Get google cloud uptime history to a third party application - google-cloud-platform

I am trying to get my application(where hosted in google cloud) uptime history to a my own page. Is there any api so something on google cloud? I only need to get date and the up/down percentage or time.
I am already configure the uptime checks on google console. But I need to integrate this into my application.

Yes, you can but it's not obvious and it may be easier to use something other than Cloud Monitoring to export uptime data to a non-GCP site :-)
If you do want to use Cloud Monitoring to source this data into an off-GCP page, one of the Cloud Monitoring SDKs may be best. You can create a URL too (see below) but you'll need to authenticate this URL and that may make it too complex.
By way of an example, here's an Uptime check I created against my blog:
I recommend Google APIs Explorer as it's an excellent way to understand Google's services (via the REST APIs) and to test an approach.
First: List|Get Uptime Check(s)
Plug in to the form on the right hand side parent, the value of projects/${PROJECT}
If your Project ID is freddie-210224-66311747 then you'd type project/freddie-210224-66311747.
For this one, you need to provide name, the value of projects/${PROJECT}/uptimeCheckConfigs/${UPTIME_CHECK}
If your Uptime check is called test, then you'd type projects/freddie-210224-66311747/uptimeCheckConfigs/test
NOTE In my case, I used an Uptime check name that included periods ( and this was converted (to my-blog-com). So, you may want to list first to check the name.
Click "Execute" (You don't need to have API Key checked but it makes no difference).
What I learned is that Uptime checks are Metrics like all others. I confirmed this by watching the Chrome Dev Tools while I was watching Uptime checks.
Ensure that you use the correct metric name. You can use Monitoring's Metrics Explorer to confirm this:
The Resource Type is Uptime Check URL (uptime_url)
One (!) of the Metrics you may use is Request Latency (
If you populate the Metrics Explorer, you should see the same data plotted as with the Uptime Check page.
Click Query Editor to get your Uptime Metric represented as Cloud Monitoring Query Language (MQL), remove any line-feeds. You can use:
fetch uptime_url | metric '' | group_by 1m, [value_request_latency_mean: mean(value.request_latency)] | every 1m
So, now we want to query Montioring Metric Time-series
The value for name is projects/${PROJECT}
For query, paste in the MQL from above retain the quotes, i.e. "fetch uptime_url ..."
You should receive a snapshot of the time-series data underlying your Uptime URL. You can revise the MQL to reflect exactly the subset that you need. At 2021-02-24T20:55:38 the latency was 20.869:
So, to get e.g. request latencies for your uptime checks, you can use the Monitoring API's TimeSeries Query method and, with a suitable Query, this will yield JSON data including an array of Point (values). These values could then be transformed and surfaced into your external page.


Item Duration in Cache

I am trying to create a metric to measure the amount of time that an item has been in a cache using Elasticache. There does not seem to be any built in metric for this in Cloud Watch, and I have struggled to run a query in logs insights to obtain this information.
I have tried running a query in log insights to create this metric, but it requires matching of an ID and the query language used in AWS does not seem to support these types of conditional queries. So I am unsure of how to solve this problem

Is there a way to see how many request are done per API key?

I'm curious if there is a way to see how many requests are made per API key in my Google Cloud Platform account. First, there was a number specified for the last 30 days at every key.
How to see which keys aren't used anymore, or which make countless requests?
Thanks in advance!
In order for you to view request count per API key, you may use Cloud Monitoring.
First, in your google cloud console's navigation menu, go to Monitoring > Metrics Explorer.
In the Resource Type, select "Consumed API" in order to view the APIs used by the account.
In the Metric, select "Request Count".
In the Group by, select "credential_id" to group the results by API Key.
In the Minimum alignment period, select "Custom".
In the Period Value, input "30".
In the Period Unit, select "days".
You may change the Period Unit based on your desired period unit but please note that the Period Value must follow the change on Period Unit.
You may change the Aggregator to "count" for the exact count the API key was used on the selected period or use another aggregator based on your desired results.
Final configuration will look similar to this:

Integration of BigQuery and Dialogflow

I'm getting started on Dialogflow and I would like to integrate it with BigQuery.
I have some tables in BigQuery with difference data, for instance a record of alarms that a wind turbine showed during time.
In one of my test cases, let's say I want my chatbot to tell me what alarms were raised in the wind turbine number 5 of my farm, on the 25th of October.
I have already created a chatbot in Dialogflow that asks for all the necessary parameters of the enquiry, such as the wind farm name, the wind turbine number, the date, and the name of the alarm.
My doubt now is how I can send those parameters to BigQuery in order to dig into my tables, extract the required information, and print it in Dialogflow.
I have been looking for documentation or tutorials but nothing came out that could fit my case...
Thanks in advance!
You need to implement a fulfillment. It triggers a webhook, for example a Cloud Functions or a Cloud Run service.
This webhook call contains the value gather by your intent and parameters. You have to extract them and perform your process, for example a call to BigQuery. Then format the response and display it on Dialogflow.

Count number of GCP log entries during a specified time

Is it possible to count number of occurrences of a specific log message over a specific period of time from GCP Stackdriver logging? To answer the question "How many times did this event occur during this time period." Basically I would like the integral of the curve in the chart below.
It doesn't have to be a moving window, this time it's more of a one-time-task. A count-aggregator or similar on the advanced log query would also work if that would be available.
The query looks like this:
"Publish Message for updated entity"
) AND (timestamp>="2018-04-25T06:20:53Z" timestamp<="2018-04-26T06:20:53Z")
My log based metric for the graph above looks like this:
My Dashboard is setup like this:
I ended up building stacked bars.
With correct zoom level I can sum up the number of occurrences easy enough. It would have been a nice feature to get the count directly from a graph (the integral), but this works for now.
There are multiple ways to do so, the two that I saw actually working and that can apply to your situation are the following:
Making use of Logs-based Metrics. They can, for example, record the number of log entries containing particular error messages, or they can extract latency information reported in log entries.
Stackdriver Logging logs-based metrics can be one of two metric types: counter or distribution. [...] Counter metrics count the number of log entries matching an advanced logs filter. [...] Distribution metrics accumulate numeric data from log entries matching a filter.
I would advise you to go through the Documentation to check this feature completely cover your use case.
You can export your logs to Big query, once you have them there you can make use of the classical tools like groupby, select and all the tool that BigQuery offers you.
Here you can find a very minimal step to step guide regarding how to export the logs and how to Analyzing Audit Logs Using BigQuery, but I am sure you can find online many resources.
The product and the approaches are really different, I would say that BigQuery is more flexible, but also more complex to be configure and to properly use it. If you find a third better way please update your question with those information.
At first you have to create a metric :
Go to Log explorer.
Type your query
Go to Actions >> Create Metric.
In the monitoring dashboard
Create a chart.
Select the resource and metric.
Go to "Advanced" and provide the details as given below :
Preprocessing step : Rate
Alignment function : count
Alignment period : 1
Alignment unit : minutes
Group by : log
Group by function : count
This will give you the visualisation in a bar chart with count of the desired events.
There is one more option.
You can read your custom metric using Stackdriver Monitoring API ( ) and process it in script with whatever aggregation you need.
If you are working with python - you may look into gcloud python library
It will be very simple script and you can stream results of calculation into bigquery table and use it in your dashboard
With PacketAI, you can send logs of arbitrary formats, including from GCP. then the logs dashboard will automatically parse and group into patterns as shown in this video.
Counts and trends of different log patterns are also displayed
Disclaimer: I work for PacketAI

Arithmetic operations for Stackdriver monitoring charts

I'm trying to setup a Stackdriver dashboard for my custom metrics that my services provide.
In particular I'm starting with general custom/grpc/time_ms metric that is a gauge and have status label on it. I'd love to be able to set up a chart and alert for success rate of the metric(something like count:custom/grpc/time_ms{status:OK} / count:custom/grpc/time_ms{*}).
With my previous project I used Datadog and it was pretty easy to do so there. But I don't see any similar functionality neither in the UI nor in Stackdriver documentation. So I was wondering if it's not documented or simply not supported?
This question is quite old, however, still might be useful for new users of Google Cloud.
In 'Metrics Explorer' in Google Cloud Console there is an option to write a query with MQL (click Query Editor button).
MQL supports expressions which are described in detail here.
The simplest example for dividing one metric by another would look like this:
{ fetch
your_resource_type ::
; fetch
your_resource_type ::
| join
| div