I write a Powershell script and regex to search two configs text files to find matches for Management Vlan. For example, each text file has two Management vlan configured as below:
123 MGMT_123_VLAN
234 MGMT_VLAN_234
890 MGMT_VLAN_890
Below is my script. It has several problems.
First, if I ran the script with the $Mgmt_vlan = Select-String -Path $File -Pattern $String -AllMatches then the screen output shows the expected four (4) Mgmt vlan, but in the CSV file output shows as follow
Filename Mgmt_vlan
Config1.txt System.Object[]
Config2.txt System.Object[]
I ran the script the output on the console screen shows exactly four (4) Management vlans that I expected, but in the CSV file it did not. It shows only these vlans
Second, if I ran the script with $Mgmt_vlan = Select-String -Path $File -Pattern $String | Select -First 1
Then the CSV shows as follows:
Filename Mgmt_vlan
Config1.txt 123 MGMT_123_VLAN
Config2.txt 890 MGMT_VLAN_890
The second method Select -First 1 appears to select only the first match in the file. I tried to change it to Select -First 2 and then CSV shows column Mgmt_Vlan as System.Object[].
The result output to the screen shows exactly four(4) Mgmt Vlans as expected.
$folder = "c:\config_folder"
$files = Get-childitem $folder\*.txt
Function find_management_vlan($Text)
$Vlan = #()
foreach($file in files) {
Mgmt_Vlan = Select-String -Path $File -Pattern $Text -AllMatches
if($Mgmt_Vlan) # if there is a match
$Vlan += New-Object -PSObject -Property #{'Filename' = $File; 'Mgmt_vlan' = $Mgmt_vlan}
$Vlan | Select 'Filename', 'Mgmt_vlan' | export-csv C:\documents\Mgmt_vlan.csv
$Mgmt_Vlan # test to see if it shows correct matches on screen and yes it did
$Vlan += New-Object -PSObject -Property #{'Filename' = $File; 'Mgmt_vlan' = "Mgmt Vlan Not Found"}
$Vlan | Select 'Filename', 'Mgmt_vlan' | Export-CSV C:\Documents\Mgmt_vlan.csv
find_management_vlan "^\d{1,3}\s.MGMT_"
Regex correction
First of all, there are a lot of mistakes in this code.
So this is probably not code that you actually used.
Secondly, that pattern will not match your strings, because if you use "^\d{1,3}\s.MGMT_" you will match 1-3 numbers, any whitespace character (equal to [\r\n\t\f\v ]), any character (except for line terminators) and MGMT_ chars and anything after that. So not really what you want. So in your case you can use for example this: ^\d{1,3}\sMGMT_ or with \s+ for more than one match.
Code Correction
Now back to your code... You create array $Vlan, that's ok.
After that, you tried to get all strings (in your case 2 strings from every file in your directory) and you create PSObject with two complex objects. One is FileInfo from System.IO and second one is an array of strings (String[]) from System. Inside the Export-Csv function .ToString() is called on every property of the object being processed. If you call .ToString() on an array (i.e. Mgmt_vlan) you will get "System.Object[]", as per default implementation. So you must have a collection of "flat" objects if you want to make a csv from it.
Second big mistake is creating a function with more than one responsibility. In your case your function is responsible for gathering data and after that for exporting data. That's a big no no. So repair your code and move that Export somewhere else. You can use for example something like this (i used get-content, because I like it more, but you can use whatever you want to get your string collection.
function Get-ManagementVlans($pattern, $files)
$Vlans = #()
foreach ($file in $files)
$matches = (Get-Content $file.FullName -Encoding UTF8).Where({$_ -imatch $pattern})
if ($matches)
$Vlans += $matches | % { New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{'Filename' = $File; 'Mgmt_vlan' = $_.Trim()} }
$Vlans += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{'Filename' = $File; 'Mgmt_vlan' = "Mgmt Vlan Not Found"}
return $Vlans
function Export-ManagementVlans($path, $data)
#do something...
$data | Select Filename,Mgmt_vlan | Export-Csv "$path\Mgmt_vlan.csv" -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation
$folder = "C:\temp\soHelp"
$files = dir "$folder\*.txt"
$Vlans = Get-ManagementVlans -pattern "^\d{1,3}\sMGMT_" -files $files
Export-ManagementVlans -path $folder -data $Vlans```
But in my opinion in this case is overprogramming to create something like you did. You can easily do it in oneliner (but you didn't have information if the file doesn't include anything). The power of powershell is this:
$pattern = "^\d{1,3}\s+MGMT_"
$path = "C:\temp\soHelp\"
dir $path -Filter *.txt -File | Get-Content -Encoding UTF8 | ? {$_ -imatch $pattern} | select #{l="FileName";e={$_.PSChildName}},#{l="Mgmt_vlan";e={$_}} | Export-Csv -Path "$path\Report.csv" -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation
or with Select-String:
dir $path -Filter *.txt -File | Select-String -Pattern $pattern -AllMatches | select FileName,#{l="Mgmt_vlan";e={$_.Line}} | Export-Csv -Path "$path\Report.csv" -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation
I'm trying to collect some file properties using PowerShell within Win 2008. To do so, I've created the following script.
$DATAATUAL = Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Day 1 # DAY 1 FOR TESTING ONLY
$PATH = "C:\FTP\import\"
$FILELIST = Get-ChildItem -Path $PATH | Where-Object { ($_.LastWriteTime -ge $DATAATUAL) -and ($_.Name -cmatch "$REGEX") } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
if ($FILELIST -ne $null) {
Write-Host "name;suffix;fileprocstart;filesize;filewrite"
ForEach ($FILE in $FILELIST) {
$FILENAME = Select-String -InputObject $FILE -CaseSensitive -Pattern "(^\d+)_($REGEX)"
$FILEPROCSTART = $FILENAME.Matches.Groups[1].value
$FILEPROCSTART = [datetime]::ParseExact($FILEPROCSTART,"yyyyMMddHHmmss",$null) | Get-Date -UFormat "%s"
$FILESUFFIX = $FILENAME.Matches.Groups[2].value
$FILESIZE = Get-ChildItem -Path $PATH -Filter $FILE | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length
$FILEWRITE = Get-ChildItem -Path $PATH -Filter $FILE | Select-Object -ExpandProperty LastWriteTime | Get-Date -UFormat "%s"
Else {
Write-Host "Empty"
I can start it like so:
script.ps1 -REGEX 'pattern'
It results in a list like this:
All files are generated on a daily basis and have a format similar to this:
Basically, the script outputs the file name, file suffix (no timestamp), file timestamp (unix format), file size and Last Write time (unix format), all in a sort of CSV format. It is meant to be started by another system to collect those properties.
It kind of works, but I can't help thinking there must be a better way to do that.
Any considerations on how to improve it?
I'm not sure if I got it right but if I understand this right:
Basically, the script outputs the file name, file suffix, file name timestamp, file size and Last Write time, all in a sort of CSV format. It is meant to be started by another system to collect those properties.
This should be all you need to start with:
$ComputerName = 'RemoteW2K8Computer'
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock {
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\FTP\import' |
Select-Object -Property BaseName,Extension,Length,LastWriteTime,
#{Name = 'FileNameTimeStamp'; Expression = {($_.BaseName -split '_')[0]}}
Using #Olaf great tips, I've rewritten the script this way.
$DATAATUAL = Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Day 1 # DAY 1 FOR TESTING ONLY
$PATH = "C:\FTP\import"
$TZ = [TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById("E. South America Standard Time")
$FILELIST = Get-ChildItem -Path $PATH |
Where-Object { ($_.LastWriteTime -ge $DATAATUAL) -and ($_.Name -cmatch "$REGEX") } |
Select-Object -Property Name,Length,
#{Name = 'Suffix'; Expression = { ($_.Name -split '_',2)[1] } },
#{Name = 'ProcStart'; Expression = {
$PROCSTART = ($_.Name -split '_')[0];
$PROCSTART = [datetime]::ParseExact($PROCSTART,"yyyyMMddHHmmss",$null);
[TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeToUtc($PROCSTART, $TZ) | Get-Date -UFormat "%s";
} },
#{Name = 'FileWrite' ; Expression = {
$WRITETIME = $_.LastWriteTime;
[TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeToUtc($WRITETIME) | Get-Date -UFormat "%s";
} }
if ($FILELIST -ne $null) {
Write-Host "name;suffix;procstart;filesize;filewrite"
# $FILELIST | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ';' -NoTypeInformation
ForEach ($FILE in $FILELIST) {
Else {
Write-Host "Empty"
As said, the output is in a CSV format.
If I use ConvertTo-Csv (much simpler) instead of ForEach, the output would also be a CSV.
However, it places quotation marks that mess up other conversions to JSON elsewhere (maybe I can improve that later).
# $FILELIST | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ';' -NoTypeInformation
The other system convert it to this (I can't use ConvertTo-Json in Win2008 :-/):
"\"Name\"": "\"20220709101112_cacs1_v83.txt\"",
"\"Length\"": "\"5\"",
"\"Suffix\"": "\"cacs1_v83.txt\"",
"\"ProcStart\"": "\"1657361472\"",
"\"FileWrite\"": "\"1657397022,47321\""
Therefore, I find that writing the values with ForEach gives me a cleaner output.
Also, for fun, measuring with Measure-Command, I found that the new script is a bit faster.
The previous script takes about 24 milliseconds to complete while using a small dataset.
Now, the new one takes about 13 milliseconds with the same dataset.
All in all, a small, but good improvement, I guess.
Cheers to #Olaf for pointing to a better script and for his patience. Thank you.
I have a huge ACS.txt report created in Kiwi, and I'd like to:
ID particular lines which have a set string "RADIUS Accounting" then ....
...from those lines take two values "User-ID=XXXXXXXX#domain.com" and "MAC=xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx", then output that in a txt.
This is what I have right now
Get-Content C:ACS.txt | ForEach-Object {
$null = $_ -match "RADIUS Accounting",\s.*User-Name=(?<user>[0-9]+#domain.com).*Calling-Station-ID=(?<mac>([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})).*"; $matches.user; $matches.mac
I think it's giving me what I want, it's just in one long list, rather than user/mac per line.
What about using Select-String and iterate the found (sub)matches
building a new PSCustomObject you can export or view
$UserMac = Select-String -Path C:ACS.txt -Pattern "RADIUS Accounting.*User-Name=([0-9]+#domain.com).*Calling-Station-ID=(([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}))" |
User = $matches.Groups[1].Value
Mac = $matches.Groups[2].Value
# $UserMac
$UserMac | Out-Gridview
# $UserMac | Export-Csv .\UserMac.csv -NoType
I have a bunch of log files which should be parsed and some info from them - extracted.
A sample line (line that unfortunately, after trimming sensitive data looks like xml):
I want to get ip ( in ip tags), and usermail (between userid tags)
My current "solver"
$regex = "<UserID>"
$files = Get-ChildItem -path 'c:\path\*.log'
foreach ($infile in $files) {
$res = select-string -Path $infile -Pattern $regex -AllMatches {
$txt = $res[$res.count-1]
# get user
$pos1= $txt.line.IndexOf("<UserID>")
$pos2= $txt.line.IndexOf("</UserID>")
$Puser = $txt.Line.Substring($pos1+8,$pos2-$pos1-8)
it works, but I wonder if different approach will be better, want see how this could be done with
select-string -pattern ...
Tried several "GUI" regex builders, but I can't figure how to select whats needed
Result after
$regex = '<IP>(.*)</IP>'
$res = select-string -Path $infile -Pattern $regex
0312092535|cfg |4|00|DevUpdt|[LyncDeviceUpdateC::prepareAndSendRequest] '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Request><DeviceType>3PIP</DeviceType><MacAddress>11-11-11-11-11-11</MacAddress><SerialNumber>111111111111</SerialNumber><IP></IP><UserID>user#domain.com</UserID><NumOfFiles>1</NumOfFiles><LocaleID>ENU</LocaleID><Vendor>POLYCOM</Vendor><Model>VVX311</Model><Revision>Rev-A</Revision><CurrentTime>2018-03-12T09:25:35</CurrentTime><CurrentModule><FileName>cpe.nbt</FileName><FileVersion><Major>5</Major><M
Sample of log file (100Kb+)
0312104211|nisvc|2|00|Invoker's nCommands,CurrentKey:2,(106)Responder
0312104211|app1 |5|00|[CWPADServiceEwsRsp::execute] PAC file failed with ''
0312104301|cfg |4|00|DevUpdt|[LyncDeviceUpdateC::prepareAndSendRequest] '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Request><DeviceType>3PIP</DeviceType><MacAddress>11-11-11-11-11-11</MacAddress><SerialNumber>64167F2A8451</SerialNumber><IP></IP><UserID>user#domain.com</UserID><NumOfFiles>1</NumOfFiles><LocaleID>ENU</LocaleID><Vendor>POLYCOM</Vendor><Model>VVX311</Model><Revision>Rev-A</Revision><CurrentTime>2018-03-12T10:43:00</CurrentTime><CurrentModule><FileName>cpe.nbt</FileName><FileVersion><Major>5</Major><Minor>
This code will get all the files, read each file line by line and create objects with a user and ip and put them in an array.
[regex]$ipUserReg = '(?<=<IP>)(.*)(?:<\/IP><UserID>)(.*)(?=<\/UserID>)'
$files = Get-ChildItem $path -filter *.log
$users = #(
foreach ($fileToSearch in $files) {
$file = [System.IO.File]::OpenText($fileToSearch)
while (!$file.EndOfStream) {
$text = $file.ReadLine()
if ($ipUserReg.Matches($text).Success -or $userReg.Matches($text).Success) {
New-Object psobject -Property #{
IP = $ipUserReg.Matches($text).Groups[1].Value
User = $ipUserReg.Matches($text).Groups[2].Value
To build out my regex, I often use regexr.com, but keep in mind powershell is slightly different when it comes to certain regex.
Edit: Here is an example using select-string rather than reading line by line:
[regex]$ipUserReg = '(?<=<IP>)(.*)(?:<\/IP><UserID>)(.*)(?=<\/UserID>)'
$files = Get-ChildItem $path -filter *.log
$users = #(
foreach ($fileToSearch in $files) {
Select-String -Path $fileToSearch.FullName -Pattern $ipUserReg -AllMatches | ForEach-Object {
$_.Matches | ForEach-Object{
New-Object psobject -property #{
IP = $_.Groups[1].Value
User = $_.Groups[2].Value
I have a fixed width file with records in a format as follows
DDEDM2018890 19960730015000010000
DDETPL015000 20150515015005010000
DDETPL015010 20150515015003010000
DDETPL015020 20150515015002010000
DDETPL015030 20150515015005010000
DDETPL015040 20150515015000010000
the first 3 characters identify the record type, in the above example all records are of type DDE but there are also lines of a different type in the file.
the following regular expression with named capture groups parses the relevant information from each record for my purpose (notice it also filters down to DDE record types:
play with this regex on this excellent online parser
I have written a script that uses the Get-Content, ForEach-Object and Select-Object cmdlets to convert the fixed width file into a csv file.
I wonder if I could replace the Get-Content and ForEach-Object cmdlets by a single Select-String cmdlet?
#this powershell script reads fixed width file and generates a csv file of the relevant & converted values
#Prepare HashSet object for Select-Object to convert CategoryCode and append with CategoryId
$Category = #{
Name = "Category"
Expression = {
$cat = switch($_.CategoryCode)
gc "C:\Path\To\File.txt" | % {
if($_ -match "DDE(?<Database>\w{3})\d{2}(?<CategoryCode>\d{2})(?<CategoryId>\d{1})\d\s+\d{8}\d{3}(?<Length>\d{3}).*$")
#$matches is a hashset of named capture groups, convert to object to allow Select-Object to handle hashset elements as object properties
} | select Database, $Category, Length #| export-csv "AnalysisLengths.csv" -NoTypeInformation
Before I finalized the script, I was trying to use the Select-String cmdlet but could not figure out how to use it, I believe it can achieve the same result in a more eloquent way... this is what I had:
##Could this be completed with just the Select-String commandlet instead of Get-Content+ForEach+Select-Object?
Select-String -Path "C:\Path\To\File.txt" `
-Pattern "DDE(?<Database>\w{3})\d{2}(?<CategoryCode>\d{2})(?<CategoryId>\d{1})\d\s+\d{8}\d{3}(?<Length>\d{3})" `
| Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches
Using -ExpandProperty should convert the Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo Matches property into the actual System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match objects for each line...
see also Powershell Select-Object vs ForEach on Select-String results
Here is one way (I'am not so proud of it)
Select-String -Path "C:\Path\To\File.txt" -Pattern "DDE(?<Database>\w{3})\d{2}(?<CategoryCode>\d{2})(?<CategoryId>\d{1})\d\s+\d{8}\d{3}(?<Length>\d{3})" | %{New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{Database=$_.matches.groups[1];CategoryCode=$_.matches.groups[2];CategoryId=$_.matches.groups[3];Length=$_.matches.groups[4]}} | export-csv "C:\Path\To\File.csv"
I don't know why you have limited your question to Select-String cmdlet. If you had included the switch statement, then, I'd answer to you: YES! It's possible!
And I'd present to you this simple and short PowerShell code:
$(switch -Regex -File $fileIN{$patt{[pscustomobject]$matches|select * -ExcludeProperty 0}})|epcsv $fileCSV`
where $fileIN is the input file, $fileCSV is CSV file you wanna create, and $patt is the pattern you have in your OP:
The switch statement is very powerful.
While Select-String can combine Get-Content and pattern matching, you still need a loop for constructing your custom objects. You could stick with what you have, although I'd suggest a couple modifications. Replace the switch statement with a hashtable and make the nested if a Where-Object filter:
$categories = #{
'50' = 'A'
'54' = 'C'
'60' = 'F'
'66' = 'I'
'74' = 'M'
'88' = 'T'
$category = #{
Name = 'Category'
Expression = { $categories[$_.CategoryCode] + $_.CategoryId }
$pattern = 'DDE(?<Database>\w{3})\d{2}(?<CategoryCode>\d{2})(?<CategoryId>\d{1})\d\s+\d{8}\d{3}(?<Length>\d{3})'
Get-Content 'C:\path\to\file.txt' |
? { $_ -match $pattern } |
% { [PSCustomObject]$matches } |
select Database, $category, Length |
Export-Csv 'C:\path\to\output.csv' -NoType
Or you could go with #JPBlanc's suggestion (again with some slight modifications):
$category = #{
'50' = 'A'
'54' = 'C'
'60' = 'F'
'66' = 'I'
'74' = 'M'
'88' = 'T'
$pattern = "DDE(?<Database>\w{3})\d{2}(?<CategoryCode>\d{2})(?<CategoryId>\d{1})\d\s+\d{8}\d{3}(?<Length>\d{3})"
Select-String -Path 'C:\path\to\file.txt' -Pattern $pattern | % {
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
Database = $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value
Category = $category[$_.Matches.Groups[2].Value] + $_.Matches.Groups[3].Value
Length = $_.Matches.Groups[4].Value
} | Export-Csv 'C:\path\to\output.csv' -NoType
The latter will give you slightly better performance, although not too much (execution times were 2:35 vs 2:50 for a 120 MB input file on my test box).
I am having some issues trying to match a certain config block (multiple ones) from a file. Below is the block that I'm trying to extract from the config file:
ap71xx 00-01-23-45-67-89
use profile PROFILE
use rf-domain DOMAIN
area inside
There are multiple ones just like this, each with a different MAC address. How do I match a config block across multiple lines?
The first problem you may run into is that in order to match across multiple lines, you need to process the file's contents as a single string rather than by individual line. For example, if you use Get-Content to read the contents of the file then by default it will give you an array of strings - one element for each line. To match across lines you want the file in a single string (and hope the file isn't too huge). You can do this like so:
$fileContent = [io.file]::ReadAllText("C:\file.txt")
Or in PowerShell 3.0 you can use Get-Content with the -Raw parameter:
$fileContent = Get-Content c:\file.txt -Raw
Then you need to specify a regex option to match across line terminators i.e.
SingleLine mode (. matches any char including line feed), as well as
Multiline mode (^ and $ match embedded line terminators), e.g.
(?smi) - note the "i" is to ignore case
C:\> $fileContent | Select-String '(?smi)([0-9a-f]{2}(-|\s*$)){6}.*?!' -AllMatches |
Foreach {$_.Matches} | Foreach {$_.Value}
use profile PROFILE
use rf-domain DOMAIN
area inside
use profile PROFILE
use rf-domain DOMAIN
area inside
Use the Select-String cmdlet to do the search because you can specify -AllMatches and it will output all matches whereas the -match operator stops after the first match. Makes sense because it is a Boolean operator that just needs to determine if there is a match.
In case this may still be of value to someone and depending on the actual requirement, the regex in Keith's answer doesn't need to be that complicated. If the user simply wants to output each block the following will suffice:
$fileContent = [io.file]::ReadAllText("c:\file.txt")
$fileContent |
Select-String '(?smi)ap71xx[^!]+!' -AllMatches |
%{ $_.Matches } |
%{ $_.Value }
The regex ap71xx[^!]*! will perform better and the use of .* in a regular expression is not recommended because it can generate unexpected results. The pattern [^!]+! will match any character except the exclamation mark, followed by the exclamation mark.
If the start of the block isn't required in the output, the updated script is:
$fileContent |
Select-String '(?smi)ap71xx([^!]+!)' -AllMatches |
%{ $_.Matches } |
%{ $_.Groups[1] } |
%{ $_.Value }
Groups[0] contains the whole matched string, Groups[1] will contain the string match within the parentheses in the regex.
If $fileContent isn't required for any further processing, the variable can be eliminated:
[io.file]::ReadAllText("c:\file.txt") |
Select-String '(?smi)ap71xx([^!]+!)' -AllMatches |
%{ $_.Matches } |
%{ $_.Groups[1] } |
%{ $_.Value }
This regex will search for the text ap followed by any number of characters and new lines ending with a !:
So I was a little bored. I wrote a script that will break up the text file as you described (as long as it only contains the lines you displayed). It might work with other random lines, as long as they don't contain the key words: ap, profile, domain, hostname, or area. It will import them, and check line by line for each of the properties (MAC, Profile, domain, hostname, area) and place them into an object that can be used later. I know this isn't what you asked for, but since I spent time working on it, hopefully it can be used for some good. Here is the script if anyone is interested. It will need to be tweaked to your specific needs:
$Lines = Get-Content "c:\test\test.txt"
$varObjs = #()
for ($num = 0; $num -lt $lines.Count; $num =$varLast ) {
#Checks to make sure the line isn't blank or a !. If it is, it skips to next line
if ($Lines[$num] -match "!") {
if (([regex]::Match($Lines[$num],"^\s.*$")).success) {
$Index = [array]::IndexOf($lines, $lines[$num])
$varObj = New-Object System.Object
while ($Lines[$num + $b] -notmatch "!" ) {
#Checks line by line to see what it matches, adds to the $varObj when it finds what it wants.
if ($Lines[$num + $b] -match "ap") { $varObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Mac -Value $([regex]::Split($lines[$num + $b],"\s"))[1] }
if ($lines[$num + $b] -match "profile") { $varObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Profile -Value $([regex]::Split($lines[$num + $b],"\s"))[3] }
if ($Lines[$num + $b] -match "domain") { $varObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name rf-domain -Value $([regex]::Split($lines[$num + $b],"\s"))[3] }
if ($Lines[$num + $b] -match "hostname") { $varObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name hostname -Value $([regex]::Split($lines[$num + $b],"\s"))[2] }
if ($Lines[$num + $b] -match "area") { $varObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name area -Value $([regex]::Split($lines[$num + $b],"\s"))[2] }
$b ++
} #end While
#Adds the $varObj to $varObjs for future use
$varObjs += $varObj
$varLast = ($b + $Index) + 2
}#End for ($num = 0; $num -lt $lines.Count; $num = $varLast)
#displays the $varObjs
To me, a very clean and simple approach is to use a multiline bloc regex, with named captures, like this:
# Based on this text configuration:
$configurationText = #"
ap71xx 00-01-23-45-67-89
use profile PROFILE
use rf-domain DOMAIN
area inside
# We can build a multiline regex bloc with the strings to be captured.
# Here, i am using the regex '.*?' than roughly means 'capture anything, as less as possible'
# A more specific regex can be defined for each field to capture.
# ( ) in the regex if for defining a group
# ?<> is for naming a group
$regex = #"
(?<userId>.*?) (?<userCode>.*?)
use profile (?<userProfile>.*?)
use rf-domain (?<userDomain>.*?)
hostname (?<hostname>.*?)
area (?<area>.*?)
# Lets see if this matches !
if($configurationText -match $regex)
# it does !
Write-Host "Config text is successfully matched, here are the matches:"
Write-Host "Config text could not be matched."
This script outputs the following:
PS C:\Users\xdelecroix> C:\FusionInvest\powershell\regex-capture-multiline-stackoverflow.ps1
Config text is successfully matched, here are the matches:
Name Value
---- -----
userProfile PROFILE
userCode 00-01-23-45-67-89
area inside
userId ap71xx
userDomain DOMAIN
0 ap71xx 00-01-23-45-67-89...
For more flexibility, you can use Select-String instead of -match, but this is not really important here, in the context of this sample.
Here's my take. If you don't need the regex, you can use -like or .contains(). The question never says what the search pattern is. Here's an example with a windows text file.
$file = (get-content -raw file.txt) -replace "`r" # avoid the line ending issue
$pattern = 'two
f.*' -replace "`r"
# just showing what they really are
$file -replace "`r",'\r' -replace "`n",'\n'
$pattern -replace "`r",'\r' -replace "`n",'\n'
$file -match $pattern
$file | select-string $pattern -quiet