Sonarcloud c++ docker cmake - c++

i was trying to integrate sonarcloud in my build.
I have created a free account in and added necessary steps in build pipeline.
When i ran the pipeline, i got the error
ERROR: Error during SonarScanner execution java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /home/vsts/work/1/s/bw-outputs/build-wrapper-dump.json
The process '/home/vsts/work/_tasks/SonarCloudAnalyze_ce096e50-6155-4de8-8800-4221aaeed4a1/1.20.0/sonar-scanner/bin/sonar-scanner' failed with exit code 1
Also, i tried with a .properties file.
# The build-wrapper output dir
# Encoding of the source files
full repo here (master)

The most likely cause of this error is that you did not run build wrapper.
Step 1. Download the Build Wrapper:
Build Wrapper for
Build Wrapper for
Build Wrapper for
Step 2. Unzip them and push them to your repository.
Step 3. Add their path to the enviornment variable PATH. You can use the following PowerShell script:
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PATH;]${env:PATH};$newPath";
Note that the path of repository is $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) in Azure DevOps.
Step 4. Execute Build Wrapper. You can click this document for detailed steps.


Build on Vercel with Prisma is not working recently (how to include schema.prisma file?)

I developed SvelteKit app with Prisma and am trying to deploy it on Vercel.
In package.json, configuration below should be set so that schema.prisma file located in root path is available when app is deployed.
"postbuild": "cp prisma/schema.prisma .vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/ && cp node_modules/#prisma/engines/*query* .vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/",
Problem is an error occurred during the build on Vercel, but that wasn't occurred before (~ May 2022).
I guess cause of the error is related to recent update of SvelteKit and found that directory of .vercel_build_output that is generated during the build is changed to the new .vercel recently. However, the new path structure for index.js (i.e. .vercel/output/functions/render.func/home/s/test/discord-bot-frontend/.svelte-kit/output/server/index.js) is so different from the previous (i.e. .vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/) that I cannot find right path for it.
Would you please let me know right setting for package.json?
Error message:
> discord-bot-frontend#0.0.1 postbuild
> cp prisma/schema.prisma .vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/ && cp node_modules/#prisma/engines/*query* .vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/
cp: cannot create regular file ‘.vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/’: No such file or directory
Error: Command "npm run vercel-build" exited with 1
I found that there is no need to modify .vercel_build_output now. In other words, the post build is not needed anymore.
It is probably because latest Vercel handles this point.

Custom build step for SAM CLI

When using the AWS SAM CLI to build a serverless application, it located dependencies magically and installs them all as the "build" step. For example, using a NodeJS application:
$> sam build
Building resource 'HelloWorldFunction'
Running NodejsNpmBuilder:NpmPack
Running NodejsNpmBuilder:CopyNpmrc
Running NodejsNpmBuilder:CopySource
Running NodejsNpmBuilder:NpmInstall
Running NodejsNpmBuilder:CleanUpNpmrc
Build Succeeded
Built Artifacts : .aws-sam/build
Built Template : .aws-sam/build/template.yaml
Commands you can use next
[*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke
[*] Deploy: sam deploy --guided
Looking at the official documentation they're happy to simply treat it like magic, saying that it:
iterates through the functions in your application, looks for a manifest file (such as requirements.txt) that contains the dependencies, and automatically creates deployment artifacts that you can deploy to Lambda
But what if I have a dependency beyond just those specified in the manifest file? What if my code depends on a compiled binary file, or a static data file?
I would like to add additional build steps so that when I run sam build it compiles these files or copies them appropriately. Is there any way to do this?
sam build is running npm install. So if you insert your own script into a step such as preinstall in package.json, sam build will also execute that step.
"preinstall": "cp -r ../../../common ./"
The above preinstall script is a hack that embeds the common directory in the root folder of the sam inited project in the zip of each lambda handler so that it can be referenced from each.
You should also create a symbolic link in the local lambda handler directory, like ln -s ../common ./common, so that local and lambda work with the same code.
You will need to wrap this command into another custom command and add the steps you need to it.
You can create a make file with multiple targets that satisfy your requirements.
I haven't used sam build before, I usually have a make target for that purpose.
you can give it a try with this bootstrap template here which is more efficient than using sam build.

Google Cloud Container Build trigger crashes during gradle build

I was trying to setup a build trigger for an kotlin app that is build using gradle. For that I put together the following Dockerfile:
FROM gradle:jdk8 as builder
WORKDIR /home/gradle/project
COPY . .
WORKDIR ./Kuroji-Eventrouter-Server
RUN gradle shadowJar
FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine
COPY --from=builder /home/gradle/project/Kuroji-Eventrouter-Server/build/libs/kuroji-eventrouter-server-*-all.jar kuroji-eventrouter-server.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "kuroji-eventrouter-server.jar"]
And that file works on my machine with docker build and it starts normally on google container registry however during the RUN gradle shadowJar task it crashes with some gradle error:
Step 5/9 : RUN gradle shadowJar
---> Running in ddd190fc2323
Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)
[0m[91mFAILURE: [0m[91mBuild failed with an exception.[0m[91m
[0m[91m* What went wrong:
[0m[91mCould not create service of type ScriptPluginFactory using BuildScopeServices.createScriptPluginFactory().
[0m[91m> [0m[91mCould not create service of type CrossBuildFileHashCache using BuildSessionScopeServices.createCrossBuildFileHashCache().
[0m[91m* Try:
[0m[91mRun with [0m[91m--stacktrace[0m[91m option to get the stack trace. Run with --info[0m[91m or --debug[0m[91m option to get more log output. Run with [0m[91m--scan[0m[91m to get full insights.[0m[91m
[0m[91m* Get more help at
[0m[91mBUILD FAILED in 3s
The command '/bin/sh -c gradle shadowJar' returned a non-zero code: 1
ERROR: build step 0 "" failed: exit status 1
I tried building the Image on docker HUB and the same thing happend:
This is very confusing to me as I thought containers should be able to run anywhere and not depend on the enviroment. What can I do to make google build my container?
The problem was a file permission problem. Using the --stacktrace option I found that the gradle process didn't have permissions to create a folder inside the sources.
The solution I would like to do is use the --chown=gradle:gradle option on the COPY instruction, unfortunatly this it not supported in the google cloud yet.
So the solution is to add USER root before executing the gradle build.

Building Linux C++ with VSTS

I'm trying to build a C++ app for Linux using VSTS. The build is defined by the Docker container template, and the Agent queue is Hosted Linux.
When running, I get
[error]Unhandled: No Docker file matching /opt/vsts/work/1/s/**/Dockerfile was found.
How do I create the Docker file requested by the error message?
The error means that there isn’t the Dockerfile file existing in working folder, you can include the Dockerfile file in the source control and map to the agent (Get sources of build definition)
There is the Docker image that shared by others, for example: madduci/docker-ubuntu-cpp and the CMake generated files will be in build folder, if you just need to build the C++ project, you can refer to these steps (CMakeLists.txt is in the root of the repository):
Add Docker task (Action: Run a Docker command; Command: run -v $(Build.SourcesDirectory):/project madduci/docker-ubuntu-cpp)
Publish Build Artifacts (Path to publish: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/build)
If you need to build the docker image, you need to create Dockerfile.
When the Docker task is set to Build an image you get an option to specify a Docker file:
**/Dockerfile means that the task will search your repository for a file named Dockerfile and use that to build the image.
The error you get means that this file can't be found. You can find some examples of Dockerfiles here in the Docker documentation. This blog describes how to build C++ applications that run on a Linux container

wso2 governance registry build fail

i'm trying to build wso2 governance registry by src files with maven 3, but after many retries i'm stuck too.
I had dowload all required libraries, and fixed all duplicate child in pom files, but whem i'm trying to build i obtain this error.
"[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.
2-beta-5:attached (dist) on project axis2-kernel: Failed to create assembly: Err
or creating assembly archive docs: You must set at least one file. -> [Help 1]
and previously
"[FATAL] Non-readable POM C:\greg\wso2greg-4.1.1-src\dependencies\axis2\1.6.1-wso2v1\modules\pom.xml: C:\greg\wso2greg-4.1.1-src\dependencies\axis2\1.6.1-wso2v1\modules\pom.xml (Impossibile trovare il file specificato) #
for project at C:\greg\wso2greg-4.1.1-src\dependencies\axis2\1.6.1-wso2v1\modules\pom.xml for project at C:\greg\wso2greg-4.1.1-src\dependencies\axis2\1.6.1-wso2v1\modules\pom.xml"
I'm trying to build with maven 2 but, even if console output message shows "BUILD SUCCEFFULL" i can found bin folder and relative wso2server.bat file.
Anyone can help me?
Please clone below repos and run an mvn clean install -e on each and everyone accordingly.
Then build G-Reg from the source!
Note: Current G-Reg developer snapshot :