How to call Control-M API's using Postman? - postman

I have been trying to use the Control-M API documentation provided by BMC, and I am unable successfully invoke an API call to it.
When tried to first provide the login credentials using /login resource to get the apiKey which I could use for further resource calls, I get a variety of Error Responses. i.e. 405 method not allowed while using POST, and 404 Page not found while using GET. At this point I am not sure if there is some problem with Control-M API version(9.20.105), or am I using the correct endpoint (CTRLM URL)?
is is not possible via postman?
Note: I am not sure if I am allowed to paste my clients URL here.
I would be really helpful if someone could illustrate a live Control-M API call which is publicly available to test.

If you have an installation of Control-M with automation API you can use its swagger as reference.
Given a Control-M installed on a host named myControlM you should be able to browse to:


Google cloud Rest API to retrieve tenant id

I have api_key for my project on google cloud and I am able to generate authorization code via client_id and subsequently auth token using authorization code.
What is the rest api code to retrieve tenant information ? Can anyone please put a curl command for that.
Have a look at the documentation about how to get tenants list using API; even more - yoo can test it yourself using the pane on the right.
Another piece of documentation you might be interested in to help you understand how this particular API works and what kind of reply you might expect.
More genral explanation of how to construct API's requests you can find here.

Can't find "service_token"

Is there someone who can't explain to me, how to generate "service_token" from this API.
I already create get request with "basket_token" using "RESTful API of Request Baskets service." for this API and it was pretty easy.
But now I have to create get request for this one and I need service_token.
Thank you in advance.
service_token is a master token that allows to access any basket created in Request Basket service, as well as it gives you an access to the statistics aross all baskets.
You cannot create this token through API.
It is automatically generated when you launch your own instance of the service and it is printed out to the system output.
Alternatively you can define your own service_token by using the command line argument -token, see description of configuration parameters.
By the way, version ( is a public part of the API and it requires no authorization at all.

AWS API Gateway Get Method How to Pass API Key?

I have a working AWS API Gateway GET method. I want to secure it using an API key, so I've created an API key and usage plan, etc.
So previously when I wanted to call the GET method, I would just type a URL with the appropriate parameters into the browser and send it. However, now that we've introduced the API key into the mix, I'm not sure how to call it.
I'm aware of the command line GET and curl tools. Which of these 3 tools (browser, GET, CURL) can accomplish this task and what syntax do I need to use to make the request to the GET method passing the API key?
Mark B is right, I'm just copying because it's the right answer.
You must pass an HTTP header named x-api-key with the API Key as the value. One tool is cURL, another is Postman.

WSO2 APi Manager Response Code 0

I'm trying to use WSO2 API Manager 1.10.0 on an existent micro-services project with REST APIs following WSO2 tutorial.
I have installed it on my computer as well as a copy of my application and configured AM to manage requests (GET, POST and DELETE) to my resource but I always obtain a "Response code 0" with Response Header
"error": "no response from server"
Trying to contact my application using Advanced REST Client I obtain 200 with the correct result.
My APIs use a token inside the header to authenticate the user passed so I have implemented a dummy API without authentication but I still have the same issue.
I have tried also the Cloud version with our test server but still obtaining the same result.
I found this guide but I don't know if this can be a solution for the problem in localhost.
Setting up the custom url in WSO2 API Cloud wont help. Thats there for a different purpose. There are two things you can do.
If you are interested in going ahead with the cloud version, you can get help from them. You can send a support request and the cloud team will help.
You can troubleshoot your local instance. When doing so, first, try to invoke your api via curl and see whether it gets a response. Sometime, your api can work fine, but due to some reasons, the result might not reach the api console.
If the curl works fine or not, you can check the logs to see whether there are any errors printed. Some more questions:
Is your backend service exposed via http or https?
If it is https, then if its certificate is not a CA signed one, API Manager will fail during the handshake. If so, you will have to add the cert to api managers client-truststore.jks
In the cloud scenario, your backend should be accessible from internet and the certificate story is valid for cloud too.
Are you trying to access the api using swagger console (or any web application). There are couple of reasons you could encounter this issue. one could be certificate not installed in the browser.
If this happens you should see some error log in the api manager console (something related to CA not found). for that first you can copy the backend url (swagger console shows the url it used to send the request) and paste it on a new browser window and install the certificate to the browser.
also you can get an idea about the issue by using a tool like firebug and check the request. (it will show the error for not connecting the AM)
Finally I have found the issue: the API Manager does not accept plain text response, responding using a JSON solves the problem.
Using other mediatype such as XML or TEXT/HTML it reports 406, with text plain it returns Error 0.

Interaction with the AWS API?

I've gotten the necessary access key/signature from my client and I can interact with the API through the Ruby SDK right now. Thing is, the Ruby SDK doesn't have any kind of high-level API methods to request a spot instance. So, I need to do this manually via raw REST API requests.
Basically, the authentication information that I am using is correct (as it works via the Ruby SDK), but I can't get raw requests to work... I either get back the spot request wizard webpage as the response, or an error: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.
Here's the URL I'm using:
Any ideas on why this won't work? I've tried exploring the Ruby SDK code to see how they are doing it, but it's so complex, I can't figure out where this action actually takes place. Thanks!
How do you calculate signature? First at all check that you use correct signing process version. AWS api actually supports versions v2 and v4. Some aws resources supports both versions, some just v2 or v4. Base on this I would recommend to do following:
Check what version of the signing did you implement. More on versions:
Check is your implementation match with algorithm described here: