I adjusted the region of the DatePicker via the locale property, but the days of the week and the word time are still displayed in English. How can I change that or what did I do wrong?
DatePicker(selection: $aufgabenEigenschaften.aufgabenDatum) {
.environment(\.locale, Locale.init(identifier: "de_DE"))
.onTapGesture(perform: beschreibungsInhalt)
The solution is very simple. The appropriate language is added under the project and the Localizations item.
Just want to add to previous answer (and because I don't have the "reputation" to comment directly in Newcomer's answer), creating a blank Localizable.strings file for the language you need is enough to make it work.
You don't have to specify and translate.
I have a SwiftUI Form with a Section that contains a DatePicker. The DatePicker is set to have a datePickerStyle of CompactDatePickerStyle(), by default, since it's in a Form.
When tapping on the DatePicker, the overlay is presented:
The DatePicker's time is able to be modified by using a gesture, as seen in the following video:
In the following video, tapping on the overlaid DatePicker's time to modify it via the keyboard causes the overlay to be dismissed:
I have also tried adding the following to the DatePicker in order to allow for inline date manipulation, hoping for keyboard avoidance:
.ignoresSafeArea(.keyboard, edges: .bottom)
However, the above results in the following:
What do I need to change to allow the DatePicker to be manipulated via gestures and keyboard input within the form?
You need to raise the datepicker so the keyboard wouldn't show over the datepicker, already reported this bug in October 2020 and the ticket is still open. These datepicker don't have keyboard avoidance. Also found an issue with GraphicalDatePickerStyle that can crash the app, ticket still open too.
Did you try to use .ignoresSafeArea(.keyboard) on the entire Form? I had the same issue and this fixed it for me.
I have look made some search, however could not find any information. Question is pretty straight-forward. I don't know if it is possible, but, in this link they could create a NSMenu item via xib files. So I thought maybe it is possible to create NSMenu using SwiftUI as well.
The answer for me was wrapping my desired SwiftUI view code using NSHostingView. Apple Docs
I can share the snippet, however it may take some time because I do not have laptop containing the project with me.
So here is my mouse hover tooltip. I would like to change the language. I've installed another language, but this does not change. Any suggestions on how to change it?
To change this text you will have to edit the following file:
Anyway if you want to change any other text, all of them are here:
In case of you want to change the text that appeared in the "best seller" module you have to edit:
In case of you want to change the text that appeared in the "latest" module you have to edit:
The most Users which use redmine, are programmers.
They need the code highlight syntax very, very often which is.
< pre >< code class="LANGUAGE_NAME" >
Some Code
< /code>< /pre>
In order to write less, as an editor in the redmine wiki
I want to be able to press a button or a dropdown field, which surrounds my selected text (like bold, italic, underlined, pre, h1, h2 and so on which already does.)
Maybe someone can suggest a plugin if that exists.
Or shows me the code where the editor happens, so I can implement and provide it as plugin.
Many, many, thanks
I made a plugin which provides this functionality:
Hope this helps someone, till redmine implements it by default.
There is a "PRE" button in the Redmine Wiki toolbar, which partially does, what you want. I.e., it surrounds the code with just <pre>. At least, you will be able to use this button as a sample...
I'm not aware of any plugin, which comes with the button, you request...
Redmine lets you add any button to the Wiki toolbar. For this you just need to add an element to jsToolBar.prototype.elements as follows:
jsToolBar.prototype.elements.ruby = {
type: 'button',
title: 'Ruby code',
fn: {
wiki: function() { /* handle it here */ this.encloseLineSelection('<pre><code class="ruby">\n', '\n</code></pre>') }
See also: javascripts/jstoolbar/textile.js.
If someone is still have that problem I recently uploaded redmine plugin that replaces built-in coderay with highlightJS. Plugin feature much more markups, very good language autodetection as well as dual language highlighting (i.e http+json in body). Plugin url is:
Language autodetection works great, so probably You will no longer need to input specific language class. Plugin takes care about that and just work!
If you look at my brief history of questions, I've seem to have built up a reputation for asking simple questions that I should have figured out the answers to myself, before wasting people's time. With this one though I'm genuinely stumped and I would greatly appreciate some help, so here goes...
I have a multi select list (will eventually use a jquery plugin to make it pretty) that will be populated based on some user criteria (in my example the options are hardcoded, but an example would be a 13 year old shouldn't be able to see rated "Mature" games in my game store).
Based on some search criteria (let's say we are searching by publisher, games available in a specific country, etc..) The counts for each multi-select item, should update as the search criteria changes and the counts change. (In my example I just change a value with a timer)
Here is the fiddle, http://jsfiddle.net/AMPBb/1/
It seems like there are a few ways I could solve this, like a countBinding on my SelectListItem with a displayText computed property, but I can't actually finish a working example. The first option that has the changing count is very hackerish, but demonstrates the functionality that I'm expecting. I haven't come across an example like this before, so I'm very interested in seeing what the best approach to solving this should be.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I would create a computed property label on your App.SelectListItem which is defined as follows, see http://jsfiddle.net/pangratz666/Y6467/
label: function() {
var text = this.get('text');
var value = this.get('value');
return '%# (%#)'.fmt(text, value);
}.property('text', 'value').cacheable()
Also note that you have to create a valueBinding to your 'App.CountModel.*' in your App.SelectListItem.
One more thing about naming convention: concrete instances should be named in lowerCase, so it's App.countModel. See http://www.emberist.com/2012/04/09/naming-conventions.html.