Storing raw text data vs analytics - django

I’ve been working on a hobby project that’s a django react site that give analytics and data viz for texts. Most likely will host on AWS. The user uploads a csv of texts. The current logic is that they get stored in the db and then when the user calls the api it runs the analytics on them and sends the analytics. I’m trying to decide whether to store the raw text data (what I have now) or run the analytics on the texts once when they're uploaded and then discard them, only storing the analytics.
My thoughts are:
Raw data:
changes to analytics won’t require re uploading
probably simpler db schema
more sensitive data (not sure how safe it is in a django db on AWS, not sure what measures I could put in place to protect it more)
more data to store (not sure what it would cost to store a lot of rows of texts)
less sensitive, less space
if something goes wrong with the analytics on the first run (that doesn’t throw an error), then they could be inaccurate and will remain that way


Append CSV Data to Apache Superset Dataset

Using CSV upload in Apache Superset works as expected. I can use it to add data from CSV to a databse, e.g. Postgres. Now I want to apped data from a different CSV to this table/dataset. But how?
The CSVs all have the same format. But there is a new one for every day. In the end I want to have a dashboard which updates every day, taking the new data into account.
Generally, I agree with Ana that if you want to repeatedly upload new CSV data then you're better off operationalizing this into some type of process, pipeline, etc that runs on a schedule.
But if you need to stick with the uploading CSV route through the Superset UI, then you can set the Table Exists field to Append instead of Replace.
You can find a helpful GIF in the Preset docs:
Probably you'll be better served by creating a simple process to load the CSV to a table in the database and then querying that table in Superset.
Superset is a tool to visualize data, it allows uploading CSV for quick and dirty "only once" kind of charts, but if this is going to be a recurrent and structured periodical load of data, it's better to use whatever integrating tool you want to load the data, there are zillions of ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) tools out there (or scripting programs to do it), ask if your company is already using one, or choose the one that is simpler for you.

Querying BigQuery Dataset from Django App Engine

I have data stored in BigQuery - it is a small dataset - roughly 500 rows. I want to be able to query this data and load it in to the front end of Django Application. What is the best practice for this type of data flow?
I want to be able to make calls to the BigQuery API using Javascript. I will then parse the result of the query and serve it in the webpage. The alternative seems to be to find a way of making a regular copy of the BigQuery data which I could store in a Cloud Storage Bucket but this adds a potentially unnecessary level of complexity which I could hopefully avoid if there is a way to query the live dataset.

Logstash and looking up additional data from a relational table?

I have mobile app log data being posted daily (eventually it will be a data stream). I am looking at different solutions for processing this log data and providing analytics. I am considering using logstash/elasticsearch/kibana combination, but we have additional data on our users stored in a redshift database. So in addition to the mobile data, I would like to pull in additional data from redshift about the user at the time of interaction with mobile app.
However, I've read in some places that doing an actual database query through logstash isn't feasible, but you can use a dictionary file to do a lookup of each user.
I have two questions regarding this approach
Is there a limit to have large this lookup file can be? Mine would be < 500K records so I'd imagine it would be fine?
Can the process of making the the lookup file from redshift tables be fully automated (ideally though aws services) - i.e. each night the lookup table is refreshed and posted to logstash, and then used for breakouts in Kibana
The way we're currently doing it is processing a daily jason file with a lambda function, posting it to s3 and then reading it into a redshift table. This data is then processed into sessions and joined up with other tables to generate the final dataset to be used for visualization. This is currently done in Tableau but we are exploring other options (such as quicksight, or possibly the ELK stack)
Just trying to figure out what solution is going to be scalable to clickstream data and will be the most useful down the line.
logstash 7 has a jdbc_streaming filter plugin for dynamically adding stuff to your events, as well as the jdbc_static filter for static stuff.
As you found, you can also use the translate filter. The man page says they've tested "very large" datasets up to 100,000 entries, so your dataset may require some testing. The good part about this filter is that it will reload the data when it detects a change, so you can publish the data on your own schedule (e.g. cron) without restarting logstash. Be on the lookout for events that don't get the translated value, which might be a sign that your publishing frequency should be updated.

PostgreSQL with Django: should I store static JSON in a separate MongoDB database?

I'm making, a Django web application that depends on scraped API data.
The workflow:
A) I retrieve data from external API
B) Insert structured, processed data that I need in my PostgreSQL database (about 5% of the whole JSON)
I would like to add a third step, (before or after the "B" step) which will store the whole external API response in my databases. For three reasons:
I want to "freeze" data, as an "audit trail" in case of the API changes the content (It happened before)
API calls in my business are expensive, and often limited to 6 months of history.
I might decide to integrate more data from the API later.
Calling the external API again when data is needed is not possible because of 2) and 3)
Please note that the stored API responses will never be updated and read performance is not really important. Also, being able to query the stored API responses would be really nice, to perform exploratory analysis.
To provide additional context, there is a few thousand API calls a day, which represent around 50GB of data a year.
Here comes my question(s)
Should I store the raw JSON in the same PostgreSQL database I'm using for the Django web application, or in a separate datastore (MongoDB or some other NoSQL database)?
If I go with storing the raw JSON in my PostgreSQL database, I fear that my web application performance will decrease due to the database being "bloated" (50Mb of parsed SQL data in my Django database are equivalent to 2GB of raw JSON from the external API, so integrating the full API responses in my database will multiply its size by 40)
What about cost? as all this is hosted on a DBaaS. I understand that the cost will increase greatly (due to the DBs size increase), but is any of the two options more cost effective?

Access to pandas dataframe object between requests via session key

I have a pandas dataframe with a loose wrapper class around it that provides metadata for my django/DRF application. The application is basically a user friendly (non programmer) way to do some data analysis and validation. Between requests I want to be able to save the state of the dataframe so I can have a series of interactions with the data but it does not need to be saved in a database ( It only needs to survive as long as the browser session ). From this it was logical to check out django's session framework, but from what I've heard session data should be lightweight and the dataframe object does not json serialize.
Because I dont have a ton of users, and I want the app to feel like a desktop site, I was thinking of using the django cache as a way to keep the dataframe object in memory. So putting the data in the cache would go something like this
>>> from django.core.cache import caches
>>> cache1 = caches['default']
>>> cache1.set(request.session._get_session_key, dataframe_object)
and then the same except using get in the following requests to access.
Is this a good way to do handle this workflow or is there another system I should use to keep rather large data(5mb to 100mb) in memory?
If you are running your application on a modern server then 100mb is not a huge amount of memory. However if you have more than a couple dozen simultaneous users, each requiring 100mb of cache then this could add up to more memory than your server can handle. Your cache and server should be configured appropriately and you may want to limit the total number of cached dataframes in your python code.
Since it does appear that Django needs to serialize session data your choice is to either use sessions with PickleSerializer or to use the cache. According to documentation, PickleSerializer is not recommended for security reasons so your choice to use the cache is a good one.
The default cache backend in Django does not share entries across processes so you would get better memory and time efficiency by installing memcached and enabling the memcached.MemcachedCache backend.