Is it possible to use floating point texture with p5.js + GLSL? - glsl

I am working on physarum simulation with P5 and GLSL.
I use one separate shader and to calculate particle positions and another for trail diffusion and decay.
I set P5.Graphics buffer as a texture uniform in the particle shader. As far as I understand, it is Uint8ClampedArray limited to the value range 0-255. It is not precise enough for particle simulation and I get a grid looking like this.
Is it possible to set a floating point texture (something like float32array) as a sampler2D uniform variable using P5.js?


How to loop over every pixel in a 3D texture/buffer without using compute shaders

I understand how you would do this with a 2D buffer. Just draw two triangles that make a quad that fully encompass the 2D buffer space. That way when the fragment shader runs it runs for all the pixels in the buffer.
Question: How would this work for a 3D buffer?
You could just write a lot of triangles for each cross-section of the 3D buffer. However, if you had a texture that was 1x1x256 that would mean that you would need to draw 256*2 triangles for each slice to iterate over all of the pixels. I know this is an extreme case and there are ways of optimizing this solution. However, I feel like there is a more elegant solution that I am missing.
What I am trying to do: I am trying to make a 3D fluid solver that iterates through each of the pixels of the 3D texture and computes its velocity, density, etc. I am trying to do this via the fragment shader because I am using OpenGL 3.0 which does not use compute shaders.
#version 330 core
out vec4 FragColor;
uniform sampler3D volume;
void main()
// computing the fluid density, velocity, and center of mass
// output the values to the 3D buffer to diffrent color channels:
fragColor = vec4(density, velocity.xy, centerOfMass);
At some point in the fragment shader, you're going to write some statement of the form:
vec4 value = texture(my_texture, TexCoords);
Where TexCoords is the location in my_texture that maps to some particular value in the source texture. But... that mapping is entirely up to you. Nobody's making you use gl_FragCoord.xy / textureSize(my_texture). You could just as easily use vec3(gl_FragCoord.x, Y_value, gl_FragCoord.y) / textureSize(my_texture), which puts the Y component of the fragment location in the Z dimension of the texture. Y_value in this case is a value passed from the outside that tells which vertical slice of the 3D texture to use.
Of course, whatever mapping you use to fetch the data must also be used when you write the data. If you're writing via fragment shader outputs, that poses a problem. A 3D texture can only be attached to an FBO as either a single 2D slice or as a layered set of 2D slices, with these slices always being along the Z dimension of the image. So even if you try to read in slices along the Y dimension, it has to be written in Z slices. So you'd be moving around the location of the data, which makes this non-viable.
If you're using image load/store, then you have no problem. You can just write to the appropriate texel (indeed, you can read from it as an image using integer coordinates, so there's no need to divide by the texture's size).

Tri-linear interpolation in compute shader

I want to ray cast a line through an image3D grid. Now, if I hit a voxel I would like to have the tri-linear interpolated value of the neighbouring 8 voxels.
Is that even possible with the compute shader? I know with sampler2D the bi-linear interpolation is intrinsically hardware supported.
Of course, I can write the code manually myself. However, that would literally kill the nice performance.
I want to ray cast a line through an image3D grid. Now, if I hit a voxel I would like to have the tri-linear interpolated value of the neighbouring 8 voxels.
Then cast it through a sampler3D instead of an image3D grid.

Vertex to Pixel Shader TEXCOORD interpolation precision issues

I think I'm experiencing precision issues in the pixel shader when reading the texcoords that's been interpolated from the vertex shader.
My scene constists of some very large triangles (edges being up to 5000 units long, and texcoords ranging from 0 to 5000 units, so that the texture is tiled about 5000 times), and I have a camera that is looking very close up at one of those triangles (the camera might be so close that its viewport only covers a couple of meters of the large triangles). When I pan the camera along the plane of the triangle, the texture is lagging and jumpy. My thought is that I am experiencing lack of precision on the interpolated texcoords.
Is there a way to increase the precision of the texcoords interpolation?
My first though was to let texcoord u be stored in double precision in the xy-components, and texcoord v in zw-components. But I guess that will not work since the shader interpolation assumes there are 4 separate components of single-precision, and not 2 components of double-precision?
If there is no solution on the shader side, I guess I'll just have to tesselate the triangles into finer pieces? I'd hate to do that just for this issue though.. Any ideas?
EDIT: The problem is also visible when printing texcoords as colors on the screen, without any actual texture sampling at all.
You're right, it looks like a precision problem. If your card supports it, you can indeed use double precision floats for interpolation. Just declare the variables as dvec2 and it should work.
The shader interpolation does not assumes there are 4 separate 8bit components. In recent cards, each scalar (ie. component in a vec) is interpolated separately as a float (or a double). Older cards, that could only interpolate vec4s, were also working with full floats (but these ones probably don't support doubles).

OpenGL: Passing random positions to the Vertex Shader

I am starting to learn OpenGL (3.3+), and now I am trying to do an algorithm that draws 10000 points randomly in the screen.
The problem is that I don't know exactly where to do the algorithm. Since they are random, I can't declare them on a VBO (or can I?), so I was thinking in passing a uniform value to the vertex shader with the varying position (I would do a loop changing the uniform value). Then I would do the operation 10000 times. I would also pass a random color value to the shader.
Here is kind of my though:
#version 330 core
uniform vec3 random_position;
uniform vec3 random_color;
out vec3 Color;
void main() {
gl_Position = random_position;
Color = random_color;
In this way I would do the calculations outside the shaders, and just pass them through the uniforms, but I think a better way would be doing this calculations inside the vertex shader. Would that be right?
The vertex shader will be called for every vertex you pass to the vertex shader stage. The uniforms are the same for each of these calls. Hence you shouldn't pass the vertices - be they random or not - as uniforms. If you would have global transformations (i.e. a camera rotation, a model matrix, etc.), those would go into the uniforms.
Your vertices should be passed as a vertex buffer object. Just generate them randomly in your host application and draw them. The will be automatically the in variables of your shader.
You can change the array in every iteration, however it might be a good idea to keep the size constant. For this it's sometimes useful to pass a 3D-vector with 4 dimensions, one being 1 if the vertex is used and 0 otherwise. This way you can simply check if a vertex should be drawn or not.
Then just clear the GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT and draw the arrays before updating the screen.
In your shader just set gl_Position with your in variables (i.e. the vertices) and pass the color on to the fragment shader - it will not be applied in the vertex shader yet.
In the fragment shader the last set variable will be the color. So just use the variable you passed from the vertex shader and e.g. gl_FragColor.
By the way, if you draw something as GL_POINTS it will result in little squares. There are lots of tricks to make them actually round, the easiest to use is probably to use this simple if in the fragment shader. However you should configure them as Point Sprites (glEnable(GL_POINT_SPRITE)) then.
if(dot(gl_PointCoord - vec2(0.5,0.5), gl_PointCoord - vec2(0.5,0.5)) > 0.25)
I suggest you to read up a little on what the fragment and vertex shader do, what vertices and fragments are and what their respective in/out/uniform variables represent.
Since programs with full vertex buffer objects, shader programs etc. get quite huge, you can also start out with glBegin() and glEnd() to draw vertices directly. However this should only be a very early starting point to understand what you are drawing where and how the different shaders affect it.
The lighthouse3d tutorials ( usually are a good start, though they might be a bit outdated. Also a good reference is the glsl wiki ( which is up to date in most cases - but it might be a bit technical.
Whether or not you are working with C++, Java, or other languages - the concepts for OpenGL are usually the same, so almost all tutorials will do well.

Precision loss with mod in GLSL

I'm repeating a texture in the vertex shader (for storage, not for repeating at the spot). Is this the right way? I seem to lose precision somehwere.
varying vec2 texcoordC;
texcoordC = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;
texcoordC *= 10.0;
texcoordC.x = mod(texcoordC.x, 1.0);
texcoordC.y = mod(texcoordC.y, 1.0);
ADDED: I then save (storage) the texcoord in the color, print it to the texture and later use that texture again. When I retrieve the color from the texture, I find the texcoords and use them to apply a texture in postprocess. There's a reason I want it this way, that I won't go into. I get it that the texcoords will be limited by the color's precision, that is alright as my texture is 256 in width and height.
I know normally I would set the texcoords with glTexcoord2f to higher than 1.0 to repeat (and using GL_REPEAT), but I am using a modelloader which I am to lazy to edit, as I think it is not necessary/not the easiest way.
There are (at least) two ways in which this could go wrong:
Firstly yes, you will lose precision. You are essentially taking the fractional part of a floating point number, after scaling it up. This essentially throws some of the number away.
Secondly, this probably won't work anyway, not for most typical uses. You are trying to tile a texture per-vertex, but the texture is interpolated across a polygon. So this technique could tile the texture differently on different vertices of the same polygon, resulting in a bit of a mess.
If vertex1 has a U of 1.5 (after scaling), and vertex2 has a U of 2.2, then you expect the interpolation to give increasing values between those points, with the half-way point having a U of 1.85.
If you take the modulo at each vertex, you will have a U of 0.5, and a U of 0.2 respectively, resulting in a decreasing U, and a half-way point with a U of 0.35...
Textures can be tiled just be enabling tiling on the texture/sampler, and using coordinates outside the range 0->1. If you really want to increase sampling accuracy and have a large amount of tiling, you need to wrap the UV coordinates uniformly across whole polygons, rather than per-vertex. i.e. do it in your data, not in the vertex shader.
For your case, where you're trying to output the UV coordinates into a buffer for some later purpose, you could clamp/wrap the UVs in the pixel shader. So multiply up the UV in the vertex shader, interpolate it across the polygon correctly, and then apply the modulo only when writing to the buffer.
However I still think you'll have precision issues as you're losing all the sub-pixel information. Whether or not that's a problem for the technique you're using, I don't know.