Replacement for pj_get_def? - c++

I have an application that parses the output of pj_get_def that turns EPSG identifiers into some useful key/value pairs.
According to the migration guide, the replacement is proj_pj_info. However, the PJ_PROJ_INFO I get back has an empty definition and the description is an ambiguous (if human readable) string.
Here's test code:
#include <proj.h>
#include <proj_api.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
void test_pj(int crs)
auto const arg = "+init=epsg:" + std::to_string(crs);
auto* const proj = pj_init_plus(arg.c_str());
auto* const text = pj_get_def(proj, 0);
std::cout << "PROJ 4\n";
std::cout << "text: '" << text << "'\n";
void test_proj(int crs)
auto const arg = "EPSG:" + std::to_string(crs);
auto* const proj = proj_create(nullptr, arg.c_str());
auto const& info = proj_pj_info(proj);
std::cout << "PROJ 5\n";
// std::cout << "id: '" << << "'\n"; crash?
std::cout << "definition: '" << info.definition << "'\n";
std::cout << "description: '" << info.description << "'\n";
int main()
And here's the output:
text: ' +init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0'
definition: ''
description: 'WGS 84'
What is the replacement for pj_get_def? How do I decompose a PJ into the interesting information I could get in PROJ 4?

Well, the documentation is just wrong. The correct replacement isn't proj_pj_info, it's proj_as_proj_string.
There's a small caveat, however: in PROJ 4, this included the ellipsoid. In PROJ 6, it does not. If the ellipsoid is needed, an additional call to proj_get_ellipsoid (followed by another proj_as_proj_string) is required.
Edit: So, it turns out proj_pj_info does work... but only in PROJ 5 (not PROJ 6), and only using +init=epsg:N (which is not supported in PROJ 6).
I didn't dig very deeply, but I suspect that PROJ 5 doesn't support the EPSG:N syntax at all, making that a hard compatibility break between 5 and 6 with, apparently, no way to write code that works on both versions without resorting to version-conditional logic.


How to get PROJ C++ to recognize grid directory?

I've not been able to actually get EGM96 to WGS84 transformations to work in PROJ C++. I have however, gotten what I want to work in python, via pyproj, like this:
from pyproj import Transformer, CRS
from pyproj.transformer import TransformerGroup, TransformDirection
from pyproj.datadir import append_data_dir, get_data_dir
def main():
lat = 43.70012234
lng = -79.41629234
z = 100
transformer = Transformer.from_crs("epsg:4326", "epsg:5773",)
results = transformer.transform(lat, lng, z, None, False, True, TransformDirection.INVERSE)
if __name__ == "__main__":
This provides the result:
(43.70012234, -79.41629234, 62.71016021909354)
And the file us_nga_egm96_15.tif located in the ./proj/ directory
However, my replication of the same in C++ doesn't appear to work.
#include <proj.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <array>
void main(){
auto proj_context = proj_context_create();
const char * path = "/absolute_directory_to/proj";
const char * db_path = proj_context_get_database_path(proj_context);
std::filesystem::path db_path_path = std::filesystem::path(db_path);
std::string db_path_str = db_path_path.parent_path().string();
std::array paths = {path, db_path_str.c_str()};
proj_context_set_search_paths(proj_context, paths.size(),;
std::cout << proj_errno_string(proj_context_errno(proj_context)) << std::endl;
auto temp = proj_create_crs_to_crs (proj_context,
std::cout << proj_errno_string(proj_errno(temp)) << std::endl;
std::cout << proj_errno_string(proj_context_errno(proj_context)) << std::endl;
auto b = proj_trans(temp, PJ_INV, {43.70012234,-79.41629234,100,0});
std::cout << proj_errno_string(proj_errno(temp)) << std::endl;
std::cout << proj_errno_string(proj_context_errno(proj_context)) << std::endl;
std::cout << b.v[0] << "," << b.v[1] << "," << b.v[2] << "," << b.v[3] << std::endl;
std::cout << proj_errno_string(proj_errno(temp)) << std::endl;
std::cout << proj_errno_string(proj_context_errno(proj_context)) << std::endl;
return 0;
It actually prints out nothing (some strange character seems to be eating all the other characters), and in debug mode, I can see that b = {inf,inf,inf,inf}. Same thing happens if I don't manually specify the proj locaiton (but make sure the actual .tiff is located there).
What am I doing wrong here?
Something I didn't mention here, is that I was using VCPKG, due to, it is actually impossible to use GEO TIFF's on linux for PROJ through VCPKG I would recommend simply not using PROJ through VCPKG at all. The issues that are blocking this from being fixed have been blocked for years at this point, and don't seem to be something that is going to be fixed anytime soon.
seen how data is manually set here:
Stepping through the code, the issue was apparently that I set the correct file location, but that the code silently fails when TIFF_ENABLED is not defined.
if (IsTIFF(header_size, header)) {
auto set = std::unique_ptr<VerticalShiftGridSet>(
GTiffVGridShiftSet::open(ctx, std::move(fp), actualName));
if (!set)
pj_ctx_set_errno(ctx, PJD_ERR_FAILED_TO_LOAD_GRID);
return set;
pj_log(ctx, PJ_LOG_ERROR,
"TIFF grid, but TIFF support disabled in this build");
return nullptr;
Because I was using VCPKG, this was not possible to amend.

Converting a json value that keeps changing to int in c++

Okay so i get this JSON object from my client:
Then i need to use the int value from "brugerT", but as you can see it has "\"10\"" around it. When i code this in javascript i dont get this problem. Is there a way to only use the part of "brugerT" that says 10?
the code where *temp only should print the int value 10:
uWS::WebSocket<uWS::SERVER> *ws,
char* message,
size_t length,
uWS::OpCode opCode
std::string data = std::string(message,length);
std::cout << "web::Server:\t Data received: " << data << std::endl;
// handle manual settings
std::cout << "Web::Server:\t Received request: manual. Redirecting message." << std::endl;
json test1 = json::parse(data);
auto test2 = test1.json::find("command");
std::cout << "Web::Server:\t Test 1" << test1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "Web::Server:\t Test 2" << *test2 << std::endl;
if (*test2 =="BrugerIndtastTF")
std::cout<<"Web::Server:\t BrugerIndtastTF modtaget" << std::endl;
auto temp= test1.json::find("brugerT");
auto humi= test1.json::find("brugerF");
std::cout << "Web::Server:\t temp: " << *temp << "humi: " << *humi << std::endl;
Here you can see the terminal
it should just say: temp: 10 humi: 20
You can try to get the string value of brugerT and strip the \" out of the string and then convert the resulting string into a int with stoi. You could even use a regular expression to find the integer inside the string and let that library figure out what is the best matching method. A regular expression for that would be something like: ([0-9]+)
ps string literal type 6 might be of some use when manually filtering out \"
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string inputStr(R"("\"10\"")");
regex matchStr(R"(([0-9]+))");
auto matchesBegin = sregex_iterator(inputStr.begin(), inputStr.end(), matchStr);
auto matchesEnd = sregex_iterator();
for (sregex_iterator i = matchesBegin; i != matchesEnd; ++i) {
cout << i->str() << endl;
return 0;

read json message with boost json

I'm trying to use boost json with property trees to decode a json message. I'm only interested about checking whether "mykey" is in the message and, if that is the case, get the corresponding values.
I'm a little lost in boost documentation, and I was trying to see what the actual code would be to parse a message such as the one below.
// some values
"mykey": [
"var1": "value1_str",
"var2" : "value2"
// some other values
I don't know about Boost ptree for JSON. I've tried it but it seemed... very clunky.
Here's a simple JSON parser based on the RFC, made in Spirit:
You could use it for your use case like test.cpp
#include <vector>
#include "json.hpp"
struct X {
static X from_json(JSON::Value const& v);
std::string var1;
double var2;
int main()
auto doc = as_object(JSON::parse(
" // some values\n"
" \"mykey\": [\n"
" {\n"
" \"var1\": \"value1_str\",\n"
" \"var2\" : 3.14\n"
" }\n"
" ]\n"
" // some other values\n"
if (doc.has_key("mykey"))
X data = X::from_json(doc["mykey"]);
std::cout << "X.var1: " << data.var1 << "\n";
std::cout << "X.var2: " << data.var2 << "\n";
std::cout << "doc: " << doc << "\n";
std::cout << "doc[\"mykey\"]: " << doc["mykey"] << "\n";
X X::from_json(JSON::Value const& v)
X result;
auto& o = as_object(as_array(v)[0]);
result.var1 = as_string(o["var1"]);
result.var2 = as_double(o["var2"]);
return result;
X.var1: value1_str
X.var2: 3.14
doc: {"mykey":[{"var1":"value1_str","var2":3.14}]}
doc["mykey"]: [{"var1":"value1_str","var2":3.14}]
There are other json libraries around. I suggest you select one to suit your needs.

Regex C++: extract substring

I would like to extract a substring between two others.
ex: /home/toto/FILE_mysymbol_EVENT.DAT
or just FILE_othersymbol_EVENT.DAT
And I would like to get : mysymbol and othersymbol
I don't want to use boost or other libs. Just standard stuffs from C++, except CERN's ROOT lib, with TRegexp, but I don't know how to use it...
Since last year C++ has regular expression built into the standard. This program will show how to use them to extract the string you are after:
#include <regex>
#include <iostream>
int main()
const std::string s = "/home/toto/FILE_mysymbol_EVENT.DAT";
std::regex rgx(".*FILE_(\\w+)_EVENT\\.DAT.*");
std::smatch match;
if (std::regex_search(s.begin(), s.end(), match, rgx))
std::cout << "match: " << match[1] << '\n';
It will output:
match: mysymbol
It should be noted though, that it will not work in GCC as its library support for regular expression is not very good. Works well in VS2010 (and probably VS2012), and should work in clang.
By now (late 2016) all modern C++ compilers and their standard libraries are fully up to date with the C++11 standard, and most if not all of C++14 as well. GCC 6 and the upcoming Clang 4 support most of the coming C++17 standard as well.
TRegexp only supports a very limited subset of regular expressions compared to other regex flavors. This makes constructing a single regex that suits your needs somewhat awkward.
One possible solution:
will match the string until the first underscore, then capture all characters until the next underscore. The relevant result of the match is then found in group number 1.
But in your case, why use a regex at all? Just find the first and second occurrence of your delimiter _ in the string and extract the characters between those positions.
If you want to use regular expressions, I'd really recommend using C++11's regexes or, if you have a compiler that doesn't yet support them, Boost. Boost is something I consider almost-part-of-standard-C++.
But for this particular question, you do not really need any form of regular expressions. Something like this sketch should work just fine, after you add all appropriate error checks (beg != npos, end != npos etc.), test code, and remove my typos:
std::string between(std::string const &in,
std::string const &before, std::string const &after) {
size_type beg = in.find(before);
beg += before.size();
size_type end = in.find(after, beg);
return in.substr(beg, end-beg);
Obviously, you could change the std::string to a template parameter and it should work just fine with std::wstring or more seldomly used instantiations of std::basic_string as well.
I would study corner cases before trusting it.
But This is a good candidate:
std::string text = "/home/toto/FILE_mysymbol_EVENT.DAT";
std::regex reg("(.*)(FILE_)(.*)(_EVENT.DAT)(.*)");
std::cout << std::regex_replace(text, reg, "$3") << '\n';
The answers of Some programmer dude, Tim Pietzcker, and Christopher Creutzig are cool and correct, but they seemed to me not very obvious for beginners.
The following function is an attempt to create an auxiliary illustration for Some programmer dude and Tim Pietzcker's answers:
void ExtractSubString(const std::string& start_string
, const std::string& string_regex_extract_substring_template)
std::regex regex_extract_substring_template(
std::smatch match;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "A substring extract template: " << std::endl;
std::cout << std::quoted(string_regex_extract_substring_template)
<< std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Start string: " << std::endl;
std::cout << start_string << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
if (std::regex_search(start_string.begin(), start_string.end()
, match, regex_extract_substring_template))
std::cout << "match0: " << match[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << "match1: " << match[1] << std::endl;
std::cout << "match2: " << match[2] << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
The following overloaded function is an attempt to help illustrate Christopher Creutzig's answer:
void ExtractSubString(const std::string& start_string
, const std::string& before_substring, const std::string& after_substring)
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "A before substring: " << std::endl;
std::cout << std::quoted(before_substring) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "An after substring: " << std::endl;
std::cout << std::quoted(after_substring) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Start string: " << std::endl;
std::cout << start_string << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
size_t before_substring_begin
= start_string.find(before_substring);
size_t extract_substring_begin
= before_substring_begin + before_substring.size();
size_t extract_substring_end
= start_string.find(after_substring, extract_substring_begin);
std::cout << "Extract substring: " << std::endl;
<< start_string.substr(extract_substring_begin
, extract_substring_end - extract_substring_begin)
<< std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
This is the main function to run the overloaded functions:
#include <regex>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int main()
const std::string start_string
= "/home/toto/FILE_mysymbol_EVENT.DAT";
const std::string string_regex_extract_substring_template(
const std::string string_regex_extract_substring_template2(
ExtractSubString(start_string, string_regex_extract_substring_template);
ExtractSubString(start_string, string_regex_extract_substring_template2);
const std::string before_substring = "/home/toto/FILE_";
const std::string after_substring = "_EVENT.DAT";
ExtractSubString(start_string, before_substring, after_substring);
This is the result of executing the main function:
A substring extract template:
Start string:
match0: /home/toto/FILE_mysymbol_EVENT.DAT
match1: mysymbol
A substring extract template:
Start string:
match0: /home/toto/FILE_mysymbol_
match1: mysymbol
A before substring:
An after substring:
Start string:
Extract substring:

Regular Expressions misunderstanding or just broken implementation?

I tried a very simple use of regex_search and can not understand why I do not get a match:
Alas, the gcc-C++0x-implementations 4.5 does not seem to be working, I get a link error here.
But here is my gcc-4.7.0 try, quite straightforward:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
using namespace std;
int main () {
regex rxWorld("world");
const string text = "hello world!";
const auto t0 = text.cbegin();
smatch match;
const bool ok = regex_search(text, match, rxWorld);
/* ... */
I think I should get ok==true and something in match as well. I reduced the example to a very simple regex for this. I tried slightly more complicated first.
But by printing code at /* ... */ says otherwise:
cout << " text:'" << text
<< "' ok:" << ok
<< " size:" << match.size();
cout << " pos:" << match.position()
<< " len:"<< match.length();
for(const auto& sub : match) {
cout << " ["<<(sub.first-t0)<<".."<<(sub.second-t0)
<< ":"<<sub.matched
<< "'"<<sub.str()
<< "']";
cout << endl;
The output is:
$ ./regex-search-01.x
text:'hello world!' ok:0 size:0 pos:-1 len:0
Update: I also tried regex_search(t0, text.cend(), match, rxWorld) and const char* text, no change.
Is my understanding of regex_search wrong? I am completely baffled. Or is it just the gcc?
As you can see from the C++-0x status of libstdc++ the regex support is incomplete.
In particular match_results are not finished. Iterators are not even started.
Volunteers are welcome ;-)
[EDIT] [As of gcc-4.9]2 will be fully supported.