PowerBI - How to create an approval process in PowerBI Dashboard? - powerbi

I am working on the reporting project that uses PowerBI as the data visualization tool.
I need create a processing approval workflow on the PowerBI tool. After seeing the Dashboard, the employer can approve some exception cases and the workflow can direct connect with email or ticket system.
There are 2 cases:
Approve for the whole dashboard that supports to be easy. I don't have any problem here.
Approve for singular object/row in a table chart. So I must generate number of buttons according to the number of row, which I need help. I don't know how to generate dynamic number of buttons and attached to row. And how to program/code it to create a view or action to become an approval step.
Button PowerBI
In this screenshot, my plan is create buttons in each row and each button has the same function with parameter is username or IP. And after that I can send email to the user and notice him/her that his/her case is approve for exception.
I find this https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Community-Blog/A-simple-and-fun-guide-to-Microsoft-Flow-and-Power-BI/ba-p/151530. But it doesn't seem helpful. Anyone here has ever dealt with approval case like this.
Is PowerBI able to do the approval process like I want?
Thank you so much.

First: This kind of goes against the spirit of BI in general. BI is for data visualization, exploration, etc. It's not really a UI for inserting data and executing tasks. Maybe you want instead to have a front end that lets you do things, and only needs to handle a very limited dataset? PowerApps is good for that. If the dataset is less than 1000 rows, this could work.
Second: I'm pretty sure it's not possible to create a button (like one that you'd see in an HTML page) that does what you want it to do in a Power BI table visual.
Third: There is a "drill through" button capability, but this just lets you navigate from one area in the report to another, not send an email or execute a Power Automate flow or anything like that. You may have seen a button on a table visual, but it's misleading. It's not really programmable like an HTML/JS button on a website.
That said, within the last 1.5 years or so, we now have the PowerApps add-in available. You could create an app that utilizes your streaming dataset, create a gallery that looks at that dataset and creates a kind of table with buttons on it, and then each button is set to execute the flow you've created in Power Automate.
PowerApp Add in chiclet
All of this is very, extremely straightforward, but beware, the PowerApp will start to cost you extra money depending on where your data is housed. If it's a SQL server, you'll need both a premium PowerApp license and Power Automate license too.
Sorry for the not so great news, but this is kind of a limitation of Power BI.


Switching the Data source in a Power BI Report

I have an Existing report in Power BI with Oracle Data Source from which I had directly access the Table.
But now I need to Change the Data Source of the Report using SSAS.
By Using SSAS, we can access the oracle Tables and deploy the SSAS in Azure Service.
Now through this Azure Service we can access the Data.
My Question is Without any Changes in the Report, Can we Simply Change the DataSource? Because I'm Showing Lot of Graphs in that Report.
Since I'm New to Power BI , Is this possible?
There will likely be an unpredictably large amount of other issues (character encoding, date formatting, etc.) that you'll have to work through.
The way I might approach this problem is, if the tables are exactly identical, or you didn't make any changes within power query (like removing columns, merging tables, etc.) you may be able to modify the M code within the advanced editor, and try to swap the data sources to see if it works.
Go into "Transform Data"
Select the table you want to modify
Click the "Advanced Editor" icon in the ribbon.
Here, I imported an excel file, but for you, it should show some kind of "AnalysisServices" line. I don't have an SSAS database to connect to so I can't validate. Try replacing this line with the connection string to your SSAS datasource and see if it works.
Save, apply update, and see if it works?
Again, this is not really advisable, but if you want to give it a try, and the data sources are identical, this is how I might approach the problem before just re-making the report whole-cloth.

Work with Power BI Matrix taking data from DAX statement

I have the following requirements:
The user will see a Power BI Matrix on a web page (as opposed to Power BI Desktop).
The web page should have three elements: a text field, a button and the Power BI Matrix (potentially included in a Power BI Report).
The user will enter the DAX statement in the text field and click on the button to direct the Matrix to take the DAX statement, execute it, and populate the data.
The user should be able to drill down in the Matrix.
The user may reenter a new DAX statement, refreshing the Matrix.
Now, all the documentation I could find, for example here, talk about the Matrix in Power BI Desktop (i.e. not web page) and the data taken by selecting manually tables/columns/measures (on the right side of the screen).
In Power BI Studio, I know that I can enter a DAX statement by creating a table in the top bar, for example if I have the DAX:
EVALUATE TOPN (3, branches)
I could create a table to populate the Matrix with:
BranchesTable = TOPN (3, branches)
But how to dynamically link a DAX statment defined at run-time to a Matrix on a web page?
This is not currently possible to do exactly what you want. You can dynamically change a data source and update the query used in a specific report but there isn't an API available (PowerBI REST or PowerBI JavaScript) to update what columns are on a visual in a report. You can get pretty close to what you want but the report cannot be displayed in View mode and it will have to be displayed in Edit mode so the user will have the ability to drag the fields generated from their updated DAX query results onto the Matrix visual manually if they submit a change.
Assuming you already have the pre-requisite App Registration setup and configuration completed and your ready to embed here are some steps to get close to what your looking for. If your not ready to embed there is some documentation below the 8 steps I provided to complete the pre-requisite setup to be able to embed.
Using PowerBI Desktop Create a template report that has a matrix visual and a connection to the data source you want to use. Be sure to set this report up using a specific query and NOT all tables in the data source whether its SQL or SSAS. (You specify the query under advanced options when you initially setup the data source in the report)
Setup a Power BI Data Gateway to the Data Source your report uses
Create a workspace on PowerBI.com to upload the report to
Using PowerBI desktop Publish the report you created in step 1 to the workspace you created in step 3
On your Web Application, when a user views the report viewer page, you need a way to identify each user. Lets assume you have UserId field that is a unique ID for each user. Call GetReports in group https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/reports/getreportsingroup. You need to have a known report name plus the UserId. Lets assume its DynamicReport. So call GetReports and check if DynamicReport_UserId exists for the user trying to view the report viewer page in your web application.
In that API calls result from step 5, if the report does not exist for a user, use https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/reports/clonereport to clone the template report you published in step 4.
Embed and display user specific template report (DynamicReport_UserId) for the user.
Have logic on the report viewer page so the user can submit and POST a DAX query. When they do a submit have logic to use https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/datasets/updatedatasources on the back end to update the data source in their report and then embed the report again with their DAX statement and changed data.
The visual isn't going to automatically update to the new fields from the new query that is submitted by the user but the available data fields they have in editor mode will change. The user will have to drag and drop the fields from their DAX query onto the Matrix visual or whatever visual type they are going to chose to use. You won't be able to just display a report in View mode since you don't have a way to programatically update what fields are on visual. The user may even end up seeing a broken visual initially because of the changed query and the visual referencing fields from the previously used query. You could use PowerBI Javascript API to hide the existing visual to improve the user experience of the user not seeing something broken.
Let me know if you have any specific questions about these API calls or how to use them.
Here is where I've been looking for the Power BI JavaScript functionality https://github.com/Microsoft/powerbi-javascript/wiki (Can't find anything specific to matrix Visuals. The JavaScript functionality for visuals generic to Visuals and not Visual Type like Matrix or Card)
Here is Microsoft's documentation on the available REST APIs and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/
Here are some good resources to learn more about embedding
If you need drill down capability Hierarchies are a great option

POWER BI: Is it possible to create a user input checkbox in a report

I have developed a Power BI report, in which there is a list of drivers.
By clicking on a driver, the user can drill through to the next page which shows a report on the driver with various infos such as his accident history, his telemetry history, speeding alert heatmaps etc.
This page will be used by the driver's supervisors. The supervisor will print this page out and ask for the driver to sign it.
I wanted to include somewhere in my report a place where the supervisor could register that he printed a report for driver X with a datestamp.
This way, I would automate the control of reports being printed by filling out a table.
Is this possible through Power BI?
Not easily possible. In general, Power BI is designed for information to flow from the data systems to the end-user and not the other way around. There are some custom visuals that can do that sort of thing but that's definitely not standard built-in stuff.

PowerBI - Automatic Refresh OneDrive Business From Excel File

I have an excel sheet stored in a OneDrive Business Folder, which is updated continuously (approximately every minute). I am trying to show a live count of the number of entries in the table, as below, on a powerBI report:
From here I have tried two options:
1.Created a PowerBI Desktop File which shows the total count on a single card. I have then published this to PowerBI Service as a report.
2.Imported the excel file in via "Get Data->Files->OneDrive-Business" on PBI Service:
I loaded in the data and then created a report as below:
However, when a change is made to the excel file on the onedrive, the report data does not update automatically when any change is made. Instead, the only way that it updates is via the "refresh now" option in datasets on PBI service:
Then once that is refreshed, I have to manually refresh the data in the report window also.
The connection between the report and the excel file is therefore available to allow the manual update, but for some reason does not automatically update when I make a change. Are there are solutions available to get this to update automatically.
I saw this cool idea, but I can't seem to get it to work:
I have also read many threads, with some people having the same issue I am having:
I know that there should be an update every hour for PowerBI-OneDrive connections, but I was hoping there was a way for updating live.
Goal: PowerBI Service Report to update automatically, for live data feed to a TV screen, when a change is made, say every minute.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Where are you sourcing your data? Updating each minute to an Excel file seems like something that won’t scale in the long term. This sounds like a better scenario for a real-time dataset that is in hybrid mode. Then you could build a dashboard over the data and it would automatically update as the data updates. I’ve used Power Automate to push data into a real-time dataset as well.
Treb Gatte, Power BI MVP

Powerbi rest api AddRows

I am working on a realtime dashboard, i'd like to use the powerbi Rest Api.
My question how does the updating of rows work. I have 1300 records to load once and then update 2 columns for each row every 20 seconds.
The only rest call I see is to addrows, but it's not clear how it handles update of rows if it does
You have two patterns you can choose from:
You can send data in batches: upload 1300 rows, then call DELETE on the rows, then call upload with the next payload of rows.
Here's the DELETE method you need to all. We're adopting REST standards for our APIs so the 'methods' are the REST verbs :). https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt238041.aspx
Alternately you can incrementally update the data: You'd add a 'timestamp' column to your data set. Then in your query (like in Q&A) you'd ask for "show data for the last 20 seconds". If you do this, set the FIFO retention policy when you create the data set so you don't run out of space.
In either case, double check the number of rows you're pushing fit within the limits we spell out. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/dn950053.aspx
i was searching something in powerbi docs that could help me in creating a report with rest APIs. couldn't find it exact though. however made a work-around.
firsly, I created a push dataset schema in powerbi with help of post push dataset rest api.
then I pushed rows/record/data into my dataset with this post rows in push dataset.
then I went to powerbi service, and created a visual report manually there.
after this I embedded that report in my react app.
finally my report was live.
now if wanted to update my report in real time, I called delete push dataset rows api to delete the existing rows/records from my dataset.
and then called the post push dataset rows api again with new updated data. (repeated step 2)
and then finally I refreshed my website page, and now I see the updated visual report in my website.
it took me too much time. so I can feel if you are struggling w/ powerbi rest api. it's not straightforward. so feel free to ask anything down below. will happy to help.