I have a issue with collision equation - c++

int Electra2D::Collision()
for (std::list<Entity>::iterator affecting = entities.begin(); affecting != entities.end(); ++affecting) {
for (std::list<Entity>::iterator affected = entities.begin(); affected != entities.end(); ++affected) {
if (affecting->type == DrawTypes::Circle && affected->type == DrawTypes::Circle && affecting->object->id != affected->object->id) {
float distance = affected->pos.getDistance(affecting->pos);
float limit = ((ObjectCircle*)affected->object)->radius + ((ObjectCircle*)affecting->object)->radius;
if (distance <= limit) {
Vector2 SP = affected->velocity * affected->mass + affecting->velocity * affecting->mass;
Vector2 V2 = (SP - (affected->velocity-affecting->velocity) * affecting->mass) / (affected->mass + affecting->mass);
affecting->velocity = V2 + (affected->velocity-affecting->velocity);
affected->velocity = V2;
//Equation https://imgur.com/cQqBn9S
return 0;
I wrote base for 2d simulation in c ++ with d2d1 but when I wrote an equation for collision algorithm I made mistake but I don't know where I mistaken so i need help guys :)
affecting pointer is V1,m1 and affected pointer is V2,m2.
V2' is in code V2, and Sum of momentum in code SP
I found my mistake, still thanks. My mistake is I created one dimension equation for two-dimension simulation. When I create an equation I will share my equation and code in this post.


Ray tracing: Ellipsoid Hit function

We are working with shape generation using ray tracing. We believe that the hit function is not working appropriately. Currently, the "front" side of the ellipsoid is lit correctly. As the shape rotates, it has problems reflecting light. Example of rotating the ellipsoid.
Below is the current version of the Hit function.
bool Ellipsoid::Hit(const Ray& ray,
const double minHitDistance,
const double maxHitDistance,
HitRecord& hitRecord,
const Vector3d& light) const {
if (hitRecord.shapeHit == this) {
return false;
// M is a 3x3 matrix
const Vector3d& direction = (M.inverse()*ray.Direction());
const Vector3d oc = M.inverse()*(ray.Origin() -this->center);
const double a = direction.dot(direction);
const double b = oc.dot(direction);
const double c = oc.dot(oc) - 1;
const double discriminant = b*b - a*c;
if (discriminant > 0) {
const double sqrtDiscriminant = sqrt(discriminant);
const double aReciprocal = 1.0 / a;
double temp = (-b - sqrtDiscriminant) * aReciprocal;
if (temp < maxHitDistance && temp > minHitDistance) {
hitRecord.distance = temp;
hitRecord.closestIntersection = ray.PointAtParameter(hitRecord.distance);
hitRecord.normal = M.inverse()*((hitRecord.closestIntersection - center) / 1);
hitRecord.shapeHit = this;
return true;
temp = (-b + sqrtDiscriminant) * aReciprocal;
if (temp < maxHitDistance && temp > minHitDistance) {
hitRecord.distance = temp;
hitRecord.closestIntersection = ray.PointAtParameter(hitRecord.distance);
hitRecord.normal = M.inverse()*((hitRecord.closestIntersection - center) / 1);
hitRecord.shapeHit = this;
return true;
return false;
The first thing we tried was changing M.transpose() to M.inverse() on the lines where we set hitRecord.normal. This made the light look significantly better but did not completely help the light accuracy after rotating the object. We are unsure if the Hit function is completely correct. We just need some guidance to see if we need to look for other faults in the program. Any advice helps.
Edit: We have tried modifying the discriminant as well. This causes the function to break because the "4" is accounted for throughout the function (as seen in comment section).
After completely rewriting the function, we have determined the issue does not lie within the hit function.

Repulsion Vector

I am trying to implement a basic AI for a Turrets game in SFML and C++ and I have some problems.
This AI follows some waypoints stablished in a Bezier Courve.
In first place, this path was followed only by one enemy. For this purpose, the enemy has to calculate his distance between his actual position
to the next waypoint he has to pick.
If the distance is less than a specific value we stablish, then, we get to the next point. This will repeat until the final destination is reached. (in the submitting code, forget about the var m_go)
Okay, our problem gets when we spawn several enemies and all have to follow the same path, because it produces a bad visual effect (everyone gets upside another).
In order to solve this visual problem, we have decided to use a repulsion vector. The calculus gets like this: representation of what we want
As you can see, we calculate the repulsion vector with the inverse of the distance between the enemy and his nearest neighbor.
Then, we get it applying this to the "theorical" direction, by adding it, and we get a resultant, which is the direction that
our enemy has to follow to not "collide" with it's neighbors.
But, our issue comes here:
The enemys get sepparated in the middle of the curve and, as we spawn more enemys, the speed of all of them increases dramatically (including the enemies that don't calculate the repuslion vector).
1 - Is it usual that this sepparation occours in the middle of the trajectory?
2 - Is it there a way to control this direction without the speed getting affected?
3 - Is it there any alternative to this theory?
I submit the code below (There is a variable in Spanish [resultante] which it means resultant in English):
if (!m_pathCompleted) {
if (m_currentWP == 14 && m_cambio == true) {
m_currentWP = 0;
m_path = m_pathA;
m_cambio = false;
if (m_neighbors.size() > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_neighbors.size(); i++) {
if (m_enemyId != m_neighbors[i]->GetId()) {
float l_nvx = m_neighbors[i]->GetSprite().getPosition().x - m_enemySprite.getPosition().x;
float l_nvy = m_neighbors[i]->GetSprite().getPosition().y - m_enemySprite.getPosition().y;
float distance = std::sqrt(l_nvx * l_nvx + l_nvy * l_nvy);
l_nvx *= -1;
l_nvy *= -1;
float l_vx = m_path[m_currentWP].x - m_enemySprite.getPosition().x;
float l_vy = m_path[m_currentWP].y - m_enemySprite.getPosition().y;
float l_resultanteX = l_nvx + l_vx;
float l_resultanteY = l_nvy + l_vy;
float l_waypointDistance = std::sqrt(l_resultanteX * l_resultanteX + l_resultanteY * l_resultanteY);
if (l_waypointDistance < MINIMUM_WAYPOINT_DISTANCE) {
if (m_currentWP == m_path.size() - 1) {
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "[GAME OVER]" << std::endl;
m_go = false;
m_pathCompleted = true;
} else {
if (l_waypointDistance > MINIMUM_WAYPOINT_DISTANCE) {
l_resultanteX = l_resultanteX / l_waypointDistance;
l_resultanteY = l_resultanteY / l_waypointDistance;
m_enemySprite.move(ENEMY_SPEED * l_resultanteX * dt, ENEMY_SPEED * l_resultanteY * dt);
} else {
float vx = m_path[m_currentWP].x - m_enemySprite.getPosition().x;
float vy = m_path[m_currentWP].y - m_enemySprite.getPosition().y;
float len = std::sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
if (m_currentWP == m_path.size() - 1) {
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "[GAME OVER]" << std::endl;
m_go = false;
m_pathCompleted = true;
} else {
vx = vx / len;
vy = vy / len;
m_enemySprite.move(ENEMY_SPEED * vx * dt, ENEMY_SPEED * vy * dt);
} else {
float vx = m_path[m_currentWP].x - m_enemySprite.getPosition().x;
float vy = m_path[m_currentWP].y - m_enemySprite.getPosition().y;
float len = std::sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
if (m_currentWP == m_path.size() - 1) {
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "[GAME OVER]" << std::endl;
m_go = false;
m_pathCompleted = true;
} else {
vx = vx / len;
vy = vy / len;
m_enemySprite.move(ENEMY_SPEED * vx * dt, ENEMY_SPEED * vy * dt);
I will try to answer your questions one by one, but first, I don't see anything terribly wrong in the code, so it could be simply a set of non contemplated situations.
1 - Is it usual that this sepparation occours in the middle of the
Well, you're applying repulsion forces to every enemy based on distance of near enough others. If something weird happens or if you're moving them more than necessary, could result on a considerable deviation from their original trajectory.
2 - Is it there a way to control this direction without the speed
getting affected?
In this line
m_enemySprite.move(ENEMY_SPEED * l_resultanteX * dt, ENEMY_SPEED * l_resultanteY * dt);
we see you're, in fact, applying that repulsion force based on l_resultante vector. That vector depends directly on l_nv (repulsion vector), which its module (or length) is proportional to the distance between this (enemy you are processing now) and other (the neighbor). As you're multiplying this vector by the speed of the enemy (a constant value), greater the distance, greater the force applied and more separation will be between them.
I suggest you to:
Normalize the vector l_nv (Easier): This is, force it to have module 1. With this solution every enemy will be pushed with the same force (basically ENEMY_SPEED) but in proper direction.
Inverse the vector l_nv (Little harder): If you apply this vector inversely proportional to the distance (module = 1/distance), they will behave the opposite and they will be pushed less if they are farther from each other.
Also consider that you are applying forces consecutively and you're making them effective by every neighbor processed. This implies something undesirable. If you push an enemy, this force could move it into a location where a future enemy (in the for loop) could push it maybe more than before. If this effect concatenates several times, could trigger a chain reaction where your enemy is pushed more and more. This effect will be amplified if you're applying the forces proportional to the distance.
3 - Is it there any alternative to this theory?
I actually run out of ideas, but I left this space here if someone want to edit the answer and suggest something

Raytracer 2D Light Model broken

Im trying to implement a little 2d-raytracer for education and art purposes.
But there seems to be a bug in my lightmodel code.
As you can see one site of the line is appearing much brighter than the other one.
Here's the rendering code:
I think the cause could probably be the random number generator, but i'm not shure and don't know how to proof this.
Edit: But sometimes I'm getting quite good results like this:
I used this pice of code for the Ray Line - Intersection.
Ray Line - Intersection
Found the bug in the code here:
public static Vector2? lineSegmentIntersection(Vector2 r0, Vector2 r1, Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
Vector2 s1, s2;
s2 = b - a;
float s, t;
s = (-s1.Y * (r0.X - a.X) + s1.X * (r0.Y - a.Y)) / (-s2.X * s1.Y + s1.X * s2.Y);
t = (s2.X * (r0.Y - a.Y) - s2.Y * (r0.X - a.X)) / (-s2.X * s1.Y + s1.X * s2.Y);
if (s >= 0 && s <= 1 && t >= 0 && t <= 1)
// Collision detected
// Return the point of intersection
return new Vector2(r0.X + (t * s1.X), r0.Y + (t * s1.Y));
return null; // No collision

Stack Overflow with Pathfinding Algorithm

I have been working on a project that will, in short, generate a 2D matrix of numbers, with "empty" spaces are represented by 0's. Each number is connected by a list of nodes. The nodes contain the number value, the number's X and Y position, and a list of all spaces adjacent to it (its "neighbors"), with the exception of spaces diagonally adjacent to the point, due to the algorithm only allowing movements of up, down, left, and right. The issue that I am having is that, as the title would suggest, I am experiencing some stack overflow issues. I will post my code below, if anyone could help, I would be most appreciative.
CoordList* Puzzle::GeneratePath(CoordList* Path, int GoalX, int GoalY)
int CurrX;
int CurrY;
CurrX = Path->NeighborX;
CurrY = Path->NeighborY;
if(CurrX == GoalX && CurrY == GoalY)
int NewX;
int NewY;
double NewDistance;
int OldX;
int OldY;
double OldDistance;
CoordList* PointNeighbors = NULL;
CoordList* BestChoice = NULL;
for(int i = 0; i < NumDirections; i++)
CoordList* NewNeighbor = new CoordList;
NewX = CurrX + DirectsX[i];
NewY = CurrY + DirectsY[i];
if(IsPossible(NewX, NewY))
NewNeighbor->NeighborX = NewX;
NewNeighbor->NeighborY = NewY;
if(PointNeighbors == NULL)
NewNeighbor->next = NULL;
PointNeighbors = NewNeighbor;
NewNeighbor->next = PointNeighbors;
PointNeighbors = NewNeighbor;
//delete NewNeighbor;
while(PointNeighbors != NULL)
if(BestChoice == NULL)
CoordList* AChoice = new CoordList;
AChoice->next = NULL;
NewX = PointNeighbors->NeighborX;
NewY = PointNeighbors->NeighborY;
AChoice->NeighborX = NewX;
AChoice->NeighborY = NewY;
BestChoice = AChoice;
PointNeighbors = PointNeighbors->next;
//delete AChoice;
NewX = PointNeighbors->NeighborX;
NewY = PointNeighbors->NeighborY;
NewDistance = DetermineDistance(NewX, NewY, GoalX, GoalY);
OldX = BestChoice->NeighborX;
OldY = BestChoice->NeighborY;
OldDistance = DetermineDistance(OldX, OldY, GoalX, GoalY);
if(NewDistance < OldDistance)
BestChoice->NeighborX = NewX;
BestChoice->NeighborY = NewY;
PointNeighbors = PointNeighbors->next;
BestChoice->next = Path;
Path = BestChoice;
return(GeneratePath(Path, GoalX, GoalY));
I was asked to provide my determine distance function. This is just a simple implementation of the traditional Point Distance formula. Provided below.
double Puzzle::DetermineDistance(int OneX, int OneY, int TwoX, int TwoY)
int DifX;
int DifY;
double PointSum;
DifX = (TwoX - OneX);
DifY = (TwoY - OneY);
DifX = (DifX * DifX);
DifY = (DifY * DifY);
PointSum = (DifX + DifY);
return (sqrt(PointSum));
The following is the IsPossible function, which determines if an X and Y value lies within the possible grid space.
bool Puzzle::IsPossible(int x, int y)
if(x + 1 > Size - 1 || x - 1 < 0
|| y + 1 > Size - 1 || y - 1 < 0)
return false;
return true;
You might have a infinite recursion loop that causes the stackoverflow, as you make new local variables every recursion, especially with your observered oscillation behaviour. I assume you dont have that problem with small matrices. Its just a shot in the dark :-)
The oscillation problem indicates that you dont check whether you have already been on one place already?
Anyways, maybe you want to reconsider using another pathfinding algorithm. I would suggest a agent based solution. I used to use the following solution to solve a maze of similar structure: I started an agent with a "PositionsList" of spots where it have been, so in the beginning only with the starting point. Then it copied itself to every reachable position not being in his own PositionList, adding the new position to that list and destroying itself then. Repeat that pattern with all new agents until the first agent reaches the goal. That way you are guaranteed to find the optimal path. But it might get pretty memory heavy for big matrices, especially when there are a lot different ways to get to the goal and a lot of possible directions per position! But there are plenty of other very good pathfinding algorithms out there. Maybe one of them suits you well :-)
Good Luck!

Trying to optimize line vs cylinder intersection

My brain has been melting over a line segment-vs-cylinder intersection routine I've been working on.
/// Line segment VS <cylinder>
// - cylinder (A, B, r) (start point, end point, radius)
// - line has starting point (x0, y0, z0) and ending point (x0+ux, y0+uy, z0+uz) ((ux, uy, uz) is "direction")
// => start = (x0, y0, z0)
// dir = (ux, uy, uz)
// A
// B
// r
// optimize? (= don't care for t > 1)
// <= t = "time" of intersection
// norm = surface normal of intersection point
void CollisionExecuter::cylinderVSline(const Ogre::Vector3& start, const Ogre::Vector3& dir, const Ogre::Vector3& A, const Ogre::Vector3& B, const double r,
const bool optimize, double& t, Ogre::Vector3& normal) {
t = NaN;
// Solution : http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=467789
double cxmin, cymin, czmin, cxmax, cymax, czmax;
if (A.z < B.z) { czmin = A.z - r; czmax = B.z + r; } else { czmin = B.z - r; czmax = A.z + r; }
if (A.y < B.y) { cymin = A.y - r; cymax = B.y + r; } else { cymin = B.y - r; cymax = A.y + r; }
if (A.x < B.x) { cxmin = A.x - r; cxmax = B.x + r; } else { cxmin = B.x - r; cxmax = A.x + r; }
if (optimize) {
if (start.z >= czmax && (start.z + dir.z) > czmax) return;
if (start.z <= czmin && (start.z + dir.z) < czmin) return;
if (start.y >= cymax && (start.y + dir.y) > cymax) return;
if (start.y <= cymin && (start.y + dir.y) < cymin) return;
if (start.x >= cxmax && (start.x + dir.x) > cxmax) return;
if (start.x <= cxmin && (start.x + dir.x) < cxmin) return;
Ogre::Vector3 AB = B - A;
Ogre::Vector3 AO = start - A;
Ogre::Vector3 AOxAB = AO.crossProduct(AB);
Ogre::Vector3 VxAB = dir.crossProduct(AB);
double ab2 = AB.dotProduct(AB);
double a = VxAB.dotProduct(VxAB);
double b = 2 * VxAB.dotProduct(AOxAB);
double c = AOxAB.dotProduct(AOxAB) - (r*r * ab2);
double d = b * b - 4 * a * c;
if (d < 0) return;
double time = (-b - sqrt(d)) / (2 * a);
if (time < 0) return;
Ogre::Vector3 intersection = start + dir * time; /// intersection point
Ogre::Vector3 projection = A + (AB.dotProduct(intersection - A) / ab2) * AB; /// intersection projected onto cylinder axis
if ((projection - A).length() + (B - projection).length() > AB.length()) return; /// THIS IS THE SLOW SAFE WAY
//if (projection.z > czmax - r || projection.z < czmin + r ||
// projection.y > cymax - r || projection.y < cymin + r ||
// projection.x > cxmax - r || projection.x < cxmin + r ) return; /// THIS IS THE FASTER BUGGY WAY
normal = (intersection - projection);
t = time; /// at last
I have thought of this way to speed up the discovery of whether the projection of the intersection point lies inside the cylinder's length. However, it doesn't work and I can't really get it because it seems so logical :
if the projected point's x, y or z co-ordinates are not within the cylinder's limits, it should be considered outside. It seems though that this doesn't work in practice.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Bill Kotsias
Edit : It seems that the problems rise with boundary-cases, i.e when the cylinder is parallel to one of the axis. Rounding errors come into the equation and the "optimization" stops working correctly.
Maybe, if the logic is correct, the problems will go away by inserting a bit of tolerance like :
if (projection.z > czmax - r + 0.001 || projection.z < czmin + r - 0.001 || ... etc...
The cylinder is circular, right? You could transform coordinates so that the center line of the cylinder functions as the Z axis. Then you have a 2D problem of intersecting a line with a circle. The intersection points will be in terms of a parameter going from 0 to 1 along the length of the line, so you can calculate their positions in that coordinate system and compare to the top and bottom of the cylinder.
You should be able to do it all in closed form. No tolerances. And sure, you will get singularities and imaginary solutions. You seem to have thought of all this, so I guess I'm not sure what the question is.
This is what I use, it may help:
bool d3RayCylinderIntersection(const DCylinder &cylinder,const DVector3 &org,const DVector3 &dir,float &lambda,DVector3 &normal,DVector3 &newPosition)
// Ray and cylinder intersection
// If hit, returns true and the intersection point in 'newPosition' with a normal and distance along
// the ray ('lambda')
DVector3 RC;
float d;
float t,s;
DVector3 n,D,O;
float ln;
float in,out;
RC=org; RC.Subtract(&cylinder.position);
// Parallel? (?)
return false;
if (d<=cylinder.radius)
s=fabs( sqrtf(cylinder.radius*cylinder.radius-d*d) / dir.Dot(O) );
if (in<-D3_EPSILON)
return false;
else lambda=out;
} else if(out<-D3_EPSILON)
} else if(in<out)
} else
// Calculate intersection point
DVector3 HB;
float scale=HB.Dot(&cylinder.axis);
return true;
return false;
Have you thought about it this way?
A cylinder is essentially a "fat" line segment so a way to do this would be to find the closest point on line segment (the cylinder's center line) to line segment (the line segment you are testing for intersection).
From there, you check the distance between this closest point and the other line segment, and compare it to the radius.
At this point, you have a "Pill vs Line Segment" test, but you could probably do some plane tests to "chop off" the caps on the pill to make a cylinder.
Shooting from the hip a bit though so hope it helps (:
Mike's answer is good. For any tricky shape you're best off finding the transformation matrix T that maps it into a nice upright version, in this case an outright cylinder with radius 1. height 1, would do the job nicely. Figure out your new line in this new space, perform the calculation, convert back.
However, if you are looking to optimise (and it sounds like you are), there is probably loads you can do.
For example, you can calculate the shortest distance between two lines -- probably using the dot product rule -- imagine joining two lines by a thread. Then if this thread is the shortest of all possible threads, then it will be perpendicular to both lines, so Thread.LineA = Thread.LineB = 0
If the shortest distance is greater than the radius of the cylinder, it is a miss.
You could define the locus of the cylinder using x,y,z, and thrash the whole thing out as some horrible quadratic equation, and optimise by calculating the discriminant first, and returning no-hit if this is negative.
To define the locus, take any point P=(x,y,z). drop it as a perpendicular on to the centre line of your cylinder, and look at its magnitude squared. if that equals R^2 that point is in.
Then you throw your line {s = U + lamda*V} into that mess, and you would end up with some butt ugly quadratic in lamda. but that would probably be faster than fiddling matrices, unless you can get the hardware to do it (I'm guessing OpenGL has some function to get the hardware to do this superfast).
It all depends on how much optimisation you want; personally I would go with Mike's answer unless there was a really good reason not to.
PS You might get more help if you explain the technique you use rather than just dumping code, leaving it to the reader to figure out what you're doing.