How to Open Email in a Folder on Chrome - coldfusion

There is a shared public folder that users use to upload shared documents. Among the shared resources, some users have uploaded outlook email shortcuts to share amongst themselves.
I am attempting to have this email to open in Outlook when user is trying to open the resource on chrome, IE, etc.
Is this achievable?
Here is an example of an email that is saved in the share folder:
Example of an email.
The following code is what I am currently doing to have users the ability to view folders on their browsers and open and save documents:
<!--- The following if statement checks if the url wants to be downloaded. If it does, it creates a downloadable link. --->
<cfif structKeyExists(URL, 'method') and URL.method eq 'download'>
<cfset file_name = />
<cfset path = URL.path />
<!--- The following if statements determine file type. --->
<cfif findNoCase('.doc', file_name) or findNoCase('.odt', file_name) or findNoCase('.rtf', file_name) >
<cfset file_type = 'application/msword' >
<cfelseif findNoCase('.pdf', file_name) >
<cfset file_type = 'application/pdf' >
<cfelseif findNoCase('.xls', file_name) or findNoCase('.xlt', file_name) or findNoCase('.csv', file_name)>
<cfset file_type = 'application/' >
<cfelseif findNoCase('.tif', file_name) >
<cfset file_type = 'image' >
<cfelseif findNoCase('.jpg', file_name) >
<cfset file_type = 'image/jpeg' >
<cfelseif findNoCase('.url', file_name) or findNoCase('.lnk', file_name) >
<cfset file_type = 'text/uri-list' >
<cfelseif findNoCase('.msg', file_name) >
<cfset file_type = 'text/uri-list' >
<!--- The following statements creates a downloadable link of the file. This is done by using cfheader and cfcontent --->
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="inline; filename=#file_name#">
<!---Check if file type is available. If available, show type. --->
<cfif isDefined("file_type") >
<cfcontent type="#file_type#" file="#path#\#file_name#">
<!--- If file type is not found, display file anyways. --->
<cfcontent file="#path#\#file_name#">

This document describing the <cfcontent> tag states, "The following tag can force most browsers to display a dialog box that asks users whether they want to save the contents of the file specified by the cfcontent tag using the filename specified by the filename value. If the user selects to open the file, most browsers open the file in the related application, not the browser window.
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=filename.ext">
Some file types, such as PDF documents, do not use executable code and can display directly in most browsers. To request the browser to display the file directly, use a cfheader tag similar to the following:
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="inline; filename=name.ext">"
The code in your question has this:
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="inline; filename=#file_name#">
The key attribute is the value. You have "inline" which asks the browser to display the file directly. A value of "attachment" would allow the user to open the file with the default application for that type of file on their local machine.


ColdFusion searching robots.txt for specific page exception

We're adding some functionality to our CMS whereby when a user creates a page, they can select an option to allow/disallow search engine indexing of that page.
If they select yes, then something like the following would apply:
<cfif request.variables.indexable eq 0>
action = "append"
file = "C:\websites\robots.txt"
output = "Disallow: /blocked-page.cfm"
addNewLine = "yes">
<!-- check if page already disallowed in robots.txt and remove line if it does --->
It's the <cfelse> clause I need help with.
What would be the best way to parse robots.txt to see if this page had already been disallowed? Would it be a cffile action="read", then do a find() on the read variable?
Actually, the check on whether the page has already been disallowed would probably go further up, to avoid double-adding.
You keep the list of pages in database and each page record has a indexable bit, right? If yes, simpler and more reliable approach would be to generate new robots.txt each time some page is added/deleted/changes indexable bit.
<!--- TODO: query for indexable pages ---->
<!--- lock the code to prevent concurrent changes --->
<cflock name="robots.txt" type="exclusive" timeout="30">
<!--- flush the file, or simply start with writing something --->
action = "write"
file = "C:\websites\robots.txt"
output = "Sitemap: http://www.mywebsite.tld/sitemap.xml"
addNewLine = "yes">
<!--- append indexable entry to the file --->
<cfloop query="getPages">
<!--- we assume that page names are not entered by user (= safe names) --->
action = "append"
file = "C:\websites\robots.txt"
output = "Disallow: /"
addNewLine = "yes">
Sample code is not tested, be aware of typos/bugs.
Using the Robots.txt files for this purpose is a bad idea. Robots.txt is not a security measure and you're handing "evildoers" a list of pages that you don't want indexed.
You're much better off using the robots meta tag, which will not provide anyone with a list of pages that you don't want indexed, and gives you greater control of the individual actions a robot can perform.
Using the meta tags, you would simply output the tags when generating the page as usual.
<!--- dummy page to block --->
<cfset request.pageToBlock = "/blocked-page.cfm" />
<!--- read in current robots.txt --->
<cffile action="read" file="#expandPath('robots.txt')#" variable="data" />
<!--- build a struct of all blocked pages --->
<cfset pages = {} />
<cfloop list="#data#" delimiters="#chr(10)#" index="i">
<cfset pages[listLast(i,' ')] = '' />
<cfif request.variables.indexable eq 0>
<!--- If the page is not yet blocked add it --->
<cfif not structKeyExists(pages,pageToBlock)>
<cffile action="append" file="C:\websites\robots.txt"
output="Disallow: #request.pageToBLock#" addNewLine="yes" />
<!--- not sure if this is in a loop but if it is add it to the struct for nex iteration --->
<cfset pages[request.pageToBlock] = '' />
This should do it. Read in the file, loop over it and build a struct of the bloocked pages. Only add a new page if it's not already blocked.

How to get the temporary path of a file pulled with CFHTTP in Coldfusion?

I'm using Coldfusion8 and need to fetch images from a remote server, which I'm doing like this:
<cfhttp timeout="45" throwonerror="no" url="#variables.testFilePath#" method="get" useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080201 Firefox/" getasbinary="yes" result="variables.objGet">
<cfset variables.objImage = ImageNew(variables.objGet.FileContent)>
I now need to save the image to Amazon S3, but the function I want to use:
<cfset result = s3.putObject(url.b,file.serverFile,file.contentType,'300',form.cacheControl,'30',form.acl,form.storageClass,form.keyName,GetTempDirectory())>
Requires the directory where my generated image can be found in.
Is there a way to get the directory of an image file pulled with cfhttp and converted to an image using imageNew? Or do I need to save the file to disk first? I also need to resize before storing, so I might not be able to get by without saving to disk first.
Thanks for pointers!
I got it working like this:
<!--- getAsBinary --->
<cfhttp timeout="45"
<!--- validate --->
<cfif len(variables.testFilePath) EQ 0>
<cfset variables.errorCount = variables.errorCount+1>
<cfset variables.failedLoads = "FILE NOT FOUND" >
<cfif len(objGet.Filecontent) EQ 0>
<cfset variables.errorCount = variables.errorCount+1>
<cfset variables.failedLoads = "COULD NOT LOAD IMAGE">
<cfelseif NOT listfindnocase(variables.allow, variables.fileExt) >
<cfset variables.errorCount = variables.errorCount+1>
<cfset variables.failedLoads = "WRONG FILE TYPE">
objImage = ImageNew(objGet.FileContent);
<!--- resize/crop --->
variables.keyName = Session.loginid & "_S_";
<!--- convert modified image back to binary --->
<cfset variables.filekey = toBase64( objImage )>
<!--- pass to s3.cfc --->
<cfset result = s3.putObject(variables.bucketName, variables.filekey, variables.contentType, variables.httptimeout, variables.cacheControl, variables.cacheDays, variables.acl, variables.storageClass, variables.keyName, variables.imageSrc, "true" )>
<cfset variables.errorCount = variables.errorCount+1>
<cfset variables.failedLoads = "NO IMAGE">
I need to re-convert the cropped image to binary, because the s3.putobject will otherwise do another cffile action="readBinary" and breaks on trying to construct the image file path (the image is still in temp) right here:
<cffile action="readBinary" file="#arguments.uploadDir##arguments.fileKey#" variable="binaryFileData">
While I can get the temporary file path using this trick and set uploadDir it doesn't help, because CF docs say the path must be either an absolute path starting with drive letter or slash, otherwise the www-root temp directory will be taken.
In my case the temp www-root directory was on C:/ while the temp file CFFile-Servlet was on E:/ and a relative path did not work either (file not found). So as I found no way to re-read the image from the s3.cfc, I'm now converting back to binary before calling S3.cfc. I pass another parameter (1/0) telling s3.cfc, that I'm already sending the binary image and there is no need to re-read it.
Like so:
<!--- if encoded is true, filekey already is the encoded image --->
<cfif arguments.encoded EQ "true">
<!--- already sending binary image --->
<cfset binaryFileData = arguments.fileKey>
<!--- Default --->
<cffile action="readBinary" file="#arguments.uploadDir##arguments.fileKey#" variable="binaryFileData">
I'm not sure if this is the smartest way performance wise, but it seems to work pretty smooth. Comments are welcome!
I guess you could use path and file attributes instead of result. Generate some temporary path using GetTempDirectory() + CreateUUID(), fetch and then drop it. Plus it may be a bit more memory-efficient thatn fetching content to the variable, then writing to the intermediate file.
Cfhttp result stores the data in a memory variable.
ImageNew creates a 'ColdFusion' image meaning it's resident in memory only also. You'd have to save it to make it a physical file to send either in cfhttp or imagewrite, etc.
Without saving it to a physical file you must use cffile action = "writetobrowser" to send it to a browser but that ends up saving it in a temp location for the browser to access but wouldn't do you much good here I don't think.
AmazonS3Client has a putObject method that takes an InputStream, so you can wrap the binary data in a ByteArrayInputStream and pass it in without worrying about the backing file.
Something like this:
<cfhttp method="get" url="#local.url#" result="local.httpResult" getAsBinary="true"/>
<cfif local.httpResult.statusCode eq "200 OK">
<cfset var fileInputStream = createObject("java", "" ).init(local.httpResult.fileContent) />
<cfset var objectMetadata = createObject("java", "" ).init() />
<cfset application.S3UTIL.s3Client.putObject("some.bucket", "folder/file.ext", local.fileInputStream, local.objectMetadata)/>

Coldfusion - cannot access templ folder when creating thumb

I am getting a problem with the following line:
<cfimage action="read" name="myImage" source="#ExpandPath("../../banner/#upload.clientfile#")#" />
I suspect it is because I am using a shared host (CF9) and do not have access to the folder. The error I get is "unable to create temporary file". My temp directory is home/kloxo/temp/wwwroot-tmp. Can I specify another temp folder or do I have to get my hosting company to sort this?
<cfapplication sessionmanagement="true">
<cfif IsDefined ("FORM")>
<cfif structKeyExists(form, "uploadfile")>
<cfset destination = expandPath("../../banner")>
<cfif not directoryExists(destination)>
<cfdirectory action="create" directory="#destination#">
<cffile action="upload" filefield="uploadfile" destination="#destination#" nameConflict="makeUnique" result="upload">
<cfdump var="#upload.clientfile#">
<cfimage action="read" name="myImage" source="#ExpandPath("../../banner/#upload.clientfile#")#" />
It appears to be a configuration issue. Contact your host. Here is a page with more information:

cffile not working at all

cffile is giving a head ache now.
My cfm is like this -
<cfif session.ismac and session.browsermake eq "firefox">
<cfset size = "55">
<cfset onChange = "document.frmMain.submit1.disabled = true;setdisplayname(this,this.form.dummy);">
<cfif displayname EQ "">
<cfset size = "document.frmMain.submit1.disabled = true;setdisplayname(this,this.form.displayname);">
<cfinput type="file" name="File#thisUploader#" id="File#thisUploader#" size="#size#" onKeyPress="return false;" onchange="#onChange#">
and in my cfc the code is like this -
<cffile accept="image/*" action="upload" destination="#application.artworkfilepath#\bulkuploads\#session.loginname#\#form.category#\" filefield="form.File#thisUploader#" nameconflict="makeunique">
and if I dump - <cfoutput>
You uploaded #cffile.ClientFileName#.#cffile.ClientFileExt#
successfully to #cffile.ServerDirectory#.
I get corrct things and no error.
But when i look into the folder there is nothing.
Anyidea? I have added the dump of cffile now. What do you make out of it?
cfform code is like this <cfform id="frmMain" name="frmMain" action="process_multi.cfm" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="_self" method="post">
do a fileExists() directly after the statement and let us know what that says...
you don't have a directorywatcher on the directory do you?
Your cffile nameconfict attribute is set to makeunique, which tells ColdFusion to rename the file to something new when it arrives at the server--if the file already exists.
However, you are using cffile.ClientFileName and cffile.ClientFileExt to refer to the file file--which maps to the unchanged file name as it was received during upload.
Change your code references to cffile.ServerFileName and cffile.ServerFileExt for the final renamed result.

ColdFusion MX 7.0 Flash based multiple file uploader causing issues after 2/3 files upload

I have an application that uses a single signon for login in ColdFusion MX 7.0. It essentially
has a cfldap in the application.cfm. But the real issue is that I am trying to use a multi-file upload third party tool that submits to a coldfusion script with cffile and stuff in it.
Both the Flash based tool and the Java based tool are cauing an issue when I try a uploading more than 3 files at the same time. First they prompt the windows based login again. Even though I type in the credentials correctly, the upload process stops completely and only 1/2
files are uploaded.
The code for the Interface(form) for multi_file upload
<div id="EAFlashUpload_placeholder"></div>
<cfparam name="session.multiUploadError" default="">
<cfif session.multiUploadError neq "">
<font color="#FF0000"><em> <strong>Error Uploading File: </strong>
<!--- ok. now wipe the error message clean for next time --->
<cfset session.multiUploadError = "">
<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var params = {
wmode: "window"
var attributes = {
id: "EAFlashUpload",
name: "EAFlashUpload"
var flashvars = new Object();
flashvars["uploader.uploadUrl"] = "";
flashvars["viewFile"] = "TableView.swf";
flashvars["queue.filesCountLimit"] = "30";
flashvars["uploader.retrieveBrowserCookie"] = true;
swfobject.embedSWF("EAFUpload.swf", "EAFlashUpload_placeholder", "450", "350", "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);
The code for the backend ColdFusion script
<cfif isDefined("Form.Filedata")>
<cffile action="UPLOAD" filefield="Filedata" destination="#session.siteDirectory#\#session.Directory#" nameconflict="OVERWRITE">
<cfif right(cffile.clientFile, 3) neq "htm" and right(cffile.clientFile,4) neq ".htm">
<cffile action="delete" file="#session.siteDirectory#\#session.Directory#\#cffile.clientFile#">
<cfset session.multiUploadError = " " & session.multiUploadError & " #cffile.clientFile# could not be uploaded, because html files are not permitted.<br> ">
<cffile action="APPEND" file="f:\sitepublisher_dev\sp2\juploadoutput.txt" output="#idx# - #session.siteDirectory#\#session.Directory#\#cffile.clientFile# (#cffile.fileSize#) at #cffile.timeLastModified#" addnewline="Yes">
The file has not been saved. Please check destination folder exists and has read/write permissions.
<cfif isDefined("Form.Filedata")>
<cffile action="UPLOAD" filefield="Filedata" destination="#session.siteDirectory#\#session.Directory#" nameconflict="OVERWRITE">
<cfif right(cffile.clientFile, 3) neq "htm" and right(cffile.clientFile,4) neq ".htm">
<cffile action="delete" file="#session.siteDirectory#\#session.Directory#\#cffile.clientFile#">
<cfset session.multiUploadError = " " & session.multiUploadError & " #cffile.clientFile# could not be uploaded, because html files are not permitted.<br> ">
<cffile action="APPEND" file="f:\sitepublisher_dev\sp2\juploadoutput.txt" output="#idx# - #session.siteDirectory#\#session.Directory#\#cffile.clientFile# (#cffile.fileSize#) at #cffile.timeLastModified#" addnewline="Yes">
<cfcatch type="Any">
<cfoutput><eaferror>The file has not been saved. Please check destination folder exists and has read/write permissions.</eaferror></cfoutput>