Convert from `SolrQuery` to `SolrRequest` - solrj

Using solr8. Currently, I'm using simple solr queries like the following:
QueryResponse response = solrClient.query(solrQuery);
This is working great, but I have a new requirement to include a request-specific header to the solr endpoint. Unfortunately, SolrQuery doesn't support anything obvious. However, I see that SolrRequest does have addHeader(). Yay! Except now I have to convert SolrQuery to SolrRequest objects. No big deal:
SolrRequest solrRequest = new QueryRequest(solrQuery);
Except now my call to the client needs to change. Ugh.
NamedList<Object> namedList = solrClient.request(solrRequest);
And now I need to convert NamedList<Object> to QueryResponse somehow. Ugh.
QueryResponse queryResponse = new QueryResponse(namedList, client);
And, of course, the queryResponse isn't fully populated (e.g. elapsedTime isn't set). Am I missing something? Seems like there has to be an easier way to go about doing this.

Ah ha! This call seems to address my concern:
QueryResponse queryResponse = queryRequest.process(solrClient);


Jsoup in CFscript execute connection as POST

The page I want to parse could be get only by POST method.
This is easy for Java as I can see:
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
Response res = Jsoup.connect("URL").method(Method.POST).execute();
Document doc = res.parse();
I could not produce the same thing using CFscript.
jsoup = createObject("java", "org.jsoup.Jsoup");
response = jsoup.connect("URL").method(Method.POST).execute();
if (response.statusCode() == 200)
doc = response.parse();
-ERR Element POST is undefined in METHOD
I tried almost everything.
I was unable to use .method() and .execute() at the same time.
If I call .get() or .post() directly I can not check statusCode() back then.
If you look at the API, Method is another JSoup class. You need to create an instance of that class before you can access the POST constant. Also, Method is a little different than your typical java class. It is an enum (or constant). Those are essentially handled as inner classes, which require a special syntax with createObject:
methodClass = createObject("java", "org.jsoup.Connection$Method");
response = jsoup.connect("").method(methodClass.POST).execute();
Alternatively, you can invoke the post() method directly:
response = jsoup.connect("URL").post();

Parse soap response and concatenate with another string

I have been using soapui opensource for a small period and not yet good at groovy script. Please help figuring out the following issue:
I get response from the previous test step. Lets say Response1 and need to parse it in order to get Id value from it. Then I need to add string DomainId before this id so that it looked smth like this:
and tranfer it to next request.
Could someone please explain how to do it with groovy? (I guess it is the best way to do it)
Thank you
Managed to resolve myself. Add property step response where I store response from previous step and also added property trasfer step to put response to the property. Then I add groovy script: def groovyUtils = new context ) def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder("Properties#response") return "DomainId_ " + holder.getNodeValue("//*:Id") and it works, returns the correct value

Testing multiple JSON lines response

I am trying to make a test in Postman to verify some content in a JSON response. If I just try to verify a single line from the JSON response everything is fine. My problem starts when I need to test multiple lines of the JSON response. Is always failing. Any suggestion?
tests["Body matches string"] = responseBody.has("\"name\": null,
\"nameType\": \"NON_REFUNDABLE\"");
If I understand your question correctly I'd like to suggest that you approach this in a different way.
Instead of looking at the entire response body and seeing if the strings match you could alternatively test the individual Json properties that make up the response body. For example you could do the following:
var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);
tests["name is null"] = === null;
tests["nameType is non-refundable"] = data.nameType === "NON_REFUNDABLE";
There are other alternatives as well but this is the first that comes to mind. For some more ideas about testing using postman check out their documentation and examples.

Python - Lotus Notes (Sending Email)

I am trying to use Python to send an email through Lotus Notes 8.5.
There are plenty of examples on how to do this in other languages, and I've done it myself in VBA, but having difficulties with Python.
self.db = self.session.getDatabase(server, dbfile)
# ...
mailDoc = self.db.CreateDocument
mailDoc.Form = "Memo"
mailDoc.sendto = recipientList
mailDoc.subject = subject
mailDoc.Body = bodytext
Error returned: AttributeError: Property 'CreateDocument.Form' can not be set.
I have attempted to skip setting the form, but it also fails on setting any of these attributes.
Would anyone have code on this, or suggestions on what to try to resolve it.
I know nothing about Python, but my guess is that the shorthand notation document.item = "foo" for setting an item value is not supported. Most likely, you need to do this:
(You can also use ReplaceItemValue, which is equivalent for a newly created document, and also works for updating existing documents, so many people prefer to just remember the one method name.)

SOLR Java APi - Adding multiple condition

I am using Solr API to index the records and for search functionality. I am using the following code to search through
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
params.set("q", "country_id:("+id+")");
I would like to add one more parameter like state_id and I would like to do logical AND/OR operations and depending on the result the records should be retrieved. I searched through Google, but could not find a way to combine the conditions. Is it possible through the SOLR api? Or am I doing something wrong?
You can make Your Query as Following.....
String qr="cstm_text:"+"devotional";
SolrQuery qry = new SolrQuery(qr);
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
params.set("qt", "/spell");
params.set("spellcheck", "on");