hand I was able to construct an image loader.
I used Allegro game library to make dealing with BITMAP images easier - Win32/GDI is a bit too much to deal with and would have made the code exorbitantly messy.
Finding the Icon Location and Index:
(1) Look for extension under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, eg HKCR\.foo\(default) = "foofile"
(2) Default data of this is the next key to look at, eg HKCR\foofile\
(3) Default data here is the description eg HKCR\foofile\(default) = "Foo Document"
(4) The icon location may be in one of two places that I know of:
Either in HKCR\foofile\DefaultIcon\(default) or there may be an entry something like HKCR\foofile\CurVer\(default) = "foofile.1" which tells you to look at the key HKCR\foofile.1\DefaultIcon\(default) for the icon location.
Parsing the Icon Location String:
The string is simply a path followed by a comma, white space, possibly a negative sign, and a number indicating the "index" of the icon.
Here's the big gotcha: Let the icon index be N. If N is negative (might want to check for negative zeros!), it is a resource ID within the file specified. If N is positive, it means to find the N'th icon within the file, but the icon is not necessarily at resource ID number N.
Parsing Icon Structures Manually:
This is the bulk of the code and time spent, but it works beautifully. First off, here's the data formats for the various sections of color and mask data.
Data Block Formats:
32bit ... Color Data:
Little Endian 4 byte ARGB values.
The rows are stored in reverse order (bottom to top).
24bit ... Color Data:
Little Endian 3 byte RGB values.
Tightly Packed (NO PADDING).
The rows are stored in reverse order (bottom to top).
16bit ... Color Data:
Little Endian 2 byte RGB values. 5 bits each with MSB = 0.
Tightly Packed (NO PADDING).
The rows are stored in reverse order (bottom to top).
8bit ... Palette & Color Data:
The Palette is Little Endian 4 byte RGB0 values. No alpha.
There *might* be up to 256 palette entries.
If number of colors is reported as zero, assume 256 color entires.
The Pixels are 1 byte index values.
The rows are stored in reverse order (bottom to top).
4bit ... Palette & Color Data:
The Palette is Little Endian 4 byte RGB0 values. No alpha.
There *might* be up to 16 palette entries.
If number of colors is reported as zero, assume 16 color entires.
The Pixels are nybble-length index values.
The rows are stored in reverse order (bottom to top).
Mask Data:
Is a string of bytes with mask bits starting at MSB and going towards LSB.
There are ((imagewidth+31)>>5) DWORDS per row in *BIG ENDIAN* order.
Like the color data, there is a set of DWORDS for each row.
The rows are stored in reverse order (bottom to top).
Set unused padding bits/pixels at end of each row to 1.
0 indicates opaque and 1 indicates transparent.
1bit ... XOR Mask, AND Mask, & Color Data:
The Palette is Little Endian 4 byte RGB0 values. No alpha.
There should be exactly 2 palette entries: usually 0x00000000 and 0x00FFFFFF.
The two masks follow the Mask Data format decribed above.
The following results from combining two mask bits:
0 0 Color #0 (Black)
0 1 Transparent
1 0 Color #1 (White)
1 1 Invert Destination Bitmap
Of course I wouldn't have left it at this. There's code to be had!
The following code will load up and convert all of the icon images for a given icon location to a vector of 32bpp BITMAPs. If loading a given image fails, it will simply just not be added to the vector (or, in the case of a corrupt icon, it will most likely generate a corrupted image, so be careful).
The code does not support the "invert" color in monochrome images, and will just generate a different color that still has zero alpha.
WARNING: Some psuedo-code is included to shorten things to just the essentials.
Icon Loader Code (Supports: EXE, DLL, 32bit ICL, ICO):
// Code written by Simion32.
// Please feel free to use it anywhere.
// Credit would be nice but isn't required.
#include "include.h" //std::vectors and whatever else you need
#include <allegro.h>
#include <winalleg.h> //Allegro and Win32
#include "Shellapi.h"
// In the following block, the (required!!) pragmas
// force correct data alignment. Needed in at least GCC.
#pragma pack( push, 1 )
typedef struct
BYTE bWidth; // Width, in pixels, of the image
BYTE bHeight; // Height, in pixels, of the image
BYTE bColorCount; // Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp)
BYTE bReserved; // Reserved ( must be 0)
WORD wPlanes; // Color Planes
WORD wBitCount; // Bits per pixel
DWORD dwBytesInRes; // How many bytes in this resource?
DWORD dwImageOffset; // Where in the file is this image?
typedef struct
WORD idReserved; // Reserved (must be 0)
WORD idType; // Resource Type (1 for icons)
WORD idCount; // How many images?
ICONDIRENTRY idEntries[1]; // An entry for each image (idCount of 'em)
typedef struct
BITMAPINFOHEADER icHeader; // DIB header
RGBQUAD icColors[1]; // Color table
BYTE icXOR[1]; // DIB bits for XOR mask
BYTE icAND[1]; // DIB bits for AND mask
#pragma pack( pop)
#pragma pack( push, 2 )
typedef struct
BYTE bWidth; // Width, in pixels, of the image
BYTE bHeight; // Height, in pixels, of the image
BYTE bColorCount; // Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp)
BYTE bReserved; // Reserved
WORD wPlanes; // Color Planes
WORD wBitCount; // Bits per pixel
DWORD dwBytesInRes; // total size of the RT_ICON resource referenced by the nID member.
WORD nID; // resourceID of RT_ICON (LockResource to obtain a pointer to its ICONIMAGE)
typedef struct
WORD idReserved; // Reserved (must be 0)
WORD idType; // Resource type (1 for icons)
WORD idCount; // How many images?
GRPICONDIRENTRY idEntries[1]; // The entries for each image
#pragma pack( pop )
uint32_t Convert16BitToARGB(uint16_t value)
return (0xFF000000|((value >> 7) & 0x0000F8)|((value << 6) & 0x00F800)|((value << 19) & 0xF80000));
uint32_t GetMaskBit(uint8_t* data, int x, int y, int w, int h)
uint32_t mask_data_rowsize = (((w+31)>>5) * 4);
return ((~(data[(mask_data_rowsize * ((h-1)-y)) + (x >> 3)] >> (0x07 - (x & 0x07))) & 1) * 0xFFFFFFFF);
uint32_t GetColorMonochrome(uint8_t* xordata, uint8_t* anddata, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t* pal)
uint32_t mask_data_rowsize = (((w+31)>>5) * 4);
uint32_t xor_bit = (((xordata[(mask_data_rowsize * ((h-1)-y)) + (x >> 3)] >> (0x07 - (x & 0x07))) << 1) & 2);
uint32_t and_bit = (((anddata[(mask_data_rowsize * ((h-1)-y)) + (x >> 3)] >> (0x07 - (x & 0x07))) ) & 1);
uint32_t value = (xor_bit | and_bit);
return pal[value];
BITMAP* CreateBmp32bppFromIconResData(void* data, int size, int depth, int w, int h, int colors)
char* pngheader = "\211PNG\r\n\032\n";
char* cpd = (char*)data;
bool is_png = ((cpd[0]==pngheader[0])
&& (cpd[1]==pngheader[1])
&& (cpd[2]==pngheader[2])
&& (cpd[3]==pngheader[3])
&& (cpd[4]==pngheader[4])
&& (cpd[5]==pngheader[5])
&& (cpd[6]==pngheader[6])
&& (cpd[7]==pngheader[7]));
//# PSEUDO-CODE: Somehow convert the PNG file into a bitmap.
BITMAP* result = ConvertPngFileToBmp32bpp(data, size);
return result;
uint32_t ignore_size = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biSize;
BITMAP* bmp = create_bitmap_ex(32,w,h);
uint32_t pixel_count = (w * h);
uint32_t color_data_size = ((((((w * depth)+7) >> 3) +3) & ~3) * h);
default: return bmp; break;
case 32:
uint32_t* src = (uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size);
for(int yy = h-1; yy >= 0; --yy){
for(int xx = 0; xx < w; ++xx){
//There should never be any padding to jump over here.
return bmp;
case 24:
uint32_t* src = (uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size);
uint8_t* bitmask = (uint8_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + color_data_size);
int padding_checker = 0;
for(int yy = h-1; yy >= 0; --yy){
for(int xx = 0; xx < w; ++xx){
_putpixel32(bmp,xx,yy,((src[0] & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0xFF000000) & GetMaskBit(bitmask, xx, yy, w, h));
src = (uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)src)-1); //go back a byte due to packing
padding_checker += 3;
padding_checker &= 3;
//This loop jumps over any padding bytes.
src = (uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)src)+1);
padding_checker &= 3;
return bmp;
case 16:
//Note: there might be a color table present! ignore it.
uint16_t* src = (uint16_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2));
uint8_t* bitmask = (uint8_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2) + color_data_size);
int padding_checker = 0;
for(int yy = h-1; yy >= 0; --yy){
for(int xx = 0; xx < w; ++xx){
_putpixel32(bmp,xx,yy,Convert16BitToARGB(src[0]) & GetMaskBit(bitmask, xx, yy, w, h));
padding_checker += 2;
padding_checker &= 3;
//This loop jumps over any padding bytes.
src = (uint16_t*)(((uint8_t*)src)+1);
padding_checker &= 3;
return bmp;
case 8:
if(colors > 256) colors = 256; //Color Count must be restricted to 256 entries at the most.
if(colors <= 0) colors = 256; //Color Count might be reported as zero. This means 256.
uint8_t* src = (((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2));
uint32_t* pal = ((uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size));
uint8_t* bitmask = (uint8_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2) + color_data_size);
int padding_checker = 0;
for(int yy = h-1; yy >= 0; --yy){
for(int xx = 0; xx < w; ++xx){
uint8_t color = src[0];
if(color < colors){
_putpixel32(bmp,xx,yy,(pal[color] | 0xFF000000) & GetMaskBit(bitmask, xx, yy, w, h));
padding_checker &= 3;
//This loop jumps over any padding bytes.
padding_checker &= 3;
return bmp;
case 4:
if(colors > 16) colors = 16; //Color Count must be restricted to 16 entries at the most.
if(colors <= 0) colors = 16; //Color Count might be reported as zero. This means 16.
uint8_t* src = (((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2));
uint32_t* pal = ((uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size));
uint8_t* bitmask = (uint8_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2) + color_data_size);
int padding_checker = 0;
for(int yy = h-1; yy >= 0; --yy){
for(int xx = 0; xx < w; ++xx){
uint8_t color = src[0];
if(xx & 1) color = ( color & 0x0F);
else color = ((color >> 4) & 0x0F);
if(color < colors){
_putpixel32(bmp,xx,yy,(pal[color] | 0xFF000000) & GetMaskBit(bitmask, xx, yy, w, h));
if(xx & 1)
padding_checker &= 3;
//if the pointer hasn't incremented to the next byte yet, do so.
if(w & 1) //odd width
padding_checker &= 3;
//This loop jumps over any padding bytes.
padding_checker &= 3;
return bmp;
case 1:
if(colors > 2) colors = 2; //Color Count must be restricted to 2 entries at the most.
if(colors <= 0) colors = 2; //Color Count might be reported as zero. This means 2.
uint32_t* pal = (uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size);
uint8_t* bitmaskXOR = (uint8_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2));
uint8_t* bitmaskAND = (uint8_t*)(((uint8_t*)data) + ignore_size + (colors << 2) + color_data_size);
uint32_t ret_colors[4] = {pal[0]|0xFF000000, 0x00FF00FF, pal[1]|0xFF000000, 0x0000FF00};
for(int yy = h-1; yy >= 0; --yy){
for(int xx = 0; xx < w; ++xx){
_putpixel32(bmp,xx,yy,GetColorMonochrome(bitmaskXOR, bitmaskAND, xx, yy, w, h, ret_colors));
return bmp;
return bmp;
vector< BITMAP* > ResourceToBitmapVector(HMODULE hm, HRSRC hr, bool is_group_icon)
vector< BITMAP* > results;
HGLOBAL hg = LoadResource(hm,hr);
GRPICONDIR* gd = (GRPICONDIR*)LockResource(hg);
if(gd->idType == 1)
for(int i = 0; i < gd->idCount; ++i)
//WARNING: The GRPICONDIRENTRY's data might be wrong!
HRSRC ihr = FindResource(hm,MAKEINTRESOURCE(ie->nID),RT_ICON);
if(ihr != NULL)
HGLOBAL ihg = LoadResource(hm,ihr);
void* data = (void*)LockResource(ihg);
DWORD size = SizeofResource(hm,ihr);
uint32_t b = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biBitCount;
uint32_t w = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biWidth;
uint32_t h = (((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biHeight >> 1); //icons have doubled height value.
uint32_t c = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biClrUsed;
results.push_back(CreateBmp32bppFromIconResData(data, size, b, w, h, c));
HGLOBAL ihg = LoadResource(hm,hr);
void* data = (void*)LockResource(ihg);
DWORD size = SizeofResource(hm,hr);
uint32_t b = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biBitCount;
uint32_t w = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biWidth;
uint32_t h = (((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biHeight >> 1); //icons have doubled height value.
uint32_t c = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biClrUsed;
results.push_back(CreateBmp32bppFromIconResData(data, size, b, w, h, c));
return results;
vector< BITMAP* > IconFileToBitmapVector(void* icon_data, uint32_t icon_size)
vector< BITMAP* > results;
ICONDIR* gd = (ICONDIR*)icon_data;
if(gd->idType == 1)
for(int i = 0; i < gd->idCount; ++i)
//WARNING: The ICONDIRENTRY's data might be wrong!
DWORD offset = gd->idEntries[i].dwImageOffset;
DWORD size = gd->idEntries[i].dwBytesInRes;
void* data = (void*)(((uint8_t*)icon_data) + ((uint32_t)offset));
uint32_t b = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biBitCount;
uint32_t w = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biWidth;
uint32_t h = (((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biHeight >> 1); //icons have doubled height value.
uint32_t c = ((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)(data))->biClrUsed;
results.push_back(CreateBmp32bppFromIconResData(data, size, b, w, h, c));
return results;
vector< BITMAP* > UnearthIconResource(string& file, bool self_refrence, bool res_index, int index)
//prevents a negative indexing error
// (the boolean res_index handles whether it's icon index VS resource ID)
index = abs(index);
vector< BITMAP* > results; //array of results to return (pointers to 32bpp images)
//extract and 'demangle' the file extension by convertng to lowercase.
string ext = get_file_extension(file.c_str());
for(int i = 0; i < ext.size(); ++i) ext[i] = tolower(ext[i]);
bool is_icl = false;
if((ext == "exe") || (ext == "dll") || (ext == "scr") || (is_icl = (ext == "icl")))
// Portable Executable Resource (works for both DLL and EXE)
// Also works for any 32bit Icon Library (Microangelo Studio?)
HMODULE hm = LoadLibraryEx(file.c_str(), NULL,
if(hm != NULL)
//The icon we want is at the resource ID (==index)
bool is_single_icon = false;
hr = FindResource(hm,MAKEINTRESOURCE(index),RT_GROUP_ICON);
if(hr == NULL)
hr = FindResource(hm,MAKEINTRESOURCE(index),RT_ICON);
is_single_icon = (hr != NULL);
if(hr != NULL)
results = ResourceToBitmapVector(hm, hr, !is_single_icon);
//The icon we want is the (index)'th icon in the file
//We must preform a manual search for the resource ID!
//WARNING: Using EnumResourceNames() *DOES NOT WORK PROPERLY* for this.
for(int nicon = 0, i = 0; i < 0x8000; ++i)
bool is_single_icon = false;
if(hr != NULL)
if(nicon == index)
results = ResourceToBitmapVector(hm, hr, true);
//The icon we want is the "first" icon in the file.
//Happens when location is a %1.
//We must preform a manual search for the resource ID!
//WARNING: Using EnumResourceNames() *DOES NOT WORK PROPERLY* for this.
for(int i = 0; i < 0x8000; ++i)
bool is_single_icon = false;
if(hr != NULL)
results = ResourceToBitmapVector(hm, hr, true);
else /*if(is_icl)
{//OH NOES. We have to load a *16bit* .icl file!
//not supported yet. sorry. left as another excecise to the programmer.
else if(ext == "ico")
//Single Icon File
//# PSEUDO-CODE: Do the file loading yourself ;)
void* data_pointer = NULL;
uint32_t data_size = 0;
if(data_pointer = MyLoadFile(file.c_str(), &data_size))
results = IconFileToBitmapVector((void*)data_pointer, data_size);
return results;
I think that almost covers it all...
One last thing I should mention: Be sure to ignore the size and bit depth information coming from the icon directory entries. They can often be wrong. I've seen a few 256-color images reported as 24bit, causing data corruption inside the image loader.
Wow, talk about reinventing the wheel!
With all due respect, this code is so bloated for nothing. I (and probably thousands of others) achieved the exact same result with 1/10 of this code. Also, this solution contains many inaccuracies.
Here's a quick run-down:
Why parse the registry manually? You state the API has some problems; like what? I've used reg parsing API extensively and never had a problem! The Indexing vs ResID logic is correct though.
Why do all the icon to bitmap conversions manually? This can be achieved with 3 to 5 lines of code using the right Icon API calls. Here's a complete reference.
Why limit the conversion to 32bpp? Again, using the right APIs will generate a device dependent hIcon handle with the max color bit-depth supported by that device. Check out the CreateIconFromResourceEx() API function. All you need to do is combine it with the Find/Load/Lock Resource APIs that you're already using. Using this technique will load icons of any size and color depth (from monochrome up to alpha-channel 32bpp icons).
Finally, regarding the search for icon resources by group (RT_GROUP_ICON), or by single icons (RT_ICON), and matching for a given index instead of resource, it could be done much more efficiently using EnumResourceNames(). It might be that you've failed to account for string resource identifiers when parsing the Enum return, because it seems you've omitted such case in your manual search and match procedure. This might be the source of your problems with EnumResourceNames(). It works perfectly fine for me and for others in countless online samples. At the very least, the "manual" search should match up to 0xFFFF rather than 0x8000. Res IDs are recommended in the 0x0001 to 0x8000 range, but legal in the 0x0000 to 0xFFFF range.
If it does have not to be platform independent:
a bit time ago i wrote a little class that reads a file and extract all icons.
It retreives a std::vector with HICONs.
With GetIconInfo you can retreive the HBITMAP for pixeldata an pixelmask.
The function is a little bit heuristic. It scans the binary Data for a typical icon begin and tries to load them.
The function also works on dlls, exe or icl (16bit dlls that just contain icon resources)
#ifndef __ICON_LIST_H__
#define __ICON_LIST_H__
#include <windows.h>
#include <vector>
class IconFile: public std::vector<HICON>{
IconFile(std::string i_filename){
int addIconsFromFile(std::string i_fileName){
int iCount=0;
HANDLE file = CreateFile( i_fileName.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
int size = GetFileSize(file,NULL);
DWORD actRead;
BYTE* buffer = new BYTE[size];
ReadFile(file, buffer, size, &actRead, NULL);
int ind = -1;
for(int p = 0; p< size-4; ++p){
if(buffer[p]==40 && buffer[p+1]==0 && buffer[p+2]==0 && buffer[p+3]==0){
HICON icon = CreateIconFromResourceEx(&buffer[p], size-p, true, 0x00030000,0,0,0);
delete[] buffer;
return iCount;
#endif //__ICON_LIST_H__

binary file bit manipuation

I have a binary file of image data where each pixel is exactly 4 bits. Image data is laid out as follow:
There a N images where the first image is 1x1, the second image is 2x2, the third is 4x4, and so on (they are mipmaps if you care to know).
Given a pointer to the start of the data buffer, I want to skip to the biggest image.
Now I know how many bytes I want to skip, but there is this annoying 1x1 image at the start which is 4 bits. I am not aware of anyway to increment a pointer by bit.
How can I successfully retrieve the data without everything being off by 4 bits?
Assuming you can change your file format you can do either of the following:
Add padding to the 1x1 image
Store the images in reverse order (effectively the same as above, but not ideal for mip-maps because you don't necessarily know how many images you will have)
If you can't change your format, you have these choices:
Convert the data
Accept that the buffer is offset by half a byte and work with it accordingly
You said:
How can I successfully retrieve the data without everything being off
by 4 bits?
So that means you need to convert. When you calculate your offset in bytes, you will find that the first one contains half a byte of the previous image. So in a pinch you can shuffle them like this:
for( i = start; i < end; i++ ) {
p[i] = (p[i] << 4) | (p[i+1] >> 4);
That's assuming the first pixel is bits 4-7 and the second pixel is bits 0-3, and so on... If it's the other way around, just invert those two shifts.
// this assumes pixels points to bytes(unsigned chars)
index = ?;// your index to the pixel
byte_t b = pixels[index / 2];
if (index % 2) pixel = b >> 4;
else pixel = b & 15;
// Or you can use
byte_t b = pixels[index >> 1];
if (index & 1) pixel = b >> 4;
else pixel = b & 15;
Either way just compute the logical index into the file. Dividing by two takes you to the start of the byte where the pixel is. And then just read the correct half of the byte.
So make a function
byte_t GetMyPixel(unsigned char* pixels, unsigned index) {
byte_t b = pixels[index >> 1];
byte_t pixel;
if (index & 1) pixel = b >> 4;
else pixel = b & 15;
return pixel;
To read first image.
Image1x1 = GetMyPixel(pixels,0);
Image2x2_1 = GetMyPixel(pixels,1);// Top left pixel of second image
Image2x2_2 = GetMyPixel(pixels,2);// Top Right pixel of second image
Image2x2_3 = GetMyPixel(pixels,3);// Bottom left pixel of second image
... etc
So that is one way to go about it. You might need to take into account the endian-ness you are using so if it seems wrong then switch the logic for the pixel read thusly...
byte_t GetMyPixel(unsigned char* pixels, unsigned index) {
byte_t b = pixels[index >> 1];
byte_t pixel;
if (index & 1) pixel = b >> 4;
else pixel = b & 15;
if (index & 1) pixel = b & 15;
else pixel = b >> 4;
return pixel;