How to keep decimal value when getting data from a text file? - c++

I have a text file with info like this (there are 127 lines, I'll provide a few too keep it short):
Gibraltar 133.25
Israel 104.81
Seychelles 85.89
United-Arab-Emirates 63.95
Falkland-Islands 49.73
My program does work in printing country name and number with the most vaccinations, however it just prints a whole number with no decimals. This is especially problematic with lowest since theres multiple countries with numbers between 0 and 1, and it just prints the first 0 down the list, so not the true minimum, here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void file(string country[], double vaccinations[]);
void highest(string country[], double vaccinations[]);
void lowest(string country[], double vaccinations[]);
void average (string country[], double vaccinations[]);
void welcomeMessage();
int main() {
//declare variables and arrays, set vaccinations and countries arrays to 127 for the number of countries, amd subsequent vaccination data
string countries[127];
double vaccinations[127];
file(countries, vaccinations);
//call wecome message function
//calls function to count highest vaccination rate and country names
highest(countries, vaccinations);
cout << endl;
//calls function to count lowest vaccination rate and country name
lowest(countries, vaccinations);
//calls function to print the average vaccination rate
//average(countries, vaccinations);
void welcomeMessage() {
cout << "Welcome to the vaccine data analysis program!" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "This program will print which country currently has admistered the most COVID-19 vaccine doses per 100 people" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The program will also print which country currently has administered the least, per 100 people, as well as the average dose administration per 100 people, out of 127 countries on the list." << endl;
cout << endl;
void file(string country[], double vaccinations[]) {
int index = 0;
ifstream inFile;"vaccinations.txt");
if (!inFile.is_open()) {
cout << "Unable to open file." << endl;
} else {
while (index < 127) {
//add code to isolate country string
inFile >> country[index];
//add code to isolate vaccination percentage
inFile >> vaccinations[index];
void highest(string country[], double vaccinations[]) {
string highestCountry = country[0];
int highestTotal = vaccinations[0];
for (int i = 1; i < 127; i++) {
if (vaccinations[i] > highestTotal) {
highestTotal = vaccinations[i];
highestCountry = country[i];
cout << highestCountry << " has the highest number of vaccinations at " << fixed << setprecision(100) << highestTotal << " per 100 people." << endl;
void lowest(string country[], double vaccinations[]) {
string lowestCountry = country[0];
int lowestTotal = vaccinations[0];
for (int i = 1; i < 127; i++) {
if (vaccinations[i] < lowestTotal) {
lowestTotal = vaccinations[i];
lowestCountry = country[i];
cout << lowestCountry << " has the lowest number of vaccinations at " << fixed << setprecision(100)<< lowestTotal << " per 100 people." << endl;

You declared
int highestTotal = vaccinations[0];
therefore, it drops decimals when you copy floating point values into it.
Declaring highestTotal and lowestTotal as doubles should help:
double highestTotal = vaccinations[0];
double lowestTotal = vaccinations[0];
EDIT: as #Casey suggests, we can slightly rewrite it (you can add the welcome message and file correctness check if you wish);
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
struct Country {
string name;
double rate;
istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, Country& country) {
return in >> >> country.rate;
int main()
ifstream inFile;"vaccinations.txt");
auto comparator = [](const Country& x, const Country& y) { return x.rate < y.rate; };
auto [min, max] = minmax_element(istream_iterator<Country>{inFile}, istream_iterator<Country>{}, comparator);
string highestCountry = max->name;
double highestTotal = max->rate;
cout << highestCountry << " has the highest number of vaccinations at " << highestTotal << " per 100 people." << endl << endl;
string lowestCountry = min->name;
double lowestTotal = min->rate;
cout << lowestCountry << " has the lowest number of vaccinations at " << lowestTotal << " per 100 people." << endl;


Calculations wont display in output

I'm a student in a basic programming class and I'm trying to complete this program for a class assignment. It's a simple program that calculates compounded interest by the inputs of the user. However, when writing the code, I noticed that the the result is 0 even though based on the input I would expect otherwise. Could anyone tell me why the program isn't showing results?
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// Declarations of Prototype
void futureValue(double* presentValue, float* interestRate, int* months, double* value);
// List of variables
double presentValue = 0;
float interestRate = 0;
double value = 0;
int months = 0;
// Start of Main function
int main(void)
cout << "What is the current value of the account?";
cin >> presentValue;
cout << "How many months will Interest be added to the account?";
cin >> months;
cout << "And what will be the Interest Rate of the account?";
cin >> interestRate;
cout << "After " << months << " months, your account balence will be $" << value << ".";
return 0;
void futureValue()
if (presentValue <= 0)
cout << "I'm sorry, you must have a current balence of more than 0.00 dollars to calculate.";
value = presentValue * pow(interestRate + 1, months);
Yes. You are not calling the futureValue function which would compute the value for you. Due to the value not being computed, it remains 0. Fix:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// Declarations of Prototype
void futureValue(double* presentValue, float* interestRate, int* months, double* value);
// List of variables
double presentValue = 0;
float interestRate = 0;
double value = 0;
int months = 0;
// Start of Main function
int main(void)
cout << "What is the current value of the account?";
cin >> presentValue;
cout << "How many months will Interest be added to the account?";
cin >> months;
cout << "And what will be the Interest Rate of the account?";
cin >> interestRate;
futureValue(); //Here we compute the value
cout << "After " << months << " months, your account balence will be $" << value << ".";
return 0;
void futureValue()
if (presentValue <= 0)
cout << "I'm sorry, you must have a current balence of more than 0.00 dollars to calculate.";
value = presentValue * pow(interestRate + 1, months);

How would I calcuate the total of all the items entered to then calculate the total price?

Hi there apologise if my question is poorly worded, I'm struggling to find a solution to my problem.
The purpose of my program is to allow the user to enter predefined bar codes that associate with items and a price. The user enters as many barcodes as they want, and when they're done they can exit the loop by pressing "F" and then total price for all the items is displayed.
This is my code so far, I'm very new to programming..
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int index_of(int arr[], int item, int n) {
int i = 0;
while (i < n) {
if(arr[i] == item) {
return i;
return -1;
const int SIZE = 10;
int main()
string item [SIZE] = {"Milk", "Bread", "Chocolate", "Towel", "Toothpaste", "Soap", "Pen", "Biscuits", "Lamp", "Battery"};
int barcode [SIZE] = {120001, 120002, 120003, 120004, 120005, 120006, 120007, 120008, 120009, 120010};
float price [SIZE] = {10.50, 5.50, 8.00, 12.10, 6.75, 5.20, 2.00, 4.45, 20.50, 10.00};
cout << "*************************************************************" << endl;
cout << "Please scan a barcode or manually enter the barcode ID number" << endl;
cout << "*************************************************************\n" << endl;
int newBarcode;
while (true){
cout << "Please enter a barcode (Type 'F' to finish): ", cin >> newBarcode;
int index = index_of(barcode, newBarcode, (sizeof(barcode) / sizeof(barcode)[0]));
cout << "\n>> Name of item: " << item[index] << endl;
cout << ">> Price of item: \x9C" << setprecision (4)<< price[index] << endl;
cout << ">> " <<item[index] << " has been added to your basket. \n" << endl;
float total = 0 + price[index];
cout << ">> Your current basket total is: \x9C" << setprecision(4) << total << endl;
/*float total = 0;
float newtotal = 0;
price[index] = total;
total = newtotal;
cout << ">> " << "Basket total: " << newtotal << endl; */
return 0;
You will need to iterate over all items and add their value to a variable. You can do it the old way:
float sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
sum += price [i];
Or the C++11 way:
float sum = 0;
for(float p : price) {
sum += p;
However I must point out a few important issues with your code:
Your array has a fixed size but user can enter as many entries as he wants. To avoid this issue, use vector. It behaves like array but has dynamic size. Simply use push_back() to add a new element.
Don't use separate containers (arrays) for the same group of objects. It's a bad coding practice. You can define a structure for product which will contain name, barcode and price, then make one container for all of the products.
I'm sorry, I misunderstood your problem. There are many ways to solve this, the most elegant way is to create a map where key is the bar code and value is your product object or just a price.
map<int, float> priceMap;
priceMap.insert(pair<int, float>([your bar code here], [your price here]))
Afterwards just create a vector of bar codes, fill it with user data and iterate over it sum all prices:
float sum = 0;
for(int b : userBarcodes) {
sum +=;
You are trying to read from cin into an int. As you decide to put a stopping condition on 'F' input you must read into a string. Then decide what to do with the value. You will need to check if the input is an int or not. You can do it as given here or here.
Or you may change the stopping condition to a less likely integer like -1. And make sure you always read an int into newBarcode.
There are various small errors which are hard to list out. I have changed them in the code below which is implementing point 2 (You have to add the stopping condition).
One of the error or wrong practice is to declare new variables inside a loop. In most cases you can declare the variables outside and change there values in the loop.
I replaced (sizeof(barcode) / sizeof(barcode)[0] with SIZE as the lists are predefined and unchanging. Anyways you should use (sizeof(barcode) / sizeof(barcode[0]) for length calculation.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int index_of(int arr[], int item, int n) {
int i = 0;
while (i < n) {
if(arr[i] == item) {
return i;
return -1;
const int SIZE = 10;
int main()
string item [SIZE] = {"Milk", "Bread", "Chocolate", "Towel", "Toothpaste", "Soap", "Pen", "Biscuits", "Lamp", "Battery"};
int barcode [SIZE] = {120001, 120002, 120003, 120004, 120005, 120006, 120007, 120008, 120009, 120010};
float price [SIZE] = {10.50, 5.50, 8.00, 12.10, 6.75, 5.20, 2.00, 4.45, 20.50, 10.00};
cout << "*************************************************************" << endl;
cout << "Please scan a barcode or manually enter the barcode ID number" << endl;
cout << "*************************************************************\n" << endl;
int newBarcode;
float total = 0;
int index;
while (true){
cout << "Please enter a barcode (Type -1 to finish): \n";
cin >> newBarcode;
while( {
cout << "Not an integer" << endl;
cin >> newBarcode;
index = index_of(barcode, newBarcode, SIZE);
cout << index;
if (index == -1) {
cout << "Apologies here for unsupported barcode\n";
} else {
cout << ">> Name of item: " << item[index] << endl;
cout << ">> Price of item: " << price[index] << "\n";
cout << ">> " <<item[index] << " has been added to your basket. \n";
total = total + price[index];
cout << ">> Your current basket total is: " << total << "\n";
return 0;
Your question could be more helpful to others if you find out what is wrong with your implementation and ask implementation specific questions which will probably be already answered. Asking what is wrong with my code is not quite specific.

Getting a -nan(ind) output when trying to find averages within an array (c++)

I am trying to get the averages of a set of numbers in an array and I am getting -nan(ind) as my output. I am unsure of what is causing this issue. Here is the code that I have written so far in C++:
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void input_from_file(ifstream & inFile, char * item, char * name, double & price, double & cost, double & material_cost);
double array_price[50], array_total_cost[50];
double price, base_cost, material_cost;
int cnt = 0, i;
double calAverage(double arr[], int s);
char item[2]{ "" };
char name[21];
double total_cost = base_cost + material_cost;
double profit = price - total_cost;
void File_Input(ifstream & Main_File)
do {
string File_Name;
cout << "Please enter the file name including extension: ";
cin >> File_Name;;
} while (!Main_File);
void File_Read(ifstream & The_File)
cout << setw(29) << left << "Name" << right << setw(10) << "Price" << setw(10) << "Cost" << setw(10) << "Profit" << "\n" << endl;
string Typed_File;
int increment = { 0 };
while (!The_File.eof())
input_from_file(The_File, item, name, price, base_cost, material_cost);
total_cost = base_cost + total_cost;
profit = price - total_cost;
array_total_cost[increment] = total_cost;
array_price[increment] = price;
cout << setw(29) << left << name << right << setw(10) << price << setw(10) << total_cost << setw(10) << profit << endl;
cout << "\n\nThe average price is " << calAverage(array_price, cnt);
cout << "\nThe average cost is " << calAverage(array_total_cost, cnt) << " \n";
void input_from_file(ifstream & inFile, char * item, char * name, double & price, double & base_cost, double & material_cost)
inFile >> item;
inFile >> name;
inFile >> price;
inFile >> base_cost;
inFile >> material_cost;
array_price[cnt] = price;
array_total_cost[cnt] = base_cost + material_cost;
double calAverage(double arr[], int s)
int i;
double sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < s; i++)
sum += arr[i];
return (sum/(double)(s));
int main()
ifstream The_File;
Here is the file that I am trying to read from:
D WhiteWine 3.5 0.75 0.0
F Courgetts 751.88 125.31 75.19
F BroccoliAuRoquefort 860.63 227.81 111.38
D RedWine 357.88 76.69 0.0
F CoqAuVin 774.38 129.06 77.44
F GratinDePates 886.13 234.56 114.68
F GnocchiAuxLegumes 368.38 78.94 55.23
F Raviole 796.88 132.81 79.69
F PatesFraichesAuNoix 911.63 241.31 117.98
D Milk 378.88 81.19 0.0
F RizAuCumin 819.38 136.56 81.94
F GratinDePolenta 937.13 248.06 121.28
D Coffee 389.38 83.44 0.0
F RisottoAuxAsperges 841.88 140.31 84.19
F GateauDePommes 962.63 254.81 124.58
D Tea 3.00 .69 0.0
F SoupeD'Epeautre 864.38 144.06 86.44
F Tartiflette 988.13 261.56 127.88
D WaterWithGas 4.38 5.23 0.0
F Aligot 886.88 147.81 88.69
F abcdefghijklmnopqrst 999.99 268.31 131.18
Here is the full output that I am getting:
Any help is appreciated. Thank you
Make sure you add cnt ++; to your while loop. Also try to stay away from global variables if possible. And as previously stated, here is a reason why eof is bad in a while loop
Not incrementing cnt leaves it at zero. This leads to calculating 0.0 / 0 which is NaN.

How could I improve this c++ program without vectors?

**Guidelines:**get 3 seperate lists of data(array) for head of household, annual income, and household members, then get all annual incomes and average them together. Display in a neat table.
This is from a school project I wasn't allowed to use anything very advanced but I'd like to go back and improve it now. I'd like ti make it cleaner and particularly like to find more that I can take away from it than add to it.
// <Program Name> Programming Project #3 Average Income (Using Functions and Arrays)
// <Author> Brendan Jackson
// <Date of Programs Release> 08/05/15
// <Program Description> takes 3 arrays and displays them with average income
#include <iostream> // allows cin and cout statements
#include <iomanip> //allows setprecision
#include <string> //allows strings
using namespace std; // Namespace std allows program to use entities from <iostream>
int input(string[], int[], double[]); //function 1
double calculate_average_income(double[], int); //function 2
void display_survey_data(string[], int[], double[],int , double); //function 3
int main() // main function
//variables for functions
string name[10];
int members[10];
double income[10];
int count_of_households;
double average;
//get input
count_of_households = input(name, members, income);
//calculate average
average = calculate_average_income(income, count_of_households);
//output all data in table
display_survey_data(name, members, income, count_of_households, average);
return 0;
int input(string name[], int members[], double income[]) //function 1
// get household info
int count_of_households = 0;
cout << "How many house holds were there? ";
cin >> count_of_households;
//TODO: handle bad input (characters and decimals)
if (count_of_households >= 11 || count_of_households < 0)
cout << "must enter valid # " ; //TODO: more description
count_of_households = 0; //set back to safe value
//cycle through arrays
for (int count = 0; count < count_of_households; count++) //TODO: take out (count + 1) start from 1 alternatively
// get survey info for names
cout << "Enter household #" << (count + 1) << "'s head of household name\t" ;
cin.ignore() ; // ignores keyboard buffer characters
getline (cin, name[count]) ;
// get survey info for income
cout << "Enter household #" << (count + 1) << "'s annual income\t" ;
cin >> income[count];
// get survey info for members
cout << "Enter household #" << (count + 1) << "'s household members\t" ;
cin >> members[count];
return count_of_households;
double calculate_average_income(double income[], int count_of_households) //function 2
//add incomes together
double total = 0.0;
double average = 0.0;
//loop over income
for (int count = 0 ; count < count_of_households; count++)
//add income to runnning total
total += income[count];
// save calculations
average = total / count_of_households;
return average;
void display_survey_data(string name[], int members[], double income[],int count_of_households, double average) //funtion 3
//print out header
cout << setw(30) << ""
<< setw(30) << ""
<< setw(30) << "NUMBER OF\n" ;
cout << setw(30) << "HOUSEHOLD NAME"
<< setw(30) << "ANNUAL INCOME"
<< setw(30) << "HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS\n" ;
cout << setw(30) << "--------------------"
<< setw(30) << "---------------"
<< setw(30) << "------------------------\n" ;
///loop over values
for (int count = 0 ; count < count_of_households; count++)
cout << setw(30) << name[count]
<< setw(30) << setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint << income[count]
<< setw(30) << members[count]
<< endl;
// display average
cout << endl
<< setw(30) << "AVERAGE INCOME"
<< setw(30) << average
<< endl;
You could use std::array
This is simply an array on the stack, just like you used, but has iterators, type safe, bound safe, use value semantics and work with most stl algorithm.
It is declared like this:
array<string, 3> myArray;
And it must be passed by reference, because passing by value will copy it's content:
void doSomething(array<int, 6>& aArray) {
// do something
Notice that you must specify the length of the array, since it's a template parameter. If you want to have an array of any size, use tempaltes:
template<size_t length>
void foobar(array<double, length> theArray) {
// do something else

C++ Beginner Logic Error - Returning 0

I don't understand why my code is not calculating the birthrate and the deathrate. I keep on getting 0 for both. I included the static_cast<double> to ensure this wouldn't happen. Any feedback / help?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
double calculateBirthRate();
double calculateDeathRate();
class PopInfo
string cityName;
long totalCityPopulation;
int numberOfBirths;
int numberOfDeaths;
double birthrate;
double deathrate;
int bir;
int dea;
long citpop;
cityName = "";
totalCityPopulation = numberOfBirths = numberOfDeaths = 0;
long getPopulation()
return totalCityPopulation;
int getBirths()
return birthrate;
int getDeaths()
return deathrate;
string getCity()
return cityName;
void setCityName(string nameOfCity)
cityName = nameOfCity;
void setTotalCityPopulation(long populationOfCity)
totalCityPopulation = populationOfCity;
void setNumberOfBirths(int birthNumbers)
numberOfBirths = birthNumbers;
void setNumberOfDeaths(int deathNumbers)
numberOfDeaths = deathNumbers;
void calculateBirthRate(PopInfo);
void calculateDeathRate(PopInfo);
int main()
PopInfo newCity;
string cit;
long citpop;
int bir;
int dea;
cout << "What is the city name?: " << endl;
cin >> cit;
cout << "What is the total city population?: " << endl;
cin >> citpop;
while (citpop < 1)
cout << "Please enter a valid total city population: " << endl;
cin >> citpop;
cout << "What are the number of births?: " << endl;
cin >> bir;
while (bir < 0)
cout << "Please enter a valid number of births: " << endl;
cin >> bir;
cout << "What are the number of deaths?: " << endl;
cin >> dea;
while (dea < 0)
cout << "Please enter a vaild number of deaths: " << endl;
cin >> dea;
cout << endl;
cout << "The city name is " << newCity.getCity() << endl;
cout << "The total city population is " << newCity.getPopulation() << endl;
cout << "The birth rate is " << newCity.getBirths() << endl;
cout << "The death rate is " << newCity.getDeaths() << endl;
return 0;
void PopInfo::calculateBirthRate(PopInfo newCity)
double birthrate = static_cast<double>(newCity.bir) / newCity.citpop;
void PopInfo::calculateDeathRate(PopInfo newCity)
double deathrate = static_cast<double>(newCity.dea) / newCity.citpop;
You accidentally made birthrate and deathrate as local variables. Remove the leading keyword double, to make it:
void PopInfo::calculateBirthRate(PopInfo newCity)
birthrate = static_cast<double>(newCity.bir) / newCity.citpop;
void PopInfo::calculateDeathRate(PopInfo newCity)
deathrate = static_cast<double>(newCity.dea) / newCity.citpop;
Even so, it's kind of strange that you're passing newCity by value – did you mean to store the rates back in the same object, as in:
void PopInfo::calculateBirthRate(PopInfo& newCity)
newCity.birthrate = static_cast<double>(newCity.bir) / newCity.citpop;
void PopInfo::calculateDeathRate(PopInfo& newCity)
newCity.deathrate = static_cast<double>(newCity.dea) / newCity.citpop;
or did you mean to operate on the object in-place, as in:
void PopInfo::calculateBirthRate()
birthrate = static_cast<double>(bir) / citpop;
void PopInfo::calculateDeathRate()
deathrate = static_cast<double>(dea) / citpop;
I don't think you ever call the functions that calculate birth rate and death rate! That is on top of the issues already identified, but I'm pretty sure it matters... Put a cout debug statement in there and see if I'm right...
Another problem: since "rate" is a number between zero and 1, and your function getBirths returns an int, you are going to run into a rounding problem...
Also not sure you ever set dea and bir in the context of the class (you declare them at the main level). So many places where you are inviting problems...
The easiest solution would be to rewrite these two functions:
double getBirths()
return (double)numberOfBirths/citypop;
double getDeaths()
return (double)numberOfDeaths/citypop;
But read your code, and ask yourself what the scope of your variables is, where they are set (and if you ever set them...), where they are used, where you perform type conversions.... You can learn a lot from that.
I couldn't help myself, and decided to copy your program and debug it. After a few simplifications in the structure I came up with the following (note I moved the two functions calculateBirthRate and calculateDeathRate inside the class definition for consistency; and I used the "internally known" variables totalCityPopulation etc, rather than some of the "alternative" ones you were using... it was getting very confusing. Finally, as I mentioned in the original answer - I made sure the birth and death rates were actually calculated. I have marked changed lines with //*** :
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
double calculateBirthRate();
double calculateDeathRate();
class PopInfo
string cityName;
long totalCityPopulation;
int numberOfBirths;
int numberOfDeaths;
double birthrate;
double deathrate;
int bir;
int dea;
long citpop;
cityName = "";
totalCityPopulation = numberOfBirths = numberOfDeaths = 0;
long getPopulation()
return totalCityPopulation;
double getBirths() //*** was int
return birthrate;
double getDeaths() //*** was int
return deathrate;
string getCity()
return cityName;
void setCityName(string nameOfCity)
cityName = nameOfCity;
void setTotalCityPopulation(long populationOfCity)
totalCityPopulation = populationOfCity;
void setNumberOfBirths(int birthNumbers)
numberOfBirths = birthNumbers;
void setNumberOfDeaths(int deathNumbers)
numberOfDeaths = deathNumbers;
//*** this function moved into the class definition
void calculateBirthRate()
birthrate = (double)numberOfBirths/totalCityPopulation; //*** using different variables
//*** this function moved into the class definition
void calculateDeathRate()
deathrate = (double)numberOfDeaths / totalCityPopulation; //*** using different variables
int main()
PopInfo newCity;
string cit;
long citpop;
int bir;
int dea;
cout << "What is the city name?: " << endl;
cin >> cit;
cout << "What is the total city population?: " << endl;
cin >> citpop;
while (citpop < 1)
cout << "Please enter a valid total city population: " << endl;
cin >> citpop;
cout << "What are the number of births?: " << endl;
cin >> bir;
while (bir < 0)
cout << "Please enter a valid number of births: " << endl;
cin >> bir;
cout << "What are the number of deaths?: " << endl;
cin >> dea;
while (dea < 0)
cout << "Please enter a vaild number of deaths: " << endl;
cin >> dea;
newCity.calculateBirthRate(); //*** added, or it's never calculated
newCity.calculateDeathRate(); //*** added, or it's never calculated
cout << endl;
cout << "The city name is " << newCity.getCity() << endl;
cout << "The total city population is " << newCity.getPopulation() << endl;
cout << "The birth rate is " << newCity.getBirths() << endl;
cout << "The death rate is " << newCity.getDeaths() << endl;
return 0;
When I run this code, I get the following:
What is the city name?:
What is the total city population?:
What are the number of births?:
What are the number of deaths?:
The city name is Amsterdam
The total city population is 1234567
The birth rate is 0.00999946
The death rate is 0.044
The diff between your code and mine is:
< double getBirths()
> int getBirths()
< double getDeaths()
> int getDeaths()
< void calculateBirthRate()
< {
< birthrate = (double)numberOfBirths/totalCityPopulation;
< }
> void calculateBirthRate(PopInfo);
> void calculateDeathRate(PopInfo);
< void calculateDeathRate()
< {
< deathrate = (double)numberOfDeaths / totalCityPopulation;
< }
< newCity.calculateBirthRate();
< newCity.calculateDeathRate();
> void PopInfo::calculateBirthRate(PopInfo newCity)
> {
> double birthrate = static_cast<double>(newCity.bir) / newCity.citpop;
> }
> void PopInfo::calculateDeathRate(PopInfo newCity)
> {
> double deathrate = static_cast<double>(newCity.dea) / newCity.citpop;
> }
double birthrate = static_cast<double>(newCity.bir) / newCity.citpop;
double deathrate = static_cast<double>(newCity.dea) / newCity.citpop;
Here you are driving two new variable names birthrate and death rate. You're not writing the values two the class data members. Writing the type before the names overwrites it. To change, simply remove it.
birthrate = static_cast<double>(newCity.bir) / newCity.citpop;
deathrate = static_cast<double>(newCity.dea) / newCity.citpop;