301 redirect router for Django project - django

I have a website building tool created in Django and I'd like to add easy user defined 301 redirects to it.
Webflow has a very easy to understand tool for 301 redirects. You add a path (not just a slug) and then define where that path should lead the user.
I'd like to do the same for the Django project I'm working on. I currently allow users to set a slug that redirects /<slug:redirect_slug>/ and they can set to go to any URL. But I'd like them to be able to add, for example, the path for an old blog post '/2018/04/12/my-favorite-thing/'
What's the best URL conf to use in Django to safely accept any path the user wants?

You can use the Path Converters that convert the path parameters into appropriate types, which also includes a converter for urls.
An example would be like the following:
path('api/<path:encoded_url>/', YourView.as_view()),
As per the docs:
Matches any non-empty string, including the path separator, '/'. This allows you to match against a complete URL path rather than just a segment of a URL path as with str.
In your view, you can get your URL like this:
encoded_url = self.kwargs.get('encoded_url')

Add a RerouteMiddleware which first checks if the request can be served by the existing URLs from the urls.py. If it cannot be served, check if the requested path is from the old -> new URLs mapping, if a match found redirect it to the new URL.
Sample piece of code to try it out.
except Resolver404:
# Check if the URL exists in your database/constants
# where you might have stored the old -> new URL mapping.
if request.path is valid:
new_url = # Retrieve the new URL
return redirect(new_url)
response = self.get_response(request)
return response


How to pass # in url as a parameter in django 2

I am trying to pass a code "Req-2019#000001" Django URL. I want to pass this code as well as normal string and number also in URL as arguments.
path('generateBomForSingleProduct/<requisition_no>/' , views.generateBomForSingleProduct, name='generateBomForSingleProduct'),
Its work properly but the problem is its add extra / before #
My URL is now this
But I want to like this
Not an extra "/" before my "#"
The portion of the URL which follows the # symbol is not normally sent to the server in the request for the page. So, it's not possible to have a URL as /production/generateBomForSingleProduct/Req-2019#000001
Just modify the url as /production/generateBomForSingleProduct/Req-2019/000001, so you need to modify the view also
# views.py
def generateBomForSingleProduct(request, part_1, part_2):
unique_id = "{}#{}".format(part_1, part_2)
# use the "unique_id"
urlpatterns = [
path('foo/<part_1>/<part_2>/', generateBomForSingleProduct, name="some-name"),
Using 'get' would be the proper way to do this. # is for html fragments, which are not sent to the server. Why can't it just be
/production/generateBomForSingleProduct/Req-2019?code=000001 and then you handle everything in the view that way?
Part after # is called fragment identifier, which is used by browsers and never sent to server.
In url 000001 is never sent to server. Hence using important part of url after # is useless. Better to pass 000001 as query parameters or separate argument.

What would be Djnago's url pattern to match and fetch out a url (coming appended to site's domain as a GET request)?

Suppose my site's domain is mysite.com , now whenever a request comes in this form : mysite.com/https://stackoverflow.com :I want to fetch out this url "https://stackoverflow.com" and send it to the corresponding view.
I have tried this pattern :
regex of which matches the incoming appended url and assigns variable preurl the value "https://stackoverflow.com", which I access in corresponding view function .
This works fine for above example but my url pattern is failing in case of some exceptional urls..
Please suggest a robust url pattern by taking into consideration all exceptional urls too, like the following:
That is, if a request comes like :
I should be able to get the value "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one" in variable preurl
You don't have to make this type of complex url pattern, First, make a URL pattern that matches everything.
url(r'^.*/$', views.fast_track_service, name='fast_track'),
and append it to the end in urlpatterns in your urls.py then in your view, Use request object, So You can get the full path of get request with this method,
fast_track_url = request.get_full_path()[1:]
and then once you got the url try validating that with URLValidator like this.
if not 'http://' in fast_track_url and not 'https://' in fast_track_url:
fast_track_url = 'http://' + fast_track_url
url_validate = URLValidator()
raise Http404
If you want to validate other complicated URL like mailto etc, then you can write your own validator.

In Django, How do you write the url pattern for a json file?

My website generates json files in saves them with the user specified name: test.json
I couldn't immediately access it, so I assumed that I would have to write a URL pattern and view to see this file.
I want something akin to this :
url(r'^(?P<Controller>).json$', views.loadjson, name='loadjson')
If you need to serve static JSON files then doing so through Django is not the best way - if that's the case use something like Nginx.
If you wan't Django to generate those files and/or for e.g. an authentication mechanism in front of it then ok for Django.
To your question:
# urls.py
url(r'^(?P<json_file>[\w]+).json$', views.loadjson, name='loadjson')
It seems like you forgotten about [\w]+ which I guess is the right pattern for your needs.
the view function will be called with a WSGIRequest instance and the json_file argument (from your url pattern), from there you should be able to do whatever you like with the file. It's a good idea to return in as an application/json content type as those are supposed to be JSON.
# views.py
from django.http import HttpResponse
def loadjson(request, json_file):
# open, generate, fetch the json file
# for e.g.:
json_content = read_file(json_file)
return HttpResponse(

fix_location_header in Django causes wrong redirection to LOGIN_URL

I am trying to send an oauth request from another application to Django. Django is hosted on 8000 port and the application on 8080. Here is the URL called from the application:
This will get redirected to a wrong location:
when I expect it to be without the prefix /o/authorize which is is generated by WSGI handler using HTTP header called PATH_INFO:
I have following routes in urls.py and they work properly if it is not for the weird redirection I am facing.
url(r'^o/', include('oauth2_provider.urls', namespace='oauth2_provider')),
# OAuth User Info
url(r'^o/api/get_userinfo/$', oauth2.GetuserInfoView.as_view(), name="get-userinfo"),
In settings.py I have:
LOGIN_URL = "/accounts/login"
Now here are the lines of Django code that I find problematic.
# Apply response middleware, regardless of the response
for middleware_method in self._response_middleware:
response = middleware_method(request, response)
# Complain if the response middleware returned None (a common error).
if response is None:
raise ValueError(
"%s.process_response didn't return an "
"HttpResponse object. It returned None instead."
% (middleware_method.__self__.__class__.__name__))
response = self.apply_response_fixes(request, response)
# ^^^------------this will lead to fix_location_header being called.
def fix_location_header(request, response):
Ensures that we always use an absolute URI in any location header in the
response. This is required by RFC 2616, section 14.30.
Code constructing response objects is free to insert relative paths, as
this function converts them to absolute paths.
if 'Location' in response:
response['Location'] = request.build_absolute_uri(response['Location'])
return response
def build_absolute_uri(self, location=None):
Builds an absolute URI from the location and the variables available in
this request. If no ``location`` is specified, the absolute URI is
built on ``request.get_full_path()``. Anyway, if the location is
absolute, it is simply converted to an RFC 3987 compliant URI and
returned and if location is relative or is scheme-relative (i.e.,
``//example.com/``), it is urljoined to a base URL constructed from the
request variables.
if location is None:
# Make it an absolute url (but schemeless and domainless) for the
# edge case that the path starts with '//'.
location = '//%s' % self.get_full_path()
bits = urlsplit(location)
if not (bits.scheme and bits.netloc):
current_uri = '{scheme}://{host}{path}'.format(scheme=self.scheme,
# ^^^---The location URL forming logic that I find problematic.
# Join the constructed URL with the provided location, which will
# allow the provided ``location`` to apply query strings to the
# base path as well as override the host, if it begins with //
location = urljoin(current_uri, location)
return iri_to_uri(location)
I included the comments from the source file so the reader could know there are use cases for them.
So what is the proper way of getting around apply_reponse_fix? 1) inherit and rewrite the function 2) modify HTTP header PATH_INFO... somehow 3) change the logic for Location header in response so that it is a full URI with http:// prefix so that bits.scheme is not None. None of them seem like a proper fix for me, so I am wondering if I overlooked a convention. Any insight will be very helpful.
This has been already addressed and fixed later version of Django 1.8
fix_location_header is removed: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/23960
Just upgrading to the latest version made it go away:
pip install "django>=1.8,<1.9"

Zend Framework how to configure a router GET parameters

try it:
routes.escaped-fragment.type = "Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex"
routes.escaped-fragment.route = "\?_escaped_fragment_"
routes.escaped-fragment.defaults.controller = "index"
routes.escaped-fragment.defaults.action = "someaction"
but he does not see the GET parameter ?_escaped_fragment_
and run
The ZF router operates on the path only, query string params are stripped off before the route matching occurs, so you're not going to be able to get this working easily. Your options are:
Change your URL structure
Rewrite this URL in .htaccess
Extend/replace the default router to check the query string before doing the standard routing