How to stop receiving ‘AWS Notification Message’ - amazon-web-services

I’m set up with AWS and for every email that gets generated by my website a subsequent email is fired off by aws with the header:
‘AWS Notification Message’
Is there a way to stop this from happening? It is going to my bounce back email if that helps in anyway. I’m suspecting I may have a setting enabled but I’ve been through much of AWS and can’t figure it out.

There is a link in the email to unsubscribe it with the below message.
"If you wish to stop receiving notifications from this topic, please click or visit the link below to unsubscribe:"
Screenshot for your reference.


AWS cognito verification link issue

I tried to signup with my email using aws cognito. I received the email verification link and when i clicked on it says 'Invalid link provided, please request a link again'. But when i tried to login it was successful. Why is it happening.
This could be caused by your Email provider visiting links before presenting the email to you. For example Outlook has something called Safe Links. This will cause the verification link to be consumed before you have a chance to click it.
I had the same issue and after about a day of debugging I reached out to AWS Enterprise Support. Outlook Safe Links is something they mentioned within a few minutes of chatting. If you are a part of a larger organization it is probably unfeasible to have it disabled. You can try signing up with a different Email Provider such as Gmail and see if the links are untouched.
I offer no solution to the problem, just a possible explanation.

How to setup an email address for sending only?

My main goal is to setup an email address for my server to use for sending emails only.
I did some research, and it looked like Amazon Simple Email Server and/or Amazon Workmail could provide me with what I needed. I've gotten as far as setting up SES and Workmail so that I can set my server to be able to send emails. However, I saw that once the Workmail inbox is full (50GB), the account would be unable to send emails. Given that this is going to be used by the server and not a human, I didn't want the inbox to get filled with auto replies, spam, or failed to send messages, and then be unable to send emails. So, I went looking for a way to either:
A) prevent emails from being received and stored in the inbox
B) a rule I could setup to delete anything that didn't match the company domain
C) be able to read the inbox and delete email messages using the AWS CLI, and I'd setup my own script to manage how and what was deleted when
So far I haven't had any luck.
Again, I'm not particular how I achieve the goal, but I do preferably need to find a way to have an email address for a server to use exclusively for sending messages. I worry that if I leave it to employees to remember to login and clear the inbox, someone will forget, and then the server will stop sending emails.
Any direction or advice would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not well versed in email protocols; could I setup the address to return a bounce back always, and that would prevent it from receiving emails into it's inbox?
How are you generating these emails? If you are generating them programmatically (via an app/script), you may not need to set up a server. If you just route the outgoing mail through your app to SNS, the emails will be valid, however, there will be no "inbox" for incoming mail and they will just be dumped. This way you don't have to actually worry about an inbox getting full as it will just drop anything coming in.
In order to receive emails though SNS, you have to go through the setup linked above, but if you do not set this up, then emails will just bounce. At least, that is how I have been doing it.

Amazon SES does nothing

I'm trying to use the Amazon SES sendTemplatedEmail function.
I have:
verified the sending domain
verified various emails (company, google, gmx)
am in the sandbox
created all the templates
send test emails and verification emails and they went through
I do:
send out emails to the same email as the sender and receive a valid message id
to a company email and receive a valid message id
to a google email and receive a valid message id
to a gmx email and receive a valid message id
No emails are getting delivered and none occur in the send statistics.
What can I do now in order to debug that?
I found a "RenderingFailure" in CloudWatch, and that hints to the error. I can't find the actual error, though.
Took me a while to finally debug this.
I ran this command to test out the template rendering:
aws ses test-render-template --template-name myTemplate --template-data "{\"key\":\"value\"}"
This finally showed me what was wrong (I referenced a {{token}} which wasn't defined in my template-data.
If anyone at AWS is reading this please either default to an empty string or at least show an error message while sending!
This is called Rendering Failure which happens when the template data you passed doesn't match with the template variables you have in your template. You can set SNS notification so that you get notified anytime this rendering failure occurs.
I have written a blog to tackle this. Please have a look at

Mailgun - Campaign links timeout?

I'm trying to use a Mailgun Campaign to help track emails sent through Mailgun. The links in the email get modified, as expected, so that Mailgun can collect stats on which links are getting clicked. However, the links are timing out.
Some of the clicks are definitely getting through (they are collected by Mailgun's Campaign tracking), but I'm also getting a lot of user reports of timeouts. Every time I try the links they timeout.
The Mailgun Domain and DNS Verification is all green, including the optional entries.
'Is it down' type services all says it's up:
DNS resolution works, when I ping, it resolves, but the requests all timeout.
I have started a ticket with Mailgun Support, but it's email support so I figured I would ask here to see if anyone has any ideas.

How to track how many times an email was opened in amazon SES through API?

How will i track how many times email sent through Amazon SES was opened ?Is there any API i will need to consider?I figured out the complain and bounce myself and i figured out we can associate SES with SNS but i need the click rate too.Please assist.
You can't. SES, like any Internet mail sending system, has no idea whether a message is ever opened. It can't even be certain a message was delivered. People who want to know when a message is opened embed image links (often to invisible images) and track how often those images are fetched from their web server.
And even that doesn't work for users who configure their email program to not fetch images.
Amazon Introduces click and open tracking a few months back -
Hope this helps.
You can do that using SendGrid. Is not 100% accurate but it's something :)
Sendgrid will post you a JSON message for all the mailing events (open, delivered, bounced, spam).