Q model and or query giving incorrect result - django

I want perform below SQL query using Q models
SELECT * FROM motor_vehicle_collision.collision_data_collisiondetails
where (numberOfCyclistInjured > 0 or numberOfCyclistKilled > 0) and
(longitude != '' and latitude != '');
for that I have written below query
query = Q(numberOfCyclistInjured__gt=0)
query.add(Q(numberOfCyclistKilled__gt=0), Q.OR)
query.add(~Q(latitude=''), Q.AND)
query.add(~Q(longitude=''), Q.AND)
but still I am getting data having latitude/longitude empty, how should I rectify it?

You can work with:
query = (Q(numberOfCyclistInjured__gt=0) | Q(numberOfCyclistKilled__gt=0))
& ~Q(longitude='')
& ~Q(latitude=''))
This makes it also more explicit how you bind the conditions together.


Power bi returning value based on multiple condition

I have the data below
create table #data (Post_Code varchar(10), Internal_Code varchar(10))
insert into #data values
select * from #data
drop table #data
What I want to achieve is if the same post code area have “hb” or “rr” in the same post code I want to return 1 else 0
The “hb” or “rr” internal_code must be in the same post_code if they in different post code. It should be 0
I wrote this DAX
Result = IF(left(Data[Internal_Code],2)="hb" || left(Data[Internal_Code],2)="rr",1,0)
it is not returning the correct result
current output
expected output
I think your expected result is incorrect as SA24 should also be 1. You should definitely do a calculation like this in PQ but if you need to do it in DAX in a calculated column, then use the following code which works.
Result =
VAR post_code = Data[Post_code]
VAR hb = CALCULATE (COUNTROWS(Data),'Data'[Post_code] = post_code && left(Data[Internal_Code],2) = "hb" )
VAR rr = CALCULATE (COUNTROWS(Data),'Data'[Post_code] = post_code && left(Data[Internal_Code],2) = "rr" )
RETURN IF(hb>0 && rr > 0,1)

IF Formula in Power BI DAX

I would like to do a nested if statement within powerbi, I need to have multiple if statements in one column with some returning - value depending on the if statement.
I have tried to below however theyre all coming back as false.
Calculated value = if('TableName'[ColumnName1] = "exp1" && 'TableName'[columnName2] = "exp2", 'TableName'[value]|| if('TableName'[ColumnName1] = "exp1" && 'TableName'[ColumnName2] = "exp3", - 'TableName'[value],""))
In the first if you don't have any output to the false result. I Add an extra empty value in your calculated value as below only to exemplify what you need to add:
Calculated value = if('TableName'[ColumnName1] = "exp1" && 'TableName'[columnName2] = "exp2", 'TableName'[value]|| if('TableName'[ColumnName1] = "exp1" && 'TableName'[ColumnName2] = "exp3", - 'TableName'[value],""),"")
Check the example and tell something about this, please

Django, use complex Q object query string on a record

We have a Q object string similar to
filter_string1 = {'question__startswith':'Who'}
filter_string2 = {'question__startswith':'What'}
filter = Q(**filter_string1) | Q(**filter_string2) && Q(**filter_string1)
This can be used as :
Can we use this filter to check if a certain record (a single record, instance of a model) satisfy above conditions.
Edited to clear question
if the filter looks something like this:
filter = Q(question__startswith = "Who") | Q(question__startswith = "What")
I want to get below result without actually writing it again. Using just filter and the object.
object = Model.objects.filter(id = 1)
if object.question.startswith("Who") or object.question.startswith("What")
return True
return False
Note: object may not be saved to database yet.

KeyError: Not in index, using a keys generated from a Pandas dataframe on itself

I have two columns in a Pandas DataFrame that has datetime as its index. The two column contain data measuring the same parameter but neither column is complete (some row have no data at all, some rows have data in both column and other data on in column 'a' or 'b').
I've written the following code to find gaps in columns, generate a list of indices of dates where these gaps appear and use this list to find and replace missing data. However I get a KeyError: Not in index on line 3, which I don't understand because the keys I'm using to index came from the DataFrame itself. Could somebody explain why this is happening and what I can do to fix it? Here's the code:
def merge_func(df):
null_index = df[(df['DOC_mg/L'].isnull() == False) & (df['TOC_mg/L'].isnull() == True)].index
df['TOC_mg/L'][null_index] = df[null_index]['DOC_mg/L']
notnull_index = df[(df['DOC_mg/L'].isnull() == True) & (df['TOC_mg/L'].isnull() == False)].index
df['DOC_mg/L'][notnull_index] = df[notnull_index]['TOC_mg/L']
df.insert(len(df.columns), 'Mean_mg/L', 0.0)
df['Mean_mg/L'] = (df['DOC_mg/L'] + df['TOC_mg/L']) / 2
return df
Whenever you are considering performing assignment then you should use .loc:
The error in your original code is the ordering of the subscript values for the index lookup:
df['TOC_mg/L'][null_index] = df[null_index]['DOC_mg/L']
will produce an index error, I get the error on a toy dataset: IndexError: indices are out-of-bounds
If you changed the order to this it would probably work:
df['TOC_mg/L'][null_index] = df['DOC_mg/L'][null_index]
However, this is chained assignment and should be avoided, see the online docs
So you should use loc:
df.loc[notnull_index, 'DOC_mg/L'] = df['TOC_mg/L']
note that it is not necessary to use the same index for the rhs as it will align correctly

conversion sql query to jpa

I have a query
SELECT d.name, count(e.id) FROM department d LEFT OUTER JOIN employee e on e.department_id = d.id and e.salary > 5000
and how i can convert this to jpa
right now i have:
CriteriaQuery<Object[]> criteria = builder.createQuery(Object[].class);
Root<Department> root = criteria.from(Department.class);
Path<String> name = root.get("name");
Expression<Long> empCount = builder.count(root.get("employees").get("id"));
TypedQuery<Object[]> query = em.createQuery(criteria);
I simplified both examples by removing ordering and grouping
can anyone tell me how i can modifie my jpa code to get same reslults like from my sql query
thanks in advance
You're not far from the result. The problem is that, AFAIK, you can't add any restriction on the on clause, using JPA. So the query wil have to be rewritten as
SELECT d.name, count(e.id) FROM department d
LEFT OUTER JOIN employee e on e.department_id = d.id
where (e.id is null or e.salary > 5000)
Here is the equivalent of this query not tested):
CriteriaQuery<Object[]> criteria = builder.createQuery(Object[].class);
Root<Department> root = criteria.from(Department.class);
Path<String> name = root.get("name");
Join<Department, Employee> employee = root.join("employees", JoinType.LEFT);
Expression<Long> empCount = builder.count(employee.get("id"));
builder.gt(employee.get("salary"), 5000)));
TypedQuery<Object[]> query = em.createQuery(criteria);