Schedule Twillio messages on Google Cloud - google-cloud-platform

What I want to achieve is that once I receive a message via Twilio I want to schedule a reply to it after exactly 5 minutes. I am using Google Cloud Functions to generate the replies, but I'm not sure how to schedule it. I have gone through Cloud tasks, Pub/Sub and Scheduler but I'm still confused as to how to achieve it. I am using Python.
What I am thinking is the following workflow: Twilio -> cloud function receives the message and sets a task for after 5 minutes o-> another cloud function is invoked after 5 minutes. I am stuck as to how to schedule it after 5 minutes.

In AWS you would use SQS in combination with delay queues which makes this very convenient.
Google Cloud Pub/Sub being the equivalent to AWS SQS doesn't support any sort of delay so you would need to use Google Cloud Tasks.
When creating a task you can specify a schedule time which identifies the time at which the task should be executed:
scheduleTime string (Timestamp format)
The time when the task is scheduled to be attempted or retried.
Quick example code copy & pasted from the Google documentation leaving out non-relevant bits and pieces:
from import tasks_v2
from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2
import datetime
client = tasks_v2.CloudTasksClient()
parent = client.queue_path(project, location, queue)
in_seconds = 5*60 # After 5 minutes...
d = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=in_seconds)
timestamp = timestamp_pb2.Timestamp()
task = {
"http_request": {
"http_method": tasks_v2.HttpMethod.POST,
"url": url,
"schedule_time": timestamp,
# Need to add payload, headers and task name as necessary here...
response = client.create_task(request={"parent": parent, "task": task})


Move Google Pub/Sub Messages Between Topics

How can I bulk move messages from one topic to another in GCP Pub/Sub?
I am aware of the Dataflow templates that provide this, however unfortunately restrictions do not allow me to use Dataflow API.
Any suggestions on ad-hoc movement of messages between topics (besides one-by-one copy and pasting?)
Specifically, the use case is for moving messages in a deadletter topic back into the original topic for reprocessing.
You can't use snapshots, because snapshots can be applied only on subscriptions of the same topics (to avoid message ID overlapping).
The easiest way is to write a function that pull your subscription. Here, how I will do it:
Create a topic (named, for example, "transfer-topic") with a push subscription. Set the timeout to 10 minutes
Create a Cloud Functions HTTP triggered by PubSub push subscription (or a CLoud Run service). When you deploy it, set the timeout to 9 minutes for Cloud Function and to 10 minutes for Cloud Run. The content of the processing is the following
Read a chunk of messages (for examples 1000) from the deadletter pull subscription
Publish the messages (in bulk mode) into the initial topic
Acknowledge the messages of the dead letter subscription
Repeat this up to the pull subscription is empty
Return code 200.
The global process:
Publish a message in the transfer-topic
The message trigger the function/cloud run with a push HTTP
The process pull the messages and republish them into the initial topic
If the timeout is reached, the function crash and PubSub perform a retry of the HTTP request (according with an exponential backoff).
If all the message are processed, the HTTP 200 response code is returned and the process stopped (and the message into the transfer-topic subscription is acked)
this process allow you to process a very large amount of message without being worried about the timeout.
I suggest that you use a Python script for that.
You can use the PubSub CLI to read the messages and publish to another topic like below:
from import pubsub
from import types
# Defining parameters
PROJECT = "<your_project_id>"
SUBSCRIPTION = "<your_current_subscription_name>"
NEW_TOPIC = "projects/<your_project_id>/topics/<your_new_topic_name>"
# Creating clients for publishing and subscribing. Adjust the max_messages for your purpose
subscriber = pubsub.SubscriberClient()
publisher = pubsub.PublisherClient(
# Get your messages. Adjust the max_messages for your purpose
subscription_path = subscriber.subscription_path(PROJECT, SUBSCRIPTION)
response = subscriber.pull(subscription_path, max_messages=500)
# Publish your messages to the new topic
for msg in response.received_messages:
# Ack the old subscription if necessary
ack_ids = [msg.ack_id for msg in response.received_messages]
subscriber.acknowledge(subscription_path, ack_ids)
Before running this code you will need to install the PubSub CLI in your Python environment. You can do that running pip install google-cloud-pubsub
An approach to execute your code is using Cloud Functions. If you decide to use it, pay attention in two points:
The maximum time that you function can take to run is 9 minutes. If this timeout get exceeded, your function will terminate without finishing the job.
In Cloud Functions you can just put google-cloud-pubsub in a new line of your requirements file instead of running a pip command.

Cloud Tasks Conditional Execution

I am using Cloud Tasks. I need to trigger the execution of Task C only when Task A and Task B have been completed successfully. So I need some way of reading / being notified of the statuses of Tasks triggered. But I see no way of doing this in GCP's documentation. Using Node.js SDK to create tasks and Cloud Functions as task handlers if at all that helps.
As requested, here is more info on what we are doing:
Tasks 1 - 10 each make HTTP requests, fetch data, update individual collections in Firestore based on this data. These 10 tasks can run in parallel and in no particular order as they don't have any dependency on each other. All of these tasks are actually implemented inside GCF.
Task 11 actually depends on the Firestore collection data updated by Tasks 1 - 10. So it can only run after Tasks 1 - 10 are completed successfully.
We do issue a RunID as a common identifier to group a particular run of all tasks (1 - 11).
Cloud Task only trigger task, you can only define time condition. You have to code manually the check when the task C run.
Here an example of process:
Task A is running, at the end, the task write in firestore that is completed
Task B is running, at the end, the task write in firestore that is completed
Task C start and check if A and B are completed in firestore.
If not, the task exit in error
Is yes, continue the process
You have to customize your C task queue for retrying the task in case of error.
Another, expensive, solution is to use Cloud Composer for handling this workflow
There is no other solution for now about workflow management.
Cloud Tasks is not the tool you want to use in this case. Take a look into Cloud Composer which is built in top of Apache Airflow for GCP.
Edit: You could create a GCF to handle the states of those requests
import requests
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
################ TASK A
taskA_list = [
def call2TaskA(url):
html = requests.get(url, stream=True)
return (url,html.status_code)
processes = []
results = []
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
for url in taskA_list:
processes.append(executor.submit(call2TaskA, url))
isOkayToDoTaskB = True
for taskA in as_completed(processes):
result = taskA.result()
if result[1] != 200: # your validation on taskA
isOkayToDoTaskB = False
if not isOkayToDoTaskB:
raise ValueError('Problems: {}'.format(results))
################ TASK B
def doTaskB():

Is there a way to be notified of status changes in Google AI Platform training jobs without polling the REST API?

Right now I monitor my submitted jobs on Google AI Platform (formerly ml engine) by polling the job REST API. I don't like this solution for a few reasons:
Awareness of status changes is often delayed or missed altogether if the interval between status changes is smaller than the monitoring polling rate
Lots of unnecessary network traffic
Lots of unnecessary function invocations
I would like to be notified as soon as my training jobs complete. It'd be great if there is some way to assign hooks or callbacks to run when the job status changes.
I've also considered adding calls to cloud functions directly within the training task python package that runs on AI Platform. However, I don't think those function calls will occur in cases where the training job is shutdown unexpectedly, such as when a job is cancelled or forced to end by GCP.
Is there a better way to go about this?
You can use a Stackdriver sink to read the logs and send it to Pub/Sub. From Pub/Sub, you can connect to a bunch of other providers:
1. Set up a Pub/Sub sink
Make sure you have access to the logs and publish rights to the topic you desire before you get started. Follow the instructions for setting up a Stackdriver -> Pub/Sub sink. You’ll want to use this query to limit the events only to Training jobs:
resource.type = "ml_job"
resource.labels.task_name = "service"
Note that Stackdriver can further limit down the query. For example, you can limit to a particular Job by adding a condition like resource.labels.job_id = "..." or to a certain event with a filter like jsonPayload.message : "..."
2. Respond to the Pub/Sub message
In order to tell what changed, the recipient of the Pub/Sub message can either query the job status from the API or read the text of the message
Reading state from
When you receive the message, make a call to<project_id>/jobs/<job_id> to get the Job information, replacing [project_id] and [job_id] in the URL with the values of resource.label.project_id and resource.label.job_id from the Pub/Sub message, respectively.
The returned Job object contains a field state that, naturally, tells the status of the job.
Reading state from the message text
The Pub/Sub message will contain a string telling what happened to the job. You probably want behavior when the job ends. Look for these strings in jsonPayload.message:
"Job completed successfully."
"Job cancelled."
"Job failed."
I implemented a Terraform module as #htappen said. I'm happy if it would help you. But my real hope is that Google updates AI Platform with the same feature.
I think you can programmatically publish a PubSub message at the end of your training job code. Something like this:
from import pubsub_v1
# publish job complete message
client = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()
topic = client.topic_path(args.gcp_project_id, 'topic-name')
data = {
'SAVED_MODEL_DIR': args.job_dir
data_bytes = json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8')
client.publish(topic, data_bytes)
Then you can setup a cloud function to be triggered by the same pubsub topic.
You can work around the lack of a callback from the service on a custom TF training job by adding a LamdbaCallback to the fit() call. In the on_epoch method, you could then send yourself a notification on job progress and on_train_end when it finishes.

How to retrieve current workers count for job in GCP dataflow using API

Does anyone know if there is a possibility to get current workers count for active job that is running in GCP Dataflow?
I wasn't able to do it using provided by google API.
One thing that I was able to get is CurrentVcpuCount but it is not what I need.
Thanks in advance!
The current number of workers in a Dataflow job are displayed in the message logs, under autoscaling. For example, I did a quick job as example and I got the following message, when displaying the job logs in my Cloud Shell:
INFO:root:2019-01-28T16:42:33.173Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Autoscaling: Raised the number of workers to 0 based on the rate of progress in the currently running step(s).
INFO:root:2019-01-28T16:43:02.166Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Autoscaling: Raised the number of workers to 1 based on the rate of progress in the currently running step(s).
INFO:root:2019-01-28T16:43:05.385Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Workers have started successfully.
INFO:root:2019-01-28T16:43:05.433Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Workers have started successfully.
Now, you can query these messages by using the method, in the Data flow API, and setting the minimumImportance parameter to be JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC.
You will get a response similar to the following:
"autoscalingEvents": [
{...} //other events
"currentNumWorkers": "1",
"description": {
"messageText": "(fcfef6769cff802b): Worker pool started.",
"time": "2019-01-28T16:43:02.130129051Z",
"workerPool": "Regular"
To extend this you could create a python script to parse the response, and only get the parameter currentNumWorkers from the last element in the list autoscalingEvents, to know what is the last (hence the current) number of workers in the Job.
Note that if this parameter is not present, it means that the number of workers is zero.
I did a quick python script that retrieves the current number of workers, from the message logs, using the API I mentioned above:
from google.oauth2 import service_account
import googleapiclient.discovery
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
service =
'dataflow', 'v1b3', credentials=credentials)
print("Current number of workers is "+messages['autoscalingEvents'][-1]['currentNumWorkers'])
print("Current number of workers is 0")
A couple of notes:
The scopes are the permissions needed on the service account key you are referencing (in the from_service_account_file function), in order to do the call to the API. This line is needed to authenticate to the API. You can use any one of this list, to make it easy on my side, I just used a service account key with project/owner permissions.
If you want to read more about the Python API Client Libraries, check this documentation, and this samples.
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Can I schedule a lambda function execution with a lambda function?

I'm looking for the ability to programmatically schedule a lambda function to run a single time with another lambda function. For example, I made a request to myFirstFunction with date and time parameters, and then at that date and time, have mySecondFunction execute. Is that possible only with stateless AWS services? I'm trying to avoid an always-on ec2 instance.
Most of the results I'm finding for scheduling a lambda functions have to do with cloudwatch and regularly scheduled events, not ad-hoc events.
This is a perfect use case for aws step functions.
Use Wait state with SecondsPath or TimestampPath to add the required delay before executing the Next State.
What you're tring to do (schedule Lambda from Lambda) it's not possible with the current AWS services.
So, in order to avoid an always-on ec2 instance, there are other options:
1) Use AWS default or custom metrics. You can use, for example, ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible or CPUUtilization (if your app fires a big CPU utilization when process a request). You can also create a custom metric and fire it when your instance is idle (depending on the app that's running in your instance).
The problem with this option is that you'll waste already paid minutes (AWS always charge a full-hour, no matter if you used your instance for 15 minutes).
2) A better option, in my opinion, would be to run a Lambda function once per minute to check if your instances are idle and shut them down only if they are close to the full hour.
import boto3
from datetime import datetime
def lambda_handler(event, context):
print('ManageInstances function executed.')
environments = [['instance-id-1', 'SQS-queue-url-1'], ['instance-id-2', 'SQS-queue-url-2'], ...]
ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2')
for environment in environments:
instance_id = environment[0]
queue_url = environment[1]
print 'Instance:', instance_id
print 'Queue:', queue_url
rsp = ec2_client.describe_instances(InstanceIds=[instance_id])
if rsp:
status = rsp['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0]
if status['State']['Name'] == 'running':
current_time =
diff = current_time - status['LaunchTime'].replace(tzinfo=None)
total_minutes = divmod(diff.total_seconds(), 60)[0]
minutes_to_complete_hour = 60 - divmod(total_minutes, 60)[1]
print 'Started time:', status['LaunchTime']
print 'Current time:', str(current_time)
print 'Minutes passed:', total_minutes
print 'Minutes to reach a full hour:', minutes_to_complete_hour
if(minutes_to_complete_hour <= 2):
sqs_client = boto3.client('sqs')
response = sqs_client.get_queue_attributes(QueueUrl=queue_url, AttributeNames=['All'])
messages_in_flight = int(response['Attributes']['ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible'])
messages_available = int(response['Attributes']['ApproximateNumberOfMessages'])
print 'Messages in flight:', messages_in_flight
print 'Messages available:', messages_available
if(messages_in_flight + messages_available == 0):
ec2_resource = boto3.resource('ec2')
instance = ec2_resource.Instance(instance_id)
print('Stopping instance.')
print('Status was not running. Nothing is done.')
print('Problem while describing instance.')
UPDATE - I wouldn't recommend using this approach. Things changed in when TTL deletions happen and they are not close to TTL time. The only guarantee is that the item will be deleted after the TTL. Thanks #Mentor for highlighting this.
2 months ago AWS announced DynamoDB item TTL, which allows you to insert an item and mark when you wish for it to be deleted. It will be deleted automatically when the time comes.
You can use this feature in conjunction with DynamoDB Streams to achieve your goal - your first function inserts an item to a DynamoDB table. The record TTL should be when you want the second lambda triggered. Setup a stream that triggers your second lambda. In this lambda you will identify deletion events and if that's a delete then run your logic.
Bonus point - you can use the table item as a mechanism for the first lambda to pass parameters to the second lambda.
About DynamoDB TTL:
It does depend on your use case, but the idea that you want to trigger something at a later date is a common pattern. The way I do it serverless is I have a react application that triggers an action to store a date in the future. I take the date format like 24-12-2020 and then convert it using date(), having researched that the date format mentioned is correct, so I might try 12-24-2020 and see what I get(!). When I am happy I convert it to a Unix number in javascript React I use this code:
new Date( / 1000
where is the date and maybe the time for the action.
I run React in Amplify (serverless), I store that to dynamodb (serverless). I then run a Lambda function (serverless) to check my dynamodb for any dates (I actually use the Unix time for now) and compare the two Unix dates now and then (stored) which are both numbers, so the comparison is easy. This seems to me to be super easy and very reliable.
I just set the crontab on the Lambda to whatever is needed depending on the approximate frequency required, in most cases running a lambda every five minutes is pretty good, although if I was only operating this in a certain time zone for a business weekday application I would control the Lambda a little more. Lambda is free for the first 1m functions per month and running it every few minutes will cost nothing. Obviously things change, so you will need to look that up in your area.
You will never get perfect timing in this scenario. It will, however, for the vast majority of use cases be close enough according to the timing settings of the Lambda function, you could set it up to check every minute or just once per day, it all depends on your application.
Alternatively, If I wanted an instant reaction to an event I might use SMS, SQS, or Kinesis to instantly stream a message, it all depends on your use case.
I'd opt for enqueuing deferred work to SQS using message timers in myFirstFunction.
Currently, you can't use SQS as a Lambda event source, but you can either periodically schedule mySecondFunction to check the queue via scheduled CloudWatch Events (somewhat of a variant of the other options you've found) or use a CloudWatch alarm on the ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible to fire an SNS message to a Lambda and avoid constant polling for queues that are frequently inactive for long periods.