Issues dynamic allocation of classes - c++

I am currently trying to refresh my c++ skills with implementing a snake-game. I have created following class - relevant code snippet:
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <windows.h>
typedef struct coordinates {
int x;
int y;
class Snake {
std::vector<coordinates> body;
Snake(const int MAX_HEIGHT, const int MAX_WIDTH, const int initLengthSnake);
void updateSnakeBody(coordinates newDirection, int startingPoint);
... and with the corresponding code snippet of the .cpp-file:
#include <vector>
#include "snake_class.h"
Snake::Snake(const int MAX_HEIGHT, const int MAX_WIDTH, const int initLengthSnake) {
for (int snakeLength = 0; snakeLength < initLengthSnake; snakeLength++) {
coordinates currentBodyPoint = { (MAX_WIDTH + initLengthSnake) / 2 - snakeLength, (MAX_HEIGHT) / 2 };
void Snake::updateSnakeBody(coordinates newDirection, int startingPoint) {
coordinates currentBodyPoint = body[startingPoint];
body[startingPoint].x += newDirection.x;
body[startingPoint].y += newDirection.y;
if (startingPoint + 1 < body.size()) {
coordinates nextDirection = { currentBodyPoint.x - body[startingPoint + 1].x,
currentBodyPoint.y - body[startingPoint + 1].y };
updateSnakeBody(nextDirection, startingPoint + 1);
My main-method looks like the following:
bool crashed = false;
int main()
//init-part for windows and snake length
const int windowHeight = 20;
const int windowWidth = 25;
const int initSnakeLength = 4;
//init part for snake game to move and some stock variables
coordinates direction = { 1, 0 };
bool initNeeded = false;
//snake init
Snake* snake = new Snake(windowWidth, windowHeight, initSnakeLength);
while (true) {
if (initNeeded) {
crashed = false;
Snake* snake = new Snake(windowWidth, windowHeight, initSnakeLength);
initNeeded = false;
if (!crashed) {
(*snake).updateSnakeBody(direction, 0);
crashed = true;
else {
delete snake;
initNeeded = true;
return 0;
Build is successfull and the first round of the game works as expected. When I feedback to the game, that I want to play another round, then the new snake class is constructed once again inside the if (initNeeded) {...}-condition. The vector also got the size of 4 after the construction.
But as soon as the program enters the line
(*snake).updateSnakeBody(direction, 0);
I retrieve the error-message vector subsrictp out of range and somehow the vector got the size 0.
I know, that I do not need to dynamically allocate a new class for getting the game to run as intended, but I wanted to try it out in this way.
I cannot really figure out why the new class behaves like that and hope some of you could help me resolving that issue!
Thanks in advance!

You construct two different snakes, one in the main scope, on in the scope of the if statement. Then you create two pointers to these, with the same name. You need to sort this out!
while (true) {
if (initNeeded) {
crashed = false;
Snake* snake = new Snake(windowWidth, windowHeight, initSnakeLength);
initNeeded = false;
This snake pointer cannot be accessed from anywhere else. Whatever you are trying to do, this must be wrong.
Perhaps this is what you meant to do
//declare snake pointer
Snake* snake;
while (true) {
if (initNeeded) {
crashed = false;
// set pointer to a new snake
snake = new Snake(windowWidth, windowHeight, initSnakeLength);
initNeeded = false;


Moving player on board

I'm writing board game using SFML and I want my player's figures to move around this board, but I want this to be smooth animated move, from field X to field Y. Unfortunatelly, it isnt happening, my player's figures just changes location, it jumps from lets say field 4 into field 8, while I want to move from 4 to 5, then to 6, then to 7 and finnaly to 8. Hopefully its clear enough. Now let's see some code.
Firstly Field class.
class Field {
int m_position_id;
int m_position_x;
int m_position_y;
std::string m_name;
Field() {}
Field(int, int, int);
virtual ~Field() = default;
int getPosID() { return m_position_id; }
int getPosX() { return m_position_x; }
int getPosY() { return m_position_y; }
Then we got Board which is basicly just an array of Fields
constexpr int BOARD_SIZE = 40;
class Board {
std::array<Field, BOARD_SIZE> m_board;
Field& getBoard(int index) { return m_board[index]; }
Player class
class Player {
int m_position_id = 0; //starting position
float m_position_x = 600;
float m_position_y = 600;
sf::CircleShape m_shape;
Player(std::string, sf::Color, float);
sf::CircleShape& getShape() { return m_shape; }
int getPositionID() { return m_position_id; }
float getPositionX() { return m_position_x; }
float getPositionY() { return m_position_y; }
void setPositionID(int p_position_id) { m_position_id = p_position_id; }
void setPositionX(int p_position_x) { m_position_x = p_position_x; }
void setPositionY(int p_position_y) { m_position_y = p_position_y; }
And finnaly, method that isnt working as I expect it oo
void GameEngine::movePlayer(Player &p_player, int p_distance) {
int l_current_pos_id = p_player.getPositionID();
p_player.setPositionID(p_player.getPositionID() + p_distance);
if (p_player.getPositionID() > 39) {
p_player.setPositionID(p_player.getPositionID() - 40);
//going out of array range here probably
for (int i = l_current_pos_id; i < p_player.getPositionID(); i++) {
int x = m_game_board.getBoard(i + 1).getPosX() - m_game_board.getBoard(i).getPosX();
int y = m_game_board.getBoard(i + 1).getPosY() - m_game_board.getBoard(i).getPosY();
p_player.getShape().move(x, y);
And finnaly, class that handles the view
bool m_draw = false;
while (window.isOpen()) {
if (m_evnt.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased && m_evnt.key.code == sf::Keyboard::R) {
//Roll dice
m_game_engine.rollDice(m_game_status); //this just updates some text, result of rollDice is passed as p_distance to movePlayer
m_draw = true;
for (int i = 0; i < m_game_engine.getNumberOfPlayers(); i++) {
if (m_draw) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_game_engine.getNumberOfPlayers(); i++) {
Ah and from GameEngine class
class GameEngine {
std::vector<Player> m_players;
Player& getPlayer(int index) { return m_players[index]; }
So as you can see, it stores in local variable current player position, then assigns new one, then by Field position ID it gets X and Y coordinate of this position. Next step is checking if this position is inside array (have to do the same for moving my figure around board, because it crashes after first circuit around the board. Still, thats not the point here. For loop at the end, should move from field i to (i+1), then it should wait for 0,5 sec, move again to next field, etc. Althought, after I run my program, it sleeps at beggining and then not moves, but changes position of my shape and its over, no animation at all.
You have a loop and you have waits. That's not how a game works. You can read up on the basics here.
Your game loop has to run. That's the place where the drawing takes place. If you move your token and don't draw it until it arrived, it will look like a teleport. You need to draw between your mini-moves.
Your token needs a target position and a current position and a speed. And every loop you need to add the appropriate numbers to the current position, until it finally arrives at the target position. But you cannot do that in a closed loop, this needs to happen inside your game loop, as a part of it. You probably also want a variable that indicates that a token is indeed moving, so nothing else can happen while it's not complete.

Trying to make a primitive console snake game. 0 warnings/erros. Why does my program crash? (C++)

Thank you for reading this thread. I am a beginning programmer and am trying to make a simple snake game with C++. It isn't finished yet, but I think I got a nice start to it. However, when I try to run the program it instantly crashes. (The compiler says there are 0 warnings and errors. I am using the Code::Blocks IDE. Does anyone know why my program isn't working? I think it may have something to do with the "vector coordHistory", but I can't tell for sure. At least that is the last thing I added to the program.
This is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <vector>
#define MAXX 156 //Number of columns that fits on my screen
#define MAXY 62 //Number of rows that fits on my screen
using namespace std;
// This function clears the console window
void clearConsole()
system("cls"); //empties console window
// This function returns the x position of the cursor
int getcursorX()
if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &csbi)) {
return csbi.dwCursorPosition.X;
// This function returns the y position of the cursor
int getcursorY()
if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &csbi)) {
return csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y;
// This function sets the x position of the cursor
void setcursorX(int x)
COORD coord = {x, getcursorY()};
SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
// This function sets the y position of the cursor
void setcursorY(int y)
COORD coord = {getcursorX(), y};
SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
// The snake class contains the coordinates of the snake and direction in which it is moving
class Snake
bool isAlive;
int snakexCoord;
int snakeyCoord;
char snakeDirection;
int snakeLength;
int getsnakexCoord() { return snakexCoord; };
int getsnakeyCoord() { return snakeyCoord; };
char getsnakeDirection() { return snakeDirection; };
bool getisAlive() { return isAlive; };
int getsnakeLength() { return snakeLength; };
void setsnakexCoord(int newsnakexCoord) { snakexCoord = newsnakexCoord;};
void setsnakeyCoord(int newsnakeyCoord) { snakeyCoord = newsnakeyCoord;};
void setsnakeDirection(char newsnakeDirection) { snakeDirection = newsnakeDirection;};
void setisAlive(bool newisAlive) { isAlive = newisAlive; };
void setsnakeLength(int newsnakeLength) { snakeLength = newsnakeLength; };
snakexCoord = MAXX / 2;
snakeyCoord = MAXY / 2;
snakeDirection = 'E';
isAlive = true;
snakeLength = 1;
int main()
int i; //iterator
system("mode 650"); //makes console window full-screen
Snake snake; //initializes Snake object snake
char c; //char that stores user input to change snake direction
vector<int[2]> coordHistory; //vector of arrays that stores previous locations of snake
while (snake.getisAlive())
//Adds snake coordinates to coordHistory
coordHistory[coordHistory.size()][0] = snake.getsnakexCoord();
coordHistory[coordHistory.size()-1][1] = snake.getsnakeyCoord();
//Iterates backwards through coordHistory and draws an "O" until the snake is as long as it should be
for(i = coordHistory.size() - 1; i > coordHistory.size() - 1 - snake.getsnakeLength(); i--)
cout << "O";
//Allows user to change snake direction
c = _getch();
switch (c){
case 'w':
case 'd':
case 's':
case 'a':
//Checks in which direction snake is going and changes coordinates accordingly
switch (snake.getsnakeDirection())
case 'N':
case 'E':
case 'S':
case 'W':
//Checks if snake goes out of boundaries
if ((snake.getsnakexCoord() > MAXX) || (snake.getsnakexCoord() < 0) || (snake.getsnakeyCoord() > MAXY) || (snake.getsnakeyCoord() < 0))
//Sleep(200); Ignore WIP
return 0;
Your vector usage is wrong.
coordHistory[coordHistory.size()][0] = snake.getsnakexCoord();
coordHistory[coordHistory.size()-1][1] = snake.getsnakeyCoord();
You appear to assume that vector[n-1] will automatically create as many elements as needed to result in a vector of size n. It doesn't.
You are twice accessing the first element of vector coordHistory, a vector which is actually empty.
To add elements, in general use the member function push_back or emplace_back. You're really going to struggle with a vector of arrays, though, since arrays are neither assignable nor copyable. That's why I can't use push_back here; I have to explicitly resize the vector then access the newly-created elements as you were doing before:
coordHistory[0][0] = snake.getsnakexCoord();
coordHistory[0][1] = snake.getsnakeyCoord();
This is pretty awkward. why don't you instead store a nice delicious class type with x and y members?
std::vector<deliciousClassType> coordHistory;

Array of object C++

In the image below (Character.cpp), may I know how to create only one Initialize method that can be called to stored many sprites? Do I need to change the Texture1,Sprite,PosX,PosY, etc to array?
The initialize method will be called in my MAIN.cpp. Sorry if the explaination is not good enough. That is just my idea of doing it but will there be a better ones instead of having so many arrays?
void Character::Initialize1(string image1, float PosX1, float PosY1, float CenterX1, float CenterY1)
D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(Pull->GETd3ddev(), image.c_str(), &Texture1);
D3DXCreateSprite(Pull->GETd3ddev(), &sprite1);
RECT SpriteRect1; = 0;
SpriteRect1.bottom = 127;
SpriteRect1.left = 0;
SpriteRect1.right = 128;
SpritePos1 = D3DXVECTOR2(PosX1, PosY1);
SpriteCenter1 = D3DXVECTOR2(CenterX1, CenterY1);
void Character::Initialize2(string image2, float PosX2, float PosY2, float CenterX2, float CenterY2)
D3DXCreateTextureFromFile(Pull->GETd3ddev(), image.c_str(), &Texture2);
D3DXCreateSprite(Pull->GETd3ddev(), &sprite2);
RECT SpriteRect2; = 0;
SpriteRect2.bottom = 14;
SpriteRect2.left = 0;
SpriteRect2.right = 14;
SpritePos2 = D3DXVECTOR2(PosX2, PosY2);
SpriteCenter2 = D3DXVECTOR2(CenterX2, CenterY2);
Create the necessary initialization method in your sprite class. Then in main() create your sprites and call the appropriate initialization methods. If using lots of Sprites, it will be probably handy to put the created sprites inside a vector in order to have less code for cleanup and probably other things.
A quick example for a Sprite class called SpriteConfig, which only contains position parameters.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class SpriteConfig {
SpriteConfig() {
top = 0;
bottom = 0;
left = 0;
right = 0;
void setPos(float aTop, float aBottom, float aLeft, float aRight) {
mTop = aTop;
mBottom = aBottom;
mLeft = aLeft;
mRight = aRight;
// position parameters
float mTop;
float mBottom;
float mLeft;
float mRight;
int main()
vector<SpriteConfig*> spriteConfigs;
SpriteConfig *sprCfg;
sprCfg = new SpriteConfig();
sprCfg = new SpriteConfig();
// We now have a number of Sprites
// Add code here to do something with it.
// ...
for(vector<SpriteConfig*>::iterator it = spriteConfigs.begin();
it != spriteConfigs.end();
++it) {
// cleanup
delete (*it);
(*it) = null;
return 0;

How do I pass a pointer to an array of pointers as an argument to a function?

I'm trying to code a robot, and I'm having a confusing situation. I need to pass an array of pointers to objects to a constructor of a class. I can't, however, populate the array before I pass it into the constructor. To solve this I want to pass a pointer to said array, and access its elements from the pointer. The problem is that I'm new to C++, and so I'm not sure of the syntax. Could you guys help me out?
Code for the main file
class RobotDemo : public SimpleRobot
Joystick stick;
JoystickOne joyOne;
Victor *victors [8];
joyOne(&stick)// these must be initialized in the same order
// as they are declared above.
/*It doesnt seem like I can do anything but initialize things here*/
/*Populate array with pointers to victors. Will need to update channels*/
for (int x = 1; x <= 7; x++) {
victors[x] = new Victor(x);
/*And I don't think I can initialize anything here*/
* Drive left & right motors for 2 seconds then stop
void Autonomous(void)
* Runs the motors with arcade steering.
void OperatorControl(void)
while (IsOperatorControl())
joyOne.testForActions(); /*Check joystick one for actions*/
Wait(0.005); // wait for a motor update time
* Runs during test mode
void Test() {
Here's the code for the JoystickInput class, which the JoystickOne class extends
//the .h
#include "WPILib.h"
class JoystickInput {
JoystickInput(Joystick*, Victor* [8]);
Joystick * joystick;
bool buttons [10];
Victor** victors [8];
bool buttonClicked(int id);
virtual void testForActions();
//and the .cpp
#include "JoystickInput.h"
JoystickInput::JoystickInput(Joystick * joy) {
joystick = joy;
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
buttons[x] = false;
JoystickInput::JoystickInput(Joystick * joy, Victor* vicArray [8]) {
joystick = joy;
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
buttons[x] = false;
for (int n = 0; n <=7; n++) {
*victors[n] = vicArray[n];
bool JoystickInput::buttonClicked(int id) {
if (buttons[id] == false and joystick->GetRawButton(id) == true) {
buttons[id] = true;
return true;
} else if (buttons[id] == true and joystick->GetRawButton(id) == false) {
buttons[id] = false;
return false;
} else {
return false;
void JoystickInput::testForActions() {
What I'm asking you guys to help me do is rework the constructor of JoystickInput() so that it also takes a pointer to an array of pointers (to Victors), and performs methods on elements of the array. Googling it hasnt turned up anything useful. I'd research it more myself, but its been a few days and I'm still hung up on this.
Thanks for the help (and if not that, then at least reading my post)!
You should be able to use:
JoystickInput(Joystick*, Victor**, int);
and just pass vicArray into the constructor. If victors can be anything else than an array of length 8, then you should also pass the length as an argument because c++ cannot find the length of an array from a pointer.
Whenever types get complicated (functions or arrays), use a typedef:
typedef char char_buffer_type[8]; //char_buffer_type is an array
typedef char (*char_buffer_ptr)[8]; //char_buffer_ptr is a pointer to an array
typedef char (&char_buffer_ref)[8]; //char_buffer_ref is a reference to an array
typedef int main_type(int, char**); //main_type is a "int(int, char**)" function
typedef Victor*(array_of_ptr)[8]; //array_of_ptr is an array of 8 Victor*
Also, you should name the values 8 and 10.
class JoystickInput {
static const int victor_count = 8;
static const int button_count = 10;
typedef Victor*(array_of_victor_ptr)[victor_count];
JoystickInput(Joystick*, array_of_victor_ptr& vicArray);
bool buttonClicked(int id){return true;}
virtual void testForActions(){}
Joystick * joystick;
bool buttons [button_count];
array_of_victor_ptr victors; //that's simpler
//then pass this one by reference
JoystickInput::JoystickInput(Joystick * joy, array_of_victor_ptr& vicArray) {
joystick = joy;
for (int x = 0; x < button_count; x++) {
buttons[x] = false;
for (int n = 0; n < victor_count; n++) {
victors[n] = vicArray[n]; //don't have to dereference here anymore
Proof of compilation. Typedefs are wonderful. Use them.

How do I made shooting multiple bullets function correctly using a for loop?

I'm working on a prototype for a shmup game in C++ using SDL...Right now I'm just trying to get the basics working without using classes. Now, I have it so it shoots multiple bullets, but it behaves strangely which I believe is because of the way the counter is reset...The bullets will appear and disappear, and some will keep blinking in the original spot they were shot at, and there will sometimes be a delay before any can be shot again even if the limit isn't on the screen...And sometimes the player character will suddenly jump way to the right and only be able to move up and down. How do I fix this so it smoothly shoots? I've included all relevent code...
[edit] Please note that I intend on cleaning it up and moving it all to a class once I get this figured out...This is just a simple prototype so I can have the basics of the game programmed in.
[edit2] ePos is the enemy position, and pPos is the player position.
SDL_Surface *bullet[10] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
bool shot[10];
int shotCount = 0;
SDL_Rect bPos[10];
//event handler
case SDLK_z: printf("SHOT!"); shot[shotCount] = true; ++shotCount; break;
//main function
for(int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
shot[i] = false;
bullet[i] = IMG_Load("bullet.png");
//game loop
for(int i = 0; i <= shotCount; i++)
if(shot[i] == false)
bPos[i].x = pPos.x;
bPos[i].y = pPos.y;
if(shot[i] == true)
bPos[i].y -= 8;
SDL_BlitSurface(bullet[i], NULL, screen, &bPos[i]);
if( (bPos[i].y + 16 == ePos.y + 16) || (bPos[i].x + 16 == ePos.x + 16) )
shot[i] = false;
else if(bPos[i].y == 0)
shot[i] = false;
if(shotCount >= 9) { shotCount = 0; }
Here is something like I was suggesting in the comment. It was just written off the top of my head but it gives you a general idea of what I'm talking about..
class GameObject
int x;
int y;
int width;
int height;
int direction;
int speed;
x = 0;
y = 0;
width = 0;
height = 0;
direction = 0;
speed = 0;
void update()
// Change the location of the object.
bool collidesWidth(GameObject *o)
// Test if the bullet collides with Enemy.
// If it does, make it invisible and return true
GameObject bullet[10];
GameObject enemy[5];
for(int x=0; x<=10;x++)
for(int y=0;y<=5;y++)
// Make explosion, etc, etc.