CopyTo function issue while copying folder contains files from one library to another Library using pnp js - sharepoint-2013

I am trying to copy the folder from one library to another library. But i am getting an error as below.
pnpWebsite.getFolderByServerRelativePath(...).copyTo is not a function TypeError: pnpWebsite.getFolderByServerRelativePath(...).copyTo is not a function.
I tried like below
var pnpWebsite = $pnp.sp.web;
pnpWebsite.getFolderByServerRelativePath("Path").copyTo(LibraryUrl).then(function(res) {
Am i doing any wrong. Please correct me

According to the document, pnp js does not provide the getFolderByServerRelativePath("Path").copyTo(LibraryUrl)
folder copy
folder copy by path
The closest to your code is file copy.
My test code for your reference:
sp.web.getFileByServerRelativePath("/sites/dev/Doc/ccc.ps1").copyTo("/sites/dev/lib/ccc.ps1",false).then(res => console.log(res));


How to correctly create a .gdns to instantiate it?

I have a gdnative library loaded in my godot. I can also call functions on it, that works. But I want to instantiate c++-Classes from it inside Godot.
I think I have to generate .gdns files for that to work, but i dont really find a example of that.
I created a .gdns script already with the New Script Dialogue. I named it exactly like the c++ class. And I set the Library in the scripts inspector and set ClassName to MyClass. But the following does not work as someClass is Null:
var someclass = load("res://MyClass.gdns").new();
What did I do wrong?
I tried to follow this tutorial.
Im Using Godot 1.1 and compiled the gdnative-library with the appropriate Godot-cpp headers.
I created a .gdns file with the New Resource Dialogue and it worked then (after setting the library and Class-name of the .gdns in the Inspector).
I'll add more here when I found out why it didn't work before.

In-repo addon writing public files on build causes endless build loop on serve

I'm having difficulty with my in-repo addon writing to appDir/public. What I'd like to do is write out a JSON file on each build to be included in the app /dist. The problem I'm running into is when running "ember serve", the file watcher detects the new file and rebuilds again, causing an endless loop.
I've tried writing the JSON file using preBuild() and postBuild() hooks, saving to /public, but after build, the watcher detects it and rebuild over and over, writing a new file again each time. I also tried using my-addon/public folder and writing to that, same thing.
The only thing that partially works is writing on init(), which is fine, except I don't see the changes using ember serve.
I did try using the treeForPublic() method, but did not get any further. I can write the file and use treeForPublic(). This only runs once though, on initial build. It partially solves my problem, because I get the files into app dist folder. But I don't think ember serve will re-run treeForPublic on subsequent file change in the app.
Is there a way to ignore specific files from file watch? Yet still allow files to include into the build? Maybe there's an exclude watch property in ember-cli-build?
Here's my treeForPublic() , but I'm guessing my problems aren't here:
treeForPublic: function() {
const publicTree = this._super.treeForPublic.apply(this, arguments);
const trees = [];
if (publicTree) {
// this writes out the json
this.saveSettingsFile(this.pubSettingsFile, this.settings);
trees.push(new Funnel(this.addonPubDataPath, {
include: [this.pubSettingsFileName],
destDir: '/data'
return mergeTrees(trees);
UPDATE 05/20/2019
I should probably make a new question at this point...
My goal here is to create an auto-increment build number that updates both on ember build and ember serve. My comments under #real_ates's answer below help explain why. In the end, if I can only use this on build, that's totally ok.
The answer from #real_ate was very helpful and solved the endless loop problem, but it doesn't run on ember serve. Maybe this just can't be done, but I'd really like to know either way. I'm currently trying to change environment variables instead of using treeforPublic(). I've asked that as a separate question about addon config() updates to Ember environment:
Updating Ember.js environment variables do not take effect using in-repo addon config() method on ember serve
I don't know if can mark #real_ate's answer as the accepted solution because it doesn't work on ember serve. It was extremely helpful and educational!
This is a great question, and it's often something that people can be a bit confused about when working with broccoli (I know for sure that I've been stung by this in the past)
The issue that you have is that your treeForPublic() is actually writing a file to the source directory and then you're using broccoli-funnel to select that new custom file and include it in the build. The correct method to do this is instead to use broccoli-file-creator to create an output tree that includes your new file. I'll go into more detail with an example below:
treeForPublic: function() {
const publicTree = this._super.treeForPublic.apply(this, arguments);
const trees = [];
if (publicTree) {
let data = getSettingsData(this.settings);
trees.push(writeFile('/data/the-settings-file.json', JSON.stringify(data)));
return mergeTrees(trees);
As you will see the most of the code is exactly the same as your example. The two main differences are that instead of having a function this.saveSettingsFile() that writes out a settings file on disk we now have a function this.getSettingsData() that returns the content that we would like to see in the newly created file. Here is the simple example that we came up with when we were testing this out:
function getSettingsData() {
return {
setting1: 'face',
setting2: 'my',
you can edit this function to take whatever parameters you need it to and have whatever functionality you would like.
The next major difference is that we are using the writeFile() function which is actually just the broccoli-file-creator plugin. Here is the import that you would put at the top of the file:
let writeFile = require('broccoli-file-creator');
Now when you run your application it won't be writing to the source directory any more which means it will stop constantly reloading 🎉
This question was answered as part of "May I Ask a Question" Season 2 Episode 2. If you would like to see us discuss this answer in full you can check out the video here:

How to load PNG file into my custom component? Cannot get correct instance

I want to create a custom control (from TPanel) that holds some TImages.
I want to display PNG (with transparency) into those mages. Therefore, I am TRYING to attach the PNG via IDE's "Resource and Images" to the package.
The problem is that when I put the component into a test application it will fail on MyPng->LoadFromResourceName line with "resource not found". Interestingly, if I add the PNG as a resource to the test application, it will work.
This means that the component is looking into the wrong module for the PNG resource.
I print the instance with ShowMessage it shows indeed "ComponentTester.exe".
__fastcall TVolumeCtrl::TVolumeCtrl(TComponent* Owner)
: TPanel(Owner)
HINST h = FindClassHInstance(__classid(TVolumeCtrl));
TPngImage *Png3 = new TPngImage();
MyPng->LoadFromResourceName(h, "Btn1");
How to get the correct instance?
Note: The PNG files ARE compiled into the RES file generated. I looked inside with a Hex viewer.
The only explanation that makes sense is that you are not using runtime packages. So you aren't loading the module that contains the resource.
The right way to link the resource for the component is to use a $R directive in the source file that declares the type, TVolumeCtrl in this case. That way the resource will be linked to whichever module contains the implementation of TVolumeCtrl. That's going to be a package when you are compiling the runtime package (which is used at designtime by your designtime package), and it will be the executable when you compile an executable that does not use runtime packages.

opencv\modules\core\src\persistence.cpp:2697: error: (-27) NULL or empty buffer in function cvOpenFileStorage

I am trying to run a facedetection application and I get the following error:
Unexpected Standard exception from MEX file.
What() is:..\..\..\..\opencv\modules\core\src\persistence.cpp:2697: error: (-27)
NULL or empty buffer in function cvOpenFileStorage
If you're using haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml, check the xml file content.
The first 3 lines should be:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Stump-based 24x24 discrete(?) adaboost frontal face detector.
I inadvertently downloaded the html that linked to the haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml file instead of the xml itself and got the same error you did.
You should provide some code and information.Nevertheless the error indicates that it can not access the haarcascade file. I suggest you make sure you have the "xml" in the same folder as your code (e.g. "") and check permissions. additionally Assuming you are using Objective-c or swift:
1-check the file is in your Xcode project; and, if it is,
2-check it's included in the 'Copy Bundle Resources' phase underneath your selected Target (in the project tree view on the left in the normal Xcode window layout) and, if it is,
3-look inside the generated application bundle (find your product, right click, select 'Reveal in Finder', from Finder right click on the app and select 'Show Package Contents', then look for your file in there) to make sure that it's there.
I've got the same problem, and then I figure out what's the problem
Add file haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml to xcode project
make sure when you add the xml file with option below:
Destination: Copy items if need [check]
Added Folder: Create Folder References [check]
Add to targets: Your Project target [check]
in you file add this code to your obj-c function:
const NSString* cascadePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:#"haarcascade_frontalface_default" ofType:#"xml"];
or in case you wanna load the xml file, use this code:
cv::CascadeClassifier classifier;
const NSString* cascadePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:#"haarcascade_frontalface_default" ofType:#"xml"];
classifier.load([cascadePath UTF8String]);
this actually fixes my problem, anywaythis question has been questioned for a long time but I hope someone face this problem can come to this answer and help them solve their problem like mine, cheer.

RestKit entity mapping for UnitTests does not work

I'm trying to create my RKEntityMapping outside of my UnitTest. The problem I have is it only works if I create it inside my test. For example, this works:
RKEntityMapping *accountListMapping = [RKEntityMapping mappingForEntityForName:#"CustomerListResponse" inManagedObjectStore:_sut.managedObjectStore];
[accountListMapping addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary:#{#"count": #"pageCount",
#"page": #"currentPage",
#"pages": #"pages"}];
While the following does now work. The all to accoutListMapping returns exactly what is shown above using the same managed object store:
RKEntityMapping *accountListMapping = [_sut accountListMapping];
When the RKEntityMapping is created in _sut I get this error:
<unknown>:0: error: -[SBAccountTests testAccountListFetch] : 0x9e9cd10: failed with error:
Error Domain=org.restkit.RestKit.ErrorDomain Code=1007 "Cannot perform a mapping operation
with a nil destination object." UserInfo=0x8c64490 {NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot perform
a mapping operation with a nil destination object.}
I'm assuming the nil destination object it is referring to is destinationObject:nil.
RKMappingTest *maptest = [RKMappingTest testForMapping:accountListMapping
Make sure that the file you have created has a target membership of both your main target, and your test target. You can find this by:
clicking on the .m file of your class
open the utilities toolbar (the one on the right)
in the target membership section tick both targets.
This is because if your class does not have target membership to your test target, the test target actually creates a copy of the class that you have created, meaning it has a different binary file to the main target. This leads to that class using the test's version of the RestKit binary, rather than the main projects RestKit. This will lead to the isKindOfClass method failing when it tries to see if the mapping you have passed is of type RKObjectMapping from the main project, because it is of type RKObjectMapping from the test projects version of RestKit, so your mapping doesn't get used, and you get your crash.
At least this is my understanding of how the LLVM compiler works. I'm new to iOS dev so please feel free to correct if I got something wrong.
This problem may also be caused by duplicated class definitions, when including RestKit components for multiple targets individually when using Cocoapods.
For more information on this have a look at this answer.
I used a category on the Mapped object for example
+ (RKObjectMapping*)responsemappings {
return mappings;
now this category has to be included in the test target as well otherwise the mapping will not be passed.
When you're running a test you aren't using the entire mapping infrastructure, so RestKit isn't going to create a destination object for you. It's only going to test the mapping itself. So you need to provide all three pieces of information to the test method or it can't work.