Adding list of list contents to produce single list - list

I have this
(map . map) (\x y -> x + y) [[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]]
and the output I'm hoping for is
However, I get the error
* No instance for (Show (Integer -> Integer))
arising from a use of `print'
(maybe you haven't applied a function to enough arguments?)
* In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
Not sure how to proceed. I realize that the type I'm using with composition of map is
(map . map) :: (a -> b) -> [[a]] -> [[b]]
and what I need is (a -> b) -> [[a]] -> [b] but I'm not sure where I'm at.

You can work with map sum instead. Indeed:
Prelude> map sum [[1,4], [2,5], [3,6]]
if you work with map . map, it means that you pass a function f, such that:
(map . map) f [[x11, x12], [x21, x22], [x31, x32]]
will yield:
[[f x11, f x12], [f x21, f x22], [f x31, f x32]]
so you thus map each element in the list of lists. But here you want to sum up the individual elements, so you use sum :: Num a => [a] -> [a] as mapping function.


Function to find number of occurrences in list

So I already have a function that finds the number of occurrences in a list using maps.
occur :: [a] -> Map a a
occur xs = fromListWith (+) [(x, 1) | x <- xs]
For example if a list [1,1,2,3,3] is inputted, the code will output [(1,2),(2,1),(3,2)], and for a list [1,2,1,1] the output would be [(1,3),(2,1)].
I was wondering if there's any way I can change this function to use foldr instead to eliminate the use of maps.
You can make use of foldr where the accumulator is a list of key-value pairs. Each "step" we look if the list already contains a 2-tuple for the given element. If that is the case, we increment the corresponding value. If the item x does not yet exists, we add (x, 1) to that list.
Our function thus will look like:
occur :: Eq => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
occur = foldr incMap []
where incMap thus takes an item x and a list of 2-tuples. We can make use of recursion here to update the "map" with:
incMap :: Eq a => a -> [(a, Int)] -> [(a, Int)]
incMap x = go
where go [] = [(x, 1)]
go (y2#(y, ny): ys)
| x == y = … : ys
| otherwise = y2 : …
where I leave implementing the … parts as an exercise.
This algorithm is not very efficient, since it takes O(n) to increment the map with n the number of 2-tuples in the map. You can also implement incrementing the Map for the given item by using insertWith :: Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a, which is more efficient.

Generate list of Ints in Haskell by adding Ints from a pattern list

I'm playing around with Haskell, mostly trying to learn some new techniques to solve problems. Without any real application in mind I came to think about an interesting thing I can't find a satisfying solution to. Maybe someone has any better ideas?
The problem:
Let's say we want to generate a list of Ints using a starting value and a list of Ints, representing the pattern of numbers to be added in the specified order. So the first value is given, then second value should be the starting value plus the first value in the list, the third that value plus the second value of the pattern, and so on. When the pattern ends, it should start over.
For example: Say we have a starting value v and a pattern [x,y], we'd like the list [v,v+x,v+x+y,v+2x+y,v+2x+2y, ...]. In other words, with a two-valued pattern, next value is created by alternatingly adding x and y to the number last calculated.
If the pattern is short enough (2-3 values?), one could generate separate lists:
[0,x,x,2x,2x,3x, ...]
and then zip them together with addition. However, as soon as the pattern is longer this gets pretty tedious. My best attempt at a solution would be something like this:
generateLstByPattern :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
generateLstByPattern v pattern = v : (recGen v pattern)
recGen :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
recGen lastN (x:[]) = (lastN + x) : (recGen (lastN + x) pattern)
recGen lastN (x:xs) = (lastN + x) : (recGen (lastN + x) xs)
It works as intended - but I have a feeling there is a bit more elegant Haskell solution somewhere (there almost always is!). What do you think? Maybe a cool list-comprehension? A higher-order function I've forgotten about?
Separate the concerns. First look a just a list to process once. Get that working, test it. Hint: “going through the list elements with some accumulator” is in general a good fit for a fold.
Then all that's left to is to repeat the list of inputs and feed it into the pass-once function. Conveniently, there's a standard function for that purpose. Just make sure your once-processor is lazy enough to handle the infinite list input.
What you describe is
foo :: Num a => a -> [a] -> [a]
foo v pattern = scanl (+) v (cycle pattern)
which would normally be written even as just
foo :: Num a => a -> [a] -> [a]
foo v = scanl (+) v . cycle
scanl (+) v xs is the standard way to calculate the partial sums of (v:xs), and cycle is the standard way to repeat a given list cyclically. This is what you describe.
This works for a pattern list of any positive length, as you wanted.
Your way of generating it is inventive, but it's almost too clever for its own good (i.e. it seems overly complicated). It can be expressed with some list comprehensions, as
foo v pat =
let -- the lists, as you describe them:
lists = repeat v :
[ replicate i 0 ++
[ y | x <- [p, p+p ..]
, y <- map (const x) pat ]
| (p,i) <- zip pat [1..] ]
-- OK, so what do we do with that? How do we zipWith
-- over an arbitrary amount of lists?
-- with a fold!
foldr (zipWith (+)) (repeat 0) lists
map (const x) pat is a "clever" way of writing replicate (length pat) x. It can be further shortened to x <$ pat since (<$) x xs == map (const x) xs by definition. It might seem obfuscated, until you've become accustomed to it, and then it seems clear and obvious. :)
Surprised noone's mentioned the silly way yet.
mylist x xs = x : zipWith (+) (mylist x xs) (cycle xs)
(If you squint a bit you can see the connection to scanl answer).
When it is about generating series my first approach would be iterate or unfoldr. iterate is for simple series and unfoldr is for those who carry kind of state but without using any State monad.
In this particular case I think unfoldr is ideal.
series :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
series s [x,y] = unfoldr (\(f,s) -> Just (f*x + s*y, (s+1,f))) (s,0)
λ> take 10 $ series 1 [1,1]
λ> take 10 $ series 3 [1,1]
λ> take 10 $ series 0 [1,2]
It is probably better to implement the lists separately, for example the list with x can be implement with:
xseq :: (Enum a, Num a) => a -> [a]
xseq x = 0 : ([x, x+x ..] >>= replicate 2)
Whereas the sequence for y can be implemented as:
yseq :: (Enum a, Num a) => a -> [a]
yseq y = [0,y ..] >>= replicate 2
Then you can use zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] to add the two lists together and add v to it:
mylist :: (Enum a, Num a) => a -> a -> a -> [a]
mylist v x y = zipWith ((+) . (v +)) (xseq x) (yseq y)
So for v = 1, x = 2, and y = 3, we obtain:
Prelude> take 10 (mylist 1 2 3)
An alternative is to see as pattern that we each time first add x and then y. We thus can make an infinite list [(x+), (y+)], and use scanl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b] to each time apply one of the functions and yield the intermediate result:
mylist :: Num a => a -> a -> a -> [a]
mylist v x y = scanl (flip ($)) v (cycle [(x+), (y+)])
this yields the same result:
Prelude> take 10 $ mylist 1 2 3
Now the only thing left to do is to generalize this to a list. So for example if the list of additions is given, then you can impelement this as:
mylist :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
mylist v xs = scanl (flip ($)) v (cycle (map (+) xs))
or for a list of functions:
mylist :: Num a => [a -> a] -> [a]
mylist v xs = scanl (flip ($)) v (cycle (xs))

Haskell, zip the element of a list with its length

The next lines should show how its has to work..
[14,2,344,41,5,666] after [(14,2),(2,1),(344,3),(5,1),(666,3)]
["Zoo","School","Net"] after [("Zoo",3),("School",6),("Net",3)]
Thats my code up to now
zipWithLength :: [a] -> [(a, Int)]
zipWithLength (x:xs) = zipWith (\acc x -> (x, length x):acc) [] xs
I want to figure out what the problem in the second line is.
If you transform the numbers into strings (using show), you can apply length on them:
Prelude> let zipWithLength = map (\x -> (x, length (show x)))
Prelude> zipWithLength [14,2,344,41,5,666]
However, you cannot use the same function on a list of strings:
Prelude> zipWithLength ["Zoo","School","Net"]
The numbers are not the lengths of the strings, but of their representations:
Prelude> show "Zoo"
Prelude> length (show "Zoo")
As noted in the comments, similar problems may happen with other types of elements:
Prelude> zipWithLength [(1.0,3),(2.5,3)]
Prelude> show (1.0,3)
Prelude> length (show (1.0,3))
If you want to apply a function on every element of a list, that is a map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]. The map thus takes a function f and a list xs, and generates a list ys, such that the i-th element of ys, is f applied to the i-th element of xs.
So now the only question is what mapping function we want. We want to take an element x, and return a 2-tuple (x, length x), we can express this with a lambda expression:
mapwithlength = map (\x -> (x, length x))
Or we can use ap :: Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b for that:
import Control.Monad(ap)
mapwithlength = map (ap (,) length)
A problem is that this does not work for Ints, since these have no length. We can use show here, but there is an extra problem with that: if we perform show on a String, we get a string literal (this means that we get a string that has quotation marks, and where some characters are escaped). Based on the question, we do not want that.
We can define a parameterized function for that like:
mapwithlength f = map (ap (,) (length . f))
We can basically leave it to the user. In case they want to work with integers, they have to call it with:
forintegers = mapwithlength show
and for Strings:
forstrings = mapwithlength id
After installing the number-length package, you can do:
module Test where
import Data.NumberLength
-- use e.g for list of String
withLength :: [[a]] -> [([a], Int)]
withLength = map (\x -> (x, length x))
-- use e.g for list of Int
withLength' :: NumberLength a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
withLength' = map (\x -> (x, numberLength x))
>>> withLength ["Zoo", "bear"]
>>> withLength' [14, 344]
As bli points out, calculating the length of a number using length (show n) does not transfer to calculating the length of a string, since show "foo" becomes "\"foo\"". Since it is not obvious what the length of something is, you could parameterise the zip function with a length function:
zipWithLength :: (a -> Int) -> [a] -> [(a, Int)]
zipWithLength len = map (\x -> (x, len x))
Examples of use:
> zipWithLength (length . show) [7,13,666]
> zipWithLength length ["Zoo", "School", "Bear"]
> zipWithLength (length . concat) [[[1,2],[3],[4,5,6,7]], [[],[],[6],[6,6]]]

Haskell function that outputs all combinations within the input list that add to the input number

I want to write a function in haskell that takes a list of integers and an integer value as input and outputs a list of all the lists that contain combinations of elements that add up to the input integer.
For example:
myFunc [3,7,5,9,13,17] 30 = [[13,17],[3,5,9,13]]
myFunc :: [Integer] -> Integer -> [[Integer]]
myFunc list sm = case list of
[] -> []
| x == sm -> [x]
| otherwise -> []
(x : xs)
| x + myFunc xs == sm -> [x] ++ myFunc[xs]
| otherwise -> myFunc xs
My code produces just one combination and that combination must be consecutive, which is not what I want to achieve
Write a function to create all subsets
f [] = [[]]
f (x:xs) = f xs ++ map (x:) (f xs)
then use the filter
filter ((==30) . sum) $ f [3,7,5,9,13,17]
as suggested by #Ingo you can prune the list while it's generated, for example
f :: (Num a, Ord a) => [a] -> [[a]]
f [] = [[]]
f (x:xs) = f xs ++ (filter ((<=30) . sum) $ map (x:) $ f xs)
should work faster than generating all 2^N elements.
You can use subsequences from Data.List to give you every possible combination of values, then filter based on your requirement that they add to 30.
myFunc :: [Integer] -> Integer -> [[Integer]]
myFunc list sm =
filter (\x -> sum x == sm) $ subsequences list
An alternative would be to use a right fold:
fun :: (Foldable t, Num a, Eq a) => t a -> a -> [[a]]
fun = foldr go $ \a -> if a == 0 then [[]] else []
where go x f a = f a ++ ((x:) <$> f (a - x))
\> fun [3,7,5,9,13,17] 30
\> fun [3,7,5,9,13,17] 12
An advantage of this approach is that it does not create any lists unless it adds up to the desired value.
Whereas, an approach based on filtering, will create all the possible sub-sequence lists only to drop most of them during filtering step.
Here is an alternate solution idea: Generate a list of lists that sum up to the target number, i.e.:
and only then filter the ones that could be build from your given list.
Pro: could be much faster, especially if your input list is long and your target number comparatively small, such that the list of list of summands is much smaller than the list of subsets of your input list.
Con: does only work when 0 is not in the game.
Finally, you can it do both ways and write a function that decides which algorthm will be faster given some input list and the target number.

How to do stateful list operations in haskell

I need an operation which iterates over a list and produces a new list, where the new list elements depend on all elements previously seen. To do this I would like to pass an accumulator/state from iteration to iteration.
Think for example of a list of tuples, where the components of a tuple can be "undefined". An undefined value shall assume the latest value of the same component earlier in the list, if any. So at any stage I will have a state of defined components, which I need to pass to the next iteration.
So with a list of type [l] and an accumulator/state of type a there will be a function of type
f :: a -> l -> (a,l)
i.e it spits out a new list element and a new accumulator.
Is there a function which allows simply applying f to a list? I looked at fold, scan and unfold, but none of them seem to do the trick.
Edit: While the state monad looks promising, I can only see how I would get the final state, but I fail to see how I would get the new list elements.
There are some standard functions you can use to do what you ask.
It sounds very much like you want mapAccum, so you just need to import Data.List and decide which way round you're accumulating. (I suspect you want mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -> acc -> [x] -> (acc, [y]).)
import Data.List
data Instruction = NoChange | Reset | MoveBy Int
tell :: Int -> Instruction -> (Int,String) -- toy accumulating function
tell n NoChange = (n,"")
tell n Reset = (0,"Reset to zero")
tell n (MoveBy i) = (n+i,"Add "++show i++" to get "++ show (n+i))
which would give
ghci> mapAccumL tell 10 [MoveBy 5, MoveBy 3, NoChange, Reset, MoveBy 7]
(7,["Add 5 to get 15","Add 3 to get 18","","Reset to zero","Add 7 to get 7"])
But maybe you don't need to use the full power of mapAccum because sometimes the accumulator is what you want in the new list, so scanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> [a] will do the trick
act :: Int -> Instruction -> Int
act n NoChange = n
act n Reset = 0
act n (MoveBy i) = n+i
like this:
ghci> scanl act 10 [MoveBy 5, MoveBy 3, NoChange, Reset, MoveBy 7]
Definition for mapAccum
Anyway, here's how mapAccumL and mapAccumR are described in Data.List:
mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -> acc -> [x] -> (acc, [y])
mapAccumL _ state [] = (state, [])
mapAccumL f state (x:xs) = (finalstate,y:ys)
where (nextstate, y ) = f state x
(finalstate,ys) = mapAccumL f nextstate xs
The mapAccumL function behaves like a combination of map and foldl; it applies a function to each element of a list, passing an accumulating parameter from left to right, and returning a final value of this accumulator together with the new list.
mapAccumR :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -> acc -> [x] -> (acc, [y])
mapAccumR _ state [] = (state, [])
mapAccumR f state (x:xs) = (finalstate, y:ys)
where (finalstate,y ) = f nextstate x
(nextstate, ys) = mapAccumR f state xs
The mapAccumR function behaves like a combination of map and foldr; it applies a function to each element of a list, passing an accumulating parameter from right to left, and returning a final value of this accumulator together with the new list.
You want mapM in conjunction with the State monad where your accumulator a will be the State. First, to see why you need State, just take your type signature and flip the order of arguments and results:
import Data.Tuple
f :: a -> l -> (a, l)
uncurry f :: (a, l) -> (a, l)
swap . uncurry f . swap :: (l, a) -> (l, a)
curry (swap . uncurry f . swap) :: l -> a -> (l, a)
Or you could just define f to already have the arguments and results in the right order, whichever you prefer. I will call this swapped function f':
f' :: l -> a -> (l, a)
Now lets add an extra set of parentheses around the right half of the type signature of f':
f' :: l -> (a -> (l, a))
That part grouped in parentheses is a State computation where the state is a and the result is l. So I will go ahead and convert it to the State type using the state function from Control.Monad.Trans.State:
state :: (a -> (l, a)) -> State a l
So the converted f' would look like this:
f'' :: l -> State a l
f'' = state . f'
However, the function you really want in the end is something of type:
final :: [l] -> a -> ([l], a)
-- which is really just:
state . final :: [l] -> State a [l]
So that means that I need some function that takes a l -> State a l and converts it to a [l] -> State a [l]. This is precisely what mapM does, except that mapM works for any Monad, not just State:
mapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> ([a] -> m [b])
Notice how if we replace m with State a, and set a and b to l, then it has exactly the right type:
mapM :: (l -> State a l) -> ([l] -> State a [l])
f''' :: [l] -> State a [l]
f''' = mapM f''
Now we can unwrap the State using runState to get back a list-threading function of the appropriate type:
final :: [l] -> a -> ([l], a)
final = runState . f'''
So if we combine all those steps into one we get:
final = runState . mapM (state . f')
... where f' is your function written to swap the order of arguments and results. If you choose not to modify your original function then the solution is slightly more verbose:
final = runState . mapM (state . uncurry (swap . curry f . swap))
Without the specifics of what you are actually trying to achieve, getting to an answer is a bit difficult. But it seems to be that if your f had the type:
f :: (a, [l]) -> l -> (a,l)
Then you could define a function, f':
f' :: (a, [l]) -> l -> (a,l)
f' acc#(y, xs) x = (z, x':xs)
(z, x') = f acc
Which can then be used in a fold.
foldr f' (e, []) xs
The new signature of f allows it to have access to all preceding elements in the list, and f' adds the new element from the call to f to the list.