ECS starting tasks sequentially though resources are available - amazon-web-services

In our ECS cluster setup with ASG Capacity provider, we have 5 EC2 instances and each instance can take around 20 tasks. So overall there are resources available to run 100 tasks. Now if we submit a service with 100 tasks, though there are enough resources, not all tasks are started parallely. I see tasks are coming up in batches of size 20 with a gap of 10 secs between each batch. I observed this from ECS Service Event logs. Any configuration which we can tweak to achieve complete parallelism.

This behavior is due to artificially controlled throughput (expressed in Tasks per Second - TPS) that the ECS service control plane imposes. There is a bursting concept in there (which is the reason for which you see this batch of tasks being launched and then a delta in seconds). The reasons for which these limits exist is to avoid being throttled in other parts of the services surface. These limits can be lifted if there is a strong need but the engineering team will need to validate the use case and expectations (see the point about hitting potentially other limits). The best way to address this discussion is by opening a ticket with AWS Support and explore your alternatives (based on your requirements).


Cloudwatch Period time

CPU metrics cannot be selected below 1 minute in Cloudwatch service. For example, how can I lower this period time to trigger the Autoscale scale faster? I just need to trigger the AutoScale instances in short time. (By the way, datapoints value 1 to 1)
the minimum granularity for the metrics that EC2 provides is 1 minute.
Would also say that if you need to scale that quickly, wouldn't the startup time be an issue anyway?
You are correct -- basic monitoring of an Amazon EC2 instance provides metrics over 5-minute periods. If you activate EC2 Detailed Monitoring, metrics are provided over 1-minute periods. Extra charges apply for Detailed Monitoring.
When launching a new instance via Amazon EC2 Auto-Scaling, it can take a few minutes for the new instance to launch and for the User Data script (if any) to run. Linux instances are quite fast, but Windows instances take a while on their first boot due to sysprep operations.
You mention that you want to react to a metric in less than one minute. I would suggest that this would not be an ideal way to trigger Auto-scaling. Sometimes a computer can be busy for a while, then can drop down again. Reacting too quickly to a high CPU load would cause the Auto-Scaling group to flap between adding instances and terminating instances. It is better to provision enough capacity for a reasonable amount of extra load and then gradually add more capacity as it is required over time.
If you have a need to react so quickly, then perhaps you should investigate using AWS Lambda to perform small amounts of work in a highly-parallel fashion rather than relying on Amazon EC2 instances.

Increase and decrease AWS instances CPUs automatically

is there's a way in AWS to increase and decrease instances CPUs depending on pressure. I have been paying a lot of money for AWS statically increasing and decreasing instance cores when no clients are using it.
to be more specific, clients can upload an excel file and the software will do some calculations that will take time depending on the AWS instance cores. Having 2 cores will take 30 minutes to completion and having 96 cores will take only a couple of minutes.
Is there's a way to automatically increase the cores to 96 when the clients are using and uploading files to the website and automatically decrease the cores to 2 when no action is happening and clients are either not using the website or just using the website with current data and aren't taking a new action.
If not then can I possibly add a schedule in AWS to change the instance type. As an example run the instance on a 2 core type (ex: t2.large) and then change the instance type only from 1pm-6pm to 96 cores (ex: c5a.24xlarge) after that get it back to 2 cores?
I'm very new to AWS and devops in general, and I have been reading about AWS Autoscaling groups, but I'm not sure if this is the answer for my problem.
No, it is not possible to "scale CPU cores". (Commonly known as Vertical scaling.)
Instead, the recommended method is to add/remove parallel capacity based upon demand.
If you are using Amazon EC2, then you can launch more instances or terminate existing instances. This can be automated through Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, which can monitor metrics (eg CPU Utilization) and then launch/terminate instances automatically. You would typically put a Load Balancer in front of these instances if they are web servers, or the instances might be 'worker nodes' that pull work from a queue.
If you are using containers (Docker, Kubernetes) then Amazon ECS/Amazon EKS can automatically add/remove tasks to meet demand for your application.
If you are using AWS Lambda functions, then they 'scale' by allowing multiple functions to run in parallel. Lambda functions typically exit when they have finished processing, so there is not charge when there is nothing to process.
These are all examples of Horizontal scaling, where capacity is added/removed in parallel.

AWS ECS Scaling based on memoryreservation

I've been given a AWS environment to look after and it runs ECS on EC2 instances and has scaling configured using ECS Memory Reservation. The system was originally running before Cluster Autoscaling was made generally available so it's just using a cloudwatch metric to scale out and scale in. As far as I can work out it is following a basic AWS design.
The EC2 has an autoscaling group and allows scale from 1 to 5 instances with 1 being the desired state.
There is 1 cluster service running with 6 tasks configured.
5 of those tasks are configured to run up to 2 copies of the task maximum and 1 the desired, the other is set to maximum of 1.
The tasks have MemoryReservation (soft limit) figures configured but not Memory (hard limit).
The tasks are primarily running Java.
The highest memory reservation is set at about 200MB and most are around this figure.
The scale out rule is based on MemoryReservation at 85%.
Docker stats shows most of the tasks are running about 300MB and some exceed 600MB.
The instance size has 4GB of RAM.
If the maximum reservation is 2GB, even if the tasks are consuming more like 3GB in reality, am I right in believing that the scale out rule will NEVER be invoked because 2GB is 50% of available RAM? Do I need to increase the memory reservations to something more realistic?
Also if it is only running a single EC2 instance am I right in thinking even if I increased the MemoryReservation figures to something more realistic, just because there's no theoretical room to start another task it won't spin up a second EC2 instance automatically? Just picked this up from different articles I've been reading when searching.
After the update of Capacity Providers in May 2022, Capacity Providers still have a gap to fill in Memory scaling.
As per the OP "ECS Memory Reservation" seems not to even be an option any more (at least in the web console)
And when creating the Capacity Provider, only the target value is configurable.
There are more details into how this Capacity is calculated in this blog, but while it mentions:
This calculation accounts for vCPU, memory, ENI, ports, and GPUs of the tasksĀ andĀ the instances
If you have tasks that not necessarily grow memory consumption, but you have a service with scheduled actions configured to scale tasks (eg: minimum tasks at different times of day)
This case will not trigger a scale out, since the memory in the instances does not get to be used if the tasks simply does not fit in, due to its configuration and you will see errors (in the service events) like:
service myservice was unable to place a task because no container
instance met all of its requirements. The closest matching
container-instance abc123xxxx has insufficient memory available.
This basically mean a scheduled task scaling change may not happen if the task memory setting is just big enough so it doesn't fit in the running instances, and the CapacityProviderReservation does not change because the calculation is only done when tasks are in Provisioned state, which does not happen in this case.
Possible workarounds
Decrease the Capacity Reservation. This basically means "to have spare capacity", ie: by default Reservation is 100 (%) so it tries to use the ASG cluster resources as much as possible, so having a number less than 100, means it will scale out when the cluster is used at that capacity therefore having a margin spare of resources at all times, which means new scheduled tasks will fit in, as long as the spare is enough (eg: calculate per task memory reservation and cluster memory reservation of all expected running tasks)
Setup ASG rules for scaling that match the service scaling rules.
While possible, this may be bound for problems with timing and auto scaling due to other triggers.
A few things:
Cluster AutoScaling usually is just the term ECS uses for "An AutoScaling Group that launches instances into the cluster", and it sounds like that's what you are currently using. Capacity Providers are a newer feature where ECS more directly manages the ASG, which might be the newer feature you're thinking onf
'Desired Capacity' isn't a state that you set for where you want the group to be, its the current amount of capacity that AutoScaling wants there to be in the group. So if a scaling policy goes off and says +1, the desired will change to 2, and then AutoScaling will try to launch an instance since you presumably only had 1 before (since the desired was 1 before)
Memory reservation is based on that 2GB's reserved, so it doesn't mater how much is in use for scaling purposes. This is importaint because even if you had 6/8GB reserved (from 3 2GB tasks), but 7.5Gb in use, ECS would still allow another task to be launched, since there's still 2 reservable GBs
Because of 3) you should probably increase the reservation value, wouldn't want an instance to get overloaded. Java can be nasty about RAM issues. This would also help with your scale out threshold issue.
For your second question, scaling will only happen after the cloudwatch alarm is triggered. So if the metric never goes above that threshold, alarm can't trigger the scaling policy. There are a whole host of cases where just because the alarm triggers, scaling won't happen (more of them for scaling in than scaling out, but it can still happen on scale out too); but the alarm going into the Alarm state is definitely a required step.

Flask application scaling on Kubernetes and Gunicorn

We have a Flask application that is served via gunicorn, using the eventlet worker. We're deploying the application in a kubernetes pod, with the idea of scaling the number of pods depending on workload.
The recommended settings for the number of workers in gunicorn is 2 - 4 x $NUM_CPUS. See docs. I've previously deployed services on dedicated physical hardware where such calculations made sense. On a 4 core machine, having 16 workers sounds OK and we eventually bumped it to 32 workers.
Does this calculation still apply in a kubernetes pod using an async worker particularly as:
There could be multiple pods on a single node.
The same service will be run in multiple pods.
How should I set the number of gunicorn workers?
Set it to -w 1 and let kubernetes handle the scaling via pods?
Set it to 2-4 x $NUM_CPU on the kubernetes nodes. On one pod or multiple?
Something else entirely?
We decided to go with the 1st option, which is our current approach. Set the number of gunicorn works to 1, and scale horizontally by increasing the number of pods. Otherwise there will be too many moving parts plus we won't be leveraging Kubernetes to its full potential.
For better visibility of the final solution chosen by original author of this question as of 2019 year
Set the number of gunicorn works to 1 (-w 1), and scale horizontally
by increasing the number of pods (using Kubernetes HPA).
and the fact it might be not applicable in the close future, taking into account fast growth of workload related features in Kubernetes platform, e.g. some distributions of Kubernetes propose beside HPA, Vertical Pod Autoscaling (VPA) and Multidimensional Pod autoscaling (MPA) too, so I propose to continue this thread in form of community wiki post.
I'am not developer and it seems not simple task, but for your considerations please follow bests practices for Better performance by optimizing Gunicorn config.
In addition in kubernetes there are different mechanisms in order to scale your deployment like HPA due to CPU utilization and (How is Python scaling with Gunicorn and Kubernetes?)
You can use also Resource requests and limits of Pod and Container.
As per Gunicorn documentation
DO NOT scale the number of workers to the number of clients you expect to have. Gunicorn should only need 4-12 worker processes to handle hundreds or thousands of requests per second.
Gunicorn relies on the operating system to provide all of the load balancing when handling requests. Generally we recommend (2 x $num_cores) + 1 as the number of workers to start off with. While not overly scientific, the formula is based on the assumption that for a given core, one worker will be reading or writing from the socket while the other worker is processing a request.
# update:
Depending on your approach you can choose different solution (deployment, daemonset) all above statements you can achieve in kubernetes by handling according Assigning CPU Resources to Containers and Pods
Using deployment with resources (limits,requests) give you possibility to resize your app into multiple pods on a single node based on your hardware limits but depending on your "app load" it can not be good enough solution.
CPU requests and limits are associated with Containers, but it is useful to think of a Pod as having a CPU request and limit. The CPU request for a Pod is the sum of the CPU requests for all the Containers in the Pod. Likewise, the CPU limit for a Pod is the sum of the CPU limits for all the Containers in the Pod.
The CPU resource is measured in CPU units. One CPU, in Kubernetes, is equivalent to:
f.e. 1 GCP Core.
As mentioned in the post the second approach (scaling your app into multiple nodes) it's also good choice. In this case you can cosnider using f.e. Statefulset or deployment in addition on GKE using "cluster austoscaler" you can achieve more extendable solution when you try to create new pods that don't have enough capacity to run inside the cluster. In this case cluster autoscaler automatically add additional resources.
On the other hand you can consider using different other solutions like Cerebral it gives you the possibility to create user-defined policies in order to increasing or decreasing the size of pools of nodes inside your cluster.
GKE's cluster autoscaler automatically resizes clusters based on the demands of the workloads you want to run. With autoscaling enabled, GKE automatically adds a new node to your cluster if you've created new Pods that don't have enough capacity to run; conversely, if a node in your cluster is underutilized and its Pods can be run on other nodes, GKE can delete the node.
Please keep in mind that the question is very general and there is no one good answer for this topic. You should consider all prons and cons based on your requirements, load, activity, capacity, costs ...
Hope this help.

How to speed up deployments on AWS Fargate?

After migrating from EC2 cluster instances to AWS Fargate, I realized that deployments take a lot longer. Before they would take 1-2 minutes, now some deplyoments take up to 5 minutes. This post claims that their deployments on Fargate even take up to 10 minutes.
Does anybody know of a way to speed them up? I can't find any documentation on this topic.
Through further googling I found this Reddit thread. An AWS employee wrote:
With regard to time to provision and start a container it is
definitely longer when using Fargate. We may reduce the length of the
provisioning state in the future, but Fargate is doing much more under
the hood than ECS on your own self managed hosts. When you self manage
hosts they are already up and running, and may even already have your
docker image downloaded and cached locally, so ECS is able to launch
the container very quickly. That's not the case with Fargate.
So shrinking the image should help a little. But in general I guess I'll have to live with it and hope for optimizations on AWS' side.
Here's the breakdown of tasks and possible improvements that I've found while researching options to improve my deployment times with ECS Fargate:
Fargate Deployment Overview
Here's a breakdown of what's going on behind the scenes that attribute to the deployment duration:
Provision the Fargate worker instance
Provision/attach the ENI
Download the Docker image
Here you have opportunities for improvement:
reduce the size of your Docker image
Networking throughput is based on the CPU allocations to the Fargate Task - if you allocate more CPU then you get more networking and the image will download faster
Application Startup time
Becomes a factor if your application requires a health check grace period, again effected by CPU allocation
If your task is associated with a load balancer the deployment will also need to pass health checks, and you'll need to account for:
Load balancer deregistration delay
Pass health checks: (Health Check Interval * Threshold)
How to deploy Fargate Task updates faster
Over allocate the CPU
Reduce the deregistration delay
Set the health check threshold to 2 and interval to 5 seconds
don't forget to account for a health check grace period if your app needs it
My Results
During my testing, I was able to deploy my application that typically takes about 8 minutes w/1024 CPU (1vCPU) in under 4 minutes w/4096 CPU (4vCPU)
Likely your tasks typically require considerably less CPU and you don't want to be always paying for over-allocating the CPU. So, run your deployment with overallocated resources and then run another deployment right after with the original CPU allocation.
Probably not a solution you want to use for every deployment, but could be a solution for hotfix deployments.
Additional Reading
Highly recommend reading Scaling containers on AWS in 2022
Two reasons they're slower, in my experience:
awsvpc network mode attaches an ENI to the task. When it has to do this to a Lambda, if the Lambda is running in a VPC, it is known to dramatically increase the initial spin up time.
Docker image size also affects startup time, since the image will usually need to be downloaded to whatever hidden host for a task to launch. I've done some benchmarking with a small 200MB container and a 2.5GB container. The former did start up quicker.
You can't do much about awsvpc, since Fargate requires it. Shrinking down that image would be your next biggest impact.