Gekko - if3() statement for choosing between two expressions in ODE - if-statement

I tried solving a differential equation having a logical condition in Gekko. I know that Gekko does not like these things but I supposed that simple if3() function in order to switch between the two given expressions (R1,R2) will get some solution. Here is a simple example code that failed - Solution not found.
import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
m = GEKKO() # create GEKKO model
nt = 101
m.time = np.linspace(0,100,nt) # time points
y = m.Var(y0) # create GEKKO variable
R1 = m.Intermediate(-(y+A-A/(y/C+1)**(B/D))/G*(D*y+D*C))
R2 = m.Intermediate(-0.1*y)
z = m.Var() # This way - Solution not found
z = m.if3(y-60,R1,R2) #
m.Equation(y.dt()== z) #
#m.Equation(y.dt()== R1)
#m.Equation(y.dt()== R2)
# solve ODE
m.options.IMODE = 4
m.options.NODES = 5
# plot results
Unfortunately, it seems I did not figure out yet how to overcome these problems by reading the article about Logical conditions in Optimization.
Best Regards,

The posted script gives the error:
Exception: #error: Solution Not Found
To see additional details about the error, turn on the display with disp=True. This gives additional detail that indicates that the problem is infeasible.
Number of state variables: 2800
Number of total equations: - 2000
Number of slack variables: - 800
Degrees of freedom : 0
Dynamic Simulation with APOPT Solver
Iter: 1 I: -1 Tm: 13.07 NLPi: 9 Dpth: 0 Lvs: 0 Obj: 0.00E+00 Gap: NaN
Warning: no more possible trial points and no integer solution
Maximum iterations
Solver : APOPT (v1.0)
Solution time : 13.116200000000001 sec
Objective : 0.
Unsuccessful with error code 0
Creating file: infeasibilities.txt
Use command apm_get(server,app,'infeasibilities.txt') to retrieve file
#error: Solution Not Found
A couple issues with the model:
z = m.Var() is not needed because the z = if3() function defines the variable.
IMODE=6 is needed because there are slack variables in the problem and an optimization mode is needed to solve the problem.
Try if2() instead of if3(). It seems to work better with the MPCC form than the Mixed Integer form.
Solver APOPT performs better for this problem. Try m.options.SOLVER=1.
import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
A=1; B=1e-5; C=2; D=0.01; G=1
m = GEKKO(remote=False) # create GEKKO model
nt = 101
m.time = np.linspace(0,50,nt) # time points
y = m.Var(y0) # create GEKKO variable
R1 = m.Intermediate(-(y+A-A/(y/C+1)**(B/D))/G*(D*y+D*C))
R2 = m.Intermediate(-0.1*y)
z = m.if2(y-60,0,1)
m.Equation(y.dt()== (1-z)*R1+z*R2)
# solve ODE
m.options.IMODE = 6
m.options.SOLVER = 1
m.options.NODES = 5
# plot results
plt.ylabel('y(t)'); plt.grid()
plt.ylabel('z(t)'); plt.grid()
The alternative to using an if statement in the model is to integrate in a loop and check the condition y>60 to switch to the other model.


Pvlib / Bird1984: North-facing element shows negative Irradiance

When using pvlib (but also the spectrl2 implementation provided by NREL), I obtain negative Irradiance for a north-facing panel.
Is this expected behaviour? Should the spectrum simply be cut at zero?
Added example code based on the tutorial below:
## Using PV Lib
from pvlib import spectrum, solarposition, irradiance, atmosphere
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# assumptions from the technical report:
lat = 49.88
lon = 8.63
tilt = 45
azimuth = 0 # North = 0
pressure = 101300 # sea level, roughly
water_vapor_content = 0.5 # cm
tau500 = 0.1
ozone = 0.31 # atm-cm
albedo = 0.2
times = pd.date_range('2021-11-30 8:00', freq='h', periods=6, tz="Europe/Berlin") # , tz='Etc/GMT+9'
solpos = solarposition.get_solarposition(times, lat, lon)
aoi = irradiance.aoi(tilt, azimuth, solpos.apparent_zenith, solpos.azimuth)
# The technical report uses the 'kasten1966' airmass model, but later
# versions of SPECTRL2 use 'kastenyoung1989'. Here we use 'kasten1966'
# for consistency with the technical report.
relative_airmass = atmosphere.get_relative_airmass(solpos.apparent_zenith,
spectra = spectrum.spectrl2(
plt.plot(spectra['wavelength'], spectra['poa_global'])
plt.xlim(200, 2700)
# plt.ylim(0, 1.8)
plt.title(r"2021-11-30, Darmstadt, $\tau=0.1$, Wv=0.5 cm")
plt.ylabel(r"Irradiance ($W m^{-2} nm^{-1}$)")
plt.xlabel(r"Wavelength ($nm$)")
time_labels = times.strftime("%H:%M %p")
labels = [
"AM {:0.02f}, Z{:0.02f}, {}".format(*vals)
for vals in zip(relative_airmass, solpos.apparent_zenith, time_labels)
No, this is not expected behavior. I suspect the issue is caused by improper handling of angle-of-incidence values greater than 90 degrees, and essentially the same problem (for a different function) discussed here:
It's unfortunate that the reference implementation from NREL has the problem too (perhaps when the model was originally designed, nobody could conceive of a panel facing away from the sun!), but I think the pvlib implementation should be fixed regardless. I encourage you to file a bug report here:
In the meantime, I think you can resolve the issue in your own code by adding a line like aoi[aoi > 90] = 90 prior to passing it to spectrum.spectrl2, although be careful about this if you end up using aoi for other purposes later in the script. I would be interested to hear if the resulting spectra are consistent with your expectations.
Edit for posterity: a github issue has been opened here:

How to sample independently with pymc3

I am working with a simple bivariate normal model with a somewhat unconventional prior. The main issue I have is that my posteriors are inconsistent from one run to the next, which I'm guessing is related to an issue of high dependence between consecutive samples. Here are my specific questions.
What is the best way to get N independent samples? At the moment, I've been calling sample() to get a big chain (e.g. length 10,000) and then taking every 100th sample starting at 1,000. But looking now at an autocorrelation profile of one of the parameters, it looks like I need to take at least every 500th sample! (I could also use mutual information to get a better idea of dependence between lags.)
I've been following the fitting procedure described in the stochastic volatility example in the pymc3 tutorial. In particular I first find the MAP, then use it to generate a NUTS() object, then take a short sample, then use that to generate another NUTS() object, using gamma=0.25 (???), then finally get my big sample. I have no idea whether this is appropriate or whether I need the gamma=0.25.
Also, in that same example, there are testvals for the Exponential distribution. I don't know if I need these. (What is wrong with the default use of the mean?)
Here is the actual model I'm using.
import pymc3 as pymc
import numpy as np
import theano.tensor as th
from pymc3.distributions.continuous import Gamma, Uniform, Normal, Bounded
from pymc3.distributions.multivariate import MvNormal
from pymc3.model import Deterministic
data = np.random.randn(3000, 2) / 300 # I have actual data!
with pymc.Model():
tau = Gamma('tau', alpha=2, beta=1 / 20000)
sigma = Deterministic('sigma', 1 / th.sqrt(tau))
corr = Uniform('corr', lower=0, upper=1)
alpha_sig = Deterministic('alpha_sig', sigma / 50)
alpha_post = Normal('alpha_post', mu=0, sd=alpha_sig)
alpha_pre = Bounded(
'alpha_pre', Normal, alpha_post, np.Inf, mu=0, sd=alpha_sig)
corr_inv = th.stack([th.stack([1, -corr]),
th.stack([-corr, 1])]) / (1 - th.sqr(corr))
'data', mu=th.stack([alpha_post, alpha_pre]),
tau=tau * corr_inv, observed=data)
map_ = pymc.find_MAP()
step1 = pymc.NUTS(scaling=map_)
trace1 = pymc.sample(1000, step=step1)
step2 = pymc.NUTS(scaling=trace1[-1], gamma=0.25)
trace2 = pymc.sample(10000, step=step2, start=trace1[-1])
I'm not sure what you're doing with the complex prior structure you have set up but I think there is something wrong there.
I simplified the model to:
import pymc3 as pymc
import numpy as np
import theano.tensor as th
from pymc3.distributions.continuous import Gamma, Uniform, Normal, Bounded
from pymc3.distributions.multivariate import MvNormal
from pymc3.model import Deterministic
data = np.random.randn(3000, 2) # I have actual data!
with pymc.Model():
corr = Uniform('corr', lower=0, upper=1)
corr_inv = th.stack([th.stack([1, -corr]),
th.stack([-corr, 1])]) / (1 - th.sqr(corr))
mu = Normal('mu', mu=0, sd=1, shape=2)
map_ = pymc.find_MAP()
step1 = pymc.NUTS(scaling=map_)
trace1 = pymc.sample(1000, step=step1)
step2 = pymc.NUTS(scaling=trace1[-1])
trace2 = pymc.sample(10000, step=step2, start=trace1[-1])
Which has great convergence. I think you can also just drop the gamma parameter.

Solve an equation using a python numerical solver in numpy

I have an equation, as follows:
R - ((1.0 - np.exp(-tau))/(1.0 - np.exp(-a*tau))) = 0.
I want to solve for tau in this equation using a numerical solver available within numpy. What is the best way to go about this?
The values for R and a in this equation vary for different implementations of this formula, but are fixed at particular values when it is to be solved for tau.
In conventional mathematical notation, your equation is
The SciPy fsolve function searches for a point at which a given expression equals zero (a "zero" or "root" of the expression). You'll need to provide fsolve with an initial guess that's "near" your desired solution. A good way to find such an initial guess is to just plot the expression and look for the zero crossing.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
# Define the expression whose roots we want to find
a = 0.5
R = 1.6
func = lambda tau : R - ((1.0 - np.exp(-tau))/(1.0 - np.exp(-a*tau)))
# Plot it
tau = np.linspace(-0.5, 1.5, 201)
plt.plot(tau, func(tau))
plt.ylabel("expression value")
# Use the numerical solver to find the roots
tau_initial_guess = 0.5
tau_solution = fsolve(func, tau_initial_guess)
print "The solution is tau = %f" % tau_solution
print "at which the value of the expression is %f" % func(tau_solution)
You can rewrite the equation as
For integer a and non-zero R you will get a solutions in the complex space;
There are analytical solutions for a=0,1,...4(see here);
So in general you may have one, multiple or no solution and some or all of them may be complex values. You may easily throw scipy.root at this equation, but no numerical method will guarantee to find all the solutions.
To solve in the complex space:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import root
def poly(xs, R, a):
x = complex(*xs)
err = R * x - x + 1 - R
return [err.real, err.imag]
root(poly, x0=[0, 0], args=(1.2, 6))

Fitting The Theoretical Equation To My Data

I am very, very new to python, so please bear with me, and pardon my naivety. I am using Spyder Python 2.7 on my Windows laptop. As the title suggests, I have some data, a theoretical equation, and I am attempting to fit my data, with what I believe is the Chi-squared fit. The theoretical equation I am using is
import math
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as optimize
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import csv
#with open('1.csv', 'r') as datafile:
# datareader = csv.reader(datafile)
# for row in datareader:
# print ', '.join(row)
t_y_data = np.loadtxt('exerciseball.csv', dtype=float, delimiter=',', usecols=(1,4), skiprows = 1)
t = t_y_data[:,0]
y = t_y_data[:,1]
gamma0 = [.1]
sigma = [(0.345366)/2]*(len(t))
#sigma is the error in our measurements, which is the radius of the object
# Dragfunction is the theoretical equation of the position as a function of time when the thing falling experiences a drag force
# This is the function we are trying to fit to our data
# t is the independent variable time, m is the mass, and D is the Diameter
#Gamma is the value of which python will vary, until chi-squared is a minimum
def Dragfunction(x, gamma):
print x
g = 9.8
D = 0.345366
m = 0.715
# num = math.sqrt(gamma)*D*g*x
# den = math.sqrt(m*g)
# frac = num/den
# print "frac", frac
return ((m)/(gamma*D**2))*math.log(math.cosh(math.sqrt(gamma/m*g)*D*g*t))
optimize.curve_fit(Dragfunction, t, y, gamma0, sigma)
This is the error message I am getting:
return ((m)/(gamma*D**2))*math.log(math.cosh(math.sqrt(gamma/m*g)*D*g*t))
TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
My professor and I have spent about three or four hours trying to fix this. He helped me work out a lot of the problems, but this we can't seem to resolve.
Could someone please help? If there is any other information you need, please let me know.
Your error message comes from the fact that those math functions only accept a scalar, so to call functions on an array, use the numpy versions:
In [82]: a = np.array([1,2,3])
In [83]: np.sqrt(a)
Out[83]: array([ 1. , 1.41421356, 1.73205081])
In [84]: math.sqrt(a)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 math.sqrt(a)
TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
In the process, I happened to spot a mathematical error in your code. Your equation at top says that g is in the bottom of the square root inside the log(cosh()), but you've got it on the top because a/b*c == a*c/b in python, not a/(b*c)
should instead be any one of these:
log(cosh(sqrt(gamma*g/m)*D*t)) # the simplest, by canceling with the g from outside sqrt
A second error is that in your function definition, you have the parameter named x which you never use, but instead you're using t which at this point is a global variable (from your data), so you won't see an error. You won't see an effect using curve_fit since it will pass your t data to the function anyway, but if you tried to call the Dragfunction on a different data set, it would still give you the results from the t values. Probably you meant this:
def Dragfunction(t, gamma):
print t
return ... D*g*t ...
A couple other notes as unsolicited advice, since you said you were new to python:
You can load and "unpack" the t and y variables at once with:
t, y = np.loadtxt('exerciseball.csv', dtype=float, delimiter=',', usecols=(1,4), skiprows = 1, unpack=True)
If your error is constant, then sigma has no effect on curve_fit, as it only affects the relative weighting for the fit, so you really don't need it at all.
Below is my version of your code, with all of the above changes in place.
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize # simplified syntax
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # pylab != pyplot
# `unpack` lets you split the columns immediately:
t, y = np.loadtxt('exerciseball.csv', dtype=float, delimiter=',',
usecols=(1, 4), skiprows=1, unpack=True)
gamma0 = .1 # does not need to be a list
def Dragfunction(x, gamma):
g = 9.8
D = 0.345366
m = 0.715
gammaD_m = gamma*D*D/m # combination is used twice, only calculate once for (small) speedup
return np.log(np.cosh(np.sqrt(gammaD_m*g)*t)) / gammaD_m
gamma_best, gamma_var = optimize.curve_fit(Dragfunction, t, y, gamma0)

scikit-learn PCA doesn't have 'score' method

I am trying to identify the type of noise based on that article:
Model selection with Probabilistic (PCA) and Factor Analysis (FA)
I am using scikit-learn-0.14.1.win32-py2.7 on win8 64bit
I know that it refers on version 0.15, however at the version 0.14 documentation it mentions that the score method is available for PCA so I guess it should normally work:
The problem is that no matter which PCA I will use for the *cross_val_score*, I always get a type error message saying that the estimator PCA does not have a score method:
*TypeError: If no scoring is specified, the estimator passed should have a 'score' method. The estimator PCA(copy=True, n_components=None, whiten=False) does not.*
Any ideas why is that happening?
Many thanks in advance
X has 1000 samples of 40 features
here is a portion of the code:
import numpy as np
import csv
from scipy import linalg
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA, FactorAnalysis
from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score
from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.covariance import ShrunkCovariance, LedoitWolf
#read in the training data
train_path = '<train data path>/train.csv'
reader = csv.reader(open(train_path,"rb"),delimiter=',')
train = list(reader)
X = np.array(train).astype('float')
n_samples = 1000
n_features = 40
n_components = np.arange(0, n_features, 4)
def compute_scores(X):
pca = PCA()
pca_scores = []
for n in n_components:
pca.n_components = n
pca_scores.append(np.mean(cross_val_score(pca, X, n_jobs=1)))
return pca_scores
pca_scores = compute_scores(X)
n_components_pca = n_components[np.argmax(pca_scores)]
Ok, I think I found the problem. it is not working with PCA, but it does work with PPCA
However, by not providing a cv number the cross_val_score automatically sets 3-fold cross validation
that created 3 sets with sizes 334, 333 and 333 (my initial training set contains 1000 samples)
Since nympy.mean cannot make a comparison between sets with different sizes (334 vs 333), python rises an exception.