IntelliJ: find file name with regex - regex

IntelliJ have multiple ways to find things.
What I need is to find a file by name. It seems easy by pressing two times Shift.
The problem is, in the window that opens
that is seems to be no way to use regexp!
If a try to use a very simple one, to find files that not contains solr
Same for all kind of regex... does it exists a solution/workaround to this?

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use cpp.vim to chage the highlight (vim of ubuntu)

I fell that the highlight in vim is not as powerful as I want. such as "&&","||" these can not be highlighted. I know it can be changed by cpp.vim but I don not know how to do it. Can someone tell me how to do it? Thank you
If default highlight options does not suits you, try some custom plug-in before trying to write your own, most of plug-ins are located on github e.g.
Maybe you should start with one on vim plug-in managers first e.g.

Regex help for somebody that realy need help - Visual basic

I'm actually starting creating a small language (in vb net, yes I know, maybe not a good idea).
I already started learning tutorials about regex, but apparently this function is saying me to get out).
I want to add some kind of commands, such as a command that allow you to arg. a /print command, something like:
/PRINT["Hello world";"blue";propety:{bold;italic}]
So, for me, the regex is :
So you understand that's not something I like writing.
Would you show me how to construct regex code for the first command I let?
Regex alone isn't the best way to create a language that, well, actually works.
Read this article for more info. I'm sure you can find better way to write a language if you really need to write it. In
Anyway, if you insist on writing it in vb, I found a video that will help you with it.

Sublime Text: interactive confirm for replace?

I need to do a lot of search/replace across 50+ files, and am using Sublime Text 3.
Is there a way to step through and interactively confirm each change? I dont't want a blanket Replace All action that just performs all replacements.
I am thinking way back to vi/vim with its %s/old/new/gc functionality.
Both the Find/Replace and Find in Files/Replace commands don't natively support prompting you if the replacement should happen. Regular in-buffer find/replace just replaces directly and the only confirmation that you can get is when you do a Find in Files and Sublime prompts you to confirm the replacement after telling you how many replacements will be made.
As such, the only way to get something like this is to look to an external plugin/package that would do it's own find and replace option so that you could be asked to confirm the changes.
I'm not personally aware of any packages that would do this, but a search in Package Control turns up the RegReplace package, which lists among its features:
Create commands that highlight results and requiring confirmation before replacing.
That said I've never used the package myself, and from briefly looking at the documentation site it seems like it's only capable of searching in the current document and not across files.
A potential workaround would be to use the native Find in Files to find all files with matches, then manually open them and use RegReplace to perform the same operation again.

C.VIM not working

I have a simple question (that I don't seem to be able to answer),
I am a new VIM/Linux user, and since I do c++ development I decided to install the C.VIM plugin to speed up my development time. The problem is, it says in the plug-in (c++) menu that to do a switch statement I have to write \ss (for me the leader is ",", so it's ",ss") but when I do this it just puts me in insert mode and nothing happens. I know the plugin is well set up because when I open a new c++ file it generates a comment box where I can give the description of the program.
I would love it if I would be able to use the shortcuts, because using the menu just losses the point of using vim.
Oh and please, just keep in mind that I am new to vim, I still have hard time figuring out what means <c-r> + TAB (which is, if i'm not mistaking "ctrl-r <tab>"), so if you could just try to explain the solution clearly without to much jargon I would appreciate it. (while i'm here, does anyone know of a good vim tutorial where I could understands all of the vim jargon, thanks!)
I appreciate all the help.
I use this cheat sheet:
Please add the below line to .vimrc and
helptags ~/.vim/bundle/c.vim/doc
Note: I have pointed to my c.vim doc and I use bundle, it may differ for you :)

Filter Eclipse's "Open Call Hierarchy" to just my company/project

One of my favorite features of Eclipse is the ability to open a caller/callee hierarchy of a method.
By default, the view shows calls to/from classes that are outside of my codebase... which I don't usually care about.
There is an option to filter out specific package names I don't want, but I need to do the opposite... to filter out all packages except the one I want. What is the appropriate regex to use here to "match all strings except those that start with com.mycompany.?"
I had the same problem lately and exploring the options of the Call Hierarchy led me to the Search In option. It is activated by clicking on the triangle
The filtering options are pretty simple and effective:
It appears that "Filter Calls" uses glob syntax for filter patterns, not regular expressions. You can't specify something that should not match with glob patterns. Sorry.
It is not exactly what you are looking for, but it is an alternate solution. Take a look at nWire for Java. It is a code exploration plugin. Among many other things, it will present the call hierarchy. However, it will only show calls which originate from your own code, so it should fit your needs.
Another approach is to open the 'Type Hierarchy' view's View menu, select 'Select Working Set' and select an existing or new working set that only includes the project you're currently interested in (create one just for this purpose if necessary, e.g. called 'TypeHierarchyFilterWorkingSet').
I just did this using Eclipse Indigo, by the way, not sure whether the other versions have something similar.
After "Open Call Hierarchy" right click on the root of the results and select under "References" or "Declarations" the project you interest in:
One solution (though somewhat brute force) is to remove the other code from Eclipse's reach. Either put them into separate workspaces, or, if you sometimes do need them in one workspace, close the other projects when you don't want to see them.
You could try to add a parameter to the method, than all calls will be shown as error on rebuild.
you could filter out org., net., java.* and so on. This (in my case) reduces the list enormously