How to use Paket restriction - paket

How do I use restrictions in Paket please?
For example, I have a paket.dependencies file with:
framework: net48, net5.0, netstandard2.0
This results in a paket.lock with:
RESTRICTION: || (== net48) (== net50) (== netstandard2.0)
So I would expect this to specify exact matches for only these frameworks is required.
Further down it has resolved a package like this:
Microsoft.Extensions.Options (5.0) - restriction: || (&& (== net48) (>= netstandard2.1)) (== net50) (&& (== netstandard2.0) (>= netstandard2.1))
Why does this even mention netstandard2.1 when I have only specified netstandard2.0?
How is the logic after restriction: meant to be read?
For example, the first clause (&& (== net48) (>= netstandard2.1)) seems to say, this must be equal to .NET Framework 4.8 AND be >= .NET Standard 2.1. But how can it be both?
Is the || an or operator?


How to define a piecewise function in z3

I am trying to define a very simple piecewise linear function in Z3 with the following C++ code:
context c;
sort I = c.int_sort();
expr x = c.int_const("x");
func_decl f = function("f", I, I);
solver s(c);
s.add(forall(x, f(x) == ite(x <= 2, x, x + 1)));
s.add(f(x) == 2);
std::cout << s.check() << std::endl;
This generates the following code in SMTLib format:
(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
(declare-fun x () Int)
(assert (forall ((x Int)) (! (= (f x) (ite (<= x 2) x (+ x 1))) :weight 0)))
(assert (= (f x) 2))
The obvious answer is x=2. However, during execution, Z3 seems to have entered an infinite loop and stops responding entirely.
Why does this happen, and how should I properly define a piecewise function in Z3?
Malte described some of the issues that crop up often in handling quantifiers. It's almost always a bad idea to use quantifiers to define functions like this: It unnecessarily invokes procedures that can easily lead the solver to never-ending e-matching loops. The classic (and "official") way to define such a function is to simply use the define-fun construct:
(declare-fun x () Int)
(define-fun f ((x Int)) Int (ite (<= x 2) x (+ x 1)))
(assert (= (f x) 2))
With this input, I get:
There's much to say about quantifiers in SMT solving, and here's a good set of slides to go through:
But, long story short, avoid quantifiers unless you absolutely need them. For regular first-order problems like the one you have you don't need quantifiers.
(Note that when you program using the C++, or any other higher-level API, you usually do not define these sorts of functions. Instead, you simply define a function in the host language, and call it with a "symbolic" variable, which generates the right-hand-side for each instantiation. In a sense, you "inline" the definitions at each call site. This avoids unnecessary complexity and is usually sufficient for most modeling problems.)
Since SMT problems are often undecidable (depending on which theories the problem involves), it is in general to be expected that Z3 won't terminate (in reasonable time) for certain problems. Quantifiers and non-linear integer arithmetic are, e.g. common causes.
By default, Z3 analysis the problem it was given and configures (e.g. chooses subsolvers) itself accordingly. If you'd like to disable this, e.g. because you want to configure Z3 yourself. use (set-option :auto_config false).
Turning to your example:
Using Z3 4.8.7 x64, I immediately get sat for the SMT-LIB snippet you provided. Which Z3 version are you using?
If I disable MBQI (Z3 has different subsolvers for quantifiers) via (set-option :smt.mbqi true), then I immediately get unknown. This is not terribly surprising because MBQI is great for finding models for (non-recursive) functions, such your f.
Why did you set :weigh 0? It is used to prevent infinite quantifier instantiation chains (matching loops), so explicitly setting a weight of 0 seems risky. Although your quantifier does not give rise to a matching loop anyway.

Why does Lisp allow replacement of math operators in let?

I know in Scheme I can write this:
(let ((+ *)) (+ 2 3)) => 6
As well as this, in Clojure:
(let [+ *] (+ 2 3)) => 6
I know this can work, but it feels so weird. I think in any language, the math operators are predefined. C++ and Scala can do operator overloading, but this doesn't seem to be that.
Doesn't this cause confusion? Why does Lisp allow this?
This is not a general Lisp feature.
In Common Lisp the effects of binding a core language function is undefined. This means the developer should not expect that it works in portable code. An implementation may also signal a warning or an error.
For example the SBCL compiler will signal this error:
; caught ERROR:
; Lock on package COMMON-LISP violated when
; binding + as a local function while
; in package COMMON-LISP-USER.
; See also:
; The SBCL Manual, Node "Package Locks"
; The ANSI Standard, Section
; (FLET ((+ (X Y)
; (* X Y)))
; (+ X Y)))
We can have our own + in Common Lisp, but it then has to be in a different package (= symbol namespace):
(defpackage "MYLISP"
(:use "CL")
(:shadow CL:+))
(in-package "MYLISP")
(defun foo (a b)
(flet ((+ (x y)
(* x y)))
(+ a b)))
Disclaimer: This is from a Clojure point of view.
+ is just another function. You can pass it around and write sum with it, have partial application, read docs about it, ...:
user=> (apply + [1 2 3])
user=> (reduce + [1 2 3])
user=> (map (partial + 10) [1 2 3])
(11 12 13)
user=> `+
user=> (doc +)
([] [x] [x y] [x y & more])
Returns the sum of nums. (+) returns 0. Does not auto-promote
longs, will throw on overflow. See also: +'
So you can have many + in different namespaces. The core one get's "use"-ed for you by default, but you can simply write your own. You can write your own DSL:
user=> (defn + [s] (re-pattern (str s "+")))
WARNING: + already refers to: #'clojure.core/+ in namespace: user, being replaced by: #'user/+
user=> (+ "\\d")
user=> (re-find (+ "\\d") "666")
It's not special form, it's nothing different from any other function. So with that established, why should it not be allowed to be overriden?
In Scheme you are making a local binding, shadowing whatever is higher, With let. Since + and * are just variables that just happen to evaluate to procedures you are just giving old procedures other variable names.
(let ((+ *))
; ==> #<procedure:*> (non standard visualization of a procedure)
In Scheme there are no reserved words. If you look at other languages the list of reserved words are quite high. Thus in Scheme you can do this:
(define (test v)
(define let 10) ; from here you cannot use let in this scope
(define define (+ let v)) ; from here you cannot use define to define stuff
define) ; this is the variable, not the special form
;; here let and define goes out of scope and the special forms are OK again
(define define +) ; from here you cannot use top level define
(define 5 6)
; ==> 11
THe really nice thing about this is that if you choose a name and the next version of the standard happens to use the same name for something similar, but not compatible, your code will not break. In other languages I have worked with a new version might introduce conflicts.
R6RS makes it even easier
From R6RS we have libraries. That means that we have full control over what top level forms we get from the standard into our programs. You have several ways to do it:
(import (rename (except (rnrs base) +) (* +)))
(+ 10 20)
; ==> 200
This is also OK.
(import (except (rnrs base) +))
(define + *)
(+ 10 20)
; ==> 200 guaranteed
And finally:
(import (rnrs base)) ; imports both * and +
(define + *) ; defines + as an alias to *
(+ 10 20)
; ==> 200 guaranteed
Other languages does this too:
JavaScript is perhaps the most obvious:
parseFloat = parseInt;
// ==> 4
But you cannot touch their operators. They are reserved because the language needs to do a lot of stuff for the operator precedence. Just like Scheme JS is nice language for duck typing.
Mainstream Lisp dialects do not have reserved tokens for infix operations. There is no categorical difference between +, expt, format or open-file: they are all just symbols.
A Lisp proram which performs (let ((+ 3)) ...) is spiritually very similar to a C program which does something like { int sqrt = 42; ... }. There is a sqrt function in the standard C library, and since C has a single namespace (it's a Lisp-1), that sqrt is now shadowed.
What we can't do in C is { int + = 42; ...} which is because + is an operator token. An identifier is called for, so there is a syntax error. We also can't do { struct interface *if = get_interface(...); } because if is a reserved keyword and not an identifier, even though it looks like one. Lisps tend not to have reserved keywords, but some dialects have certain symbols or categories of symbols that can't be bound as variables. In ANSI Common Lisp, we can't use nil or t as variables. (Specifically, those symbols nil and t that come from the common-lisp package). This annoys some programmers, because they'd like a t variable for "time" or "type". Also, symbols from the keyword package, usually appearing with a leading colon, cannot be bound as variables. The reason is that all these symbols are self-evaluating. nil, t and the keyword symbols evaluate to themselves, and so do not act as variables to denote another value.
The reason we allow this in lisp is that all bindings are done with lexical scope, which is a concept that comes from lambda calculus.
lambda calculus is a simplified system for managing variable binding. In lambda calculus the rules for things like
(lambda (x) (lambda (y) y))
(lambda (x) (lambda (y) x))
and even
(lambda (x) (lambda (x) x))
are carefully specified.
In lisp LET can be thought of as syntactic sugar for a lambda expression, for example your expression (let ([+ x]) (+ 2 3)) is equivalent to ((lambda (+) (+ 2 3)) x) which according to lambda calculus simplifies down to (x 2 3).
In summary, lisp is based on uniformly applying a very simple and clear model (called lambda calculus). If it seems strange at first, that's because most other programming languages don't have such consistency or base their variable binding on a mathematical model.
Scheme's philosophy is to impose minimal restriction such that to give maximal power to programmer.
A reason to allow such things is that in Scheme you can embed other languages and in other languages you want to use the * operator with different semantics.
For example, if you implement a language to represent regular expressions you want to give the * the semantics of the algebraic kleene operator and write programs like this one
(* (+ "abc" "def") )
to represent a language that contain words like this one
Starting from the main language, untyped lambda calculus, it is possible to create a language in which you can redefine absolutely everything apart from the lambda symbol. This is the model of computation scheme is build on.
It's not weird because in lisp there are no operators except functions and special forms like let or if, that can be builtin or created as macros. So here + is not an operator, but a function that is assigned to symbol + that is adding its arguments (in scheme and clojure you can say that it's just variable that hold function for adding numbers), the same * is not multiplication operator but asterisk symbol that is multiplying its arguments, so this is just convenient notation that it use + symbol it could be add or sum but + is shorter and similar as in other languages.
This is one of this mind bending concepts when you found it for the first time, like functions as arguments and return values of other functions.
If you use very basic Lisp and lambda calculus you don't even need numbers and + operators in base language. You can create numbers from functions and plus and minus functions using same trick and assign them to symbols + and - (see Church encoding)
Why does Lisp allow rebinding of math operators?
for consistency and
because it can be useful.
Doesn't this cause confusion?
Most programming languages, following traditional algebraic notation, have special syntax for the elementary arithmetic functions of addition and subtraction and so on. Rules of priority and association make some function calls implicit. This syntax makes the expressions easier to read at the price of consistency.
LISPs tip the see-saw the other way, preferring consistency over legibility.
In Clojure (the Lisp I know), the math operators (+, -, *, ... ) are nothing special.
Their names are just ordinary symbols.
They are core functions like any others.
So of course you can replace them.
Why would you want to override the core arithmetic operators? For example, the units2 library redefines them to accept dimensioned quantities as well as plain numbers.
Clojure algebra is harder to read.
All operators are prefix.
All operator applications are explicit - no priorities.
If you are determined to have infix operators with priorities, you can do it. Incanter does so: here are some examples and here is the source code.

Clojure: Apply or to a list

This question similar to say, In clojure, how to apply 'and' to a list?, but solution doesn't apply to my question. every? function returns just a boolean value.
or is a macro, so this code is invalid:
(apply or [nil 10 20]) ; I want to get 10 here, as if 'or was a function.
Using not-every? I will get just boolean value, but I want to preserve semantics of or - the "true" element should be a value of the expression. What is idiomatic way to do this?
My idea so far:
(first (drop-while not [nil 10 20])) ; = 10
you might be able to use some for this:
(some identity [nil 10 20]) ; = 10
Note that this differs from or if it fails
(some identity [false]) ; = nil
(or false) ; = false
A simple macro:
(defmacro apply-or
`(or ~#coll))
Or even more abstract
(defmacro apply-macro
[macro coll]
`(~macro ~#coll))
EDIT: Since you complained about that not working in runtime here comes a version of apply-macro that works in runtime. Compare it with answers posted here: In clojure, how to apply a macro to a list?
(defmacro apply-macro-in-runtime
[m c]
`(eval (concat '(~m) ~c)))
Notice that this version utilizes that parameters are passed unevaluated (m is not evaluated, if this was a function, it would throw because a macro doesn't have a value) it uses concat to build a list containing of a list with the quoted macro-name and whatever the evaluation of form c (for coll) returns so that c as (range 5) would be fully evaluated to the list that range returns. Finally it uses eval to evaluate the expression.
Clarification: That obviously uses eval which causes overhead. But notice that eval was also used in the answer linked above.
Also this does not work with large sequences due to the recursive definition of or. It is just good to know that it is possible.
Also for runtime sequences it makes obviously more sense to use some and every?.

Mutable fields in Clojure deftype?

I'm trying out Clojure 1.2, specifically mutable fields which are supported in deftype according to the documentation.
But I can't get the set to work. What is the syntax for updating a field? Or isn't mutability implemented yet?
(definterface IPoint
(getX [])
(setX [v]))
(deftype Point [x]
(getX [this] x)
(setX [this v] (set! (.x this) v)))
user=> (def p (Point. 10))
user=> (.getX p)
user=> (.setX p 20)
ClassCastException: user.Point cannot be cast to compile__stub.user.Point
Using a 1.2 snapshot from a few days ago.
deftype's default is still to have the fields be immutable; to override this, you need to annotate the names of the fields which are to be mutable with appropriate metadata. Also, the syntax for set! of instance fields is different. An example implementation to make the above work:
(deftype Point [^{:volatile-mutable true} x]
(getX [_] x)
(setX [this v] (set! x v)))
There's also :unsynchronized-mutable. The difference is as the names would suggest to an experienced Java developer. ;-) Note that providing either annotation has the additional effect of making the field private, so that direct field access is no longer possible:
(.getX (Point. 10)) ; still works
(.x (Point. 10)) ; with annotations -- IllegalArgumentException, works without
Also, 1.2 will likely support the syntax ^:volatile-mutable x as shorthand for ^{:volatile-mutable true} x (this is already available on some of the new numerics branches).
Both options are mentioned in (doc deftype); the relevant part follows -- mind the admonition!
Fields can be qualified
with the metadata :volatile-mutable true or :unsynchronized-mutable
true, at which point (set! afield aval) will be supported in method
bodies. Note well that mutable fields are extremely difficult to use
correctly, and are present only to facilitate the building of higher
level constructs, such as Clojure's reference types, in Clojure
itself. They are for experts only - if the semantics and
implications of :volatile-mutable or :unsynchronized-mutable are not
immediately apparent to you, you should not be using them.
Like most things in Clojure, fields in types defined via deftype are immutable. While you can circumvent this using :volatile-mutable / :unsynchronized-mutable annotations, it is not common at all to do so. For one thing, such annotations will make the field private, so only the methods defined on the type will be able to access (and thus set) it. But more importantly, such constructs are susceptible to data races.
When mutability is required, idomatic Clojure will use one of Clojure's reference types like atom or ref.

How to rename an operation in Clojure?

In my list, addition, the operation + appears as #. How can I make this appear exactly as +? When I eval it, it should also work exactly the same as +.
I guess this would also apply in all kinds of functions in Clojure...
Thanks guys.
The # character is simply not a valid character in symbol names in Clojure (see this page for a list of valid characters) and while it might work sometimes (as it often will), it is not a good practice to use it. Also, it will definitely not work at the beginning of a symbol (actually a literal, you could still do (symbol "#"), though there's probably no point in that). As the Clojure reader currently stands, there's nothing to be done about it (except possibly hacking the reader open to have it treat # (that's '#' followed by a space) as the symbol # -- or simply + -- though that's something you really shouldn't do, so I almost feel guilty for providing a link to instructions on how to do it).
Should you want to alias a name to some other name which is legal in Clojure, you may find it convenient to use the clojure.contrib.def/defalias macro instead of plain def; this has the added benefit of setting metadata for you (and should handle macros, though it appears to have a bug which prevents that at this time, at least in 1.2 HEAD).
And in case you'd like to redefine some built-in names when creating your aliases... (If you don't, the rest of this may not be relevant to you.)
Firstly, if you work with Clojure 1.1 or earlier and you want to provide your own binding for a name from clojure.core, you'll need to use :refer-clojure when defining your namespace. E.g. if you want to provide your own +:
(:refer-clojure :exclude [+]))
;; you can now define your own +
(defn + [x y]
(if (zero? y)
(recur (inc x) (dec y))))
;; examples
(+ 3 5)
; => 8
(+ 3 -1)
; => infinite loop
(clojure.core/+ 3 -1)
; => 2
The need for this results from Clojure 1.1 prohibiting rebinding of names which refer to Vars in other namespaces; ns-unmap provides a way around it appropriate for REPL use, whereas (:refer-clojure :exclude ...), (:use :exclude ...) and (:use :only ...) provide the means systematically to prevent unwanted names from being imported from other namespaces in the first place.
In current 1.2 snapshots there's a "last-var-in wins" policy, so you could do without the :refer-clojure; it still generates a compiler warning, though, and it's better style to use :refer-clojure, plus there's no guarantee that this policy will survive in the actual 1.2 release.
An operation is just a piece of code, assigned to a variable. If you want to rebind an operation, you just rebind that variable:
(def - +)
(- 1 2 3)
# => 6
The only problem here, is that the # character is special in Clojure. I'm not sure whether you can use # as a variable name at all, at the very least you will need to quote it when binding it and probably also when calling it:
(def # +)
# => java.lang.Exception: No dispatch macro for:
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar enough with Clojure to know how to quote it.