Is NoSQL just a marketing buzz on top of RDBMS from Software Design Perspective? - amazon-web-services

From architectural perspective: Could you please help me understand why NoSQL DynamoDB is so hype.
DynamoDB supports some of the world’s largest scale applications by
providing consistent, single-digit millisecond response times at any
I'm trying to critic, in order to understand WHY part of the question.
We always have to specify partition Key and key attribute while retrieving to get millisecond of performance
If I design RDBMS:
where primary key or alternate key (INDEXED) always needs to be specified by in the query
I can use partition key to find out in which database my data is stored.
Never do JOINs
Isn't it same as NoSQL kind of architecture without any marketing buzz around it?
We're shifting to DynamoDB anyways but this is my innocent curiosity, there must be a strong reason which RDMBS can't do. Let's skip backup and maintenance advantages etc.

You are conflating two different things.
The definition of NoSQL
There isn't one, at least not one that can apply in all cases.
In most uses, NoSQL databases don't force your data into the fixed-schema "rows and columns" of a relational database. Although modern relational databases, such as Postgres, support data types such as JSONB that would have E. F. Codd spinning in his grave.
DynamoDB is a document database: it is optimized for retrieving and updating single documents based on a unique key, and it does not restrict the fields that those documents contain (other than requiring the ones used for a key).
Distributed Databases
A distributed database stores data on multiple nodes, and is able to perform parallel queries on those nodes and combine the results.
There are distributed SQL database: Redshift and BigQuery are optimized for queries against large datasets that may include joins, while MySQL (and no doubt others) which can run multiple engines and distribute the queries between them. It is possible for SQL databases to perform joins, including joins that cross nodes, but such joins generally perform poorly.
DynamoDB distributes items on shards based on their partition key. This makes it very fast for retrieving single items, because the query can be directed to a single shard. It is much less performant when scanning for items that reside on multiple shards.
As you note in your question, you can implement a sharded document DB on top of a relational database (either using native JSON columns or storing everything in a CLOB that is parsed for each access). But enough other people have done this (including DynamoDB) that it doesn't make sense (to me, at least) to re-implement.


Should Dynamodb apply single table design instead of multiple table design when the entities are not relational

Let’s assume there are mainly 3 tables for the current database.
Pkey = partition key
-id(Pkey), username, email, createdAt,UpdatedAt
-id(Pkey), isActive, createdAt, caption
-id(Pkey), createdAt, isActive, title, message
None of the above tables have relation with other tables, and more tables will be required in the future(I think most of it also don’t have the relation with other tables).
According to the aws document
You should maintain as few tables as possible in a DynamoDB application.
So I was considering the need to combine these 3 tables into a single table.
Should I start to use a single table from now on, or keep using multiple tables for the database?
If using a single table, how should I design the table schema?
DynamoDB is a NoSQL database, hence you design your schema specifically to make the most common and important queries as fast and as inexpensive as possible. Your data structures are tailored to the specific requirements of your business use cases.
When designing a data model for your DynamoDB Table, you should start from the access patterns of your data that would in turn inform the relation (or lack thereof) among them.
Two interesting resources that would help you get started are From SQL to NoSQL and NoSQL Design for DynamoDB, both part of the AWS Developer Documentation of DynamoDB.
In your specific example, based on the questions you're trying to answer (i.e. use case & access patterns), you could either work with only the Partition Key or more likely, benefit from the usage of composite Sort Keys / Sort Key overloading as described in Best Practices for Using Sort Keys to Organize Data.
Update, add example table design to get you started:

Amazon Redshift schema design

We are looking at Amazon Redshift to implement our Data Warehouse and I would like some suggestions on how to properly design Schemas in Redshift, please.
I am completely new to Redshift. In the past when I worked with "traditional" data warehouses, I was used to creating schemas such as "Source", "Stage", "Final", etc. to group all the database objects according to what stage the data was in.
By default, a database in Redshift has a single schema, which is named PUBLIC. So, my question to those who have worked with Redshift, does the approach that I have outlined above apply here? If not, I would love some suggestions.
With my experience in working with Redshift, I can assert the following points with confidence:
Multiple schema: You should create multiple schema and create tables accordingly. When you'll scale, it'll be easier for you to pin-point where exactly the table is supposed to be. Let us say, you have 3 schema, named production, aggregates and rough. Now, you know that the table production will contain the tables that are not supposed to be changed (mostly OLTP data) - such as user, order, transactions tables. Table aggregates will have aggregated data built over raw tables - such as number of orders placed per user per day per category. Finally, rough will contain any table that doesn't hold a business logic but is required for some temporary work - let us say to check the genre of movies for a list of 1 lakh users, which is shared with you in an excel file. Simply create a table in rough schema, perform your operations and drop the table. Now you very clearly know where you'll find the tables based on whether they are raw, aggregated or simply temporary tables.
Public schema: Forget it exists. Any table that is not preceded with a schema name, gets created there. A lot of clutter - no point in storing any important data there.
Cross schema joins: There's no stopping here. You may join as many tables from as many schema as required. In fact, it is desirable you create dimension tables and join on a PK later, rather than to keep all the information in a single table.
Spend some quality time in designing the schema and underlying table structure. When you expand, it'll be easier for you to classify things better in terms of access control. Do let me know if I've missed some obvious points.
You can have multiple databases in a Redshift cluster but I would stick with one. You are correct that schemas (essentially namespaces) are a good way to divide things up. You can query across schemas but not databases.
I would avoid using the public schema as managing certain permissions there can be difficult (easier to deny someone access to public than prevent them from being able to create a table for example).
For best results if you have the time, learn about the permissions system up front. You want to create groups that have access to schemas or tables and add/remove users from groups to control what they can do. Once you have that going it becomes pretty easy to manage.
In addition to the other responses, here are some suggestions for improving schema performance.
First: Automatic compression encodings using COPY command
Improve the performance of Amazon Redshift using the COPY command. It will get data into Redshift database. The COPY command is clever enough. It automatically chooses the most appropriate encoding settings for the data it uploads. You don’t have to think about it. However, it does so only for the first data upload into an empty table.
So, make sure to use a significant data set while uploading data for the first time, which Redshift can assess to set the column encodings in the best way. Uploading a few lines of test data will confuse Redshift to know how best to optimize the compression to handle the real workload.
Second: Use Best Distribution Style and Key
Distribution-style decides how data is distributed across the nodes. Applying a distribution style at table level tells Redshift how you want to distribute the table and the key. So, how you specify distribution style is important for good query performance with Redshift. The style you choose may affect requirements for data storage and cluster. It also affects the time taken by the COPY command to execute.
I recommend setting the distribution style to all tables with a smaller dimension. For large dimension, distribute both the dimension and associated fact on their join column. To optimize the second large dimension, take the storage-hit and distribute ALL. You can even design the dimension columns into the fact.
Third: Use the Best Sort Key
A Redshift database maintains data in a table with an arrangement of a sort-key-column if specified. Since it’s sorted in each partition; each cluster node upholds its partition in predefined order. (While designing your Redshift schema, also consider the impact on your budget. Redshift is priced by amount of stored data and by the number of nodes.)
Sort key optimizes Amazon Redshift performance significantly. You can do it in many ways. First, use data filtering. If where-clause filters on a sort-key-column, it skips the entire data blocks. It’s because Redshift saves data in blocks. Each block header records the minimum and maximum sort key value. Filter outside of that range, the entire block may get skipped.
Alternatively, when joining two tables, sorted on their joint keys, the data is read in matching order. Also, you can merge-join without separate sort-steps. Joining large dimension to a large fact table will be easy with this method because neither will fit into a hash table.

DynamoDb table design: Single table or multiple tables

I’m quite new to NoSQL and DynamoDB and I used to RDBMS. I’m designing database for a game and we're using DynamoDB and AWS Lambda for our backend. I created a table name “Users” for player profile that contains the user information and resources. Because the game has inventory system I also created a table name “UserItems”.
It’s all good until I realized DynamoDB don’t have transaction and any operation that is executed on both table (for example using an item that increase resource) has a chance of failure on one table while success on other and will cause missing data which affect our customers.
So I was thinking maybe my multiple tables design is not good since it’s a habit of me to design multiple table when I’m working with RDBMS. Which let me to think of storing the entire “UserItems” as hash in “Users” but I’m not sure this is a good practice because the size of a single row in Users table will be really big (we may have 500 unique items per users) and each time I pull or put data from/to “Users” (most of the time don’t need “UserItems” data) the read/write throughput will be also really large.
What should I do, keep the multiple tables design and handle transaction manually or switch to single table design? Or maybe there is a 3rd option?
Updated: more information about my use case
Currently I have 2 tables
Users: UserId (key), Username, Gold
UserItems: UserId (partition key), ItemId (sort key), Name, GoldValue
User buy an item: Users.Gold will be deduced, new UserItem will be add to UserItems table.
User sell an item: Users.Gold will be increased, the Item will be deleted from UserItems table.
In both scenarios above I will have to do 2 update operation for 2 tables which without transaction there is a chance one of them failed.
To solve that I consider using single table solution which is a single Users table with 4 columns UserId(key), Username, Gold, UserItems. However there are two things I'm worried about:
Data in UserItems might be come to big for a single cell because one user could have up to 500 items.
To add/delete item I have to pull the UserItems from dynamodb, add/delete item and then put it back into Users. So I have to do 1 read and 1 write operation for 1 action. And because of issue (1) the read/write data size could become really big.
FWIW, the AWS documentation on NoSQL Design for DynamoDB suggests to use a single table:
As a general rule, you should maintain as few tables as possible in a
DynamoDB application. As emphasized earlier, most well designed
applications require only one table, unless there is a specific reason
for using multiple tables.
Exceptions are cases where high-volume time series data are involved,
or datasets that have very different access patterns—but these are
exceptions. A single table with inverted indexes can usually enable
simple queries to create and retrieve the complex hierarchical data
structures required by your application.
NoSql database is best suited for non-trasactional data. If you bring normalization(splitting your data into multiple tables) into noSQL, then you are beating the whole purpose of it. If performance is what matters most, then you should consider only having a single table for your use case. DynamoDB supports Range Keys, and also supports Secondary Indices. For your usecase, it would be better to redesign your table to use Range Keys.
If you can share more details about your current table, maybe i can help you with more inputs.

AWS Redshift + Tableau Performance Booster

I'm using AWS Redshift as a back-end to my tableau desktop. AWS cluster is running with two dc1.large nodes and database table which I'm analyzing is of 30GB (with redshift compression enabled), I chose Redshift over tableau extract for performance issue but seems like Redshift live connection is much slower than extract. Any suggestions where shall I look into?
To use Redshift as a backend for a BI platform like Tableau, there are four things you can do to address latency:
1) Concurrency: Redshift is not great at running multiple queries at the same time so before you start tuning the database, make sure your query is not waiting in line behind other queries. (If you are the only one on the cluster, this shouldn't be a problem.)
2) Table size: Whenever you can, use aggregate tables for better performance. Fewer rows to scan means less IO and faster turnaround!
3) Query complexity: Ideally, you want your BI tool to issue simple, fast performing queries. Make sure your source tables are fast, and that Tableau isn't being forced to do a bunch of joins. Also, if your query does need to join multiple tables, make sure any large tables have the same distribution key.
4) "Indexing": Technically, Redshift does not support true indexing, but you can get close to the same thing by using "interleaved" sort keys. Traditional compound sort keys won't help, but an interleaved sort key can allow you to quickly access rows from multiple vectors (date and customer_id, for instance) without having to scan the entire table.
Reality Check
After all of these things are optimized, you will often find that you still can't be as fast as a Tableau extract. Simply stated, a "fast" Tableau dashboard needs to return data to it's user in <5 seconds. If you have 7 visuals on your dashboard, and each of the underlying queries takes 800 milliseconds to return (which is super fast for a database query), then you still are just barely reaching your target performance. Now, if just one of those queries take 5 seconds or more, your dashboard is going to feel "slow" no matter what you do.
In Summary
Redshift can be tuned using the approach above, but it may or may not be worth the effort. The best applications for using a live Redshift query instead of Tableau Extracts are in cases where the data is physically too large to create an extract of, and when you require data at a level of granularity that makes pre-aggregation infeasible. One good strategy is to create your main dashboard using an extract so that exploration/discovery is as fast as possible, and then use direct (live) Redshift queries for your drill-through reports (for instance, when you want to see exactly which customers roll up into your totals).
Few pointers as below
1) Use vacuum & Analyze once your ETL completes
2) Have you created the Table with proper Dist key and Sort Key
3) Aggregation if it's ok from the point of Data Granularity, requirement etc
1.Remove cursor, tableau access data from redshift leader node using cursor. Cursor works iteratively. Thus, impacting the performance.
2. Perform manual analyze on the table, after running heavy load operations.
3.Check the dist key distribution to avoid data skewness and improve performance.

A simple file for saving a class of vectors or a SQL database

I have a database that is made of sorted data from the user activities. If I wanted to keep a record of each users that which record belong to which user (like a class of vectors of numbers for each users), what is the best database type that I can use here? The speed is important and the database is very large (9 Gig ~ 700 million record).The number of users is around 2 million, so I don't think that a relational connection in SQL would be a good suggestion. (Coding are in C++).
I am going to provide an answer now based on our conversation in the comments as I have too much to write in a comment.
First of all, I would use a full RDBMS for this rather than SQLite. The Lite part of the name should serve as an indicator that it isn't trying to be a full strength database. I am just saying this because if SQLite does not perform well enough on your large database, I don't want you to blame it on RDBMS technology, but on the weak database that you are using. Choose PostgreSQL or MySQL as they have better optimizers (you don't have to code it).
Second your database should provide the features to join the tables together. It would look something like:
Select *
From users
Join activity on = activity.user_id
Where = ###
That combined with the appropriate indexes should give you what you need.
As far as indexes, your primary keys should produce the appropriate indexes for this join. You can also create a foreign key definition so that the database knows the relationship between the tables, and can enforce it. Some databases do not support foreign key constraints, but that is not critical.
A relational SQL database can handle this just well.
Use PostGreSQL
You can use ODBC from C, that way you can change the database should the need arise.
If your data is not really relational, you can also use redis.
Since its a sorted set of data, you can event go for a NoSQL or Bigtable database. HBase, Hadoop, etc are provided OpenSouce resources for you.