Dataflow reading from Kafka without data loss? - google-cloud-platform

We're currently big users of Dataflow batch jobs and wanting to start using Dataflow streaming if it can be done reliably.
Here is a common scenario: We have a very large Kafka topic that we need to do some basic ETL or aggregation on and a non idempotent upstream queue. Here is an example of our Kafka data:
ID | msg | timestamp (mm,ss)
  1   | A   |  01:00
  2  | B   |  01:01
  3  | D |  06:00
  4  | E   |  06:01
  4.3 |   F   |  06:01
.... | ...... | ...... (millions more)
4.5 | ZZ | 19:58

Oops, the data changes from integers to decimals at some point, which will eventually cause some elements to fail, necessitating us to kill the pipeline, possibly modify the downstream service, and possibly make minor code changes to the Dataflow pipeline.
In Spark Structured Streaming, because of the ability to use external checkpoints, we would be able to restart a streaming job and resume processing the queue where the previous job left off (successfully processing) for exactly once processing. In a vanilla or spring boot Java Application we could loop through with a Kafka consumer, and only after writing results to our 'sink', commit offsets.
My overall question is can we achieve similar functionality in Dataflow? I'll list some of my assumptions and concerns:
It seems here
 in KafkaIO 

there is not a relationship between the offset commit PCollection and the User's one, does that mean they can drift apart?
It seems here in KafkaOffsetCommit 
this is taking a window of five minutes and emitting the highest offset, but this is not wall time, this is kafka record time. Going back to our sample data, to me it looks like the entire queue's offset would be committed (in chunks of five minutes) as fast as possible! This means that if we have only finished processing up to record F in the first five minutes, we may have committed almost the entire queue's offests?
Now in our scenario our Pipeline started failing around F, it seems our only choice is to start from the beginning or lose data? 

I believe this might be overcome with a lot of custom code (Custom DoFn to ensure the Kafka Consumer never commits) and some custom code for our upstream sink that would eventually commit offsets. Is there a better way to do this, and/or are some my assumptions wrong about how offset management is handled in Dataflow?

Thank you for the detailed question!
In Beam (hence Dataflow), all of the outputs for a "bundle" are committed together, along with all state updates, checkpoints, etc, so there is no drift between different output PCollections. In this specific case, the offsets are extracted directly from the elements to be output so they correspond precisely. The outputs and offsets are both durably committed to Dataflow's internal storage before the offset is committed back to Kafka.
You are correct that the offsets from the elements already processed are grouped into 5 minute event time windows (Kafka record time) and the maximum offset is taken. While 5 minutes is an arbitrary duration, the offsets correspond to elements that have been successfully pulled off the queue.


Splunk - To search for concurrent run of processes

I want to check if there are multiple instances of a job/process running .
Ex: My Splunk search :
index=abc <jobname> | stats earliest(_time) AS earliest_time, latest(_time) AS latest_time count by source | convert ctime(earliest_time), ctime(latest_time) | sort - count
returns :
source earliest_time latest_time count
logA 06/06/2020 15:24:09 06/06/2020 15:24:59 1
logB 06/06/2020 15:24:24 06/06/2020 15:25:12 2
In the above since logB indicates job run before logA completion time, it is indication of concurrent run of process. I would like to generate a list of all such jobs if it is possible , any help is appreciated .
Thank you.
There is an inbuilt Splunk command for this, concurrency. This command requires an event start time and the duration, which we can calculate as the difference between the earliest and latest times. This command will create a new field called concurrency which is a measurement represent[ing] the total number of events in progress at the time that each particular event started, including the event itself.
index=abc <jobname> | stats earliest(_time) as et latest(_time) as lt count by source | eval duration=lt-et | concurrency start=et duration=duration | where concurrency>1
Docs for concurrency can be found at

Inserting rows on BigQuery: InsertAllRequest Vs BigQueryIO.writeTableRows()

When I'm inserting rows on BigQuery using writeTableRows, performance is really bad compared to InsertAllRequest. Clearly, something is not setup correctly.
Use case 1: I wrote a Java program to process 'sample' Twitter stream using Twitter4j. When a tweet comes in I write it to BigQuery using this:
When I run this program from my Mac, it inserts about 1000 rows per minute directly into BigQuery table. I thought I could do better by running a Dataflow job on the cluster.
Use case 2: When a tweet comes in, I write it to a topic of Google's PubSub. I run this from my Mac which sends about 1000 messages every minute.
I wrote a Dataflow job that reads this topic and writes to BigQuery using BigQueryIO.writeTableRows(). I have a 8 machine Dataproc cluster. I started this job on the master node of this cluster with DataflowRunner. It's unbelievably slow! Like 100 rows every 5 minutes or so. Here's a snippet of the relevant code:
statuses.apply("ToBQRow", ParDo.of(new DoFn<Status, TableRow>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws Exception {
TableRow row = new TableRow();
Status status = c.element();
row.set("Id", status.getId());
row.set("Text", status.getText());
row.set("RetweetCount", status.getRetweetCount());
row.set("FavoriteCount", status.getFavoriteCount());
row.set("Language", status.getLang());
row.set("ReceivedAt", null);
row.set("UserId", status.getUser().getId());
row.set("CountryCode", status.getPlace().getCountryCode());
row.set("Country", status.getPlace().getCountry());
.apply("WriteTableRows", BigQueryIO.writeTableRows().to(tweetsTable)//
What am I doing wrong? Should I use a 'SparkRunner'? How do I confirm that it's running on all nodes of my cluster?
With BigQuery you can either:
Stream data in. Low latency, up to 100k rows per second, has a cost.
Batch data in. Way higher latency, incredible throughput, totally free.
That's the difference you are experiencing. If you only want to ingest 1000 rows, batching will be noticeably slower. The same with 10 billion rows will be way faster thru batching, and at no cost.
Dataflow/Bem's BigQueryIO.writeTableRows can either stream or batch data in.
With BigQueryIO.Write.Method.FILE_LOADS the pasted code is choosing batch.

Aerospike error: All batch queues are full

I am running an Aerospike cluster in Google Cloud. Following the recommendation on this post, I updated to the last version ( and re-created all servers. In fact, this change cause my 5 servers to operate in a much lower CPU load (it was around 75% load before, now it is on 20%, as show in the graph bellow:
Because of this low load, I decided to reduce the cluster size to 4 servers. When I did this, my application started to receive the following error:
All batch queues are full
I found this discussion about the topic, recommending to change the parameters batch-index-threads and batch-max-unused-buffers with the command
asadm -e "asinfo -v 'set-config:context=service;batch-index-threads=NEW_VALUE'"
I tried many combinations of values (batch-index-threads with 2,4,8,16) and none of them solved the problem, and also changing the batch-index-threads param. Nothing solves my problem. I keep receiving the All batch queues are full error.
Here is my aerospace.conf relevant information:
service {
user root
group root
paxos-single-replica-limit 1 # Number of nodes where the replica count is automatically reduced to 1.
paxos-recovery-policy auto-reset-master
pidfile /var/run/aerospike/
service-threads 32
transaction-queues 32
transaction-threads-per-queue 4
batch-index-threads 40
proto-fd-max 15000
batch-max-requests 30000
replication-fire-and-forget true
I use 300GB SSD disks on these servers.
A quick note which may or may not pertain to you:
A common mistake we have seen in the past is that developers decide to use 'batch get' as a general purpose 'get' for single and multiple record requests. The single record get will perform better for single record requests.
It's possible that you are being constrained by the network between the clients and servers. Reducing from 5 to 4 nodes reduced the aggregate pipe. In addition, removing a node will start cluster migrations which adds additional network load.
I would look at the batch-max-buffer-per-queue config parameter.
Maximum number of 128KB response buffers allowed in each batch index
queue. If all batch index queues are full, new batch requests are
In conjunction with raising this value from the default of 255 you will want to also raise the batch-max-unused-buffers to batch-index-threads x batch-max-buffer-per-queue + 1 (at least). If you do not do that new buffers will be created and destroyed constantly, as the amount of free (unused) buffers is smaller than the ones you're using. The moment the batch response is served the system will strive to trim the buffers down to the max unused number. You will see this reflected in the batch_index_created_buffers metric constantly rising.
Be aware that you need to have enough DRAM for this. For example if you raise the batch-max-buffer-per-queue to 320 you will consume
40 (`batch-index-threads`) x 320 (`batch-max-buffer-per-queue`) x 128K = 1600MB
For the sake of performance the batch-max-unused-buffers should be set to 13000 which will have a max memory consumption of 1625MB (1.59GB) per-node.

Is there a maximum concurrency for AWS s3 multipart uploads?

Referring to the docs, you can specify the number of concurrent connection when pushing large files to Amazon Web Services s3 using the multipart uploader. While it does say the concurrency defaults to 5, it does not specify a maximum, or whether or not the size of each chunk is derived from the total filesize / concurrency.
I trolled the source code and the comment is pretty much the same as the docs:
Set the concurrency level to use when uploading parts. This affects
how many parts are uploaded in parallel. You must use a local file as
your data source when using a concurrency greater than 1
So my functional build looks like this (the vars are defined by the way, this is just condensed for example):
use Aws\Common\Exception\MultipartUploadException;
use Aws\S3\Model\MultipartUpload\UploadBuilder;
$uploader = UploadBuilder::newInstance()
->setOption('CacheControl', 'max-age=3600')
Works great except a 200mb file takes 9 minutes to upload... with 30 concurrent connections? Seems suspicious to me, so I upped concurrency to 100 and the upload time was 8.5 minutes. Such a small difference could just be connection and not code.
So my question is whether or not there's a concurrency maximum, what it is, and if you can specify the size of the chunks or if chunk size is automatically calculated. My goal is to try to get a 500mb file to transfer to AWS s3 within 5 minutes, however I have to optimize that if possible.
Looking through the source code, it looks like 10,000 is the maximum concurrent connections. There is no automatic calculations of chunk sizes based on concurrent connections but you could set those yourself if needed for whatever reason.
I set the chunk size to 10 megs, 20 concurrent connections and it seems to work fine. On a real server I got a 100 meg file to transfer in 23 seconds. Much better than the 3 1/2 to 4 minute it was getting in the dev environments. Interesting, but thems the stats, should anyone else come across this same issue.
This is what my builder ended up being:
$uploader = UploadBuilder::newInstance()
->setOption('CacheControl', 'max-age=3600')
I may need to up that max cache but as of yet this works acceptably. The key was moving the processor code to the server and not relying on the weakness of my dev environments, no matter how powerful the machine is or high class the internet connection is.
We can abort the process during upload and can halt all the operations and abort the upload at any instance. We can set Concurrency and minimum part size.
$uploader = UploadBuilder::newInstance()
->setOption('CacheControl', 'max-age=3600')
try {
echo "Upload complete.\n";
} catch (MultipartUploadException $e) {
echo "Upload failed.\n";

Long lived state with Google Dataflow

Just trying to get my head around the programming model here. Scenario is I'm using Pub/Sub + Dataflow to instrument analytics for a web forum. I have a stream of data coming from Pub/Sub that looks like:
ID | TS | EventType
1 | 1 | Create
1 | 2 | Comment
2 | 2 | Create
1 | 4 | Comment
And I want to end up with a stream coming from Dataflow that looks like:
ID | TS | num_comments
1 | 1 | 0
1 | 2 | 1
2 | 2 | 0
1 | 4 | 2
I want the job that does this rollup to run as a stream process, with new counts being populated as new events come in. My question is, where is the idiomatic place for the job to store the state for the current topic id and comment counts? Assuming that topics can live for years. Current ideas are:
Write a 'current' entry for the topic id to BigTable and in a DoFn query what the current comment count for the topic id is coming in. Even as I write this I'm not a fan.
Use side inputs somehow? It seems like maybe this is the answer, but if so I'm not totally understanding.
Set up a streaming job with a global window, with a trigger that goes off every time it gets a record, and rely on Dataflow to keep the entire pane history somewhere. (unbounded storage requirement?)
EDIT: Just to clarify, I wouldn't have any trouble implementing any of these three strategies, or a million different other ways of doing it, I'm more interested in what is the best way of doing it with Dataflow. What will be most resilient to failure, having to re-process history for a backfill, etc etc.
EDIT2: There is currently a bug with the dataflow service where updates fail if adding inputs to a flatten transformation, which will mean you'll need to discard and rebuild any state accrued in the job if you make a change to a job that includes adding something to a flatten operation.
You should be able to use triggers and a combine to accomplish this.
PCollection<ID> comments = /* IDs from the source */;
PCollection<KV<ID, Long>> commentCounts = comments
// Produce speculative results by triggering as data comes in.
// Note that this won't trigger after *every* element, but it will
// trigger relatively quickly (as the system divides incoming data
// into work units). You could also throttle this with something
// like:
// AfterProcessingTime.pastFirstElementInPane()
// .plusDelayOf(Duration.standardMinutes(5))
// which will produce output every 5 minutes
// Count the occurrences of each ID
// Produce an output String -- in your use case you'd want to produce
// a row and write it to the appropriate source
commentCounts.apply(new DoFn<KV<ID, Long>, String>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
KV<ID, Long> element = c.element();
// This includes details about the pane of the window being
// processed, and including a strictly increasing index of the
// number of panes that have been produced for the key.
PaneInfo pane = c.pane();
return element.key() + " | " + pane.getIndex() + " | " + element.value();
Depending on your data, you could also read whole comments from the source, extract the ID, and then use Count.perKey() to get the counts for each ID. If you want a more complicated combination, you could look at defining a custom CombineFn and using Combine.perKey.
Since BigQuery does not support overwriting rows, one way to go about this is to write the events to BigQuery, and query the data using COUNT:
SELECT ID, COUNT(num_comments) from Table GROUP BY ID;
You can also do per-window aggregations of num_comments within Dataflow before writing the entries to BigQuery; the query above will continue to work.