How to use youtube-dl to download multiple videos in one txt file on mac? - youtube-dl

I got a txt file with one video url per line and there're 50 urls in total. I know youtube-dl has the feature that allows you to download multiple videos with youtube-dl -a sample.txt.
But I need another way to do this because I'm also using a download tool called you-get which works better on some sites. However, it doesn't support download from a txt file. Last week I find a method to convert multiple files with ffmpeg with this command for i in *.m4a; do ffmpeg -i "$i" "${i%.*}.mp3"; done. I am wondering that is there any similar one line command like this one can help me read urls from the txt file and download with youtube-dl. I am using a mac btw.

More generally, xargs is specific tool for that approach.
cat sample.txt | xargs --max-args=1 you-get
takes each line from sample.txt, giving them as an argument to you-get. This ends up with 50 command lines:
you-get url1
you-get url2
you-get url[...]
and so on. This is a good tutorial, from tutorialspoint:


youtube-dl and aria2c - batch download based on a list with YouTube links and saving each file according to a list of file names

There is some ways of saving files downloaded with youtube-dl, like this:
youtube-dl -o "1-%(uploader)s%(title)s.%(ext)s
What I trying to do is, the same way as I have a URL.TXT containing each YouTube link, line by line, I would like to save the downloaded video files names according to a file name list, line by line.
So, in my directory, instead of using YouTube's video name, it would write the downloaded file using my file name's list. Example:
I'm using youtube-dl and aria2c for downloading. According to aria2c documentation, it says:
These options have exactly same meaning of the ones in the command-line options, but it just applies to the URIs it belongs to. Please note that for options in input file -- prefix must be stripped.
For example, the content of uri.txt is:
http://server/file.iso http://mirror/file.iso
If aria2 is executed with -i uri.txt -d /tmp options, then file.iso is saved as /iso_images/file.img and it is downloaded from http://server/file.iso and http://mirror/file.iso. The file bar is downloaded from http://foo/bar and saved as /tmp/bar.
In some cases, out parameter has no effect. See note of --out option for the restrictions.
What about this syntax:
.\youtube-dl_2021-04-17.exe --format best --write-all-thumbnails --newline --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args "-x 16 -s 10 -k 1M -i URL.TXT" -a .\URL.TXT
Where URL.TXT contains this:

Wget returns images in an unknown format (jpg#f=)

I am running the following line:
wget -P "C:\My Web Sites\REGEX" -r --no-parent -A jpg,jpeg
and it stops (no errors) without returning more than a small amount of the website (two files). I am then running this:
wget -P "C:\My Web Sites\REGEX" -m
and expecting to see data only from the directory. As a start, I found out that the script downloaded everything from the website as if I gave the url. Also, the images are returned with an additional string in the extension (e.g. instead of .jpg I get something like .jpg#f=l=q)
Is there anything wrong in my code that causes that? I only want to get the images from the links that are shown in the directory given initially.
If there is nothing I can change, then I want to only download the files that contain .jpg in their names. Then, I have a prepared script in Python that can rename the files to have the original extension. Worst case, I can try Python instead of the CMD in Windows (page scraping)?
Note that --no-parent doesn't work in this case because the images are saved in a different directory. --accept-regex can be used if there is no way to get the correct extension.
PS: I do this thing in order to learn more about the wget options and protect my future hobby website.
UPD: Any suggestions regarding a Python script are welcome.

I need a bash script which needs to download a tar file from a website, this site has multiple files which needs to be filtered

I have a situation where I need to use curl/wget to download a tar file from a website, based on users input. If they mention a build I need to download a tar file based on the release version, I have a logic already to switch between builds, Questions is how can i filter out a particular tar file from multiple files.
curl -s https://somewebsite/somerepo-folder/os-based.tar | grep os-based* > sample.txt
curl -s https://somewebsite/somerepo-folder/os-based2.tar
curl -s https://somewebsite/somerepo-folder/os-based2.tar
first curl downloads all files. Regex helps here, how can I place this along with curl?
if there is a mapping between the user-input and the tar file that you can think of, you can do something like this:
# some logic to map user-input with the tar filename to download
wget "https://somewebsite/somerepo-folder/$tarFileName"

Regex that accepts only Video file or Office doc file or PDF file or .zip file

I need Regex that accepts only following files
Video file
Office doc
PDF file
.zip file.
A small demo with egrep:
>cat filelist.txt
>cat filelist.txt | egrep -i "(^.*\.doc|^.*\.pdf)"
If you are talking about looking inside the files to check them, that is a little more complex.
It will make a difference as to what language you are writing in, because there is some variations
on the regex implementations.

Best way to join group .mp3 files together

I have more .mp3 files such as :
t001.mp3 t002.mp3 t003.mp3 .....
e001.mp3 e002.mp3 e003.mp3 .....
I would like to merge :
t001.mp3 and e001.mp3 ->>>> r001.mp3
t002.mp3 and e002.mp3 ->>>> r002.mp3
t003.mp3 and e003.mp3 ->>>> r003.mp3
something like this.
What is the best way to do this command? have an application or batch command?
If you are on Linux you can simply use cat file1 file2 > file3 command to concatenate the files and get merged mp3 file which would play the above in sequence.
Similar functionality is available in other Operating Systems including Windows eg: (type file1 file2 > file3) as well.
More info is available in the following related question.
Using cat to join mp3 files. What is this black sorcery?
I've use MP3Wrap, a command-line tool, successfully. It can be used at the comand prompt or in batch files. Some commands for its use:
mp3wrap combinedfiles.mp3 file*
To wrap all the files in a directory:
mp3wrap combinedfiles.mp3 *
mp3wrap combinedfiles.mp3 *.*
Two or more files:
mp3wrap combinedfiles.mp3 file1.mp3 file2.mp3 etc.