I am a C++ beginner. I know that find() is used to search for a certain key. This function returns an iterator to the element if the element is found, else it returns an iterator pointing to the last position of the. map i.e map.end().
I read from websites that
if(it == mp.end())
cout << "Key-value pair not present in map" ;
cout << "Key-value pair present : "
What if the found key is in the end postition? How can it still work? Key is sorted in a certain order and I think the iterator traverses the sorted key to find the one we want. (is it correct?)
The result of all .end() in the stl is beyond the valid values. So end() will never be valid.
int arr[10];
// arr has valid indices 0,1,2,3,...,7,8,9
// arr[10] is not valid.
for( auto i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){
std::vector vec;
vec.resize( 10 );
// vec.end() is equivalent to arr[10] - not part of the vector
for( auto it = vec.begin(); vec != vec.end(); vec++ ) {
So lets re-write the array in the vector idiom
for( auto i = 0; &arr[i] != &arr[10]; i++ ){
Maps are more complicated, they have a different guard mechanism, but an iterator == end() never is valid.
According to cplusplus.com , .end() Returns an iterator pointing to the past-the-end element in the sequence:
It does not point to an element in the container ( the map in your case ), rather points outside of it.
Take a vector of vector of int's how do I print all of them from begin to end
What should be used in inner for loop to print each element
Personally, I like iterating over vectors just using a simple for loop from 0 to size(), but this is how you would do it with iterators:
for(vector< vector<int> >::iterator row = v.begin(); row != v.end(); ++row) {
for(vector<int>::iterator col = row->begin(); col != row->end(); ++col) {
cout << *col;
See: Iteration over std::vector: unsigned vs signed index variable
v.begin() returns an iterator to the beginning of the sequence
v.end() returns an iterator to the element past the end of the sequence
You can loop through your structure using those iterators:
for(auto it_row =v.begin(); it_row!=v.end(); it_row++){
for(auto it_col=it_row->begin();it_col!=it_row->end();it_col++){
In order to deference (get the value) your iterator you need to use the following syntax: *it_col
I used auto (C++ 11) instead of explicitly putting the iterator type:
vector<vector<int>>::const_iterator it_row = v.begin()
vector<int>::const_iterator it_col = it_row->begin()
You can find more details about iterators here.
If you are using c++11 then, you can use range based for loop;
for (const auto & items : v)
for (const auto & item : items)
cout << item;
I'm just now trying out different sorting algorithms to find out how they work.
I'm looking at this one:
template< typename Iterator >
void insertion_sort( Iterator First, Iterator Last )
Iterator min = First;
for( Iterator i = First + 1; i < Last; ++i )
if ( *i < *min )
min = i;
std::iter_swap( First, min );
while( ++First < Last )
for( Iterator j = First; *j < *(j - 1); --j )
std::iter_swap( (j - 1), j );
It's the Insertion Sort and it sorts them from smallest to largest, however I have 2 issues:
Reversing any comparison sign doesn't change the sort order to descending.
When implementing it with my own container, it never sorts the last element. Maybe I didn't get how Begin and End should work for a container? This is how I make them:
If I have a dynamic array container that has an unsigned int size and a T* data, Begin returns an iterator that has a pointer to data[0] and End returns an iterator with a pointer to data[size - 1]. If I make end to instead return data[size], it works fine, however if the size is equal to the allocated capacity, that would overflow the buffer. So the presented insertion sort algorithm is incorrect then? I got it from this site:
About question 1: I think it should work if you reverse all comparison signs that involve dereferenced iterators, i.e., replace
if ( *i < *min )
if ( *i > *min )
(one might also replace the name 'min' by 'max' then to avoid confusion), and
for( Iterator j = First; *j < *(j - 1); --j )
for( Iterator j = First; *j > *(j - 1); --j )
These are the comparisons that compare the actual data.
About question 2: usually, an 'end' iterator refers to the position behind the last actual item that you want to sort. Standard algorithms (such as yours) will never dereference this iterator, so no overflow will occur.
The iterators pointing to an end() are one past the last element, so that you'd usually loop through them like:
for(Iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) ...
Your iterator implementation thus stops one before that last and is the culprit.
It might be a good idea not to test everything at once, i.e. a custom algorithm with custom iterators. You can use a stl container to test the algorithm and an stl algorithm to test your container.
Hey here is a trick question asked in class today, I was wondering if there is a way to find a unique number in a array, The usual method is to use two for loops and get the unique number which does not match with all the others I am using std::vectors for my array in C++ and was wondering if find could spot the unique number as I wouldn't know where the unique number is in the array.
Assuming that we know that the vector has at least three
elements (because otherwise, the question doesn't make sense),
just look for an element different from the first. If it
happens to be the second, of course, we have to check the third
to see whether it was the first or the second which is unique,
which means a little extra code, but roughly:
findUniqueEntry( std::vector<int>::const_iterator begin,
std::vector<int>::const_iterator end )
std::vector<int>::const_iterator result
= std::find_if(
next( begin ), end, []( int value) { return value != *begin );
if ( result == next( begin ) && *result == *next( result ) ) {
-- result;
return result;
(Not tested, but you get the idea.)
As others have said, sorting is one option. Then your unique value(s) will have a different value on either side.
Here's another option that solves it, using std::find, in O(n^2) time(one iteration of the vector, but each iteration iterates through the whole vector, minus one element.) - sorting not required.
vector<int> findUniques(vector<int> values)
vector<int> uniqueValues;
vector<int>::iterator begin = values.begin();
vector<int>::iterator end = values.end();
vector<int>::iterator current;
for(current = begin ; current != end ; current++)
int val = *current;
bool foundBefore = false;
bool foundAfter = false;
if (std::find(begin, current, val) != current)
foundBefore = true;
else if (std::find(current + 1, end, val) != end)
foundAfter = true;
if(!foundBefore && !foundAfter)
return uniqueValues;
Basically what is happening here, is that I am running ::find on the elements in the vector before my current element, and also running ::find on the elements after my current element. Since my current element already has the value stored in 'val'(ie, it's in the vector once already), if I find it before or after the current value, then it is not a unique value.
This should find all values in the vector that are not unique, regardless of how many unique values there are.
Here's some test code to run it and see:
void printUniques(vector<int> uniques)
vector<int>::iterator it;
for(it = uniques.begin() ; it < uniques.end() ; it++)
cout << "Unique value: " << *it << endl;
void WaitForKey()
int main()
vector<int> values;
for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
/*for(int i = 2 ; i < 10 ; i++)
return -13;
As an added bonus:
Here's a version that uses a map, does not use std::find, and gets the job done in O(nlogn) time - n for the for loop, and log(n) for map::find(), which uses a red-black tree.
map<int,bool> mapValues(vector<int> values)
map<int, bool> uniques;
for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < values.size() ; i++)
uniques[values[i]] = (uniques.find(values[i]) == uniques.end());
return uniques;
void printUniques(map<int, bool> uniques)
cout << endl;
map<int, bool>::iterator it;
for(it = uniques.begin() ; it != uniques.end() ; it++)
cout << "Unique value: " << it->first << endl;
And an explanation. Iterate over all elements in the vector<int>. If the current member is not in the map, set its value to true. If it is in the map, set the value to false. Afterwards, all values that have the value true are unique, and all values with false have one or more duplicates.
If you have more than two values (one of which has to be unique), you can do it in O(n) in time and space by iterating a first time through the array and filling a map that has as a key the value, and value the number of occurences of the key.
Then you just have to iterate through the map in order to find a value of 1. That would be a unique number.
This example uses a map to count number occurences. Unique number will be seen only one time:
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
int main ()
std::map<int,int> mymap;
std::map<int,int>::iterator mit;
std::vector<int> v;
std::vector<int> myunique;
v.push_back(10); v.push_back(10);
v.push_back(20); v.push_back(30);
v.push_back(40); v.push_back(30);
std::vector<int>::iterator vit;
// count occurence of all numbers
int number = *vit;
mit = mymap.find(number);
if( mit == mymap.end() )
// there's no record in map for your number yet
mymap[number]=1; // we have seen it for the first time
} else {
mit->second++; // thiw one will not be unique
// find the unique ones
if( mit->second == 1 ) // this was seen only one time
// print out unique numbers
std::cout << *vit << std::endl;
return 0;
Unique numbers in this example are 20 and 40. There's no need for the list to be ordered for this algorithm.
Do you mean to find a number in a vector which appears only once? The nested loop if the easy solution. I don't think std::find or std::find_if is very useful here. Another option is to sort the vector so that you only need to find two consecutive numbers that are different. It seems overkill, but it is actually O(nlogn) instead of O(n^2) as the nested loop:
void findUnique(const std::vector<int>& v, std::vector<int> &unique)
if(v.size() <= 1)
unique = v;
vector<int> w = v;
std::sort(w.begin(), w.end());
if(w[0] != w[1]) unique.push_back(w[0]);
for(size_t i = 1; i < w.size(); ++i)
if(w[i-1] != w[i]) unique.push_back(w[i]);
// unique contains the numbers that are not repeated
Assuming you are given an array size>=3 which contains one instance of value A, and all other values are B, then you can do this with a single for loop.
int find_odd(int* array, int length) {
// In the first three elements, we are guaranteed to have 2 common ones.
int common=array[0];
if (array[1]!=common && array[2]!=common)
// The second and third elements are the common one, and the one we thought was not.
return common;
// Now search for the oddball.
for (int i=0; i<length; i++)
if (array[i]!=common) return array[i];
K what if more than 2 in an array of 5 are different? – super
Ah... that is a different problem. So you have an array of size n, which contains the common element c more than once, and all other elements exactly once. The goal is to find the set of non-common (i.e. unique) elements right?
Then you need to look at Sylvain's answer above. I think he was answering a different question, but it would work for this. At the end, you will have a hash map full of the counts of each value. Loop through the hash map, and every time you see a value of 1, you will know the key is a unique value in the input array.
This question already has answers here:
How to delete an element from a vector while looping over it?
(6 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
while debugging a vector, I see an inconsistency. Assume the following code which tries to remove an entry from a vector which has only one element
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
std::vector<int> v;
void myremove(int);
int main()
std::cout << "10 pushed back\n";
std::cout << "done :)\n";
return 0;
void myremove( int a )
std::vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin();
int counter = 0;
for ( ; it != v.end(); it++ ) {
std::cout << "iterating for " << counter << " times and vector size is " << v.size() << "\n";
if ( a == (*it) ) {
std::cout << "removed " << a << "\n";
This is what I see in the output:
$ g++ test.cpp
$ ./a.out | more
10 pushed back
iterating for 0 times and vector size is 1
removed 10
iterating for 1 times and vector size is 0
iterating for 2 times and vector size is 0
iterating for 3 times and vector size is 0
iterating for 4 times and vector size is 0
iterating for 5 times and vector size is 0
iterating for 6 times and vector size is 0
iterating for 33790 times and vector size is 0
Segmentation fault
What I understand is that when the element is removed the size will become 0, however the iterator moves one step and still it tries to reach the end but he doesn't know that he has already passed the end point.
Can someone explain more what is going on and how to avoid that?
After the call to erase() the iterator it is invalidated:
Iterators and references to the erased elements and to the elements between them and the end of the container are invalidated.
Set it to the return value of erase() instead and only increment if no removal occured:
while (it != v.end())
if ( a == (*it) )
it = v.erase(it);
std::cout << "removed " << a << "\n";
where the return value of erase() is:
iterator following the last removed element.
Instead of hand coding a loop to erase elements you could use std::remove_if() instead:
[](const int i) { return i == 10; }),
When you erase
your iterator is not valid anymore. You have to use the returned iterator from erase. Erase gives you an iterator pointing to the element that followed the element erased by the call. And you have to break the loop if you erased the last element before the loop increments it.
it = v.erase(it);
if(it == v.end())
Suggestion: you can go ahead and change the for loop to a while loop. And increment the iterator explicitly (i.e. only when you have not erased anything. If you have erased the iterator is kind of incremented already).
Like this
while(it != v.end()) {
if ( a == (*it) )
it = v.erase(it);
Every insert and erase invalidates all iterators for the container. The methods return the ONLY valid iterator after inserting/erasing.
In the documentation of std::vector::erase :
Iterator validity
Iterators, pointers and references pointing to position (or first) and beyond are invalidated, with all iterators, pointers and references to elements before position (or first) are guaranteed to keep referring to the same elements they were referring to before the call.
You erasing an element in your loop (which depends on an iterator) is making everything berserk. that's pretty much it !
When you call erase function the iterator is no more valid iterator, and when you increment the invalid iterator you will get spurious results.
The mistake is that you expect, after doing an erase on an iterator, that this iterator will still be in a consistent state. This is not the case, and your code illustrate precisely the situation when this occurs.
The semantic of your function is to remove all the elements of the vector equal to a. You can achieve the same result by filtering the vector. See that question for this point:
How to make std::vector from other vector with specific filter?
The goal is to access the "nth" element of a vector of strings instead of the [] operator or the "at" method. From what I understand, iterators can be used to navigate through containers, but I've never used iterators before, and what I'm reading is confusing.
If anyone could give me some information on how to achieve this, I would appreciate it. Thank you.
You need to make use of the begin and end method of the vector class, which return the iterator referring to the first and the last element respectively.
using namespace std;
vector<string> myvector; // a vector of stings.
// push some strings in the vector.
vector<string>::iterator it; // declare an iterator to a vector of strings
int n = 3; // nth element to be found.
int i = 0; // counter.
// now start at from the beginning
// and keep iterating over the element till you find
// nth element...or reach the end of vector.
for(it = myvector.begin(); it != myvector.end(); it++,i++ ) {
// found nth element..print and break.
if(i == n) {
cout<< *it << endl; // prints d.
// other easier ways of doing the same.
// using operator[]
cout<<myvector[n]<<endl; // prints d.
// using the at method
cout << myvector.at(n) << endl; // prints d.
In C++-11 you can do:
std::vector<int> v = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
for (auto i : v)
// access by value, the type of i is int
std::cout << i << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
See here for variations: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/range-for
Typically, iterators are used to access elements of a container in linear fashion; however, with "random access iterators", it is possible to access any element in the same fashion as operator[].
To access arbitrary elements in a vector vec, you can use the following:
vec.begin() // 1st
vec.begin()+1 // 2nd
// ...
vec.begin()+(i-1) // ith
// ...
vec.begin()+(vec.size()-1) // last
The following is an example of a typical access pattern (earlier versions of C++):
int sum = 0;
using Iter = std::vector<int>::const_iterator;
for (Iter it = vec.begin(); it!=vec.end(); ++it) {
sum += *it;
The advantage of using iterator is that you can apply the same pattern with other containers:
sum = 0;
for (Iter it = lst.begin(); it!=lst.end(); ++it) {
sum += *it;
For this reason, it is really easy to create template code that will work the same regardless of the container type.
Another advantage of iterators is that it doesn't assume the data is resident in memory; for example, one could create a forward iterator that can read data from an input stream, or that simply generates data on the fly (e.g. a range or random number generator).
Another option using std::for_each and lambdas:
sum = 0;
std::for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), [&sum](int i) { sum += i; });
Since C++11 you can use auto to avoid specifying a very long, complicated type name of the iterator as seen before (or even more complex):
sum = 0;
for (auto it = vec.begin(); it!=vec.end(); ++it) {
sum += *it;
And, in addition, there is a simpler for-each variant:
sum = 0;
for (auto value : vec) {
sum += value;
And finally there is also std::accumulate where you have to be careful whether you are adding integer or floating point numbers.
Vector's iterators are random access iterators which means they look and feel like plain pointers.
You can access the nth element by adding n to the iterator returned from the container's begin() method, or you can use operator [].
std::vector<int> vec(10);
std::vector<int>::iterator it = vec.begin();
int sixth = *(it + 5);
int third = *(2 + it);
int second = it[1];
Alternatively you can use the advance function which works with all kinds of iterators. (You'd have to consider whether you really want to perform "random access" with non-random-access iterators, since that might be an expensive thing to do.)
std::vector<int> vec(10);
std::vector<int>::iterator it = vec.begin();
std::advance(it, 5);
int sixth = *it;
Here is an example of accessing the ith index of a std::vector using an std::iterator within a loop which does not require incrementing two iterators.
std::vector<std::string> strs = {"sigma" "alpha", "beta", "rho", "nova"};
int nth = 2;
std::vector<std::string>::iterator it;
for(it = strs.begin(); it != strs.end(); it++) {
int ith = it - strs.begin();
if(ith == nth) {
printf("Iterator within a for-loop: strs[%d] = %s\n", ith, (*it).c_str());
Without a for-loop
it = strs.begin() + nth;
printf("Iterator without a for-loop: strs[%d] = %s\n", nth, (*it).c_str());
and using at method:
printf("Using at position: strs[%d] = %s\n", nth, strs.at(nth).c_str());