what happens in memory for move in C++ - c++

I am reading c++ primer move section and confused about the move implementation.
Let us say we have one vector that has 4 elements that occupy 4 consecutive memory locations.
MEM[0~3]. The capacity of the vector is 4.
Assuming MEM[4] is now not available as it is occupied by another thread or program or due to whatever reason. Is this possible?
Now we need to add another element. Because we must maintain consecutive memory, we can only find another piece of consecutive memory that can host 8 vector entries, for example MEM[5~12]. In this way, we do copy the contents from MEM[0~3] to MEM[5~8] and then add the new element at MEM[9], right?
There is no way we could reuse the old MEM[0~3] and increase capacity while maintaining consecutive addresses.
If it is linked list, i can understand the move. But for array like, I am a bit confused. Please help explain a bit. Thanks.

This is completely outside the scope of the C++ standard.
There's nothing in the standard that prohibits this optimization. It's certainly possible that a particular C++ implementation determines that the std::vector that already used up its reserve()d capacity can be expanded without allocating larger storage and moving the existing contents of the vector into the larger allocated storage.
If so, then this is a very plausible, and sensible optimization. But nothing in the C++ standard requires this specific optimization either. Given that std::vector's storage expansion algorithm already mandates that the resulting vector insertion must have constant amortized time complexity, it is reasonable to conclude that the additional complexity in tracking memory allocation to such a level of detail may produce only marginal gains, in exchange for larger overhead overall, and might actually prove to incur more overhead, overall.


Does std::unordered_map::erase actually perform dynamic deallocation?

It isn't difficult to find information on the big-O time behavior of stl container operations. However, we operate in a hard real-time environment, and I'm having a lot more trouble finding information on their heap memory usage behavior.
In particular I had a developer come to me asking about std::unordered_map. We're allowed to be non-realtime at startup, so he was hoping to perform a .reserve() at startup time. However, he's finding he gets overruns at runtime. The operations he uses are lookups, insertions, and deletions with .erase().
I'm a little worried about that .reserve() actually preventing later runtime memory allocations (I don't really understand the explanation of what it does wrt to heap usage), but .erase() in particular I don't see any guarantee whatsoever that it won't be asking the heap for a dynamic deallocation when called.
So the question is what's the specified heap interactions (if any) for std::unordered_map::erase, and if it actually does deallocations, if there's some kind of trick that can be used to avoid them?
The standard doesn't specify container allocation patterns per-se. These are effectively derived from iterator/reference invalidation rules. For example, vector::insert only invalidates all references if the number of elements inserted causes the size of the container to exceed its capacity. Which means reallocation happened.
By contrast, the only operations on unordered_map which invalidates references are those which actually remove that particular element. Even a rehash (which likely allocates memory) does not invalidate references (this is why reserve changes nothing).
This means that each element must be stored separately from the hash table itself. They are individual nodes (which is why it has a node_type extraction interface), and must be able to be allocated and deallocated individually.
So it is reasonable to assume that each insertion or erasure represents at least one allocation/deallocation.
If you're all right with nodes continuing to consume memory, even after they've been removed from the container, you could pretty easily write an Allocator class that basically made deallocation a NOP.
Quite a few real-time systems basically allocate all the memory they're going to use up-front, then once they've finished initialization they neither allocate nor release memory. This would allow you to do pretty much the same thing with an unordered_map.
That said, I'm somewhat skeptical about the benefit in this case. The main strength of unordered_map is supporting insertion and deletion that are usually fast. If you're not going to be doing insertion at runtime, chances are pretty good that it's not a particularly great choice.
If it's a collection that's mostly filled during initialization, then used mostly as-is, with a few items being "removed", but no more being inserted after you finish initialization, you're likely to be better off with a simple sorted array and an interpolating search (or, if the data is distributed extremely unpredictably, maybe a binary search--but an interpolating search is usually better). In this case, I'd handle removal by simply adding a boolean to each item saying whether that item is valid or not. Erase by setting that value to false. If you find such a value during a search, you basically just ignore it.

Can you predict where in memory a vector might move when growing?

I'm learning about C++ and have a conceptual question. Let's say I have a vector. I know that my vector is stored in contiguous memory, but let's say my vector keeps growing and runs out of room to keep the memory contiguous. How can I predict where in memory the vector will go? I'm excluding the option of using functions that tell the vector where it should be in memory.
If it "runs out of room to keep the memory contiguous", then it simply won't grow. Attempting to add items past the currently allocated size will (typically) result in its throwing an exception (though technically, it's up to the allocator object to decide what to do--it's responsible for memory allocation, and responding when that's not possible.
Note, however, that this could result from running out of address space (especially on a 32-bit machine) rather than running out of actual memory. A typical virtual memory manager can reallocate physical pages (e.g., 4 KB or 8 KB chunks) and write data to the paging file if necessary to free physical memory if needed--but when/if there's not enough contiguous address space, there's not much that can be done.
The answer depends highly on your allocation strategy, but in general, the answer is no. Most allocators do not provide you with information where the next allocation will occur. If you were writing a custom allocator, then you could potentially make this information accessible, but doing so is not necessarily a good idea unless your use case specifically requires this knowledge.
The realloc function is the only C function which will attempt to grow your memory in place, and it makes no guarantees that it will do so.
Neither new nor malloc provide any information for where the "next" allocation will take place. You could potentially guess, if you knew the exact implementation details for your specific compiler, but this would be very unwise to rely on in a real program. Regarding specifically the std::allocator used for std::vector, it also does not provide details about where future allocations will take place.
Even if you could predict it in a particular situation, it would be extremely fragile - all it takes is one function you call to change to make another call to new or malloc [unless you are using a very specific allocation method - which is different from the "usual" method] to "break" where the next allocation is made.
If you KNOW that you need a certain size, you can use std::vector::resize() to set the size of the vector [or std::vector<int> vec(10000); to create a pre-sized to 10000, for example] - which of course is not guaranteed to work, but it guarantees that you never need "enough space to hold 3x the current content", which is what happens with std::vector when you grow it using push_back [and if you are REALLY unlucky, that means that your vector will use 2*n-1 elements, leaving n-1 unused, because your size is n-1 and you add ONE more element, which doubles the size, so now 2*n, and you only actually require one more element...
The internal workings of STL containers are kept private for good reasons. You should never be accessing any container elements through any mechanism other than the appropriate iterators; and it is not possible to acquire one of those on an element that does not yet exist.
You could however, supply an allocator and use that to deterministically place future allocations.
Can you predict where in memory a vector might move when growing?
As others like EJP, Jerry and Mats have said, you cannot determine the location of a "grown" vector until after it grows. There are some corner cases, like the allocator providing a block of memory that's larger than required so that the vector does not actually move after a grow. But its not something you should depend on.
In general, stacks grow down and heaps grow up. This is an artifact from the old memory days. Your code segment was sandwiched between them, and it ensured your program would overwrite its own code segment and eventually cause an illegal instruction. So you might be able to guess the new vector is going to be higher in memory than the old vector because the vector is probably using heap memory. But its not really useful information.
If you are devising a strategy for locating elements after a grow, then use an index and not an iterator. Iterators are invalidated after inserts and deletes (including the grow).
For example, suppose you are parsing the vector and you are looking for the data that follows -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----. Once you know the offset of the data (byte 27 in the vector), then you can always relocate it in constant time with v.begin() + 26. If you only have part of the certificate and later add the tail of the data and the -----END CERTIFICATE----- (and the vector grows), then the data is still located at v.begin() + 26.
No, in practical terms you can't predict where it will go if it has to move due to resizing. However, it isn't so random that you could use it as a random number generator (;

Does an allocation hint get used?

I was reading Why is there no reallocation functionality in C++ allocators? and Is it possible to create an array on the heap at run-time, and then allocate more space whenever needed?, which clearly state that reallocation of a dynamic array of objects is impossible.
However, in The C++ Standard Library by Josuttis, it states an Allocator, allocator, has a function allocate with the following syntax
pointer allocator::allocate(size_type num, allocator<void>::pointer hint = 0)
where the hint has an implementation defined meaning, which may be used to help improve performance.
Are there any implementations that take advantage of this?
I have gained significant performance advantages for iteration times on small scalar types in my plf::colony c++ container using hints with std::allocator under Visual Studio 2010-2013 (iteration speed increased by ~21%), and much smaller speedups under GCC 5.1. So it's safe to say that with those compilers and std::allocator, it makes a difference. But the difference will be compiler-dependent. I am not aware of the ratio of hint-ignoring to hint-observing allocators.
I'm not sure about specific implementations, but note that the allocator isn't allowed to return the hint pointer value before it's been passed to deallocate. So that can't be used as a primitive operation to form a reallocate.
The Standard says the hint must have been returned by a previous call to allocate. It says "The use of [the hint] is unspecified, but it is
intended as an aid to locality." So if you're allocating and releasing a sequence of similar-sized blocks on one thread, you might pass the previously-freed value to avoid cache contention between microprocessor caches.
Otherwise, when CPU B sees that you're using memory addresses still in CPU A's cache (even that memory contains objects that were destroyed according to C++), it must forward the junk data over the bus. Better to let CPU A and B each reuse their own respective cached addresses.
C++11 states, in allocator members:
4 - [ Note: In a container member function, the address of an adjacent element is often a good choice to pass for the hint argument. — end note ]
6 - [...] The use of hint is unspecified, but intended as an aid
to locality if an implementation so desires.
Allocating new elements adjacent or close to existing elements in memory can aid performance by improving locality; because they are usually cached together, nearby elements will tend to travel together up the memory hierarchy and will not evict each other.

Linked list vs dynamic array for implementing a stack using vector class

I was reading up on the two different ways of implementing a stack: linked list and dynamic arrays. The main advantage of a linked list over a dynamic array was that the linked list did not have to be resized while a dynamic array had to be resized if too many elements were inserted hence wasting alot of time and memory.
That got me wondering if this is true for C++ (as there is a vector class which automatically resizes whenever new elements are inserted)?
It's difficult to compare the two, because the patterns of their memory usage are quite different.
Vector resizing
A vector resizes itself dynamically as needed. It does that by allocating a new chunk of memory, moving (or copying) data from the old chunk to the new chunk, the releasing the old one. In a typical case, the new chunk is 1.5x the size of the old (contrary to popular belief, 2x seems to be quite unusual in practice). That means for a short time while reallocating, it needs memory equal to roughly 2.5x as much as the data you're actually storing. The rest of the time, the "chunk" that's in use is a minimum of 2/3rds full, and a maximum of completely full. If all sizes are equally likely, we can expect it to average about 5/6ths full. Looking at it from the other direction, we can expect about 1/6th, or about 17% of the space to be "wasted" at any given time.
When we do resize by a constant factor like that (rather than, for example, always adding a specific size of chunk, such as growing in 4Kb increments) we get what's called amortized constant time addition. In other words, as the array grows, resizing happens exponentially less often. The average number of times items in the array have been copied tends to a constant (usually around 3, but depends on the growth factor you use).
linked list allocations
Using a linked list, the situation is rather different. We never see resizing, so we don't see extra time or memory usage for some insertions. At the same time, we do see extra time and memory used essentially all the time. In particular, each node in the linked list needs to contain a pointer to the next node. Depending on the size of the data in the node compared to the size of a pointer, this can lead to significant overhead. For example, let's assume you need a stack of ints. In a typical case where an int is the same size as a pointer, that's going to mean 50% overhead -- all the time. It's increasingly common for a pointer to be larger than an int; twice the size is fairly common (64-bit pointer, 32-bit int). In such a case, you have ~67% overhead -- i.e., obviously enough, each node devoting twice as much space to the pointer as the data being stored.
Unfortunately, that's often just the tip of the iceberg. In a typical linked list, each node is dynamically allocated individually. At least if you're storing small data items (such as int) the memory allocated for a node may be (usually will be) even larger than the amount you actually request. So -- you ask for 12 bytes of memory to hold an int and a pointer -- but the chunk of memory you get is likely to be rounded up to 16 or 32 bytes instead. Now you're looking at overhead of at least 75% and quite possibly ~88%.
As far as speed goes, the situation is rather similar: allocating and freeing memory dynamically is often quite slow. The heap manager typically has blocks of free memory, and has to spend time searching through them to find the block that's most suited to the size you're asking for. Then it (typically) has to split that block into two pieces, one to satisfy your allocation, and another of the remaining memory it can use to satisfy other allocations. Likewise, when you free memory, it typically goes back to that same list of free blocks and checks whether there's an adjoining block of memory already free, so it can join the two back together.
Allocating and managing lots of blocks of memory is expensive.
cache usage
Finally, with recent processors we run into another important factor: cache usage. In the case of a vector, we have all the data right next to each other. Then, after the end of the part of the vector that's in use, we have some empty memory. This leads to excellent cache usage -- the data we're using gets cached; the data we're not using has little or no effect on the cache at all.
With a linked list, the pointers (and probable overhead in each node) are distributed throughout our list. I.e., each piece of data we care about has, right next to it, the overhead of the pointer, and the empty space allocated to the node that we're not using. In short, the effective size of the cache is reduced by about the same factor as the overall overhead of each node in the list -- i.e., we might easily see only 1/8th of the cache storing the date we care about, and 7/8ths devoted to storing pointers and/or pure garbage.
A linked list can work well when you have a relatively small number of nodes, each of which is individually quite large. If (as is more typical for a stack) you're dealing with a relatively large number of items, each of which is individually quite small, you're much less likely to see a savings in time or memory usage. Quite the contrary, for such cases, a linked list is much more likely to basically waste a great deal of both time and memory.
Yes, what you say is true for C++. For this reason, the default container inside std::stack, which is the standard stack class in C++, is neither a vector nor a linked list, but a double ended queue (a deque). This has nearly all the advantages of a vector, but it resizes much better.
Basically, an std::deque is a linked list of arrays of sorts internally. This way, when it needs to resize, it just adds another array.
First, the performance trade-offs between linked-lists and dynamic arrays are a lot more subtle than that.
The vector class in C++ is, by requirement, implemented as a "dynamic array", meaning that it must have an amortized-constant cost for inserting elements into it. How this is done is usually by increasing the "capacity" of the array in a geometric manner, that is, you double the capacity whenever you run out (or come close to running out). In the end, this means that a reallocation operation (allocating a new chunk of memory and copying the current content into it) is only going to happen on a few occasions. In practice, this means that the overhead for the reallocations only shows up on performance graphs as little spikes at logarithmic intervals. This is what it means to have "amortized-constant" cost, because once you neglect those little spikes, the cost of the insert operations is essentially constant (and trivial, in this case).
In a linked-list implementation, you don't have the overhead of reallocations, however, you do have the overhead of allocating each new element on freestore (dynamic memory). So, the overhead is a bit more regular (not spiked, which can be needed sometimes), but could be more significant than using a dynamic array, especially if the elements are rather inexpensive to copy (small in size, and simple object). In my opinion, linked-lists are only recommended for objects that are really expensive to copy (or move). But at the end of the day, this is something you need to test in any given situation.
Finally, it is important to point out that locality of reference is often the determining factor for any application that makes extensive use and traversal of the elements. When using a dynamic array, the elements are packed together in memory one after the other and doing an in-order traversal is very efficient as the CPU can preemptively cache the memory ahead of the reading / writing operations. In a vanilla linked-list implementation, the jumps from one element to the next generally involves a rather erratic jumps between wildly different memory locations, which effectively disables this "pre-fetching" behavior. So, unless the individual elements of the list are very big and operations on them are typically very long to execute, this lack of pre-fetching when using a linked-list will be the dominant performance problem.
As you can guess, I rarely use a linked-list (std::list), as the number of advantageous applications are few and far between. Very often, for large and expensive-to-copy objects, it is often preferable to simply use a vector of pointers (you get basically the same performance advantages (and disadvantages) as a linked list, but with less memory usage (for linking pointers) and you get random-access capabilities if you need it).
The main case that I can think of, where a linked-list wins over a dynamic array (or a segmented dynamic array like std::deque) is when you need to frequently insert elements in the middle (not at either ends). However, such situations usually arise when you are keeping a sorted (or ordered, in some way) set of elements, in which case, you would use a tree structure to store the elements (e.g., a binary search tree (BST)), not a linked-list. And often, such trees store their nodes (elements) using a semi-contiguous memory layout (e.g., a breadth-first layout) within a dynamic array or segmented dynamic array (e.g., a cache-oblivious dynamic array).
Yes, it's true for C++ or any other language. Dynamic array is a concept. The fact that C++ has vector doesn't change the theory. The vector in C++ actually does the resizing internally so this task isn't the developers' responsibility. The actual cost doesn't magically disappear when using vector, it's simply offloaded to the standard library implementation.
std::vector is implemented using a dynamic array, whereas std::list is implemented as a linked list. There are trade-offs for using both data structures. Pick the one that best suits your needs.
As you indicated, a dynamic array can take a larger amount of time adding an item if it gets full, as it has to expand itself. However, it is faster to access since all of its members are grouped together in memory. This tight grouping also usually makes it more cache-friendly.
Linked lists don't need to resize ever, but traversing them takes longer as the CPU must jump around in memory.
That got me wondering if this is true for c++ as there is a vector class which automatically resizes whenever new elements are inserted.
Yes, it still holds, because a vector resize is a potentially expensive operation. Internally, if the pre-allocated size for the vector is reached and you attempt to add new elements, a new allocation takes place and the old data is moved to the new memory location.
From the C++ documentation:
vector::push_back - Add element at the end
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element. The content of val is copied (or moved) to the new element.
This effectively increases the container size by one, which causes an automatic reallocation of the allocated storage space if -and only if- the new vector size surpasses the current vector capacity.
Skip to 44:40. You should prefer std::vector whenever possible over a std::list, as explained in the video, by Bjarne himself. Since std::vector stores all of it's elements next to each other, in memory, and because of that it will have the advantage of being cached in memory. And this is true for adding and removing elements from std::vector and also searching. He states that std::list is 50-100x slower than a std::vector.
If you really want a stack, you should really use std::stack instead of making your own.

Why is 'unbounded_array' more efficient than 'vector'?

It says here that
The unbounded array is similar to a
std::vector in that in can grow in
size beyond any fixed bound. However
unbounded_array is aimed at optimal
performance. Therefore unbounded_array
does not model a Sequence like
std::vector does.
What does this mean?
As a Boost developer myself, I can tell you that it's perfectly fine to question the statements in the documentation ;-)
From reading those docs, and from reading the source code (see storage.hpp) I can say that it's somewhat correct given some assumptions about the implementation of std::vector at the time that code was written. That code dates to 2000 initially, and perhaps as late as 2002. Which means at the time many STD implementations did not do a good job of optimizing destruction and construction of objects in containers. The claim about the non-resizing is easily refuted by using an initially large capacity vector. The claim about speed, I think, comes entirely from the fact that the unbounded_array has special code for eliding dtors & ctors when the stored objects have trivial implementations of them. Hence it can avoid calling them when it has to rearrange things, or when it's copying elements. Compared to really recent STD implementations it's not going to be faster, as new STD implementation tend to take advantage of things like move semantics to do even more optimizations.
It appears to lack insert and erase methods. As these may be "slow," ie their performance depends on size() in the vector implementation, they were omitted to prevent the programmer from shooting himself in the foot.
insert and erase are required by the standard for a container to be called a Sequence, so unlike vector, unbounded_array is not a sequence.
No efficiency is gained by failing to be a sequence, per se.
However, it is more efficient in its memory allocation scheme, by avoiding a concept of vector::capacity and always having the allocated block exactly the size of the content. This makes the unbounded_array object smaller and makes the block on the heap exactly as big as it needs to be.
As I understood it from the linked documentation, it is all about allocation strategy. std::vector afaik postpones allocation until necessary and than might allocate some reasonable chunk of meory, unbounded_array seams to allocate more memory early and therefore it might allocate less often. But this is only a gues from the statement in documentation, that it allocates more memory than might be needed and that the allocation is more expensive.