lauterbach scripting: read peripheral - trace32

I am trying to check if a function is called every 2 miliseconds by way of a script. For this I need to read the value of a timer but I get the error 'memory access not allowed' when I try to read it(Data.Long(D:0xF00001010)). This is may code:
GLOBAL &calledFunction &result &difftime &start &end
&calledFunction = "func1"
BREAK.SET &calledFunction /Program
&result = "failed"
&start = Data.Long(D:0xF00001010)
&result = "failed"
&end = Data.Long(D:0xF00001010)
&difftime = &start - &end
IF (&difftime == 2ms)
&result = "passed"
&result = "failed"
Is there any way I can access the timer's value or maybe another solution to check if the function is called periodically? I tried using the runtime functions but the accuracy is not so good.


Clear Values On Bat Or Catch Null Value On If Statement

So I'm Trying To Wipe Variables After Use, Easiest Way I Found Was To Declare As It Follow's
set IP=
set /p IP="Enter IP To Ping(0 Cancel): "
if %IP%==0 (
goto IP_MENU
) else (
ping %IP%
goto IP_MENU
But In This Case Bat Will End, Cause There No Action To Capture The NULL Value Var If Not Use, Unsure How To Proceed
Just Found Out I Can Use "||" To Assign A Value If User Does Not Responds, Hopes This help Anyone
set /p IP="Enter IP To Ping(0 Cancel): " || set "IP=0"
if %IP%==0 (
goto IP_MENU
) else (
ping %IP%
goto IP_MENU

What its wrong in this code on Opencart

Whats its wrong in this code?
// Begin LJK - option display names
if (strlen(trim($option['display'])) != 0){
$option['name'] = $option['display'];
// End LJK - option display names
I have This Error on cart! But module works fine
Notice: Undefined index: display in /home/opencart/public_html/storage/modification/catalog/controller/checkout/cart.php on line 101
you should check if this display key exist in this array or not ( $option['display'] ) before use trim and strlen methods
so you should change your code to be like this :-
if ( !empty($option['display']) && strlen(trim($option['display'] ) ) != 0 ) {
$option['name'] = $option['display'];

Akka pre-mature termination

I'm experiencing early termination of the AkkaSystem after first record being read ,entering into the Dead letter without executing the task for all the records
I have 10records in my file , 2 of the records has the matching filename to be pushed to s3.
what could be going wrong here. Please suggest
Sample file record:
xxxxx,ABC,2019-05-10 00:11:00
yyyyyy,XYZ,2019-05-10 00:41:00
import{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}
import scala.sys.process._
class HelloActor extends Actor {
def receive: Receive = {
case line: String => {
// print("Ahshan"+line)
val row = line.split ( "," )
val stdout = new StringBuilder
val stderr = new StringBuilder
val status = Seq ( "/bin/sh", "-c", "ls /Users/".concat ( row ( 2 ).substring ( 0, 10 ) ).concat ( "/*" ).concat ( row ( 0 ) ).concat ( "*" ) ) ! ProcessLogger ( stdout append _, stderr append _ )
// println(status)
// println("stdout: " + stdout)
// println("stderr: " + stderr)
if (status == 0) {
println ( "/bin/sh", "-c", "aws s3 cp ".concat ( stdout.mkString ).concat ( " " ).concat ( "s3://ahshan/".concat ( row ( 1 ) ).concat ( "/" ).concat ( row ( 0 ) ).concat ( ".email" ) ) )
else {
// println ( "File Not Found: " + row ( 0 ), row ( 1 ), row ( 2 ).substring ( 0, 10 ) )
println ( "stderr: " + stderr )
case "finished" => println ( "Hello Ahshan" )
case _ => println ( "Exiting" )
object AkkaHelloWorld extends App {
// an actor needs an ActorSystem
val system = ActorSystem ( "HelloSystem" )
// create and start the actor
val helloActor = system.actorOf ( Props [HelloActor], name = "helloActor" )
try {
val filename = "/Users/"
for (line <- Source.fromFile ( filename ).getLines) {
helloActor ! line
finally {
system.terminate ()
The ActorSystem and the actors run concurrently with your main thread, sending a message to an actor is async and the sending thread immediately continues, it does not wait for the actor to process the message.
This means that in your code the main thread fires off each line to the actor as fast as it can and then terminates the actor system. In this example it could make sense to move the termination logic into the actor and let the actor terminate the system when it has completed.
That will only work as long as your application is a single actor though, as soon as you add another actor you will have to revisit how you terminate the system.
As an additional note using the process API in Scala like that will block until the process has completed, calling blocking code can have bad consequences, read this section of the docs for more details:

Screen scraper script won't write to ouptut file

I can't get the Perl script below to write to the file output.html.
I doesn't need to be a CGI script yet, but that is the ultimate intention.
Can anyone tell me why it isn't writing any text to output.html?
# This script should work as a CGI script, if I get it correctly.
# Most CGI scripts for Perl begin with the same line and must be
# stored in your servers cgi-bin directory. (I think this is set by
# your web server.
# This scripts will scrape news sites for stories about topics input
# by the users.
# Lara Landis
# Sinister Porpoise Computing
# 1/4/2018
# Personal Perl Project
#global_sites = ();
print( "Starting program.\n" );
if ( !( -e "sitedata.txt" ) ) {
enter_site_info( #global_sites );
if ( !( -e "scrpdata.txt" ) ) {
print( "scrpdata.txt does not exist. Creating file now.\n" );
print( "Enter the search words you wish to search for below. Press Ctrl-D to finish.\n" );
open( SCRAPEFILE, ">scrpdata.txt" );
while ( $line = <STDIN> ) {
chop( $line );
print SCRAPEFILE ( "$line\n" );
close( SCRAPEFILE );
print( "Finished getting site data..." );
scrape_sites( #global_sites );
# This routine gets information from the user after the file has been
# created. It also has some basic checking to make sure that the lines
# fed to it are legimate domains. This is not an exhaustive list of
# all domains in existence.
sub enter_site_info {
my ( #sisites ) = #_;
$x = 1;
open( DATAFILE, ">sitedata.txt" ) || die( "Could not open datafile.\n" );
print( "Enter websites below. Press Crtl-D to finish.\n" );
while ( $x <= #sisites ) {
$sisites[$x] = <STDIN>;
print( "$sisites[$x] added.\n" );
print DATAFILE ( "$sisites[$x]\n" );
close( DATAFILE );
return #sisites;
# If the file exists, just get the information from it. Read info in
# from the sites. Remember to create a global array for the sites
# data.
# Get the text to find in the sites that are being scraped. This requires
# nested loops. It starts by going through the loops for the text to be
# scraped, and then it goes through each of the websites listend in the
# sitedata.txt file.
sub scrape_sites {
my ( #ss_info ) = #_;
#gsi_info = ();
#toscrape = ();
$y = 1;
# Working code to be altered
print( "Getting site info..." );
$x = 1;
open( DATAFILE, "sitedata.txt" ) || die( "Can't open sitedata.txt.txt\n" );
while ( $gsi_info[$x] = <DATAFILE> ) {
chop( $gsi_info[$x] );
print( "$gsi_info[$x]\n" );
close( DATAFILE );
open( SCRAPEFILE, "scrpdata.txt" ) || die( "Can't open scrpdata.txt\n" );
print( "Getting scrape data.\n" );
$y = 1;
while ( $toscrape[$y] = <SCRAPEFILE> ) {
chop( $toscrape[$y] );
close( SCRAPEFILE );
print( "Now opening the output file.\n" );
$z = 1;
open( OUTPUT, ">output.html" );
print( "Now scraping sites.\n" );
while ( $z <= #gsi_info ) { #This loop contains SITES
system( "rm -f index.html.*" );
system( "wget $gsi_info[$z]" );
$z1 = 1;
print( "Searching site $gsi_info[$z] for $toscrape[$z1]\n" );
open( TEMPFILE, "$gsi_info[$z]" );
$comptext = <TEMPFILE>;
while ( $comptext =~ /$toscrape[z1]/ig ) { # This loop fetches data from the search terms
print( "Now scraping $gsi_info[$z] for $toscrape[$z1]\n" );
print OUTPUT ( "$toscrape[$z1]\n" );
close( TEMPFILE );
close( OUTPUT );
return ( #gsi_info );
You're making assumptions about the current work directory that are often incorrect. You seem to assume the current work directory is the directory in which the script resides, but that's never guaranteed, and it's often / for CGI scripts.
should be
use FindBin qw( $RealBin );
There could also be a permission error. You should include the error cause ($!) in your error message when open fails so you know what is causing the problem!
While you're checking some, you're not checking all of your open or system calls. If they fail, the program will keep going without an error message telling you why.
You can add checks to all of these, but it's easy to forget. Instead, use autodie to do the checks for you.
You'll also want to use strict to ensure you haven't made any variable typos, and use warnings to warn you about small mistakes. See this answer for more.
Also #global_sites is empty so enter_site_info() isn't going to do anything. And scrape_sites() does nothing with its argument, #ss_info.
All of these things are helpful. Thank you. I found the problem. I was opening the wrong file. It was putting the error-checking in on the file that let me spot the error. It should have been
open (TEMPFILE, "index.html") || die ("Cannot open index.html\n");
I have taken as many of the suggestions as I remembered and included them in the code. I still need to implement the directory advice, but it should not be difficult.

Batch file complicated if sequence returns errors.

I am trying to have users login and when they do it sets their power or rank. The ranks are Admin User and Guest. I need to do the code below for every command in the program. It returns ) was not expected at this time. Any idea why? For this command all the users should be able to access it but later I will need to set certain things for each group.
if %inputCommand%==/help (
if %power%==Admin (
goto helpInfo
) else (
if %power%==User (
goto helpInfo
) else (
if %power%==Guest (
) else (
goto powerReadFailed
) else (
goto readInputCommandTwo
Try this:
if "%inputCommand%"=="/help" (
if "%power%"=="Admin" (
goto helpInfo
) else (
if "%power%"=="User" (
goto helpInfo
) else (
if "%power%"=="Guest" (
) else (
goto powerReadFailed
) else (
goto readInputCommandTwo
Why so complicated?
how about
for %%a in (admin user guest) do if /i "%power"=="%%a" (
for %%b in (help somethingelse whatever) do if /i "%inputcommand"=="%%b" (
goto %%a%%b
goto %%ainvalidcommand
you can then set up labels
adminhelp userhelp guesthelp
adminsomethingelse usersomethingelse guetsomethingelse
It's perfectly legitimate to write
echo admin and user get the same help
and adding a new user-class or command isn't hard...
( IF /i means make a case-insensitive comparison)