Expo Go can't connect with project - expo

I wanted to test react native app on expo go. I have downloaded expo go app, run expo start in VSC, and once scanned QR code using expo go I get such log.
Looks like there is issue with network connection...
Anybody know how to fix it ?

expo Lan not working in windows
-- show my personal experience same problem faced but I resolve this problem some steps follow as
*** imp ***
run administration cmd.
(optional) use a tunnel.
the last one used for my side -- first go to wifi network but the same network used in phone or window.
private click, not public.

I had a similar problem when I first started with Expo.
One other thing you can try to see if it's jut a firewall rule blocking you is to go into your firewall and TEMPORARILY turn it off to see. For example, in Windows Defender Firewall, I can go to "Private Networks" and see my WiFi is categorized there and I can then select "Turns Windows Firewall On/Off" and turn it off for Private Networks.
In my case, this IS what the problem was and after I turned off the firewall, Expo loaded the app up in a jiffy.
You do NOT want to leave your firewall off just for working with expo, so the best solution is add a rule to just allow this traffic through.
For me (using Windows), I had to go into Advanced Settings and create a new Inbound Rule for Expo to allow the expo ports (i.e. 19000+) to remain open so I can test/work with my firewall on.

this depends on your network - you may need to use the "tunnel" connection type depending on your wifi network configuration.
see the expo new app tutorial, under the "Is the app not loading on your device?" heading for more information (inlined below at the time of writing for your convenience):
First, make sure that you are on the same wifi network on your computer and your device.
If it still doesn't work, it may be due to the router configuration — this is common for public networks. You can work around this by choosing the "Tunnel" connection type in Expo Dev Tools, then scanning the QR code again.
🐢Using the "Tunnel" connection type will make app reloads considerably slower than on "LAN" or "Local", so it's best to avoid tunnel when possible. You may want to install a simulator/emulator to speed up development if "Tunnel" is required for accessing your machine from another device on your network.

GO with tunnel its slower than LAN AND LOCAL but its work


Installing Wamp on a Network Drive

Ok, I have a quick question to ask all the veteran Wamp users on this board.
At work, we are currently working on a web application. We are trying to use Wamp to design everything, but we have a problem. All the computers right now have wamp installed to the default location (C:/wamp).
Our problem is, we all want to have access to the same MySQL database so we can edit it at the same time. Right now, only one person can edit it at a time to prevent losing the work of someone else.
When done, we just dump the mySQL folder onto a network drive so whoever wants to edit it next can take it and use it.
This isn't very time efficient, so we're wondering if its possible to install Wamp directly to a network drive in some way. We tried doing it just now but we can't get Wamp to start services.
So any type of advice will be helpful
i think these two thing would help you :
1: install wamp in only one system then in apache configuration file listen to his lan ip in order to others can access it in this way you have just one database server
2: as you've installed wamp to all systems choose one system's database as main and in mysql configuration define a new server wich server's ip is that system's lan ip
then users instead of using localhost for connecting to mysql will use that ip

How to detect internet disconnectivity in c++/QT based installer

We are developing win-mac file sync installer which is quite similar to Dropbox. The installer is built with c++ and QT. We had a use case, where if the internet is disconnected(plugged out network cable (or) not connected to any wifi) so basically no access to web, During this case we need to make the installer into offline.
I tried few approaches like polling continuously to our web servers. If we are not able to reach then we detect as internet dis-connectivity. Due to some reasons we wanted to have clean native implementation which will look for machines network connectivity.
I even tried http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa965303%28VS.85%29.aspx for windows but this is failing in wifi cases even though we don't connect to wifi this example is saying "Network connected".
Can anyone suggest other alternatives. Platform specific solutions also invited.
You probably want to look at INetworkManager::GetConnectivity, and check for NLM_CONNECTIVITY_IPV4_INTERNET or NLM_CONNECTIVITY_IPV6_INTERNET in the response.

Remote access for Geoserver...Local host only

I am a GIS tech trying to get migrate to Geoserver, unfortunately I am not very savvy on web hosting.
I installed the Windows version 2.3.1.
I was able to build by map and access it through localhost:8080\geoserver\www\
I take that to mean that the jetty server it working.
I understand that I should be able to replace my local IP address where "localhost" is and be able to access it from another computer via Http.
I can't figure out the next step. I have found great tutorials on every part of geoserver process except this. And the user guide does not get into this either.
My set up: Cable Modem > Router > PC with Geoserver
What I have tried: Setting up a virtual server on my router. I have tried changing by router to inbound port 8080 to private port 8080
I also tried 80 to 8080
and 80 to 80
I also tried windows firewall exception. and turning off windows firewall.
I read about using appache tomcat but I have not installed it because it seems that jetty is working (at least as a local host) and I don't want to put another program on 8080. And to my understanding it can work stand alone but I really honestly don't know no.
I am must be missing some vital piece of information on how to do this. I am hoping it is just so basic that it wasn't worth mentioning on tutorials.
This would be a GeoServer configuration question, but since its deployed in jetty the solution is likely in the underlying jetty configuration. That being said it is a guess on my part (the jetty side of things) how they set up this distribution, but if you find a jetty.xml file, perhaps under an /etc directory then you should be able to edit that file and set a proper host in the configuration.
Seriously though, this has to be a pretty common GeoServer question so I bet they have some documentation floating around for setting this properly in their software distribution.
That seems to indicate it might be dependent on your container configuration, in which case look through how ever they are configuring jetty for a Host setting that is likely hardcoded to 'localhost'

Accessing a Jetty server from an external machine

I have made a simple Jetty server using this tutorial here, http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~cis550/jetty.html
Now that I have the initial steps completed, I can succesfully connect to my server by entering localhost:8080/hello or in my browser. Everything is going great up until this point. The servlet is working properly.
I am now interested in connecting to the server using "Machine B". I want to build a server that can be connected by any browser, anywhere.
My IP is XX.173.XXX.216, parts hidden for obvious privacy reasons. On my "Machine B" I try and enter XX.173.XXX.216:8080/hello into the browser URL. The website cannot be found. From experience I questioned my port mapping and opened my 8080 port.
After a few google searches and a while of reading, I give up. Does anyone know a possible solution to my problem? Are there any further steps I need to do in the setup of the Jetty server to make it accessible from external machines?
It is usually not hard getting from the inside of a firewall and out. It is much trickier to get from the outside and in (just have a look at the hoops Skype jumps through to be able to get two computers each behind a firewall to talk to each other directly).
First of all you need to ensure that Jetty listens to the right network devices.
Identify the IP-number of the computer running Jetty (not and see if you can connect to "http://that-ip-number:8080" from the machine itself. If this doesn't work, fix your jetty configuration. Then put another computer on the same network and connect to "http://that-ip-number:8080" too. This MUST work before you go any further. If this doesn't work, fix your firewall configuration on the computer running Jetty.
When the above works,then you can start thinking about exposing the port through your router. The router most likely has a web interface where you can configure this, but the easiest way to do that is to use a uPNP tool (if your router supports that) which can redirect an external port to a specific host and port on your internal network. I use "Port Map" under OS X which has a very simple interface.
Good luck

How to set up Micro CloudFoundry on Windows

tldr; This question was to get help setting up Micro Cloud Foundry on Windows XP behind a corporate firewall as an innovation-demonstration project for a Fortune 500 IT departent. Basically, the project stalled, despite this stackoverflow page - the magic wasn't strong enough. I am accepting #DanHigman answer below, but if anyone sees this and can provide a simple straight-forward answer, by all means...
Can anyone provide a clear step-by-step on setting up MCF on a Windows (XP in my case) machine behind a corporate firewall, for demostrating the feasibility of PaaS in the corporate IT world?
My VM is installed and running and I can use the menu ok. I have vmc working. I have a test Node.js server app, that works on local, ready to push. But I can't get past that stage.
The firewall gave me trouble so I lowered my goal to just work offline. I followed the instructions noted below as best I could, but often the instructions are mac oriented - I would like them for a Windows command line (especially SSH tunneling):
This blogger may have half-way covered my problem doing the SSH tunnel settings, but all it gives is "use Putty" - more detail would help:
Also, whenever the vmc obviously gets an error or other message, it only outputs the following in the command line:
vmc target http://api.vcap.me
[200, "<html><body>SNP/2.0/102/Unknown Command 'info'</body></html>\r\n\r\n", {}
Thanks for any help. BTW - I know I could do this on my mac, the big obstacle is the windows and firewall environment.
#Dan and #ebottard: Thanks to your help, I'm almost there. ping is working now, hosts file seems right, but the vmc target api.vcap.me still does not find the VM at that IP - even tho ping does. In the first link above, Martin wrote the following, but assuming we are doing it on a mac:
After the update is complete, you will need to make some changes on your local system. What you will need to do is to set up an SSH tunnel to access your Micro Cloud Foundry VM (note that you will need to supply the IP address in the command below with the actual IP of your VM, which is displayed in the console).
sudo ssh -L 80: vcap#
vcap#'s password:Â
The first password being prompted is the sudo password for your machine, as it is needed to open port 80 which requires root privileges. The second password is the vcap user password which you entered during the initial configuration of your Micro Cloud Foundry.
I need to have these instructions translated into Windows, and all I have to go on is that I might use puTTy (which I have downloaded) to do it. Any more ideas?
Looks like you're running an application on your Windows machine called "Snarl" (a poor Windows-based clone of the OS 10 app Growl :-p). It looks like it's interfering with communication to the MCF intstance, close it and have another try.