How to exclude retweets and replies from Twitter API Full-archive search - postman

I am trying to extract some historical tweets using twitter API. And I want to exclude retweets and replies. I tried other suggested answers here but nothing seem to work. Can someone please help me, I am struggling since a week to find the resources. Below is my endpoint for Full-archive search. OR MMIP OR MMIWG&start_time=2015-01-01T00:00:01Z&end_time=2015-01-15T23:59:01Z&max_results=500&tweet.fields=created_at,entities,geo,id,referenced_tweets,in_reply_to_user_id,lang,possibly_sensitive,source,text,withheld&place.fields=country,full_name&user.fields=created_at,description,location,name,pinned_tweet_id,username,verified,withheld

Okay, so I figured out from twitter's rules and filtering operators from the link below:
i just had to add and negate the is:retweet operaor in my query field.
Ex: query=(MMIW OR MMIP OR MMIWG) -is:retweet
So, my modified endpoint that worked:,entities,geo,id,lang,possibly_sensitive,source,text,withheld,in_reply_to_user_id,referenced_tweets&place.fields=country,country_code,full_name,geo,id,name&query=(MMIW OR MMIP OR MMIWG) -is:retweet&user.fields=created_at,description,location,name,pinned_tweet_id,username,verified


REGEX in GA view filter (search and replace) to output a numeric ID from URI

I'd like to search and replace in Google Analytics view filter all my Request URIs in such a way that just the article id remains (plus, to add an "a-" before the ID).
Example URIs:
The result I'm after:
In Regex checking sites it works like a charm, Regex being:
Substitution being:
But when I apply them to a GA filter, the checker tells me that the filter wouldn't have changed any data.
Not sure if I need to do this in GA - Data Studio would do too, the endgame being exported article IDs for our IT guys to implement in our editorial interface through Google API.
Probably a dumb question for which I apologize, but I feel quite stuck, so even a hint in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.
Try to add backslash before 1:

How to get Facebook Page ID from Page URL

I need to get the Page ID from the Page URL. This is NOT from inside a page tab, that's easy. This is similar to what is being done here:
Any help would be appreciated as I have been searching for over an hour! Bonus points for showing how to do this in classic ASP. I have no issue getting signed requests & parsing them, the URL to ID portion is what is throwing me.
thanks :)
As noted above in 1st answer commments, that does work, but it's not the data that we want since it's an external url. THIS is the correct way to do it:[yourtoken]
This works too:[yourtoken]
This is the way to do it:
if you are using a GET request, be sure to append access_token=appid|appsecret to the URL you are requesting and it will work.
Thanks for the tip to point me in the correct direction Alex!

Can I get the data of those whom I am not following on twitter?

I seem to be having problems with this in the twitter API.
I want the global data from the API which includes :
1. All those posts from the users I am following.
2. All those posts from the users I am not following.
Is this possible with the twitter API ? Has anyone tried it before ?
I'm using python, but any type of answer would be helpful.
Yes it is possible.
What you can do is say create a list of customers(those whom you follow) in a check for each tweet if it from your customer then pass if not then do as desired.
if you can get data of those whom you are following then you can also get data of those whom you are not following

Using Regexp for filter on Google Analytics report

My blog site looks like
I would like to filter all blog posts for all the years at once. How would I do it using RegExp in Google Analytics?
Will this just do it?
If all of your blog posts have a blog-post- prefix, just filter for that
If that's not explicit enough, and you want to include the date, you can do [0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/blog-post
You have got the idea, except the parentheses aren't necessary.
Whatever RegExp filters you may want to use, you can test them in the search box:
Make sure that there are not any monthly or yearly archive pages (e.g. To exclude those, you would need

Getting the facebook graph to only return results with a # symbol in it

Any one have any ideas on how to accomplish this?
I have tried
which does not work.
To be clear the results should only have posts that contain #apple not "apple".
Facebook says this is not supported at this time:
if you're trying to get the #hashtags from Facebook, currently, there is no api for this. and even if there were- the posts are not intermediate, they are being cached. you won't see the most recent hashtag from a person who's not in your friendlist right away, this will take a long time to appear in the hashtag search
I've read too that it's not supported but,
trying the second line of jlarry
in Graph API Explorer, it works.
obviously the query is on the posts set as public.
so the query could be something like this‬&type=post
for further ops check