VSIX Project - Properties tool window extension - visual-studio-2017

There might be something wrong with the way I search for things but here is my problem. I'm looking for a way to implement a custom editing tool within the properties tool window in the Visual Studio editor. I've been looking through several documentation references, and they all lead to the use of different assemblies, but I can't get anything to work the way that I want.
First of all, I tried using the UITypeEditor class, with the step-by-step tuto I found here : https://learn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/dotnet/api/system.drawing.design.uitypeeditor?view=net-5.0
The problem I faced was that it only seemed to be working with Winforms projects, and I'm trying to use this with a WPF project.
Afterwards, I tried following this tutorial, in order to create a project template : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/extensibility/creating-a-basic-project-system-part-1?view=vs-2019
This has led me to think that the methods used in the tutorial might have been either deprecated or improved with the used of AsyncPackages instead of ProjectPackages, and the appearance of the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Flavor assembly that seem to render useless the ProjectNode class (it doesn't even show up anymore, the method has been replaced with a void).
The last bit I tried exploring was the use of the ProjectSystem, as documented here : https://github.com/microsoft/VSProjectSystem
It was actually worse because I couldn't get it to work like I wanted, the project type I was creating could not register C# files and I wasn't able to add new classes (I might need to dig a bit deeper here but I don't know where to look).
So basically, I'm looking for help to extend the properties tool window, through an editor within the window, or a modal window opened by clicking on an ellipsis button in the properties window.
Thank you for reading this, if you have any info, I'm very interested.

I've actually found a thread leading to what I was trying to do here. This tutorial leads to a way to implement a customized editor, either inline, extended or in another dialog window. This was the thing I needed, and with a few tweaks I managed doing what I wanted.


Table/Grid using MFC

I just started developing an MFC application for the first time and I'm hoping to get more familiar with the whole "controls" concept. I am using the dialog editor in visual studio and so far I was not able to find functionality to add a simple table/grid. It seems quite basic to me, but I can't even find reliable information on how to do it on the internet.
I am looking for something similar to Qt's QTableWidget, something that I can later program with variable amount of rows and columns tailored to my application's use cases.
Do you have any ideas how to do it?
I use CGridCtrl which is very powerful and does a lot of the legwork for you.
Sounds like you're after a List View Control, which is wrapped by MFC's CListCtrl class. The dialog editor will enable you to add one and set its properties.

Source Insight type editor with tabbed windows and dividers?

I really like the set up of Source Insight, it has a context window for one click understanding of function calls and variables, and a relations window for where functions are called in a project and where variables are used in the project.
It is very good for jumping around in a project and understanding the use of variables, but one thing that's missing is tabbed windows and dividers. It is stuck in the one source file, one window phase of IDE development, before tabs and vertical/horizontal dividers got popular.
It is also very good at finding references for variables and functions, much better than code blocks, codewright, and eclipse (really tried all of them).
Does anyone know or have a set up similar to Source Insight but with Tabs and dividers?
Check out this very nice CodeProject: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/32209/a-File-Switch-Tabbar-for-Source-Insight. Doesn't require any effort, just run the executable, and let it do it's magic.
Keep in mind, it's a very immature project and it might even crash SI if you annoy it (i.e. it might crash if you double click a tab to close it). On the other hand it does the job. I've been using it for over 6 months now, and I've learned how to avoid its touchy parts, and am very happy with it.
Source Insight 4 contains the capabilities you mentioned

Windows ListView control (or similar) that can have multiple columns of checkboxes?

OK, so my Windows application involves a window that, among other things, has a list of objects in a pane. Each object has 8 boolean values that need to be determined — so I'd like a list of the objects, with eight columns of checkboxes after. I'm not using MFC, should that be relevant.
ListView looks the way I want it to, but apparently it doesn't accept checkboxes in SubItems (the LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES style only gives each row a checkbox on the left).
So what I need is some kind of alternative to ListView that does allow this. I've been looking, but nothing I've found seems to work.
I have seen reference to some DataGridView control, but I don't see that as an option in my Visual Studio 2010 "toolbox" — how does one access it, is it even available for non-MFC C++ projects? Most references to it seem to be for VB or C#.
Another thing I found is is this custom ListView, but it, again, seems to be for C# and not C++. I'd certainly accept suggestions on how to use this resource in my code, if there's a simple way to interface with the C# dialogue (I'm completely unfamiliar with C#).
Anyway, any thoughts, suggestions, or tips anyone has, would be most appreciated!
EDIT: This should maybe go in a new question, but it doesn't really seem deserving an entire question on its own: MFC seems to have more support for this kind of thing (insofar as most of the custom controls I can find to download are for MFC). My project does not actually require being non-MFC, it just is, at the moment. How much work am I looking at to convert it?
Well, I've taken the plunge and started using MFC; the CGridCtrl I downloaded seems to be working pretty well, though I still have a lot of work on it. I'm going to call this the answer, then, since there doesn't seem to be another forthcoming.

What's the easiest way to find a given control in a external program's window?

What is the best way for, using WinApi, find a given control in a external program window?
For example, I'm trying to change Internet Explorer's url text box. I am having trouble getting programatically the handle to the text box. I know its type is "Edit" but I'd like to avoid having to search through all the child windows for the "Edit" control (that's how I'm currently doing).
Is there any kind of unique identifier for a given control on a window? I tried using "Control ID" but it doesn't seem to be working.
When you're delving into the windows of another application that wasn't designed to give you any particular special access to its windows, then you don't really have any simple solution. Functions like FindWindowEx, GetWindow, EnumChildWindows, and the rest are what you have to work with.
However, it's often not a great idea to even do this. Internet Explorer may have certain types of windows in a certain hierarchy in the particular version that you're developing against right now. But those windows and hierarchy may be different in previous versions and could be considerably different in future versions. You have no guarantee about these things.
In some cases, you might do well to investigate if there are alternative and more official ways to control the other program. For instance, Internet Explorer exposes a COM object that can be used for many purposes. Because this is an official interface, you have better guarantees about what previous versions this will be supported on and that it won't break for future versions.
The best way to do it is find it step by step.. E.g. Find the IE window with FindWindow, then find the child of that with FindWindowEx, then find the child of that with FindWindowEx ... until you get down to the textbox.
There is 1 program I can think of that will generate VB code from dragging a icon from the application to any part of any other application.. VB is way old but it'll give you a very good idea how to do it!
It's called API Spy, found under 'Downloadable Applications (Windows Only)' on http://patorjk.com/blog/software/

CMFCToolTipCtrl or CTooltipManager examples?

Has anyone tried using these new VS2008 MFC classes yet? I can't seem to find any examples anywhere. Even the VS2008 samples(1) don't mention these classes. (They use CToolTip.)
(1) Update: My mistake. I had downloaded the non-SP1 samples. I see that the SP1 samples have samples specifically for the 2008 Feature Pack, including the DlgToolTips and ToolTipDemo projects mentioned in an answer. Unfortunately, they don't address doc/view or CTooltipManager.
Specifically, I'm trying to display tooltips in a standard MFC view/document application where there are two side-by-side views whose parent is CSplitterWnd. I had this working pre-SP1, and I thought this'd be a good time to try the new Feature Pack tooltip classes.
Is there any way to make these things work without overriding PreTranslateMessage() and manually calling RelayEvent()? (I don't think I've seen anything in MFC as poorly designed as tooltips.)
It doesn't seem as simple as merely calling CTooltipManager::CreateToolTip() and then AddTool() on the created tip.
In case you haven't seen it, there is a very brief example here
Have you looked at the DlgToolTips and ToolTipDemo sample applications? These both use classes which inherit CMFCToolTipCtrl. DlgToolTips includes code that calls RelayEvent from PreTranslateMessage, but ToolTipDemo doesn't.