C++ complexity of algorithm? - c++

I wrote the following code:
class Solution {
int countPrimes(int n) {
if (n==0 || n==1)
return 0;
int counter=n-2;
vector<bool> res(n,true);
for (int i=2;i<=sqrt(n)+1;++i)
if (res[i]==false)
for (int j=i*i;j<n;j+=i)
if (res[j]==true)
return counter;
but couldn't find its complexity, the inner loop according to my calculations runs n/2 + n/3 + ... + n/sqrt(n)

Ok, let try to get the sum from your formula first (I am going to use your convention naming the variables):
Now, please note that n is a constant in the sum, so it can be moved outside the summary.
Now, we have one part which is linear and one part that we still need to estimate, but if you look closely it is very similar to the harmonic series, indeed for n that goes to infinity is the harmonic series - 1.
The grow rate of it is well know ln(n) + 1.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmonic_series_(mathematics)
So, complexity of the algorithm is n*ln(n).
The Beta answer has the correct result (using the correct starting point), I will leave the above answer because the procedure remain the same and the answer, IMHO, it is still useful.

"...The inner loop according to my calculations runs n/2 + n/3 + ... + n/sqrt(n)"
Ah, be careful with that ellipsis. It actually runs
n/2 + n/3 + n/5 + n/7 + n/11 + ... + n/sqrt(n)
This is not n times the harmonic series, this is n times the sum of the reciprocals of the primes, a sum which grows as log(log(greatest denominator)).
So the complexity of the algorithm is O(n log log(n)).


3-sum alternative approach

I tried an alternative approach to the 3sum problem: given an array find all triplets that sum up to a given number.
Basically the approach is this: Sort the array. Once a pair of elements (say A[i] and A[j]) is selected, a binary search is done for the third element [using the equal_range function]. The index one past the last of the matching elements is saved in a variable 'c'. Since A[j+1] > A[j], we to search only upto and excluding index c (since numbers at index c and beyond would definitely sum greater than the target sum). For the case j=i+1, we save the end index as 'd' instead and make c=d. For the next value of i, when j=i+1, we need to search only upto and excluding index d.
C++ implementation:
int sum3(vector<int>& A,int sum)
int count=0, n=A.size();
int c=n, d=n; //initialize c and d to array length
pair < vector<int>::iterator, vector<int>::iterator > p;
for (int i=0; i<n-2; i++)
for (int j=i+1; j<n-1; j++)
if(j == i+1)
p=equal_range (A.begin()+j+1, A.begin()+d, sum-A[i]-A[j]);
d = p.second - A.begin();
if(d==n+1) d--;
p=equal_range (A.begin()+j+1, A.begin()+c, sum-A[i]-A[j]);
c = p.second - A.begin();
if(c==n+1) c--;
count += p.second-p.first;
for (auto it=p.first; it != p.second; ++it)
cout<<A[i]<<' '<<A[j]<<' '<<*it<<'\n';
return count;
int main() //driver function for testing
vector <int> A = {4,3,2,6,4,3,2,6,4,5,7,3,4,6,2,3,4,5};
int sum = 17;
cout << sum3(A,sum) << endl;
return 0;
I am unable to work out the upper bound time needed for this algorithm. I understand that the worst case scenario will be when the target sum is unachievably large.
My calculations yield something like:
For i=0, no. of binary searches is lg(n-2) + lg(n-3) + ... +lg(1)
For i=1, lg(n-3) + lg(n-4) + ... + lg(1)
For i=n-3, lg(1)
So totally, lg((n-2)!) + lg((n-3)!) + ... + lg(1!)
= lg(1^n*2^(n-1)3^(n-2)...*(n-1)^2*n^1)
But how to deduce the O(n) bound from this expression?
In addition to James' good answer I would like to point out that this can actually go upto O (n^3) in the worst case because you are running 3 nested for loops. Consider the case
{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
and the demanded sum is 3.
When computing complexity, I'll start by referring to the Big-O Cheat sheet. I use this sheet to classify smaller sections of the code to get their runtime performance.
E.g. if I had a simple loop it would be O(n). BinSearch (according to the cheat sheet) is O(log(n)), etc..
Next, I use the Properties of Big-O notation to composite the smaller pieces together.
So for instance if I had two loops independent of each other it would be O(n) + O(n) or O(2n) => O(n). If one of my loops were inside the other, I would multiply them. So g( f(x) ) turns into O(n^2).
Now, I know you're saying: "hey, wait, I'm changing the upper and lower bounds of the inner loop" but I don't think that really matters...here's a university level example.
So my back-of-the-napkin calculation of your runtime is O(n^2) * O(Log(n)) or O(n^2 Log(n)).
But this need not be the case. I could've done something horribly wrong. So my next step would be to start graphing the runtimes of your worst possible case. Set sum to the impossibly large value and generate larger and larger arrays. You can avoid integer overflow by using lots and lots of repeated smaller numbers.
Also, compare it to the Quadratic 3Sum Solution. That's a known O(n^2) solution. Be sure to compare worst cases, or at least the same array on both. Do both timed tests at the same time so you can start getting a feel for which is faster while you are empirically testing the runtime.
Release builds, optimized for speed.
1. For your analysis, note that
log(1) + log(2) + ... + log(k) = Theta(k log(k)).
Indeed, the upper half of this sum is log(k/2) + log(k/2+1) + ... + log(k),
so it is at least log(k/2)*k/2, which is asymptotically the same as log(k)*k already.
Similarly, we can conclude that
log(n-1) + log(n-2) + log(n-3) + ... + log(1) + // Theta((n-1) log(n-1))
log(n-2) + log(n-3) + ... + log(1) + // Theta((n-2) log(n-2))
log(n-3) + ... + log(1) + // Theta((n-3) log(n-3))
... +
log(1) = Theta(n^2 log(n))
Indeed, if we consider the logarithms which are at least log(n/2), it's the half-triangle (thus ~1/2) of the upper left quadrant (thus ~n^2/4) of the above sum, so there are Theta(n^2/8) such terms.
2. As noted by satvik in another answer, your output loop can take up to Theta(n^3) steps when the number of outputs itself is Theta(n^3), which is when they are all equal.
3. There are O(n^2) solutions to the 3-sum problem, which are therefore asymptotically faster than this one.

Predict an algorithm's theoretical average-case efficiency and order of growth using summation

I need to predict the algorithm's average case efficiency with respect to the size of its inputs using summation/sigma notation to arrive at the final answer. Many resources use summation to predict worst-case, and I couldn't find someone explaining how to predict average case so step-by-step answers are appreciated.
The algorithm contains a nested for loop, with the basic operation inside the innermost loop:
[code redacted]
EDIT: The execution of the basic operation it will always execute inside the second for loop if the second for loop has been entered, and has no break or return statements. HOWEVER: the end of the first for loop has the return statement which is dependent on the value produced in the basic operation, so the contents of the array do affect how many total times the basic operation will be executed for each run of the algorithm.
The array passed to the algorithm has randomly generated contents
I think the predicted average case efficiency is (n^2)/2, making it n^2 order of growth/big Theta of n^2, but I don't know how to theoretically prove this using summation.
Answers are very appreciated!
TL;DR: Your code complexity in average case is Θ(n²) if "basic operation" complexity is Θ(1) and it has no return, break or goto operators.
Explanation: the average-case complexity is just an expectation of the number of operations in your code given the size of the input.
Let's say T(A, n) is a number of operations your code performs given array A of size n. It's easy to see that
T(A, n) = 1 + // int k = ceil(size/2.0);
n * 2 + 1 + // for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
n * (n * 2 + 1) + // for(int j = 0; j < size; j++){
n * n * X + // //Basic operation
1 // return (some int);
Where X is a number of operations in your "basic operation". As we can see, T(A, n) does not depend on actual contents of the array A. Thus, the expected number of operations given size of the array (which is simply the arithmetical mean of T(A, n) for all possible A for given n) is exactly equal to each of them:
T(n) = T(A, n) = 3 + n * 2 + n * n * (2 + X)
If we assume that X = Θ(1), this expression is Θ(n²).
Even without this assumption we can have an estimate: if X = Θ(f(n)), then your code complexity is T(n) = Θ(f(n)n²). For example, if X is Θ(log n), T(n) = Θ(n² log n)

I don't understand the shell sort complexity with shell gap 8,4,2,1 [duplicate]

First, here's my Shell sort code (using Java):
public char[] shellSort(char[] chars) {
int n = chars.length;
int increment = n / 2;
while(increment > 0) {
int last = increment;
while(last < n) {
int current = last - increment;
while(current >= 0) {
if(chars[current] > chars[current + increment]) {
char tmp = chars[current];
chars[current] = chars[current + increment];
chars[current + increment] = tmp;
current -= increment;
else { break; }
increment /= 2;
return chars;
Is this a correct implementation of Shell sort (forgetting for now about the most efficient gap sequence - e.g., 1,3,7,21...)? I ask because I've heard that the best-case time complexity for Shell Sort is O(n). (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorting_algorithm). I can't see this level of efficiency being realized by my code. If I added heuristics to it, then yeah, but as it stands, no.
That being said, my main question now - I'm having difficulty calculating the Big O time complexity for my Shell sort implementation. I identified that the outer-most loop as O(log n), the middle loop as O(n), and the inner-most loop also as O(n), but I realize the inner two loops would not actually be O(n) - they would be much less than this - what should they be? Because obviously this algorithm runs much more efficiently than O((log n) n^2).
Any guidance is much appreciated as I'm very lost! :P
The worst-case of your implementation is Θ(n^2) and the best-case is O(nlogn) which is reasonable for shell-sort.
The best case ∊ O(nlogn):
The best-case is when the array is already sorted. The would mean that the inner if statement will never be true, making the inner while loop a constant time operation. Using the bounds you've used for the other loops gives O(nlogn). The best case of O(n) is reached by using a constant number of increments.
The worst case ∊ O(n^2):
Given your upper bound for each loop you get O((log n)n^2) for the worst-case. But add another variable for the gap size g. The number of compare/exchanges needed in the inner while is now <= n/g. The number of compare/exchanges of the middle while is <= n^2/g. Add the upper-bound of the number of compare/exchanges for each gap together: n^2 + n^2/2 + n^2/4 + ... <= 2n^2 ∊ O(n^2). This matches the known worst-case complexity for the gaps you've used.
The worst case ∊ Ω(n^2):
Consider the array where all the even positioned elements are greater than the median. The odd and even elements are not compared until we reach the last increment of 1. The number of compare/exchanges needed for the last iteration is Ω(n^2).
Insertion Sort
If we analyse
static void sort(int[] ary) {
int i, j, insertVal;
int aryLen = ary.length;
for (i = 1; i < aryLen; i++) {
insertVal = ary[i];
j = i;
* while loop exits as soon as it finds left hand side element less than insertVal
while (j >= 1 && ary[j - 1] > insertVal) {
ary[j] = ary[j - 1];
ary[j] = insertVal;
Hence in case of average case the while loop will exit in middle
i.e 1/2 + 2/2 + 3/2 + 4/2 + .... + (n-1)/2 = Theta((n^2)/2) = Theta(n^2)
You saw here we achieved (n^2)/2 even though divide by two doesn't make more difference.
Shell Sort is nothing but insertion sort by using gap like n/2, n/4, n/8, ...., 2, 1
mean it takes advantage of Best case complexity of insertion sort (i.e while loop exit) starts happening very quickly as soon as we find small element to the left of insert element, hence it adds up to the total execution time.
n/2 + n/4 + n/8 + n/16 + .... + n/n = n(1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + ... + 1/n) = nlogn (Harmonic Series)
Hence its time complexity is some thing close to n(logn)^2

Confusion with determining Big-O notation?

So, I really don't get Big O notation. I have been tasked with determining "O value" for this code segment.
for (int count =1; count < n; count++) // Runs n times, so linear, or O(N)
int count2 = 1; // Declares an integer, so constant, O(1)
while (count2 < count) // Here's where I get confused. I recognize that it is a nested loop, but does that make it O(N^2)?
count2 = count2 * 2; // I would expect this to be constant as well, O(N)
This implies that for some value k, f(n)>g(n) where n>k. This gives the upper bound for the function g(n).
When you are asked to find Big O for some code,
1) Try to count the number of computations being performed in terms of n and thus getting g(n).
2) Now try estimating the upper bound function of g(n). That will be your answer.
Lets apply this procedure to your code.
Lets count the number of computations made. The statements declaring and multiply by 2 take O(1) time. But these are executed repeatedly. We need to find how many times they are executed.
The outer loop executes for n times. Hence the first statement executes for n times. Now the number of times inner loop gets executed depends on value of n. For a given value of n it executes for logn times.
Now lets count the total number of computations performed,
log(1) + log(2) + log(3) +.... log(n) + n
Note that the last n is for the first statement. Simplifying the above series we get:
= log(1*2*3*...n) + n
= log(n!) + n
We have
g(n)=log(n!) + n
Lets guess the upper bound for log(n!).
Since, < n.n.n...(n times)
log(n!) < log(n^n) for n>1
which implies
log(n!) = O(nlogn).
If you want a formal proof for this, check this out. Since nlogn increases faster than n , we therefore have:
O(nlogn + n) = O(nlogn)
Hence your final answer is O(nlogn).

Algorithm analysis: Am I analyzing these algorithms correctly? How to approach problems like these [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
x = 25;
for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++)
if (myArray[i] == x)
I think this one is O(n).
for (int r = 0; r < 10000; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < 10000; c++)
if (c % r == 0)
I think this one is O(1), because for any input n, it will run 10000 * 10000 times. Not sure if this is right.
a = 0
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
I think this one is O(i * k). I don't really know how to approach problems like this where the inner loop is affected by variables being incremented in the outer loop. Some key insights here would be much appreciated. The outer loop runs k times, and the inner loop runs 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + k times. So that sum should be (k/2) * (k+1), which would be order of k^2. So would it actually be O(k^3)? That seems too large. Again, don't know how to approach this.
int key = 0; //key may be any value
int first = 0;
int last = intArray.length-1;;
int mid = 0;
boolean found = false;
while( (!found) && (first <= last) )
mid = (first + last) / 2;
if(key == intArray[mid])
found = true;
if(key < intArray[mid])
last = mid - 1;
if(key > intArray[mid])
first = mid + 1;
This one, I think is O(log n). But, I came to this conclusion because I believe it is a binary search and I know from reading that the runtime is O(log n). I think it's because you divide the input size by 2 for each iteration of the loop. But, I don't know if this is the correct reasoning or how to approach similar algorithms that I haven't seen and be able to deduce that they run in logarithmic time in a more verifiable or formal way.
int currentMinIndex = 0;
for (int front = 0; front < intArray.length; front++)
currentMinIndex = front;
for (int i = front; i < intArray.length; i++)
if (intArray[i] < intArray[currentMinIndex])
currentMinIndex = i;
int tmp = intArray[front];
intArray[front] = intArray[currentMinIndex];
intArray[currentMinIndex] = tmp;
I am confused about this one. The outer loop runs n times. And the inner for loop runs
n + (n-1) + (n-2) + ... (n - k) + 1 times? So is that O(n^3) ??
More or less, yes.
1 is correct - it seems you are searching for a specific element in what I assume is an un-sorted collection. If so, the worst case is that the element is at the very end of the list, hence O(n).
2 is correct, though a bit strange. It is O(1) assuming r and c are constants and the bounds are not variables. If they are constant, then yes O(1) because there is nothing to input.
3 I believe that is considered O(n^2) still. There would be some constant factor like k * n^2, drop the constant and you got O(n^2).
4 looks a lot like a binary search algorithm for a sorted collection. O(logn) is correct. It is log because at each iteration you are essentially halving the # of possible choices in which the element you are looking for could be in.
5 is looking like a bubble sort, O(n^2), for similar reasons to 3.
O() doesn't mean anything in itself: you need to specify if you are counting the "worst-case" O, or the average-case O. For some sorting algorithm, they have a O(n log n) on average but a O(n^2) in worst case.
Basically you need to count the overall number of iterations of the most inner loop, and take the biggest component of the result without any constant (for example if you have k*(k+1)/2 = 1/2 k^2 + 1/2 k, the biggest component is 1/2 k^2 therefore you are O(k^2)).
For example, your item 4) is in O(log(n)) because, if you work on an array of size n, then you will run one iteration on this array, and the next one will be on an array of size n/2, then n/4, ..., until this size reaches 1. So it is log(n) iterations.
Your question is mostly about the definition of O().
When someone say this algorithm is O(log(n)), you have to read:
When the input parameter n becomes very big, the number of operations performed by the algorithm grows at most in log(n)
Now, this means two things:
You have to have at least one input parameter n. There is no point in talking about O() without one (as in your case 2).
You need to define the operations that you are counting. These can be additions, comparison between two elements, number of allocated bytes, number of function calls, but you have to decide. Usually you take the operation that's most costly to you, or the one that will become costly if done too many times.
So keeping this in mind, back to your problems:
n is myArray.Length, and the number of operations you're counting is '=='. In that case the answer is exactly n, which is O(n)
you can't specify an n
the n can only be k, and the number of operations you count is ++. You have exactly k*(k+1)/2 which is O(n2) as you say
this time n is the length of your array again, and the operation you count is ==. In this case, the number of operations depends on the data, usually we talk about 'worst case scenario', meaning that of all the possible outcome, we look at the one that takes the most time. At best, the algorithm takes one comparison. For the worst case, let's take an example. If the array is [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]] and you are looking for 4, your intArray[mid] will become successively, 5, 3 and then 4, and so you would have done the comparison 3 times. In fact, for an array which size is 2^k + 1, the maximum number of comparison is k (you can check). So n = 2^k + 1 => k = ln(n-1)/ln(2). You can extend this result to the case when n is not = 2^k + 1, and you will get complexity = O(ln(n))
In any case, I think you are confused because you don't exactly know what O(n) means. I hope this is a start.