Where is the session timeout setting for Content Author and Administrator in Sitecore 9.2? - sitecore

I am having trouble accessing CM on Sitecore 9.2 (built on Azure PaaS) without getting a session timeout.
I have the following settings, but if I leave the browser open for more than 20 minutes with the launchpad displayed, and then click any button
After that, when I click on some button, I expected to be forcibly logged out, but
I expected that the session timeout would occur when I left the system for more than 20 minutes without logging out, and then clicked some button.
Please let me know if there is a way to force a session timeout logout.
Configuration details
(1) Web.config
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="20" sessionIDManagerType="Sitecore.SessionManagement. CoditionalSessionIdManager">
(2) Sitecore
<setting name="Authentication.ClientSessionTimeout" value="20" />
I would appreciate your help.

I am also facing the same issue with Sitecore 9.3. You can try below solution if it works.
Set ExpireTimeSpanin Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.config which is given below for bow "PreviewCookieAuthentication" and "CookieAuthentication".
Then Set in sitecore.config.
It should work for 20 minutes. I am facing issue when I increase timeout value from 20 to 30 minute.


Django on IIS: Debugging IIS Error due to FastCGI request timeout on large file upload

I'm trying to host a Django web application on a windows 10 machine with IIS 10 with FastCGI.
Whilst everything is running good so far, I'm running into problems with certain POST-requests while uploading larger files (~120MB), namely an HTTP 500 Error. I'm at a point where I don't know how to debug any further.
I resolved the Error "413.1 - Request Entity Too Large" by increasing the request limits. However, now I get an HTTP-error stating the following:
C:\Apps\Python3\python.exe - The FastCGI process exceeded configured request timeout
The timeout is set to 90 seconds, and I can tell that after the uploading of files completes, my browser is waiting about that time for a response from the server.
There are not that much operations to perform within the Django-view for responding to the request. If I run the django developement server on the same machine, the response is beeing send justs seconds after the files were uploaded. The duration, the IIS takes to send the HTTP 500 response, takes more than 1 minute longer.
I added some code to the Django-view in the post()-method to write something to a file whenever the method is called:
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
with open(os.path.join(settings.REPORT_DIR, "view_output.txt"), "w") as f:
However, this action is never performed, although it works in other Django-Views. I therefore assume a problem with IIS processing the request.
I enabled FREB logging, but am a little lost with interpretation. The "Errors & Warnings" just state the LOG_FILE_MAX_SIZE_TRUNCATE event, probably due to the large request.
Since I'm new to IIS, how can I debug any further?
Thank you very much!
To resolve the issue you could follow the below steps:
The IIS default file upload size is 30mb(30000000 bytes) increase this value by using:
open IIS manager, select your site.
Double click request filtering feature from the middle pane.
From the Actions pane on the right-hand side of the screen click Edit Feature Settings... link.
In the Request Limits section, enter the appropriate Maximum allowed content length (Bytes) e.g.2147483648 which means 2GB and then click the OK button.
click ok and apply the setting then go back.
increase the site connection time out:
Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Expand the local computer node, expand Web Sites, right-click the appropriate Web site, point to Manage Web Site, click Advanced Settings.
In the Advanced Settings window, expand Connection Limits, change the value in the Connection time-out field, and then click OK.
Application Pool setting:
Open IIS.
On the left side, select"Application Pools"
On the right side, right-click this application pool and select Advanced Settings.
In the advanced settings, increase "Idle Time-out (minutes)".
CGI Time out:
in IIS, double-click the CGI icon and increase "Time-out".

Google Cloud Platform credentials page not loading

For the past 12 or so hours when I go here:
I just get the spinning / loading animation. I have tried other browsers and other computers to no avail. I just need to add another OATH key. Is the service somehow broken? Is there something else I can do?
The browser shows some errors.
Refused to display 'https://apikeys.clients6.google.com/static/proxy.html?usegapi=1&js [ stuff deleted] in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.
and a few 404s
cloudusersettings-pa.clients6.google.com/v1alpha1/settings/PAN_NOTIFICATION_BELL_LAST_OPENED?key=[deleted]:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
like it's able to load the front end but not access the data it needs.
Sounds like it's a Google issue, just got a response back from Google:
We are experiencing elevated latency in the API Credentials page of Google
Developers Console beginning at 2019-02-09 20:06 PST.
We are using the external issue tracker as the main communication channel
to provide updates on this issue. Please star the issue here to receive
further updates: https://issuetracker.google.com/124188941.
This Issue Tracker entry is the authoritative source for public information
regarding this issue. All publicly-applicable updates will be posted there.
How to diagnose:
1. Visit Google Developers Console.
2. Select "APIs & Services".
3. Select "Credentials".
Result: Credentials page will continuously load.
There's no workaround available at this time, but we'll let you know via
the external issue tracker (https://issuetracker.google.com/124188941) if
we learn of one.

Coldfusion same file different output on CF10 and CF11 using cfheader

I have this simple code in Coldfusion
statustext="There was something wrong with the request."
<cfoutput>This is what I want to return as the output.</cfoutput>
When I run this on my localhost running CF10, I get this output on my Chrome browser:
But when I run this same file on another server running CF11, I get this output:
Am I missing something? Is there some other way of doing this in CF11?
Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks.
The issue actually has nothing to do with ColdFusion, either 10 or 11.
By default, IIS shows not does not show the statustext portion of the error message; it only shows the statuscode number. This is a security feature to prevent data leakage. If you do want to show the statustext portion of the error message, that is called "Detailed Error Messages" in IIS.
Steps to enable Detailed Error Messages in IIS 7:
Open the IIS7 manager
Select the Website and on its features view, double click on "Error Pages".
Right click and select the "Edit Feature Settingsā€¦" or select the same from the Actions pane (in the right hand side)
Select the "Detailed errors" radio button and click on OK
Now, even your client browsers will be able to see the detailed error messages.
More information:

ColdFusion Websocket: The channel entry specified for subscribeTo is not valid

My company is using cfwebsocket on our ColdFusion 11 server. In the past it has worked fine, but recently we started getting this message every time we try to access the page that calls cfwebsocket:
Attribute validation error for the CFWEBSOCKET tag The channel entry specified for subscribeTo is not valid.
"testing123" is not a valid channel registered for this application.
However in our Application.cfc I have setup the channel:
<cfset this.wschannels = [{name="testing123"}] />
Another weird problem is that when I go to the WebSocket section of the ColdFusion Administrator. I get an error as well:
It's really weird because we had this working before. We haven't changed our firewall at all. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
If you have updated to Update 3 then the reason for the problems is due to Adobe breaking websockets in that update.
I submitted a bug just after it was released - http://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?event=bug&id=3865461
Its been fixed and you can request a hotfix from them which does resolve the issue, otherwise you will have to wait until Update 4!

Strange Timeout in Sitecore 7

I've been using Sitecore version 7.1 for a few months now and have noticed that the Sitecore client logs me out after being idle for around 20 mins. Also other users have reported these issues whilst content editing.
I'm using Windows 7, IIS 7, .NET framework 4.5.
I've checked the error log for anything and can see no obvious errors and the keepalive service is running - I get this information in the logs:
ManagedPoolThread #14 12:47:24 INFO Scheduling.UrlAgent started. Url:http://testsite/sitecore/service/keepalive.aspx
I get some of these in the log, but could this be related?
WARN Memory usage exceeded the MemoryMonitor threshold
When I go back to the site after leaving it for say 20 minutes.
I get these entries in the log.
952 15:08:28 INFO AUDIT (sitecore\grahams): Logout
952 15:08:28 WARN Protected page accessed with no current user
6440 15:08:28 INFO AUDIT (sitecore\grahams): Logout
6440 15:08:28 WARN Protected page accessed with no current user
Any body seen this happening before or have any suggests of how I could get to the bottom of this?
Thanks in advance
We are also experiencing the same or similar problems since upgrading several of our web sites to Sitecore 7.1. We have continued to investigate all of the settings mentioned above but have as yet to find an explanation.
This may help, depending on your situation...Sitecore has confirmed a new issue was introduced: when multiple users login with the same credentials, and one of them logs out, all the others are also logged out automatically.
They have released a temporary hotfix package designed specifically for 7.1 rev. 140130. You should ensure your solution is updated to this version before installing:
Use the Install Package Wizard to apply the hotfix. Hopefully this will be included in the next 7.1 Update package.
I continue to have discussions with sitecore support on this issue and although they have not given me a definite fix or patch, there does seem to be a way to increase the timeout.
This is not without it's side effects but it is at least an option at this point. I am in the process of testing this out myself but I will share for now and update everyone on my progress.
Change or add the following three settings in your web.config (in the example below the timeout is 2 hours):
Client Timeout
<setting name="Authentication.ClientSessionTimeout" value="120" />
Forms Timeout
<authentication mode="None">
<forms name=".ASPXAUTH" cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="120" />
Session Timeout
<sessionState mode="InProc" ... timeout="120" />
There are a couple of configurations you need to checkout.
There is a client timeout setting in Sitecore:
<setting name="Authentication.ClientSessionTimeout" value="60"/>
Check that this is not set to 20 minutes.
Further you should check your session timeout here:
<sessionState mode="InProc" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" sqlConnectionString="data source=;user id=sa;password=" cookieless="false" timeout="20"/>
I've experienced this is issue with Sitecore 8.2 rev 170728 (Update 5). In my case, the cause of the issue was that I was accessing the site through HTTP while the following setting in the web.config file was not allowing it:
<httpCookies httpOnlyCookies="true" requireSSL="true" />
The issue can be fixed by either making sure you access the site through HTTPS or by setting the attribute "requireSSL" to "false" in the above setting.