Using JWT authentication with Django/DRF and Storing JWTs in HttpOnly Cookies - django

I am trying to build a web app using Django and DRF at the back-end and ReactJs at the front end and I want to keep them separate (i.e. avoid Server Side Rendering).For authentication purposes, I want to employ JWT and I am using djangorestframework-jwt for that. I have read it at several places that it is not secure to store JWTs in the local storage so I am trying to use HttpOnly cookies for that. One can achieve that by configuring the django server to send HttpOnly by overriding the following default settings of the drf-jwt package in the file of your project JWT_AUTH = { 'JWT_AUTH_COOKIE': '<cookie name>', } which is set to none by default. The server sends the httpOnly cookie as anticipated but there are a few issues I am facing:
1.Same Domain Restraint
I am aware that httpOnly cookies wont be attached to the request headers unless the request is being made to the server which is hosted on the some domain. In my case I am using localhost:8000 for django and localhost:3000 for my react project so the browser doesnt attach the cookie as the request is made to a different port. I tried running both app on port 3000 simultaneously, and the browser did attach the cookie in the header and I did get the a 302 response from the server. However, it opened door to all sorts of problems due domain clash. I reckon I can solve this problem using nginx reverse proxy or something like that but I am not sure about it. Do guide me how can I serve both apps on the same host during the development.
2. Token Refresh Problem
When I refer to the view setup to refresh the token, I run into a bad request error even when the browser does attach the cookie along the request header. This is the server response in the browser
{"token":["This field is required."]}
Thanks if for reading it all the way down here!

In order for things to be secure:
You need CORS (Quickstart: CORS_ALLOWED_HOSTS=["http://localhost:3000"], CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS=True)
The short-lived token (session) cookie (5-15mins), should NOT have HTTP-ONLY setting
The refresh token cookie SHALL have HTTP-ONLY setting
Then your basic flow is:
On login Django creates session token and sends it
Your SPA reads the cookie and adds its value to the authorization header (Authorization: JWT ...token...)
Any request to Django should be made with that Authorization header
The refresh flow is:
Send a request to the refresh token endpoint following the documentation of the library you use
Django then reads the HTTP-ONLY cookie and verifies it
If valid, Django sends a new refresh token as HTTP-ONLY cookie along with a new short-lived token session cookie
Once the refresh token has expired, you log the user out.
An article here goes into detail using GraphQL, but the cookie part and handling of most of the frontend code you should be able to adapt to REST.


Cookie on same domain (First party) inside iframe not sending or saving

I have a SPA which uses a session token stored in a cookie for authentication with an API.
The SPA is on, and the API is on; they share a common TLD.
The SPA sends a request CSRF token to the API, then sends a login request with the CSRF token and credentials to authenticate and create the cookie which is sent with subsequent requests.
This all works fine.
The problem I'm facing is that the SPA has an iframe, to which the src points back at a separate section of the SPA (The need for this is not the point of my question, i know it's convoluted but needs must).
The document loaded in the iframe has the same subdomain as the parent, i.e. loads an iframe of
The page within the iframe skips cookies in Chrome and FF (Safari sends them an it works fine). I've looked at various threads about SameSite and Secure cookies and 3rd party vs first party but it is my understanding that this should simply be a first party cookie, i own the domains etc. (Although I have just realised locally the API is on one port and the SPA is on another port so that might account for different domains... just did a bit more reading, port is not included just the hostname)
It seems the cookies it already has for that domain are not being sent with the request
This cookie was blocked because it had the "SameSite=Lax"" attribute and the request was made from a different site and was not initiated by a top-level navigation.
and the cookies it receives to replace the ones the server thought were missing appear to be being ignored too
This attempt to set a cookie via a Set-Cookie header was blocked because it had the "SameSite=Lax" attribute but came from a cross-site response which was not the response to a top-level navigation.
The cookies look like this
path=/; domain=localhost; secure; httponly; samesite=lax
If I change samesite to none then it does work, but then I assume that means I'm just opening up my session cookies to being stolen by third parties in xss attacks? Seems nonsensical to me.
Why is an iframe on the same domain not working with lax and how might I work around this issue?

How can you access cookies on a static S3 site behind a CloudFront distribution?

So I'm trying to deploy my website which works well when in a local environment, but when it is deployed to Cloudfront, it can't seem to access cookies.
My frontend tech stack is as follows: Angular site hosted on S3, cloudfront distribution in front of it, custom domain name with a valid ssl certificate.
When the user navigates to the login page, they can successfully submit the forum, and the server responds with a JWT token in the Set-Cookie header.
After this though, in the angular site it says that the access-token cookie does not exist. The strange part here is that on subsequent requests, the access-token cookie is in fact forwarded back to the backend. (In the image below, the login button was pressed again, so the response cookie is the same as the request cookie.)
I've ensured that HttpOnly is not set, and that the frontend and backend are both hosted under the same root domain and
Cloudfront has been configured to forward the access-token cookie:
cache policy:
origin request policy (note that it still did not work when I had this set to forward all cookies and not just the access token):
Response headers settings:
So in my angular site, after the /login api call resolves, I use the ngx-cookie-service to check and try to retrieve the cookie.
this.cookieService.check('access-token'); // checks if it exists, returns false
this.cookieService.get('access-token'); // returns '' meaning the cookie does not exist
Any ideas on how to resolve this issue and access the cookies from within my angular site? I can provide more information on my configurations if needed. Thanks!
As you can barely make out in the screenshot the Cookies have the domain set as something starting with a suggesting that it is, most importantly it is not and not
The server needs to set the domain of the cookie to for it to be available to all subdomains of it.

Django SimpleJWT: Some questions with token authentication

I am implementing authentication in Django using SimpleJWT, and have a few questions regarding the same. To give some background I have multiple domains with my backend, some with normal login (username and password), and some with SSO logins.
Question 2:
Suppose, I store the access tokens in local storage and send the access token to all APIs, and I'm also refreshing it before it expires. But what will happen if the user closes the browser, and we are not able to refresh the access token. The access token expires and the user gets logged out. How can we keep the user logged in for a certain amount of time (say 30 days)?
When the Access token expires, you use the Refresh token to obtain a new Access token.
This works because Refresh token has a long life, typically up to 30 days (but can be even longer if you want).
User closes browser
Comes back 10 days later
User sends a request to the server
Server will return 401 Unauthorized response because Access token has expired
Your app will send a request to obtain a new Access token using the Refresh token
If the Refresh token is valid, server will return a new Access token
If the Refresh token is expired, server will return a 401 response. That means user needs to login again.
Security considerations
Personally, I think JWT for most web apps is not an suitable idea because of conflicting opinions and advice on how to securely store the tokens.
Since a Refresh token is really powerful, it is not advised to store it in the browser. So where do you store it? And that's when this misleading idea of "backendless" web services powered by JWT starts to fall apart.
Paradoxes regarding storing tokens:
Store it in localstorage: Vulnerable to XSS attacks.
This is really serious because the XSS vulnerabilities can also come from third party JS libraries, not just from your own code. Hackers can hijack a third-party library on NPM to inject malicious code and you might be unknowingly using it in your project (it might be a dependency of a dependency of another dependency...).
Store it in httponly cookies: Safe from XSS attacks but requires a first-party backend server (because third-party auth servers can't set cookies for another domain).
If you stop to think about it, you'll notice that this case is exactly similar to the regular session auth where a session token is saved in the cookie. So why not just use session auth instead of this complicated JWT setup?
I'm going to advise you to thoroughly research this and decide whether you really need JWT for your web apps.
JWT auth using cross-origin cookies
Since you mention that your frontend apps connect to an API server in another domain, using JWT seems alright.
If you control the API server, you can setup CORS headers to allow the API server to set cookies on your apps' domains.
Since this involves Cookies, it is vulnerable to CSRF attacks. But > that is easier to prevent using CSRF tokens.
That means, with every POST request, you'll need to send CSRF token
and the API server must also validate that CSRF token
Here's a diagram I make of the auth flow in that case:
For Question 2, add this code on your file
'ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME': timedelta(days=30),
'REFRESH_TOKEN_LIFETIME': timedelta(days=30),

OIDC js library reponse cookies are not stored and not attaching for subsequent requests

I am using authcodeflow with PKCE.
Using OIDC js library in the frontend, making calls to adfs getting an auth code and then calling my backend api. The backend api which calls adfs server get the access token and the backend api returns the token as a cookie to the frontend. I can see the cookie in response headers. but That cookie is not stored in browser and not getting added for subsequent requests. I have tried with samesite with all modes -> Lax, None,Strict and not setting.
Is this an issue with OIDC js library or is it blocking the cookies to store in browser?
Below are the observation with my analysis
Since the OIdc-client-js does not have an option to set flag "withCredentials" to true for the requests. There are no cookies send in the request and response cookies are ignored for the cross origin requests.This changes are marked as enhancement and still not completed in thier github repo.
Is there any way to achieve with this library? or any other libraries for OIDC js
So you are issuing a cookie from an API domain that is a sibling of the WEB domain:
Cookie domain =
Maybe it is the withCredentials flag or maybe due to a lack of user gesture, since the user has not done anything explicit to navigate to, such as a browser navigation or clicking a link?
You can override the prototype like this in order to add the withCredentials property. This is a little hacky but you could limit usage based on the URL and it should let you know whether setting withCredentials resolves your problem:
let open =; = function(method, url) {
open.apply(this, arguments);
this.withCredentials = true;
In my blog post I do something similar to proxy messages containing a refresh token. I use the web's exact domain though, rather than using an API subdomain. This will never be impacted by browser restrictions.

Security of storing Bearer token in cookies

My SPA uses React as front end and laravel API as backend.
When the user logs in (via axios and api), the api returns an access (Bearer token) as response. I use the react-cookie framework to store the access token as cookie in the Browser. This cookie will be read and used for any future request.
Is this the right way to do?
Isn't cookie data just something in the Browser that can be easily obtained by any attacker? Since it is just a file one the computer somewhere.
What is stopping an attacker from grabbing that cookie, impersonate as that user and start performing actions that requires authentication?
The token has a life span of lets say 1 year. It will only be refreshed every time the user logs in. I understand that if I set the life span shorter it will be more secure. However that will mean the user would have to log in constantly?
Im not sure if any of the provided solution answered my question. A SPA app is front end based and the request can be from anywhere such as Postman, Mobile app, or any third party device that wish to talk to my backed server. So those device needs a way to store some access token locally to be used for any future request.
The only way I know this could happen is for my server to send some auth token to the requester and have it store it somewhere to be used for next request.
In this case, Im not sure if CSRF token or any other means would help my concern?
Just like facebook, if I clear my cache, I will have to re-login. That means facebook is storing something on my location computer so I can be automatically authenticated next time
I just want to add some disadvantages of storing tokens in cookies that you should also be aware of:
The max size of a cookie is only 4kb so that may be problematic if
you have many claims attached to the token.
Cookies can be vulnerable to cross-site request forgery (CSRF or
XSRF) attacks. Using a web app framework’s CSRF protection makes
cookies a secure option for storing a JWT. CSRF can also be partially
prevented by checking the HTTP Referer and Origin header. You can
also set the SameSite=strict cookie flag to prevent CSRF attacks.
Can be difficult to implement if the application requires
cross-domain access. Cookies have additional properties (Domain/Path)
that can be modified to allow you to specify where the cookie is
allowed to be sent.
------- Update -----
You can also use cookies to store the auth token, even it is better (at least in my opinion than using local storage, or some session middleware like Redis). And there are some different ways to control the lifetime of a cookie if we put aside the httpOnly and the secure flags:
Cookies can be destroyed after the browser is closed (session
Implement a server-side check (typically done for you by
the web framework in use), and you could implement expiration or sliding window expiration.
Cookies can be persistent (not destroyed
after the browser is closed) with an expiration.
Your JS should not have access to the cookie. There are flags you can set on cookies that will help protect them and make sure they are only used for the correct purposes.
The HttpOnly flag is set on the cookie then JS will not be able to access it but it will still be sent with any request.
The SameSite flag will ensure that the cookie is only sent back to the site that gave it to you. Which prevents leakage.
The Secure flag will make it only send the cookie over a secured connection to prevent someone from sniffing it out of your web traffic.
You might want to lookup an authorization workflow but the gist of it is this:
User logs in with username and password
A JSON web token is issued upon login from the backend and sent to the browser
The JWT(JSON web token) can be stored in a cookie in the Web Storage(Session Storage) on the browser
Subsequent requests to the REST API will have the token embedded in the header or query string for authorization. With that form of authorization, your REST API understands who is making the request and what kind of resource to return based on the level of authorization
Please see #tpopov answer as he also made some really good points.