ON and OFF time control over 24 hour period in C, C++ - c++

Using c, c++ (mbed, Arduino, etc), Is there a trick up c's sleeve to be able to set an ON time and OFF time over a 24 hour period. For instance 'ON' at 20:00 hours and off at 06:30 hours following morning.
Timers are no good here if there is a nvic reset. If the device does fall over and restart's at say 23:40 hours, we still need to service that 20:00 to 06:30 time frame.
Stuck on the going past midnight.
I've got this far using seconds but not quite working, but I'm sure I'm barking up the wrong tree so I would appreciate some clever input here.
lockStatus = 1 is 'ON'
lockStatus = 0 is 'OFF'
void autoLOCK()
int hour_from, minute_from = 0;
int seconds_from = 0 ;
int hour_to, minute_to = 0;
int seconds_to = 0;
lockFrom = "20:00";
lockTo = "06:30";
if (sscanf(lockFrom, "%d:%d", &hour_from, &minute_from) >= 2)
seconds_from = (hour_from * 3600 + minute_from * 60);
if (sscanf(lockTo, "%d:%d", &hour_to, &minute_to) >= 2)
seconds_to = (hour_to * 3600 + minute_to * 60);
lockStatus = 0;
if (seconds_now >= seconds_from) {
lockStatus = 1;
if (seconds_from > seconds_to) {
lockStatus = 1;
if (seconds_now >= seconds_to && seconds_from >= seconds_to) {
lockStatus = 0;
Serial.printf("Lock Status: %d\n\n", lockStatus);


Converting Youtube Data API V3 video duration format to seconds in Dart

In my case i get the time in this format : PT2H3M20S i have no idea about the regex expression [using dart] so I just want to know how can we calculate milliseconds from above format.. thanks in advance
Future<http.Response> getVideoDuration({var videoUri}) async {
// print(videoUri);
final BI_YT_API_KEY = "some_API";
var lArr = videoUri.split('/');
var lId = lArr[lArr.length - 1];
var data = await http.get('https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos' +
if (data.statusCode == 200) {
var jom = json.decode(data.body);
var duration = data.body[0];
Took some time. But fiinally done.
You can use it like this.
int seconds = convertTime("PT1H11S");
Here, seconds will be the converted duration in seconds. So, for PT1H11S, the answer will be, 3611 because of 1 hour == 3600 seconds + 11 seconds.
int convertTime(String duration) {
RegExp regex = new RegExp(r'(\d+)');
List<String> a = regex.allMatches(duration).map((e) => e.group(0)!).toList();
if (duration.indexOf('M') >= 0 &&
duration.indexOf('H') == -1 &&
duration.indexOf('S') == -1) {
a = ["0", a[0], "0"];
if (duration.indexOf('H') >= 0 && duration.indexOf('M') == -1) {
a = [a[0], "0", a[1]];
if (duration.indexOf('H') >= 0 &&
duration.indexOf('M') == -1 &&
duration.indexOf('S') == -1) {
a = [a[0], "0", "0"];
int seconds = 0;
if (a.length == 3) {
seconds = seconds + int.parse(a[0]) * 3600;
seconds = seconds + int.parse(a[1]) * 60;
seconds = seconds + int.parse(a[2]);
if (a.length == 2) {
seconds = seconds + int.parse(a[0]) * 60;
seconds = seconds + int.parse(a[1]);
if (a.length == 1) {
seconds = seconds + int.parse(a[0]);
return seconds;
I also managed to get the duration in seconds using dart (If in case someone needed it)
/// For duration = 2H1M48S
converToSeconds(String duration){
var hour = "", minute = "", seconds = "";
var tempList = duration.split('');
/// HOUR
if (tempList.contains('H')) {
var ind = tempList.indexOf('H');
for (int i = 0; i < ind; i++) {
hour = hour + tempList[i];
tempList.removeRange(0, ind + 1);
if (tempList.contains('M')) {
var ind = tempList.indexOf('M');
for (int i = 0; i < ind; i++) {
minute = minute + tempList[i];
tempList.removeRange(0, ind + 1);
if (tempList.contains('S')) {
var ind = tempList.indexOf('S');
for (int i = 0; i < ind; i++) {
seconds = seconds + tempList[i];
tempList.removeRange(0, ind + 1);
hour = hour != "" ? hour : '0';
seconds = seconds != "" ? seconds : '0';
minute = minute != "" ? minute : '0';
var ms = ((int.parse(hour) * 3600 + int.parse(minute) * 60) + int.parse(seconds));
Note: I do not know flutter but I have heard that a flutter developer should be able to use Java code. This answer is based on Java.
With Java, all you need is:
java.time.Duration is modelled on ISO-8601 standards and was introduced with Java-8 as part of JSR-310 implementation.
If you have gone through the above links, you might have already noticed that PT2H3M20S specifies a duration of 2 hours 3 minutes 20 seconds that you can parse to a Duration object which you can convert into milliseconds.
import java.time.Duration;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String strIso8601Duration = "PT2H3M20S";
Duration duration = Duration.parse(strIso8601Duration);
long millis = duration.toMillis();
Learn more about the modern date-time API* from Trail: Date Time.
* For any reason, if you have to stick to Java 6 or Java 7, you can use ThreeTen-Backport which backports most of the java.time functionality to Java 6 & 7. If you are working for an Android project and your Android API level is still not compliant with Java-8, check Java 8+ APIs available through desugaring and How to use ThreeTenABP in Android Project.

Clamp framerate in Windows

I have a simple loop
LARGE_INTEGER ticks_per_second;
MSG msg = { 0 };
while (true)
if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)
if (::PeekMessageW(&msg, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_REMOVE))
static double last_time_s = 0;
LARGE_INTEGER cur_time_li;
double cur_time_s = (double)cur_time_li.QuadPart / (double)ticks_per_second.QuadPart;
double diff_s = cur_time_s - last_time_s;
double rate_s = 1 / 30.0f;
uint32_t slept_ms = 0;
if (diff_s < rate_s)
slept_ms = (uint32_t)((rate_s - diff_s) * 1000.0);
::printf("updated %f %u\n", diff_s, slept_ms);
last_time_s = cur_time_s;
And want update() to be called 30 times per second, but not more often
With this code it goes wrong, in console I getting something like this:
updated 0.031747 1
updated 0.001997 31
updated 0.031912 1
updated 0.001931 31
updated 0.031442 1
updated 0.002084 31
Which is seems to be correct only for first update, second one called too fast, and I can't understand why
I understand that update, PeekMessageW and etc. also wasting time, but even if I create a while (true) loop and comment update() out, it's still printing similar result
I using DirectX 11 with vsync turned off for rendering (rendering inside update function):
g_pSwapChain->Present(0, 0);
How do I fix code to make update() stable called 30 times in one second?
I don't think casting to double is good idea.I would run something like this:
static LARGE_INTEGER last_time_s = { 0 };
time_diff_microsec.QuadPart = cur_time_li.QuadPart - last_time_s.QuadPart;
// To avoid precision lost, convert to seconds *before* dividing by ticks-per-second.
time_diff_microsec.QuadPart *= 1000000;
time_diff_microsec.QuadPart /= ticks_per_second.QuadPart;
double rate_s = 1 / 30.0f;
uint32_t slept_ms = 0;
if (time_diff_microsec.QuadPart >= rate_s)// if (diff_s < rate_s)
// slept_ms = (uint32_t)(rate_s - time_diff_microsec.LowPart);// *1000.0);
// ::Sleep(slept_ms);
::printf("updated %lld %u\n", time_diff_microsec.QuadPart, slept_ms);
last_time_s.QuadPart = time_diff_microsec.QuadPart/ 1000000;
Just brief "sketch". Not verified that calculations are correct though.

Arduino Programming adding milliseconds delay

So I'm trying to create an energy meter device which will read power every minute and then send it every 5 minutes through a LoRa server, using an MKR 1300 arduino. The problem is that as of now the hardware is removing a few milliseconds on the delay and so the time in the server ends up being p.e:
... 2 hours later
The code looks like this:
#include <MKRWAN.h>
#include "EmonLib.h"
LoRaModem modem;
String appEui = "1234567891011121";
String appKey = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff";
EnergyMonitor emon1;
EnergyMonitor emon2;
EnergyMonitor emon3;
double totalWatt;
int time_running;
int sending;
int totalKW;
int DELAY = 60000; // millis
void setup() {
if (!modem.begin(EU868)) {
Serial.println("Failed to start module");
while (1) {}
Serial.print("Your module version is: ");
Serial.print("Your device EUI is: ");
int connected = modem.joinOTAA(appEui, appKey);
if (!connected) {
Serial.println("Something went wrong; are you indoor? Move near a window and retry");
while (1) {}
emon1.current(1, 53);
emon2.current(2, 53);
emon3.current(3, 53);
time_running = 0;
void loop() {
unsigned long StartTime = millis();
totalWatt = 0;
unsigned long delay_send = 0;
int sending = 0;
double Irms1 = emon1.calcIrms(600);
if (Irms1 < 0.3) Irms1 = 0;
double Watt1 = Irms1 * 230;
double Irms2 = emon2.calcIrms(600);
if (Irms2 < 0.3) Irms2 = 0;
double Watt2 = Irms2 * 230;
double Irms3 = emon3.calcIrms(600);
if (Irms3 < 0.3) Irms3 = 0;
double Watt3 = Irms3 * 230;
totalWatt = Watt1 + Watt2 + Watt3;
totalKW = totalKW + totalWatt/1000;
if (time_running == 5) { //15 para 15 mins
double IrmsTotal = Irms1 +Irms2 + Irms3;
String msg = "{\"id\":\"avac_aud1\",\"kW\":"+String(totalKW)+", \"current\":"+String(IrmsTotal)+"}";
int err;
err = modem.endPacket(true);
if (err > 0) {
//message sent correctly
time_running = 0;
totalKW = 0;
} else {
time_running = 0;
time_running = time_running + 1;
if ((millis() - StartTime) > DELAY){
} else{
delay(DELAY-(millis() - StartTime));
I tried adding a variable ARD_DELAY (not shown above) to the code that in that last delay would subtract 7 to 8 milliseconds to try and fix this, but apparently, it only made it worse (now it removes 1 second every 1 hours instead of 2 hours) so today I'll try to add those 7 to 8 millis and see if it works, but I would really like to know why the heck this is happening because from what I can see from my code the delay should always account for the processed time including the data sending time.
Question is, how precise is your clock at all...
Still, I personally would rather go with the following approach:
#define DELAY (5UL * 60UL * 1000UL) // or whatever is appropriate...
static unsigned long timestamp = millis();
if(millis() - timestamp > DELAY)
// adding a fix constant will prevent accumulating deviations over time
timestamp += DELAY;
// run the every-5-min task...
Edit: combined 1-min and 5-min task:
Variant 1:
#define DELAY_SHORT (1UL * 60UL * 1000UL)
#define DELAY_LONG (5UL * 60UL * 1000UL)
static unsigned long timestampS = millis();
static unsigned long timestampL = timestampS;
if(millis() - timestampS > DELAY_SHORT)
timestamp += DELAY_SHORT;
// run the every-1-min task...
if(millis() - timestampL > DELAY_LONG)
timestamp += DELAY_LONG;
// run the every-5-min task...
Variant 2:
#define DELAY_1M (1UL * 60UL * 1000UL)
static unsigned long timestamp = millis();
if(millis() - timestamp > DELAY)
// adding a fix constant will prevent accumulating deviations over time
timestamp += DELAY;
// run the every-1-min task...
static unsigned int counter = 0;
if(++counter == 5)
counter = 0;
// run the every-5-min task...
Instead of trying to measure a start time and adding delay depending on that, you could keep track of the timing for your next cycle.
unsigned long next_cycle = DELAY;
void loop() {
delay( next_cycle - millis() );
next_cycle += DELAY;
If you also want to adjust for any time the program spends on initialization or similar, you can next_cycle = millis() + DELAY; before you enter your loop.

optimize octree octant_determination function in c++

I am building a spacial octree. In order to determine in which branch/octant a certain point (x,y,z) should be placed, I use this function:
if (x>x_centre) {
xsign = 1;
else {
xsign = 0;
if (y>y_centre) {
ysign = 1;
else {
ysign = 0;
if (z>z_centre) {
zsign = 1;
else {
zsign = 0;
return xsign + 2*ysign + 4*zsign;
It returns a number between 0 and 7 unique for every octant. It turns out this snippet is called a big many times. It gets quite time consuming when building large trees.
Is there any easy way to speed this proces up?
This allready gives a 30 percent speed up:
xsign = x>x_centre;
ysign = y>y_centre;
zsign = z>y_centre;
return xsign + 2*ysign + 4*zsign;
Any other tips?

How to find out the next time when the clock will be adjusted for Daylight Saving?

I'm curious, if there's any way to find out the UTC date/time when the next Daylight Saving adjustment will take place?
Something akin to what Windows reports (see circled):
This information is provided in Windows by the EnumDynamicTimeZoneInformation function.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh706893%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
There is a database that has code and data: http://www.iana.org/time-zones
I don't think there's a specific API for this. I would just do a binary search, using localtime (and maybe time and mktime) from <ctime> (C++) or <time.h> (C).
A basic approach is to scan ahead three months at a time until the tm_isdst flag in the returned data structure is flipped. Then you can start binary searching between the last two two dates to figure out exactly when it flips.
See http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ctime/tm/ for reference material.
I appreciate all your replies. And, yes, indeed I was asking about a WinAPI for Windows.
I did more research and came up with the following method that does what I wanted. It uses C++ and MFC's COleDateTime for easier date/time calculations. Other than that it's just C++ and WinAPIs. Please check if I understood the documentation for the DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION correctly. Here's the code:
int GetNextDaylightSavingAdjustmentTime(SYSTEMTIME* pOutDtNextDST_Local, int* pnOutAdjustmentMin)
//Get next time when DST adjustment will take place
//'pOutDtNextDST_Local' = if not NULL, receives the (local) time when next DST adjustment will take place
//'pnOutAdjustmentMin' = if not NULL, receives the amount of adjustment in minutes
// = 1 if got the time, or
// = 0 if DST is not used
// = -1 if error (check GetLastError() for info)
int nOSError = NO_ERROR;
//Load API dynamically (in case of Windows XP)
(FARPROC&)pfnGetDynamicTimeZoneInformation =
::GetProcAddress(::GetModuleHandle(L"Kernel32.dll"), "GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation");
SYSTEMTIME StandardDate;
SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate;
int nBiasDaylight;
//Use newer API if possible
tzID = pfnGetDynamicTimeZoneInformation(&dtzi);
StandardDate = dtzi.StandardDate;
DaylightDate = dtzi.DaylightDate;
nBiasDaylight = dtzi.DaylightBias;
//Older API
tzID = GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzi);
StandardDate = tzi.StandardDate;
DaylightDate = tzi.DaylightDate;
nBiasDaylight = tzi.DaylightBias;
int nRes = -1;
int nAdjMins = 0;
memset(&stDstChange, 0, sizeof(stDstChange));
stDst = tzID != TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT ? DaylightDate : StandardDate;
if(stDst.wMonth >= 1 &&
stDst.wMonth <= 12 &&
stDst.wDay >= 1 &&
stDst.wDayOfWeek >= 0 &&
stDst.wDayOfWeek <= 6)
//Get adjustment bias
nAdjMins = tzID != TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT ? -nBiasDaylight : nBiasDaylight;
if(stDst.wYear == 0)
//Relative date
//Begin from the 1st day of the month &
//make sure that the date is in the future
COleDateTime dt;
for(int nYear = stLocal.wYear;; nYear++)
dt.SetDateTime(nYear, stDst.wMonth, 1, stDst.wHour, stDst.wMinute, stDst.wSecond);
if(dt > COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime())
int nRequiredWeek = stDst.wDay >= 1 && stDst.wDay <= 5 ? stDst.wDay : 5;
for(int nCntDOW = 1;;)
//0=Sunday, 1=Monday; 2=Tuesday; 3=Wednesday; 4=Thursday; 5=Friday; 6=Saturday
int dow = dt.GetDayOfWeek() - 1;
ASSERT(dow >= 0 && dow <= 6);
if(dow == stDst.wDayOfWeek)
if(nCntDOW >= nRequiredWeek)
//Go to next day
dt += COleDateTimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0);
//Convert back to system time
nRes = 1;
//Absolute date
stDstChange = stDst;
nRes = 1;
//DST is not used
nRes = 0;
*pOutDtNextDST_Local = stDstChange;
*pnOutAdjustmentMin = nAdjMins;
return nRes;
PS. And scratch my request for the UTC time. As I learned, it is easier to deal with local time in this situation.