How to Order a 3 Way Tie? - swiftui

I'm working on an app that involves inputting the amount of cards players ended up with, and ordering them in a list. But if theres a 2 or 3 way tie, I want the user to be able to have a menu that lets them select the order of who had the highest card to lowest card, that way I can organize the list. How do I get the user to order them, like what kind of Alert/Popup lets me do that?
Edit: Basically I was asking how to make a picker that lets you arrange multiple items into a specific order but it seems the best thing to do is just to have a stack appear with buttons for each item, where you can click them and go from there to create your order. Hope this helps for anyone in a similar situation!

For that kind of user interaction where they are doing more than just tapping an option (in your case, you want them to order the various cards), I would create your own custom view rather than use an alert or action sheet or similar.
The way you implement will depend on how you want it to look. If you want the view to appear on top of your current view (a bit like an alert does) where it only takes up the space needed for the content) then you can embed in a zStack. If you want it to slide up from the bottom as almost the same size as the full screen then you can use a sheet (sometimes also referred to as a modal).
A little difficult to explain how they look visually - if you google image search “SwiftUI sheet” then you’ll see what I mean (if you aren’t already familiar with them)
you put your current view in a ZStack then create a new view which goes in the ZStack after it but you wrap it in an if statement so it’s conditionally shown based on a Boolean being true.
if gameTied { ChooseSortOrderView() }
then when your game finishes - if it’s a tie, you set your Boolean to true and up pops the new view.
You can pass in the tied cards, get the user to sort them via drag and drop, form, picker (whatever you want), submit it. Then set the bool back to false to make the view go away.
The other alternative instead of using a zstack would be sheet so you get a modal view appear. Similar approach but instead of the ZStack, you use a .sheet modifier.


Document has been modified or corrupted since signed! (data)

I'm working in HCL Notes application. I have developed a summary view to show calculated figures to the user. Then the user clicks one of the action buttons and I open a detailed view, but for that view I setup Selection Formula on the fly so that it shows the records filtered specific to that button conditions. It was working almost fine for a few days, but now most of the time it shows some previously shown (filtered) data no matter what button the user has clicked. Means it doesn't set the Selection Formula of the view and shows the view with the old formula and it won't get back to normal condition even if they restart Notes application.
When the user is stuck in this particular condition, and they peep through the status bar it shows this message:
Document has been modified or corrupted since signed! (data).
The necessary code-snippet is as below:
*Set dtlView = db.GetView("Report_Dtl")
dtlView.SelectionFormula =formula
Call dtlView.Refresh()*
where formula is the dynamically built formula. Looks like the line
dtlView.SelectionFormula =formula
is unable to update the selection formula and then the line below generates the above error message:
Call uidb.OpenView(dtlView.Name,,False, False)
Please help!
For "on the fly" modification of the view selection formula your user need "Designer"- access to the database, and that is never a good idea. The help document to the function you are using is explicitly stating that this is not a good idea (emphasise of mine):
This is not a good way to display a selected set of documents for a specific user. When you use this property to change the view selection, it applies to all users of the view.
There are problems with using this method to make a view display a new selection of documents for an end user:
Do not give end-users Designer access to an application.
If it is a shared view, users will interfere with each other's searches.
The Notes® client caches design information, and there's no way to tell it to update its cache (except for outlines). Exiting and re-entering the application usually works, but it's hard to programmatically ensure the user exited the application entirely.
In addition the modification of the view selection formula can break the signature of the design element and then other errors occur.
Better use another approach:
Use a Folder for every user and put the selected documents in there (after doing a NotesDatabase.Search with the formula
Use a separate view for every user and let a server agent manipulate its selection formula with a user that has access.
For having a separate view / folder for every user you could use "Shared, Private on first use"- views (they are not easy to maintain), or any process that generates them and is able to assign every view to the users they belong to... in both cases this needs some effort, but at least it will work.

Is is possible to create a tabbarcontroller that does not have elements hidden within "More" section?

I'm currently running into issues similar to the ones described in this post and am wondering if it is possible in a tabbarcontroller to not show the "More" icon and display all of the view controllers in the tab bar?
The issue of reconciling the show and hide becomes problematic if I assume that some views have navigation bars and that a user may change the order of the tabs, so hiding and showing tab bars becomes another facet of the project I will need to keep track of in appearance and disappearance methods.
Per Apple's documentation, the morenavigationcontroller is something that does not is set in the tabbar's vc array, but is merely a property

Disable only specific list items in a win32 ListView

I am using win32, c++.
I have a ListView & i want to disable (grey out) only some of the items from the list.
Is that possible or only whole ListView can be greyed out?
The ListView control does not have a concept of disabled items. You can simulate that appearance using custom drawing support. This Sample demonstrates how to change the text and background color of items within the list view.
You would need to go further and provide some means of determining when a disabled item is selected within the view (as the selection will continue to work).
The Windows List View Common Control does not have a disabled state for Items. If you want to do that, you will have to implement it yourself.
This is a not-trivial exercise. It's not hard to change the visible appearance using customer draw, but handling hit-testing and selection would be quite complex.

Issues with keyboard navigation on list with custom renderer

We have a list that uses a custom renderer containing a label, a checkbox and two icons (which have click events). This list needs to be made WCAG 2.0 compliant and in order to do that we need the list to be keyboard navigable.
The problem is with being able to move from one list item to the next and have the focus move to the label for the next/previous list item. Specifically, when the user enters the list using TAB button, the label for the first list item receives focus (highlighted box around text) and the entire row in the list is highlighted as the selected item.
However, when the user then presses the down arrow key to move to the next list item, the next row becomes highlighted (is now the selected item) but the focus remains on the label of the previous row (highlight still shown around label for row 1). The only way to get the focus to move to the newly selected row is to tab through the checkbox and two icons. This isn't a big deal if there are only a couple list items but would be a pain if there are 20+ rows in the list.
Is there a way to get the focus to move to the label of the newly selected row as soon as the user moves (using up/down cursor keys) to the new list item? I know a picture would help but I don't have anyway of posting a screenshot online. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You're going to have to dig into how focus works in Flex. This is not a complete answer, but hopefully you can put together a solution that works for you. I did this about 4-5 years ago in Flex 3, but it should be similar in Flex 4.
How Focus Works in Flex
The main things to know are the FocusManager singleton class and the IFocusManagerComponent interface.
The FocusManager moves the focus around the UI based on user interactions (mouse clicks, keyboard navigation, etc.).
If a component implements the IFocusManagerComponent interface, then the FocusManager will include it in the "tab" loop and allow the component to be focused via keyboard navigation.
How Focus Works With Flex List Components
You've already stumbled onto the peculiarities of how focus works with the List component and item renderers. The Flex List components implement IFocusMangerComponent and so when you tab through the UI the FocusManager sends the focus to the list.
The List may or may not focus the item renderers. In Flex 3 you had to be using editable item renderers for this to happen, it may or may not be the same in Flex 4.
Some Ideas for Solutions to Your Problem
I think there are numerous ways to solve this. Use some combination of these techniques:
override the protected keyDownHandler() method of the List component. I don't have the code handy, but if you look at it's implementation in the List class you should be able to make your overridden version set the focus on the next renderer.
use methods of the FocusManager to find components in the tab loop: getNextFocusManagerComponent(), findFocusManagerComponent(). Check the docs there are others that will be useful. For example, when the user presses the down arrow, you can let the next item renderer get selected, then use findFocusManagerComponent() (passing in the newly selected renderer) and then tell the FocusManager to focus it with the setFocus() method. This is probably not exactly the right approach ;)
By the way, the FocusManger is a Flex singleton object, every UIComponent in Flex has a focusManager property you can use to get a reference to it.
consider disabling focus on objects that don't need to receive focus (like the Label in your item renderer). There are numerous properties to do this: focusEnabled, hasFocusableChildren, mouseFocusEnabled, tabEnabled, tabChildren etc.
consider disabling focus on the List component, but then making your item renderers implement the IFocusManagerComponent interface. Implementing the interface is simple, you just declare it in your class (there's no actual methods to implement). The tricky part will be now your item renderers need to have key down handlers (just override the protected keyDownHandler() method that all UIComponent objects have).
I think there are other techniques you can use, it's just been too long since I did this. I'd be happy to provide more help if you get stuck somehwere...

What is the ember way to add popovers to views?

I'm working on a events board app. Events are displayed in columns at the height matching the start time and pack into the space if there is more then one overlapping. Each event is a view and I want to have a div next to the view that shows and hides on hover.
I know how to bind to mouseEnter and mouseLeave to show and hide part of the template but I want to show something adjacent to my view/template not within it.
I've already got some computed properties on the view to place the event with the correct height and width so I don't want to add the popover inside the view.
Here is something to mess with
Seems like something simple but I want to make sure I'm doing things the Ember way.
After messing a little with your provided jsbin, here the results.
Basically what I've done was adding a new popup css declaration wich do position the popup so that it appears outside the parent view, and also moved the {{#if...}} helper into the originating view.
If you want to go more fancy, checkout this jsfiddle wich uses the twitter boostrap popover.
Hope it helps.