ODBC Equivalent of DBMS_ALERT in Oracle - c++

Is there anything (system procedure,function or other) in SQL Server that will provide the functionality of DBMS_ALERT package of ORACLE (and DBMS_PIPE respectively)?
I work in a plant and I'm using an extension-product of SQL-Server called InSQL Server by Wonderware which is specialized in gothering data from plant controllers and HumanMachineInterface(SCADA) software.
This system can record events happening in the plant (like a high-temperature alarm, for example). It stores sensor values in extension tables of SQL Sever, and other less dense information in normal SQL Server tables.
I want to be able to alert some applications running on operator PCs that an event has been recorded in the database.
An after insert trigger in the events table seems to be a good place to put something equivalent to DBMS_ALERT (if it exists), to wake up other applications that are waiting for the specific alert and have the operators type in some data.
In other words - I want to be able to notify other processes (that have connection to SQL Server) that something has happened in the database.

All Wonderware (InSQL but now called Aveva) Historian data is stored in the history blocks EXCEPT for the actual tag storage configuration and dedicated event data. The time series data for analog, discrete and strings is NOT in SQL tables at all - unless someone is doing custom configuration to. create tables of their own.
Where are you wanting these notifications to come up? Even though the historical data is NOT stored in SQL tables, Wonderware has extensive documentation on how to use SQL queries to appropriately retrieve data (check for whatever condition you are looking for)
You can easily build a stored procedure and configure it for a maintenance plan.
But are you just trying to alarm (provide notification) on the scada itself?
Or are you truly utilizing historical data (looking for a data trend - average, etc.)?
Or trying to send the notification to non-scada interfaces?
Depending on your specific answer, the scada itself should probably be able to do it.
But there is software that already does this type of thing Win-911, SeQent, Scadatec are a couple in the OT space. But also things like Hip Link or even DeskAlert which can connect to any SQL via it's own API.
So where does the info need to go (email, text, phone, desktop app...) and what is the real source of the data>


Power BI Embedded Approach for 100s of SQL Targets

I'm trying to find the best approach to delivering a BI solution to 400+ customers which each have their own database.
I've got PowerBI Embedded working using service principal licensing and I have the PowerBI service connected to my data through the On Premise Data Gateway.
I've build my first report pointing to 1 of the customer databases. Which works lovely.
What I want to do next, when embedding the report, is to tell PowerBI, for this session, to get the database from a different database.
I'm struggling to find somewhere where this is explained, or to understand if this is even possible.
I'm trying to avoid creating 400+ WorkSpaces or 400+ Data Sets.
If someone could point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated.
You can configure the report to use parameters and these parameters can be used to configure the source for your dataset:
These parameters can be set by the app hosting the embedded report:
Because the app is setting the parameter, each user will only see their own data. Since this will be a live connection, you would need to think about how the underlying server can support the workload.
An alternative solution would be to consolidate the customer databases into a single database (just the relevant tables) and use row level security to restrict access for each customer. The advantage to this design is that you take the burden off of the underlying SQL instance and push it into a PBI dataset that is made to handle huge datasets with sub-second response times.
More on that here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/enterprise/service-admin-rls

What does "interactive query" or "interactive analytics" mean in Presto SQL?

The Presto website (and other docs) talk about "interactive queries" on Presto. What is an "interactive query"? From the Presto Website: "Facebook uses Presto for interactive queries against several internal data stores, including their 300PB data warehouse."
An interactive query system is basically a user interface that translates the input from the user into SQL queries. These are then sent to Presto, which processes the queries and gets the data and sends it back to the user interface.
The UI then renders the output, which is typically NOT just a simple table of numbers and text, but rather a complex chart, a diagram or some other powerful visualization.
The users expects to be able to e.g. update one criteria and get the updated chart or visualization in near real time, just like you expect on any application typically. Even if the creation of this analysis involves LOTS of data to be processed.
Presto can do that since it can query massive distributed object storage systems like HDFS and many other cloud storage systems, as well as RDBMSs and so on. And it can be set up to have a huge cluster of workers that query the source in parallel and therefore process massive amounts of data for analysis, and still be fast enough for the user expectations.
A typical application to use for the visualization is Apache Superset. You just hook up Presto to it via the JDBC driver. Presto has to be configured to point at the underlying data sources and you are ready to go.

How to monitor database updates from application?

I work with SQL Server database with ODBC, C++. I want to detect modifications in some tables of the database: another application inserts or updates rows and I have to detect all these modifications. It does not have to be the immediate trigger, it is acceptable to use polling to periodically check database tables for modifications.
Below is the way I think this can be done, and need your opinions whether this is the standard/right way of doing this, or any better approaches exist.
What I've thought of is this: I add triggers in SQL Server, which, on any modification, will insert the identifiers of modified/added rows into special table, which I will check periodically from my application. Suppose there are 3 tables: Customers, Products, Services. i will make three additional tables: Change_Customers, Change_Products, Change_Services, and will insert the identifiers of modified rows of the respective tables. Then I will read these Change_* tables from my application periodically and delete processed records.
Now if you agree that above solution is right, I have another question: Is it better to have separate Change_* tables for each of my tables I wish to monitor, or is it better to have one fat Changes table which will contain the changes from all tables.
Query Notifications is the technology designed to do exactly what you're describing. You can leverage Query Notifications from managed clients via the well known SqlDependency class, but there are native Ole DB and ODBC ways too. See Working with Query Notifications, the paragraphs about SSPROP_QP_NOTIFICATION_MSGTEXT (OleDB) and SQL_SOPT_SS_QUERYNOTIFICATION_MSGTEXT (ODBC). See The Mysterious Notification for an explanation how Query Notifications work.
This is the only polling-free solution that work with any kind of updates. Triggers and polling for changes has severe scalability and performance issues. Change Data Capture and Change Tracking are really covering a different topic (synchronizing datasets for occasionally connected devices, eg. Sync Framework).
Change Data Capture(CDC)--http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc645937.aspx
First you will need to enable CDC in database
USE db_name
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db
Enable CDC on table then
:: sys.sp_cdc_enable_table
Then you can query changes
If your version of Sql Server is 2005 - you may use Notification Services
If your Sql Server is 2008+ - there is most preferrable way to use triggers and log changes to log tables and periodically poll these tables from application to see the changes

SOA/Web Service Pagination

In SOA we should not be building or holding state (or designing dependencies) between client and server. This is understood. But what patterns can be followed in the case that a client wants to consume a real-time service that may return an open ended number of 'rows'?
Web applications, similar to SOA but allowing for state (sessions) have solved this with pagination. Pagination requires (in most cases, especially with SQL) that the server holds the data and that the client request the data in chunks.
If we where to consider pagination-like scenarios for web services, what patterns would these follow that would still allow the tenets of SOA to be adhered (or as close as possible).
Some rules for the thinkers:
1) Backed by a SQL database (therefore there is no concept of a row number in a select set)
2) It is important to not skip a row or duplicate a row in a set during pagination
3) Data may be inserted and deleted at any time into the database by other clients
4) There is no need to consider the dataset a live (update-able) dataset
Personally, I think that 1 and 2 above already spell our the solution by constraining the solution space with the requirements.
My proposed solution would have the data (as much as is selected) be stored in a read-only store/cache where it can be assigned a row number within the result set and allow pagination to occur on this data snapshot. I have would have infrastructure to store snapshots (servers, external caches, memcached or ehcache - this must scale quite large). The result of such a query would be a snapshot ID and clients could retrieve the data from the snapshot using a snapshot API (web services) and the snapshot ID. Results would be processed in a read-only, forward only manner for x records at a time where x was something reasonable.
Competing thoughts and ideas, criticisms or accolades would be greatly appreciated.
Paginated results in a Web Service is actually quite easy to achieve.
All you have to do is add two parameters to the web service call: Page Size, Page Number.
Page Size is the number of results to include in a page. Page Number is the number of the page of results you are looking for.
Your web service then goes back to the database (or cache), retreives the results, figures out which results fit on the requested page, and return only those results.
The client then has to make a single request per page of results they want from the service.
What you propose with memcached will also work with a caching table. The first service call would (1) INSERT results INTO the caching table with a snapshot ID (2) return the first page from the caching table and the snapshot ID. Subsequent calls would return pages based on page size and page number by querying the caching table using the snapshot ID.
I should think this could also be optimized by using an in-memory caching table, but that depends on whether your database supports INSERT-INTO from a disk table to an in-memory table. That might get complicated in a clustered environment though.
Such a cache is stateful by its very nature if you are retaining a client-specific copy between requests, whether storage is in a session object, database table or memcached data store. Given the requirements though, you have no choice but to cache results in some form or another, except you risk the chance of returning deleted or no-longer-relevant records as legitimate results.
SOA is not meant for such low level functionality.
SOA is meant to glue together business areas, not frontends to backends. Not because your application talks to the back end using webservices you have a "SOA" application. This is non sense since SOA is meaningless in the context of 1 isolated system.
From that point of view, it is then clear that, in SOA, the caller should not have known about the SQL table you are paginating, that’s an implementation detail that SOA should hide. In the other hand the server should not know about the client's state, because it should be agnostic to the details of the clients, to be really open.
So, just understand that pagination is not SOA. Do as you wish, just understand that the webservice you are using to paginate is an internal artifact of your application, not to be used for external clients in a SOA bus. Also remember that it can not be transaction consistent with out state in the server. Probably the problem is that you have only one service layer for the application's UI and the SOA bus, you need to separate them.
Using this webservice in a SOA bus would be bad. I can not be consistent as the user paginates and as other applications hang to it they become tied to the specific SQL.
... then you might as well have granted direct SQL access to the table for all that matters.
SOA is for business messages between systems, not to glue an application's frontend to the backend.
Same problem, resolved using the Navision approach.
$ws->getList($first_record_id, $limit)
This return a page of $limit element that start from the the passed id
select * from collection where collection.id > $first_record_id ASC limit $limit
ordered by id ASC
Navision use Key (each element has a key) but in MySQL an autoincrement id is better.
In this case pagination is intended for handle large result sets and not for a frontend pagination...
I am not sure if SOA is of concern here. The problem you have seems to be with paginating your API's. I will point you to how twitter handles their pagination dev.twitter.com/rest/public/timelines

Problem regarding integration of various datasources

We have 4 datasources.2 datasources are internal and we can directly connect to the database.For the 3rd datasource we get a flat file (.csv) and have to pull in the data.4rth datasource is external and we cannot access it directly.
We need to pull data from all the 4 datasources, run business rules on them and store them in our database. We have a web application that runs on top of this database.Also every month we have to pull the data and do any updates/deletes/adds etc to existing data.
I am pretty much ignorant about this process.Also Can you please point some good books to study this topic.
These are the current approaches that i was thinking of.
To write an internal webservice that will talk to internal datasoureces and pull data.Create a handler to the external datasource using middleware (mqseries is already setup for this in some other existing project,planning to reuse that).PUll data from csv file again using Java.
On this data run some business rules from Java.Use this data.
This approach might run in my dev box, but not sure what all problems can occur in prod (specially due to synchronization)
Pull data from internal using plain java jdbc connection.For the remaining 2 get flat files, dump data using sql loader.All the data goes to temporary tables first.Run busines rules thru pl/sql and use.
Use some ELT tool like informatica to pull data.write business rules in perl (invoked by informatica)
A book like "The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit" by Ralph Kimball is a good resource for learning techniques/architectures to bring data from different sources into one place.