I am trying to implement event listeners. Node js will subscribe to the events (using C++ function). When the event occurs, C++ should inform node js.
JS code:
pal.subscribeEvent("ONSTATECHANGE", function(a) { console.log("Event received for ONSTATECHAN";});
function kcb (a) {
console.log("KCB .....ONSTATECHAN"+JSON.stringify(a));
pal.subscribeEvent("ONSTATECHANGE", kcb);
C++ code:
struct deviceNapi {
Napi::Env env; // to store JS Function Env
Napi::Function jsCallback; // to Store JS function
//std::multimap<int, Napi::Function> deviceEventMgmt;
std::multimap<int, struct deviceNapi> deviceEventMgmt;
Napi::Value PAL::subscribeEvent(const Napi::CallbackInfo& info) {
Napi::Env env = info.Env();
int eventID = info[0].As<Napi::Number>().Int32Value();
deviceNapi obj;
obj.env = env;
obj.jsCallback = info[1].As<Napi::Function>();
deviceEventMgmt.insert(std::make_pair(eventID, obj));
/*Napi::Function jsCallback = info[1].As<Napi::Function>();
deviceEventMgmt.insert(std::make_pair(eventID, jsCallback));*/
void ProcessDeviceEvent(int evt, DeviceEvtData data) {
switch(evt) {
for(auto it = deviceEventMgmt.begin(); it != deviceEventMgmt.end(); it ++) {
Napi::Env env = it.second.env;
Napi::Object ret = Napi::Object::New(env);
ret.Set("reason", Napi::String::New(env, data.resetReason));
ret.Set("time", Napi::Number::New(env, data.seconds));
/*for(auto it = deviceEventMgmt.begin(); it != deviceEventMgmt.end(); it ++) {
std::cout << "ProcessDeviceEvent : Currently not handling evt : " << evt << std::endl;
C++ code is throwing below errors while compiling
../PAL.cpp: In member function 'Napi::Value PAL:: subscribeEvent(const Napi::CallbackInfo&)':
../PAL.cpp:1915:13: error: use of deleted function 'deviceNapi::deviceNapi()'
deviceNapi obj;
../PAL.cpp:1903:8: note: 'deviceNapi::deviceNapi()' is implicitly deleted because the default definition would be ill-formed:
struct deviceNapi {
../PAL.cpp:1903:8: error: no matching function for call to 'Napi::Env::Env()'
Can any one please help me to how to fix this problem of storing Node function env into C++ map. I need to save the env so that I can send the response when calling Node callback.
Napi::Env doesn't have a default constructor so your deviceNapi struct's default constructor cannot initialise the env member so the compiler didn't generate it, but you try to call it on this line:
deviceNapi obj;
You can fix this by initialising it like this:
deviceNapi obj = {env, info[1].As<Napi::Function>()};
Assuming I have this proto
message inner_body1{
... // some attr
message inner_body2{
... // some attr
message body {
oneof inner{
inner_body1 = 1;
inner_body2 = 2;
message head {
... // some attr
message pkg{
head h = 1;
body b = 2;
And I design a function like this
void SendPkg(proto::Message& data)
pkg p;
auto head = p.mutable_head();
head->fillsomething(); // not important
// My question is, if 'data' is definitely one of the message type defined in 'body'(e.g. 'inner_body1')
// How can I put 'data' into pkg's body field?
My question is, if 'data' is definitely one of the message type defined in 'body'(e.g. 'inner_body1')
How can I put 'data' into pkg's body field?
I have tried this way
void SendPkg(proto::Message& data)
pkg p;
auto head = p.mutable_head();
head->fillsomething(); // not important
auto body = p.mutable_body();
const Descriptor* desc = data.GetDescriptor();
if (desc.name() == "inner_body1")
auto body1 = body->mutable_innerbody1();
auto body2 = body->mutable_innerbody2();
this may works. But the fallback is obviously. I have to maintain this ugly string mapping and it running effienciency is low.
Is there any way could achieve this more elegant?
I have a fairly good template (as in snippet of code) I pull out whenever I need a singleton class. I am now trying to apply it within my project to allow me to control a single instance of a web server. I can make a web server without encasing it in my class. When I try to encase it within the class I'm apparently too unskilled to pull it off.
I've tried the obvious Googling and searching here. I've read relevant posts. I am sure this does not mean I have a unique problem, just that I've not figured out the right way to fix it. Here's what I am working with:
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <FS.h>
class WebServer {
// Singleton Declarations
static bool instanceFlag;
static WebServer *single;
WebServer() {}
// Other Declarations
FS *filesystem;
ESP8266WebServer server();
String getContentType(String);
bool handleFileRead(String);
// Singleton Declarations
static WebServer* getInstance();
~WebServer() {instanceFlag = false;}
// Other Declarations
void initialize(int);
void handleLoop();
#include "webserver.h"
bool WebServer::instanceFlag = false;
WebServer* WebServer::single = NULL;
WebServer* WebServer::getInstance() {
if(!instanceFlag) {
single = new WebServer();
instanceFlag = true;
return single;
} else {
return single;
void WebServer::initialize (int port) {
ESP8266WebServer server(port);
FS *filesystem;
Serial.print("Open: http://");
server.onNotFound([]() {
if (!single->handleFileRead(single->server.uri())) {
single->server.send(404, "text/plain", "404: File not found.");
Serial.print("HTTP server started on port ");
String WebServer::getContentType(String filename) {
if (single->server.hasArg("download")) {
return "application/octet-stream";
} else if (filename.endsWith(".htm")) {
return "text/html";
} else if (filename.endsWith(".html")) {
return "text/html";
} else if (filename.endsWith(".css")) {
return "text/css";
} else if (filename.endsWith(".js")) {
return "application/javascript";
} else if (filename.endsWith(".png")) {
return "image/png";
} else if (filename.endsWith(".gif")) {
return "image/gif";
} else if (filename.endsWith(".jpg")) {
return "image/jpeg";
} else if (filename.endsWith(".ico")) {
return "image/x-icon";
} else if (filename.endsWith(".xml")) {
return "text/xml";
} else if (filename.endsWith(".pdf")) {
return "application/x-pdf";
} else if (filename.endsWith(".zip")) {
return "application/x-zip";
} else if (filename.endsWith(".gz")) {
return "application/x-gzip";
} else {
return "text/plain";
bool WebServer::handleFileRead(String path) {
Serial.println("handleFileRead: " + path);
if (path.endsWith("/")) {
path += "index.htm";
String contentType = getContentType(path);
String pathWithGz = path + ".gz";
if (filesystem->exists(pathWithGz) || filesystem->exists(path)) {
if (filesystem->exists(pathWithGz)) {
path += ".gz";
File file = filesystem->open(path, "r");
single->server.streamFile(file, contentType);
return true;
return false;
void WebServer::handleLoop() {
The errors I am getting are all similar to the following:
src\webserver.cpp: In member function 'bool WebServer::handleFileRead(String)':
src\webserver.cpp:81:23: error: 'WebServer::single->WebServer::server' does not have class type
single->server.streamFile(file, contentType);
I get the idea of "does not have a class type", I just have no idea what it means here. In my mind, "single" is a pointer to the class so I'm unclear what that reference is not working.
Obviously, there are ample examples out there how to do a web server without encapsulating it. Other things I need to do for this project lend itself to creating that requirement.
There are some mistake in your code.
In webserver.h:
// Singleton Declarations
static bool instanceFlag;
static WebServer *single;
WebServer() {}
// Other Declarations
FS *filesystem;
ESP8266WebServer *server; // <--- remove the parentheses and make it a pointer
String getContentType(String);
bool handleFileRead(String);
In webserver.cpp:
In WebServer::initialize I am guessing you want to initialize the class server and filesystem not locals, so it should probably look like this:
void WebServer::initialize (int port) {
server = new ESP8266WebServer(port);
filesystem = new FS();
And now everywhere you use the server you have to use the -> operator.
For example:
void WebServer::handleLoop() {
Please keep in mind that server and filesystem objects have to be deleted to avoid memory leaks.
You get the new error because FS has no constructor without arguments.
FS's constructor looks like this: FS(FSImplPtr impl) : _impl(impl) { }, here you can see that FSImplPtr is a typedef for std::shared_ptr<FileImpl>, so you need to provide this as a parameter.
It works your way, because SPIFFS's existence is declared here and is of type FS.
If you want to use SPIFFS, you have to use it like this: filesystem = &SPIFFS;, not like you mentioned in the comments (FS* filesystem = &SPIFFS;) because your way creates a new temporary variable named filesystem, and probably you expect to initiate the filesystem in the class, not a local one.
I have one problem. In c++ app, I am using sd-bus and signal does not call my callback function.
I hooked to org.freedesktop.login1, interface is org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties, member is PropertiesChanged and path is /org/freedesktop/login1/seat/seat0
In my connect method I have this:
sd_bus_add_match(m_bus, NULL, "interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties',member='PropertiesChanged',path='/org/freedesktop/login1/seat/seat0',type='signal'", on_properties_changed, NULL)
On properties changed method is this:
static int on_properties_changed(sd_bus_message *m, void *userdata, sd_bus_error *ret_error) {
printf("got some signal");
So, when I ran this program, I also ran following command in cmd:ΒΈ
gdbus monitor --system --dest org.freedesktop.login1 --object-path /org/freedesktop/login1/seat/seat0
However, when I switch from userA to userB, I got following line in cmd window:
/org/freedesktop/login1/seat/seat0: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged ('org.freedesktop.login1.Seat', {'ActiveSession': <('c7', objectpath '/org/freedesktop/login1/session/c7')>}, #as [])
Also when I tried this
busctl --system --match "interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties',member='PropertiesChanged',path='/org/freedesktop/login1/seat/seat0',type='signal' monitor
then I also get proper response
Type=signal Endian=l Flags=1 Version=1 Priority=0 Cookie=2281
Sender=:1.0 Path=/org/freedesktop/login1/seat/seat0 Interface=org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties Member=PropertiesChanged
MESSAGE "sa{sv}as" {
STRING "org.freedesktop.login1.Seat";
ARRAY "{sv}" {
STRING "ActiveSession";
VARIANT "(so)" {
STRUCT "so" {
STRING "c2";
OBJECT_PATH "/org/freedesktop/login1/session/c2";
ARRAY "s" {
But in c++ that callback function is not called. Any idea why is it not called?
I am using Ubuntu 16.04 and my systemd version is 229.
I found a solution to this problem. Problem was that I wasn't hooked to any event loop.
So I created new function run() and in this function I say this:
while(m_running) {
sd_bus_message *m = NULL;
r = sd_bus_process(m_bus, &m);
if (r < 0) {
//error handling
r = sd_bus_wait(m_bus, (uint64_t)-1);
if (r < 0) {
//error handling
and now I call this function after I connect to signal, and callback function of sd_bus_add_match is normally called
I'm work on next version of v8-profiler and now I want to simplify it.
I see that my class (ProfileNode) don't needs hidden link to internal object (v8::CpuProfileNode), because my class don't uses internal object methods.
Can I delete getter methods and replace it like the example below?
Is it wrong realisation?
Is it hight memory usage?
Or it's OK?
(I'm novice in c++ and v8 library)
(Please ignore version uncompatibility - it's not a part of question)
This is a part of current profile_node.cc
Persistent<ObjectTemplate> ProfileNode::node_template_;
void ProfileNode::Initialize() {
Local<ObjectTemplate> tpl = NanNewLocal<ObjectTemplate>(ObjectTemplate::New());
NanAssignPersistent(ObjectTemplate, node_template_, tpl);
tpl->SetAccessor(String::New("functionName"), ProfileNode::GetFunctionName);
NAN_GETTER(ProfileNode::GetFunctionName) {
Local<Object> self = args.Holder();
void* ptr = NanGetInternalFieldPointer(self, 0);
Handle<String> fname = static_cast<CpuProfileNode*>(ptr)->GetFunctionName();
Handle<Value> ProfileNode::New(const CpuProfileNode* node) {
if (node_template_.IsEmpty()) {
if(!node) {
return Undefined();
else {
Local<Object> obj = NanPersistentToLocal(node_template_)->NewInstance();
NanSetInternalFieldPointer(obj, 0, const_cast<CpuProfileNode*>(node));
return obj;
After refactoring
//ProfileNode::Initialize deleted
//ProfileNode::GetFunctionName deleted
Handle<Value> ProfileNode::New(const CpuProfileNode* node) {
if(!node) {
return NanUndefined();
else {
//Create new simplest object, instead of new instance of object template
Local<Object> obj = NanNew<Object>();
//Append the value to this object
obj->Set(String::New("functionName"), node->GetFunctionName());
//Delete internal link.
//NanSetInternalFieldPointer(obj, 0, const_cast<CpuProfileNode*>(node));
return obj;
Ive been staring at my code and I can't figure out why on earth my constructor is not gettign called.
It's just ignoring my constructor completely (i've check with stepping with debugger).
Here's my testapp:
using namespace MyEngine;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
TestManager* testMgr = new TestManager();
delete testMgr;
return 0;
namespace MyEngine
class TestManager
TestManager(uint64_t RepeatTimes);
bool RunAllTests();
bool RunMemoryTests();
Engine* mEngine;
ILogManager* mLogger;
MemoryTestManager* mMemTestMgr;
uint64_t mRepeatTimes;
and TestManager.cpp
namespace MyEngine
TestManager::TestManager(uint64_t RepeatTimes)
if (RepeatTimes>0)
mRepeatTimes = RepeatTimes;
mRepeatTimes = 1;
mEngine = Engine::GetEngine();
mMemTestMgr = new MemoryTestManager();
/* Runs all testing modules */
bool TestManager::RunAllTests()
bool res = true;
/* Init Engine */
res = true;
res && mEngine->GetRenderManager()->Init();
res && mLogger->Init(true,true);
res && mEngine->GetMemoryManager()->Init(false);
return false;
/* Start Engine */
/* Get logger */
mLogger = mEngine->GetLogger();
/* Run Memory Tests */
res &= RunMemoryTests();
if (res)
mLogger->LogError("TEST: TESTING FAILED");
return res;
/* Runs all memory tests */
bool TestManager::RunMemoryTests()
bool res = true;
res &= mMemTestMgr->AllocateTest();
res &= mMemTestMgr->ReferenceTest();
if (res)
mLogger->LogInfo("TEST: RunMemoryTests SUCCESSFULL");
mLogger->LogError("TEST: RunMemoryTests FAILED");
return res;
You cant call another constructor from the same class. I'd refactor the init code into a separate method and call it from both constructors:
namespace MyEngine
TestManager::TestManager(uint64_t RepeatTimes)
void TestManager::Init(uint64_t RepeatTimes)
if (RepeatTimes>0)
mRepeatTimes = RepeatTimes;
mRepeatTimes = 1;
mEngine = Engine::GetEngine();
mMemTestMgr = new MemoryTestManager();
When you call TestManager(1); inside your TestManager::TestManager() constructor, you're creating another instance of TestManager, using the constructor TestManager::TestManager(uint64_t).
You can't do this on C++, you have to create either a init method, were you set the instance variables to whatever you want, or use optional parameters:
TestManager(uint64_t RepeatTimes = 0);
Then, if you create an instance of TestManager without arguments, you will be calling the TestManager::TestManager(uint64_t)constructor with 0 as the uint64_t argument.
you can't call a default constructor from a overloaded constructor. Why don't you simply create you object like this:
TestManager* testMgr = new TestManager(1);
Using a default argument (as per fontanini's answer) will do what you want in this case.
But if this is a simplified example and you really do want to delegate to another constructor, then that's not possible in C++03 - the line TestManager(1) just constructs a temporary object which goes unused (and the line will probably be optimized out unless the TestManager(uint64_t) constructor has side effects).
However, you can do what you're aiming for here with a C++11 compiler and the following syntax:
TestManager::TestManager() :