RMarkdown to Word - Page Break - r-markdown

I am using Rmarkdown (notebook) in Rstudio to generate tables and charts, using about 10 code chunks. The R code is running fine. When I knitr to MS-Word (.docx), the results look pretty good, but in some cases I would like to force a page break to improve the appearance, and sometimes to prevent a table from being split across pages (I am using 'flextable' package to create the tables). I tried the ##### page break approach, which involves creating a Word template file and changing the Header 5 properties, but that did not work. I also notice the following post from 7 years ago, which uses a simple Lua filter to allow page breaks in Word. I admit I have not tried that yet. The question is, is there an updated / easier way to control page breaks when outputting to Word in RMarkdown ? It's such a basic part of document control I am surprised how complicated the solutions are (at least based on the older posts).
Pandoc markdown page break
Any suggestions are welcome.


debugging options with rmarkdown

I am using the rmarkdown with the rshiny for generating word file reports. I am using the R studio-server for development. On executing the rshiny application, it halts due to some error in the one of the rmarkdown.
The error says...
Quitting from lines 11-486 (/home/KS127/dev/shiny_apps/pashiny/inst/shiny/dataframe_source.Rmd)
Quitting from lines NA-486 (/home/KS127/dev/shiny_apps/pashiny/inst/shiny/dataframe_source.Rmd)
It's providing the line numbers which are not useful to identify the root cause. Adding print statements are also not useful as I am generating the word file report, until and unless the complete .Rmd doesn't get successfully executed, I won't be able to see print statements output.
I tried changing the rmarkdown output setting from chunk output inline to chunk output to console as mentioned here as well but it is of no use.
Is there any way to print the .Rmd file print statements or the output to the console or is there any way to debug the .Rmd file?
In addition to my comment above, Abhinandan, I've recently stumbled across a new package, called testrmd.
Although it is new, it seems to work with a number of different test packages and provides a useful front-end for Rmarkdown documents. (I'm certainly going to use it.)
You might want to check it out. Here's the link: https://github.com/ropenscilabs/testrmd.
I hope this helps you.
See My .Rmd file becomes very lengthy. Is that possible split it and source() it's smaller portions from main .Rmd?
That's what I do. -
Split your code chunks in separate files and add them one by one

How do I fix the margins on PDFs created by Sphinx easily?

I have a Django Project where I used Sphinx to create my documentation. I went through sphinx-apidoc and ran 'make latexpdf'. The resulting documentation has a quite a few lines that flow out of the margin. On top of margin issues, lines in the index start overflowing onto each other.
Overflowing Lines
Margin Issues :(
Is there an easy way to fix these issues (or an easier way to create PDF documentation)?
ELI5 if possible (I'm not well-versed in LaTeX)
The overflowing lines situation in the index should improve from adding this to conf.py:
latex_elements = {
'printindex': '\\footnotesize\\raggedright\\printindex',
Or, you can switch to Japanese language which does something like that (even better) out-of-the box from its special document class ;-)
TeX does not always know how by itself how to insert linebreaks: after all it is good at hyphenation of natural language. But as pointed out in comments Sphinx coerces LaTeX into handling better long code lines since 1.4.2.
Since recent 1.5.3, user can customize page margins, check http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/latex.html#the-sphinx-latex-style-package-options for documentation of hmargin and vmargin which can be configured via 'sphinxsetup'.

How do you make a list double spaced?

How do you make a list double spaced and continue the number? For example
If I add a line break then the numbering restarts from 1 again. Is there a way to make a whole numbered list double spaced or at least manually add some line breaks without resetting the count?
What is the point of wiki markup, why not just use HTML? It's at least as simple, if not more.
This works for me with Trac-1.0.1:
1. This [[BR]][[BR]]
1. Shouldn't [[BR]][[BR]]
1. Be [[BR]][[BR]]
1. Hard
I think it's because wiki markup is platform-, browser- and version-independent.
Complementing falkb's valuable answer on the first two of your three questions here are some words on Wiki markup:
I strongly disagree on your notion ('why not just use HTML?'), even more after being switched forcefully from Trac to a MS SharePoint business application. Me personal experience is:
Wiki markup is
simpler (and rather figurative/intuitive)
allows higher typing rate
easiler reviewable
faster to copy-n-paste and adapt
compared to equivalent HTML markup.
Most often used features like headings and list markup are a good example - very few extra characters in Wiki, just one additional char to add/remove for making a 2nd level a 3rd level heading. After I got a grip on Trac wiki markup syntax I started making plaintext notes outside of Trac's wiki editor in the same style too for clear text structur with minimal effort.

Markdown in other statistics packages than R [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm a great fan of R markdown, finding it even easier than weaving LaTeX for quick project documentation (less than 15 pages). However, I also have to support sometimes other Statistics packages (SPSS, Stata + SAS) and was wondering for equivalent solutions for these.
To some extend this might go back to using some kind of original Noweb code + markdown file to be compiled over the command line. I guess calling the other packages from R is another option.
I have had a look at this example by John Muschelli: http://rpubs.com/muschellij2/3888 and it looks as though he knitted Stata code into an R markdown file.
Can someone provide specific examples of how this can be done in Stata, SAS or SPSS?
I do know of SASweave and StatWeave (the latter is apparently broken???), but think that a markdown solution would be far more advantageous in our case.
Stata has its own SMCL for annotation of logs, the M standing for mark-up. The main reason for a different language is that SMCL has to be created and interpreted line by line in situations where no end of document is in sight, namely within interactive sessions. This is created by Stata automatically as annotation when you ask for it and can be stipulated by users or programmers as a way of tuning Stata's display choices.
The possible connection to your question is that SMCL can be translated to HTML, which opens various doors. So, something that is easy in Stata is to do some work, keep a log file in SMCL and then translate the log file to HTML. You would not get anything really nice without further work, but the further work is easy and amounts to doing what you would done any way, but in your favourite text editor or text processor, rather than within Stata.
This is made easier by log2html which Stata users can install using ssc inst log2html. It exploits a feature undocumented in Stata.
Stata's help files can also be translated to HTML in the same way (but consider copyright issues if doing this with official help files; it's fair play with your own help files).
John Muschelli pointed me to this Stata program:
It parses a .domd file which contains markdown and Stata code and produces a .md file with executed Stata code. The name of the file to be parsed is at the end of the knitr.do file.
More specifcally:
Download the knitr.do file from https://github.com/amarder/stata-tutorial/blob/master/knitr.do
Download the clustered-standard-errors.domd file from https://github.com/amarder/stata-tutorial/blob/master/clustered-standard-errors.domd
Save them both in some directory.
Modify the last line of knitr.do to reflect the complete path of its directory (e.g.
Run knitr.do to get your markdown (.md) file (and an intermediate .md1 file).
Note that knitr.do contains the programs that do the work and a line (the last one):
knit "whatever-file.domd"
that calls the program.
So you basically write a .domd file [that of step (2) is only an example] containing Markdown syntax and Stata commands, run knitr.do adjusting the file name, and get a Markdown file with executed Stata commands.
There are several caveats:
Only one-liner Stata commands are allowed. A loop, for example, won't work.
".domd" can't be part of the file name.
If there is an error with a Stata command, the user gets no return code.
File handles need to be manually closed if user hits the Break button when the program is running or if there is a Stata command error.
I'm not sure if this is what you want, but if you're looking to create .html files in SAS that contain statistical reports within them, then you can use the Output Delivery System (ODS).
Example syntax is:
ods html file='pathofdirectory\filename.html' <additional options>;
proc print... (SAS code that generates output)
proc means...
proc freq...
proc gchart...
proc gplot...
ods html close;
SPSS (and SAS I presume) have some overhead by the need to write everything to disk that makes the compilation in one fell swoop less appealing. Similar as to what Yick mentioned, SPSS has an output system that one can write automated reports to begin with and export to HTML or PDF or Word. It isn't the easiest thing to make look nice, but it is possible and additions to ease automated editing (mainly via Python scripts) are being rolled out on a regular basis.
Basically the automated reports I write now using SPSS and R have html shells. The code then just updates or inserts the needed tables and graphs. They are entirely self-contained, reproducible, and run on weekly or monthly timers without human intervention. They just don't have inline code blocks exactly defining how the tables are produced (you would have to trace the code slightly further back to figure it out - but that isn't too onerous IMO).
Because SPSS allows you to run SPSS code from the Python command prompt you could theoretically knit a document with Python code calling SPSS. I'm not quite sure I see the advantage of this over having more segmented code in seperate places though. Do you really want to read 100 lines of SPSS code that begins with an SQL query, does some transformations and produces a table and a graph? Wouldn't you rather see the table and graph, and then if interested in the nitty gritty go back to see DataPrep.sps that prepares all of the data, then see Table1.sps and Figure1.sps etc. to see how they each were exactly produced?

How should I migrate a site from ZWiki to MediaWiki?

I have a fairly extensive wiki on ZWiki on Zope (in turn on Plone). Most pages are in reStructured text format, but there are several in straight HTML as well.
What is the best approach to migrate those pages over to a MediaWiki wiki with pages converted to MediaWiki and HTML formats? Of course I'd like to automagically convert all links (internal and external).
extract your wiki content to files, using the zwikiexport.py script. The command will be something like:
ZOPE/bin/zopectl run ZOPE/Products/ZWiki/bin/zwikiexport.py /zodb/path/to/wiki/folder
convert the restructured text markup to mediawiki markup. pandoc should work well - for each wiki page, run something like:
pandoc -r rst -w mediawiki PAGE.rst >PAGE.mw
convert the wiki links, which pandoc doesn't know about. Depending on your content, this may be the hardest part to do accurately. Write a perl script, or modify the zwikiexport script, using Zwiki's knowledge of where the links are (see methods in ZWikiPage.py).
import the mediawiki-format pages into mediawiki, however that's done
the exported file tree will reflect your zwiki page hierarchy - if you use this heavily, you'll want to think about how to represent it in mediawiki
as Mark says, you'll lose the page history, unless you work extra hard to find a way to replicate that. The same goes for all page metadata you may have have been using (you can inspect most of this metadata in the page's Properties tab in the zope management interface). In particular the page creation time, last edit time, and the usernames of the page's creator and last editor are quite important, to understand your content. So I would try to script some way of preserving those or if all else fails, doing it by hand.
if you have uploaded files to the wiki, I think the export script might save those too, otherwise use the ZMI to export/save them. When you import them to mediawiki, you may need to choose a page to attach them to. You could use grep or Zwiki's search to find the pages that reference a particular file.
be prepared to iterate, testing the results pretty thoroughly and refining the process, before you declare victory. After that, the content will diverge and you won't want to re-do this.
manual fixups: at some point, it may be cheaper to stop fiddling with scripts and do the remaining cleanup by hand, by yourself or with an army of helpers.
Good luck! - Simon
I've no experience of ZWiki and don't know how large your wiki is. But general advice - you can use find / replace in Notepad or Notepad++ - or you can write a macro in Excel.
This is per page copying which is only really suitable if your wiki is not larger than, say, 1000 pages.
I suspect you'll still have manually to check each page though, and update your scripts accordingly.
Good luck with it - I suspect you'll be pleased with the final result because MediaWiki is pretty awesome.
Update: one disadvantage of moving to a new wiki is that you will lose the page history (i.e. who wrote what, when).