Rename Django auth db tables in 3.1.2 - django

I am setting up a new django project and
I would like to rename the three auth tables to include a django_ prefix.
i.e. rename to:
django_auth_group / django_auth_group_permissions / django_auth_permission.
I tried putting the following in at the project root from this answer:
from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session
Session._meta.db_table = "django_auth_group"
but was getting the following error:
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Requested setting INSTALLED_APPS, but settings are not configured. You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings.
I'm not sure this is even correct. I think I should be overwriting the model somewhere in my models directory so I tried:
from django.contrib.auth.backends import ModelBackend
class AuthGroup(ModelBackend):
class Meta:
swappable = 'AUTH_GROUP'
db_table = 'django_auth_group'
but this also doesn't seem to create the new table when I re-run my docker container.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


Django application global variables in database best praxis

I am a new in django. I storage global application variables inside settings environment folder. But now i need store variables inside Database because i want changes them from django admin.
My way to do this: Create model class in django core, where define two variable app_name - list of application and data-JSON. But i think this is not best praxis. Since it may be difficult to use the GIT
Decided to use a ready-made solution: django-extra-setting.
In apps setting define variables that will be storage in DB:
DB_VARIABLES = {'variable_name': ['text', 'default_value']}
Reads a variable from files after django project has been loaded
from settings import PROJECT_APPS
from extra_settings.models import Setting
from importlib import import_module
class CoreConfig(AppConfig):
def ready(self):
if (is_manage_py and is_runserver) or (not is_manage_py):
local_settings = import_module(f'path/{app_name}')
for app_name in PROJECT_APPS:
local_constants = local_settings.DB_VARIABLES if hasattr(local_settings, 'DB_VARIABLES') else False
if local_constants:
variables = {**variables, **{key: local_constants[key] for key in local_constants}}
for constant_name in local_constants:
if Setting.objects.filter(name=constant_name).count() == 0:
constant_values = local_constants[constant_name]
Setting(name=constant_name, value_type=constant_values[0], value=constant_values[1]).save()

Migrating models of dependencies when changing DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD

I'm using Django 3.2. I've changed added this line to
DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'
I then ran these commands:
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate
The makemigrations command creates new migration files for my apps, not just the apps that I have created, but also in my dependencies. For example, I'm using django-allauth, and this file was created in my virtual environment (virtualenv):
This file is not shipped with django-allauth. When I deploy this application from git, this file is not included.
What should I do instead? How can I switch DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD without the need to create new migration files for dependencies like django-allauth?
Ideally, your third party dependencies would include this line in the config found in
from django.apps import AppConfig
class ExampleConfig(AppConfig):
default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.AutoField'
While waiting for upstream dependencies to update their or migration files, you can override the app config yourself. If it doesn't exist already, create an file in your main app directory (eg: project/, and override the config of a dependency. In this example, I'm overriding the config of django-allauth:
from allauth.account.apps import AccountConfig
from allauth.socialaccount.apps import SocialAccountConfig
class ModifiedAccountConfig(AccountConfig):
default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.AutoField'
class ModifiedSocialAccountConfig(SocialAccountConfig):
default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.AutoField'
Then modify INSTALLED_APPS in to look like this, replacing the old entries for django-allauth in this example:
# ....
# replace: "allauth.account", with
# replace: "allauth.socialaccount", with
If the dependency doesn't have an file to override, you can still create an AppConfig sub-class in project/ like this:
from django.apps import AppConfig
class ModifiedExampleDependencyConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'exampledependency' # the python module
default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.AutoField'
Now when you run python makemigrations, no migration files should be created for the dependencies.
I work on a big project, we upgraded Django from 2.2. to 3.2 and then have got a need to create all new models with Big Integer (Int8) (PostgreSQL) field instead of default Integer (Int4).
When I defined it in
DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'
I got the same problem, but with own apps - Django tried to make me to migrate 135 models I had, but I didn't want to do it. I only wanted to create new models with BigInt and manipuate olds manually.
I found the next solution. I changed the field to custom:
DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = 'project.db.models.CustomBigAutoField'
And then overrided its deconstruction:
from django.db import models
class CustomBigAutoField(models.BigAutoField):
"""Int8 field that is applied only for new models."""
def deconstruct(self):
name, path, args, kwargs = super().deconstruct()
if getattr(self, 'model', None):
path = 'django.db.models.AutoField'
return name, path, args, kwargs
As I discovered, fields of new models don't have a back reference to their models, so path wouldn't be overridden for them.
We override path because Django checks whether a model is changed by a key, that includes the path to this field. So we deceive Django and it thinks that existing model didn't changed.
I might not see the whole picture, but I tested it with different existing and new models and it worked for me. If someone tells me why this solution is bad, I'd be grateful.

django: adding custom permissions stopped working

I have a django project with multiple apps. In one of the apps when I add custom permissions to any model and run makemigration, the migration-file to add the permission is created. When I apply the migration I get no error messages but the permission isn't added to the auth_permission table.
class Meta:
app_label = 'my_app'
permissions = (
('assign_work_type', 'Assign work type'),
The migration completes without errors
I have tried doing the same in other apps and that works. I have also tried adding a column to the current app and that works as well. Anyone got any idea what it could be? I am running django 1.11.26
Here is the content of the migration file
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generated by Django 1.11.26 on 2019-11-25 11:13
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.db import migrations
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('timereport', '0143_auto_20191122_1754'),
operations = [
options={'permissions': (('assign_work_type', 'Assign work type'),)},
After quite some investigation I found that the affected app was missing the models_module, i.e. the "" file. I have all my models in a /model/ directory and a while back I deleted the file thinking it was of no use.
Adding the file back solved the issue

Django 1.5.1 - missing while running startapp

I've been following the DjangoProject tutorial. When I run python startapp newapp while in the same directory as In the newapp directory I see,,, and but not file. Where is
I am running Django 1.5.1 in Windows 8
You have to create an file.
you don't necessarily need an file,
just import the admin module in your file,
from django.contrib import admin
and for each model do the following:
However, this is not best practice, but since it's just a tutorial, it will work.
You also need to uncoment the relevant lines in the file
I think I had the same frustrations following the DjangoProject tutorial - however, when I cross-referenced it with with the DjangoBook tutorial (for the same version, I believe, 1.5.1), I found that an file was not necessarily created after a python startapp xyz command -- moreover, I also uncommented all of the admin options in,, and - so a bit of a mix of what Neal and Ibrahim said
You have to create your own file in the app if you want it. Indeed, this file is optionnal and isn't created by startapp.
If you want a default template to begin your, it should be:
from django.contrib import admin
from models import Model1, Model2
class Model2Admin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('title', 'content', 'date')
# Just an example, chekc docs and tutorials for more info., Model2Admin)
The reason there is no default is because you don't have any models yet when you create your new application; so there is nothing to add to the admin section.
Further, you may not want to admin all the models in your application; or you may be creating an application that does not need any admin hookups; or you may not be using the admin application at all in your project.
Since django cannot decide this for you, there is no default generated.
To create one, if you are following the tutorial - simply keep reading and in part two you'll create the file when you learn about the admin contrib app and how to integrate it with your custom models.

django inspectdb in admin site (

I have been given a small legacy db (mysql) to work with, and therefore, I have tried to use the inspectdb command in django.
So, I use something like:
python inspectdb >
It works fine, and I take the and copy the class it created into my app (searchapp) as a file.
I have done a syncdb, and everything went fine. Results are as expected.
Now, I have tried to add this model into my admin site, using:
from searchapp.models import Abaqus
from django.contrib import admin
stored in a file called (Abaqus is the name of the class generated by inspectdb and searchapp is the app name). However, I am not able to see the app on the admin site. I have checked my and it includes the 'searchapp'.
I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction..
I suspect is not loaded. You could check this by putting a debug statement just above the register call:
import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
If this is in fact the case, the correct way to ensure is loaded is to call django.contrib.admin.autodiscover() at the beginning of your main url conf.
If you've written no admin classes and don't want an, you can call right below where the model is defined, inside
If you have an admin module structured like the following, import admin within to ensure the code is run:
Another possible cause would be that you are missing the permissions to edit the model. Double check that you are logged in as a superuser.