Custom frame/decoration for specific X window - c++

Is there any way to apply or have custom frames (images) around specific X windows?
For example, in xfwm4 and fvwm (window managers) it's possible to have a specific window decoration for a window with different images, one at the bottom, other at the top, etc. examples:
For xfwm4 and fvwm.
Obviously if it was that easy, I'd just use either of them, however, I do think that a singular program could handle it instead of needing to change the whole window manager.
I'm currently using dwm and there are ways to change the colour and thickness of border, and that's it. If I was better at C I could create a rule to draw images around specific X windows with specific WM_CLASS, but that's too much for me now, so any help is really appreciated.
An alternative solution would be to draw a single image (from a file) bigger than the X window behind it and make it to follow the X window position, and maybe the size as well (that's harder, so it's not really that necessary)
I started writing a C++ program to do that, but that may take too much time since C++ still a new tool to me and looking at how xfwm4 handles this.


How to extend the existing mouse cursor in Windows app with some additional little image indications (may be multiple ones) based on the context?

As an example, imagine a complex snap operation, consisting of two active snappings in a context. Here two indicators on the second image show, that we are snapping perpendicularly and that we are snapping to any point of the line. When we drag out from the snapping intersection, we are not snapping to a point anymore, but we are still snapping perpendicularly to the reference line. For such and similar situations I would like to extend the cursor with different indicators, based on the context, like on these images.
Is it possible in MFC? Or otherwise in a Windows application?
Extending the cursor is not supported, you can only load one. So the best approach is to create all the cursors as .CUR files and then load them as needed.
Cursors can be created programmatically in Win32. The CreateCursor() function creates a cursor taking its dimensions, its hot spot and its AND (black) and XOR (invert) masks as parameters. Therefore you can create or load the basic pointer cursor masks and then add the indicators (either draw them using GDI, if they are simple, or load them from resources), creating the additional cursors you may need. I think it's a quite heavy job to do all these on the fly, so it would best to create all possible indicators during initialization.
The CreateCursor() function seems to create only monochrome cursors, maybe the CreateIconIndirect() function can create color cursors. Also take a look into this Win32 documentation topic: Using Cursors.
Of course this is quite an amount of work. You decide if it's worth or not...

How can I get the screen resolution using SDL2?

I'm using pixel-perfect source images and SDL2 to make a program. When set to fullscreen, I'd like it to use the native resolution (the SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP flag) but only between a certain minimum resolution and a reasonable maximum one, after which it will stretch from the largest legal resolution. The problem is that I can only find references to the program's own window or program size on the SDL2 documentation.
Is there any function in SDL from which I could retrieve the screen width and height at least almost directly?
Or I should do something like using SDL_WINDOW_FULLCREEN_DESKTOP and then SDL_GetWindowSize() and resizing the window again? Would this even work as expected? I'd like to fins a more elegant solution than that. It feels dirty.
In the SDL 2 wiki, you have a category named Display and Window Management. It lists everything you need to know about SDL 2's management of displays (screens) and windows.
You have multiple choices, the most generic would be using SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode or SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode. The difference is explained in the wiki :
There's a difference between SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode() and SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode() when SDL runs fullscreen and has changed the resolution. In that case SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode() will return the previous native display mode, and not the current display mode.
After setting a SDL_DisplayMode with one of these, you can retrieve its attributes w and h.
However, there is another function that might be more appropriate and straightforward : SDL_GetDisplayBounds. If I am not mistaken, it gives you the coordinates of the display relative to the whole set of displays that can be active on the computer, and also the size of the display.
Both methods need you to know the index of the display you want to know about. I have not played that much with this part of SDL 2, but I guess you can use SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays to get the number of displays (and check if there is at least one ? - I think the SDL_Window part might not work if there is no display available anyway) and choose one. Or you could pick the first one, which has index 0.
Oh, and you can look at the exemple on the page of SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode, they effectively retreive the size of a display.

How to implement zooming in GDI-drawn MFC's CScrollView

I'm drawing some graphics and text with GDI in my CScrollView. I need to implement the zooming functionality. I only need the zoom out functionality, no need to zoom in more than what is normally rendered.
Here are my best ideas:
Use MM_ANISOTROPIC mapping mode with SetWindowExt/SetViewportExt... The problem with this approach is that it does not scale text. Is there any way to force MFC to scale the text as well? Only thing I can think of is to set text font size according to the selected zoom value, but I'm not sure whether this will look well after all...
Draw to memory DC, and use StretchBlt to blit to the client area of appropriate size (set with SetScrollSizes...). This will solve the text scaling issue.
Also it is desirable to have antialiasing effect in the process. I think both methods above should accomplish this per se, but I don't know which will look better. Also I will have to implement printing/print-preview functionality later (using MFC's standard implementation from doc/view architecture), so I need the method to be compatible with that.
Need your advice please. Which way to go and why. Maybe other options exist too?..
You really don't want to mess with the mapping mode when you use MFC -- MFC itself already uses it for (at least) the print preview functionality.
I'd see if SetWorldTransform will work for you. At least with vector/TrueType fonts, it will scale the text along with everything else. Note that before SetWorldTransform will work, you need to call SetGraphicsMode with GM_ADVANCED.
I ended up using the second method I proposed in the question, but used DIBs instead of DDBs (and StretchDIBits() instead of StretchBlt()) because it proved to cause less problems, especially when using big bitmaps, and when printing.

GetwindowoffsetEx in windows XP and up

I have an visaul object up and running
GetwindowoffsetEx moved the canvas around
But I cannot change the size of the canvas to my needs
Like should I not beable to change the canvas size for a A4-A3 printer or to a picture size
can this be done using the windows API
I do not seem to get the instructions to do this.
I take it that if I want a Zoom, I strech draw from another cavuas
am I asking the obvious in all this.
Lex Dean
I'm struggling to understand exactly what I need but you seem to want to map between two coordinate spaces in GDI.
Whilst you can use the fully general SetWorldTransform(), I suspect you are better off with the following functions:
SetWindowOrgEx(), SetWindowExtEx()
SetViewportOrgEx(), SetViewportExtEx()
The MSDN documentation also includes a full list of functions related to coordinate space transformations.

Supporting different monitor resolutions

I have a MFC application with some bitmaps, dialog boxes and menus. Currently it supports only one monitor resolution (1280x1024). I am planning to add different monitor resolution support to it. To do that I guess I have to load different resolution bitmaps, change the font size etc. My question is, how these are handled in a typical windows application? Do they use a single bitmap and stretch/shrink it according to monitor resolution or actually have different set of bitmaps in the resource and load them dynamically depending on the resolution? Is there any standard solution to this?
In the past I have used one large image and scaled accordingly.
Making sure that the menus and dialogs resize is tricky but there are helper codes on CodeProject that could help.
I would say to use multiple resources with different resolutions. While you can scale the icons dynamically, they'll probably look better if you resize them in a proper image-editing program.
Menu and toolbar icons are normally displayed with the same number of pixels regardless of screen resolution. Thus menus and toolbars take up a smaller proportion of the screen as the resolution increases.
I don't think there's any standard way of handling different resolutions where bitmaps are concerned.
I would also make sure your application works with Windows DPI scaling. That might be a better alternative when running on higher resolution displays rather than having to redesign the application to meet a specific resolution.
Scaling bitmaps will look bad (making them bigger will always look bad, making them smaller kind of depends on the source). If possible, see if you can compose your big bitmap of several smaller bitmaps that can scale nicely. Lots of times it is fairly easy to make a bitmap that can scale in one direction nicely. For example, if you want to make a frame around something, instead of using one bitmap, cut it up like a tic-tac-toe board into 9 pieces. the four corner pieces stay their original size, the top and bottom pieces stretch horizontally, the left and right vertically, and the center goes both directions (if it is used at all).