I am trying to make something like a list dictionary in Prolog. I want to transfer a list of numbers from German to English.
X = [one,three,nine]
I've thought of an idea to make an if statement but then I thought this won't work.
I would be thankful if anyone provided me with the idea and the code to fully understand the concept.
I have read the answers on this question and got the clauses, but actually did not understand anything actually, so can someone tell me how it works?
1- Define the facts.
2- translate predicate checks each German number in the list [H|T], then searches the facts number, and then stores the English number in the [X|List].
number(eins, one).
number(zwei, two).
number(drei, three).
number(vier, four).
number(fünf, five).
number(sechs, six).
number(sieben, seven).
number(acht, eight).
number(neun, nine).
number(zehn, ten).
?- translate([eins,drei,neun],X).
X = [one, three, nine]
?- translate([drei],X).
X = [three]
?- translate([drei,zehn,acht,sechs],X).
X = [three, ten, eight, six]
let say i have the following facts :
own(named('Peter'), 65).
now got the query as a list of clauses :
[what(A), own(named('Peter'), A)]
[who(X), book(A), own(X, A)] .
how do I make a rule that accept this list and return the result. Keep in mind that the question could be Why,When,Who...
I went the usual way :
%% query_lst([what(Q)|T], Q) :- query_lst(T).
query_lst([H|T]) :- write('?- '),writeln(H),
call(H), query_lst(T).
but this does not allow binding of Q in wh(Q) to the answer which could be in any of the facts that are called by call()
Additional complication I did not forsee is that the query :
(what(A), own(named('Peter'), A).
would fail, because there is no what(X), fact in the DB.
I have to just bind somehow the variable A /that is in what()/ to query_lst(Goals,A) and of course remove what(X) from the list /which i can do with select/3 /
any idea how to bind list-Wh-var to query_lst result ?
my current solution (assumes Q is first element):
query_lst([G|Gs],Res) :- G =.. [Q,Res], member(Q,[what,why,who,when]), lst2conj(Gs,Conj), call(Conj).
Simply convert the list of goals into a conjunction and call it:
list_to_conjunction([], true).
list_to_conjunction([Goal| Goals], Conjunction) :-
list_to_conjunction(Goals, Goal, Conjunction).
list_to_conjunction([], Conjunction, Conjunction).
list_to_conjunction([Next| Goals], Goal, (Goal,Conjunction)) :-
list_to_conjunction(Goals, Next, Conjunction).
query_list(Goals) :-
list_to_conjunction(Goals, Conjunction),
You got an answer, but it was an answer to your question, not to what you really wanted. Also, you edited your question after you accepted that answer, which isn't very helpful. Typically it's better to open a new question when you have... a new question.
Here is an answer to what you seem to want, which is not exactly what you asked. You have lists of the form [WhPart | Rest] where the WhPart is a wh-word with a variable, and the Rest is a list of goals. You want to execute these goals and get the variable in the wh-term bound.
The good news is that, since the variable in the wh-word also occurs in the goals, it will be bound if you execute them. No extra work is needed. Executing the goals is enough. If the wh-part is really at the start of the list, you can do the whole thing like this:
query([_WhPart | Body]) :-
call_body([Goal | Goals]) :-
For example:
?- query([who(X), book(A), own(X, A)]).
X = named('Peter'),
A = 65.
?- query([what(A), own(named('Peter'), A)]).
A = 65.
As you can see, there is no need to convert the query to a conjunctive goal: Executing the queries in sequence is exactly the same as executing their conjunction.
Also, it doesn't actually matter which wh-word is used; the only thing that really matters is the variable contained within the term. For this reason the above version does no checking at all, and the _WhPart could be anything. If you want to check that it is a valid term, you can do the following:
query([WhPart | Body]) :-
This buys you some "type checking":
?- query([foo(A), own(named('Peter'), A)]).
But not a lot, since you don't know if the wh-word actually fits what is being asked:
?- query([when(A), own(named('Peter'), A)]).
A = 65.
I have a list of numbers in prolog. the numbers are already sorted.I want to check any of the numbers are not repeated and different between any two numbers is greater than one.How to check it. any idea. Thank you.
?- check([1,3,4]). %expectation
?- check([2,5,7,10]). %expectation
I assume list alreadeTry it...
Let me guess...
you are using SWI-Prolog, and
all numbers that your check/1 cares for are integers.
If so, read on!
Use clpfd!
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
As you already might have guessed, there are a billions and billions of ways to implement the predicate check/1. In this answer we use a straight-forward, directly recursive approach:
check([E0,E1|Es]) :-
E0+1 #< E1,
Sample queries:
?- check([1,3,4]).
?- check([2,5,7,10]).
true ; % do not be bothered by the trailing `; false`
false. % `true ; false` is equivalent to `true`
Have you noticed the binary operator (#<)/2 in above definition of check/1?
It allows us to run general queries and get logically sound answers. Consider!
?- Xs = [1,A,B,C], check(Xs).
Xs = [1,A,B,C], A in 3..sup, A#=<B+ -2, B in 5..sup, B#=<C+ -2, C in 7..sup ;
I have a predicate, which is true, if passed such list of pairs, for instance:
translatable([(dog,perro)], [(perro,hund)], [(dog,hund)])
Means - if "dog" translates to "perro", and "perro" translates to "hund", then it is true that "dog" translates to "hund".
Here follows full code. Returns/suggests first member of pair - given ((a, b), a) returns true, given ((a, b), X) returns X = a:
first((First, _), First).
Similar to "first", but for second pair member:
second((_, Second), Second).
This returns true if translatable word exists in list of tuples, and saves translation to Translation: (dog, Translation, [(bed,cama),(dog,perro)]
translation_exists(Word, Translation, [H|T]) :-
first(H, Word), second(H, Translation), !;
translation_exists(Word, Translation, T).
And resulting:
translatable(EnglishSpanish, SpanishGerman, EnglishGerman) :-
forall(member(Pair, EnglishGerman), (
first(Pair, Word),
second(Pair, ResultTranslation),
translation_exists(Word, Translation, EnglishSpanish),
translation_exists(Translation, ResultTranslation, SpanishGerman)
This code returns true/false correctly.
But why, given
translatable([(dog,perro)], [(perro,hund)], X).
It does not returns X = [(dog,hund)]?
To be more specific, actual goal is:
to find out if LAST dictionary has translatable pairs (and them only).
Daniel, thanks a lot, I have adopted your suggested member function - great simplification, thank you! This is all the code I have now:
lastIsTranslatable(_, _, []).
lastIsTranslatable(EngSpan, SpanGerm, [(Eng, Germ) | T]) :-
member((Eng, Span), EngSpan),
member((Span, Germ), SpanGerm),
% this is to protect endless [(dog,hund), (dog, hund), ...]
not(member((Eng, Germ), T)),
lastIsTranslatable(EngSpan, SpanGerm, T),
And still, this works great finding True & False:
lastIsTranslatable([(a,b)], [(b,c)], [(a,c)]).
lastIsTranslatable([(a,b)], [(b,c)], [(a,no)]).
But for
lastIsTranslatable([(a,b)], [(b,c)], X).
result is X= [], then, after hitting ";" - false. Why?
Well, running with trace option, I see execution is failing on
not(member((Eng, Germ), T))
But otherwise resulting X will be endlessly filled with (a,c), (a,c)... Maybe there is better way to protect from duplicates?
The reason, basically, is that because EnglishGerman is uninstantiated, member/2 is free to come up with possible lists for it:
?- member((perro,X), List).
member((perro,X), List).
List = [ (perro, X)|_G18493911] ;
List = [_G18493910, (perro, X)|_G18493914] ;
List = [_G18493910, _G18493913, (perro, X)|_G18493917] ;
List = [_G18493910, _G18493913, _G18493916, (perro, X)|_G18493920]
This is the most direct issue, but even if you change the flow of data I think you'll still have problems:
translatable1(EnglishSpanish, SpanishGerman, EnglishGerman) :-
member((English,Spanish), EnglishSpanish),
member((Spanish,German), SpanishGerman),
member((English,German), EnglishGerman).
Note that I have foregone your first/2 and second/2 predicates in favor of pattern matching; I think this reads more clearly.
Aside: If you know your list is concrete and you don't want to generate multiple solutions, you can use memberchk/2 to verify that an element exists instead of member/2; it's cheaper and deterministic.
This works better (you get solutions, anyway) but still you get a lot more solutions than you need:
?- translatable1([(dog,perro)], [(perro,hund)], X).
X = [ (dog, hund)|_G18493925] ;
X = [_G18493924, (dog, hund)|_G18493928] ;
X = [_G18493924, _G18493927, (dog, hund)|_G18493931] a
Something which we know that our code does not know is that the cardinality of the result set should be less than or equal to the lowest cardinality of our inputs; if I have fifteen English-Spanish words and twelve Spanish-German words, I can't have more than twelve words in my English-German result. The reason our code doesn't know that is because it is trying to behave like math: our code is basically saying "for every element of English-Spanish, if there exists a matching element of Spanish-German, that is also an element of English-German." This does not tell us how to construct English-German! It only tells us a fact about English-German that we can verify with English-Spanish and Spanish-German! So it's cool, but it isn't quite enough to compute English-German.
Aside: it's conventional in Prolog to use a-b instead of (a,b); it's too easy to lull yourself into believing that Prolog has tuples when it doesn't and the operator precedence can get confusing.
So, how do we tell Prolog how to compute English-German? There are probably lots of ways but I would prefer to use select/3 because our set cardinality constraints (as well as a general sense that it will converge/halt) will emerge naturally from a computation that "uses up" the input sets as it goes.
translatable2([], _, []).
translatable2(_, [], []).
translatable2([Eng-Span|EngSpanRem], SpanGerm, EngGerm) :-
(select(Span-Germ, SpanGerm, SpanGermRem) ->
translatable2(EngSpanRem, SpanGermRem, EngGermRem),
EngGerm = [Eng-Germ|EngGermRem]
translatable2(EngSpanRem, SpanGerm, EngGerm)
The base cases should be obvious; if we are out of English-Spanish or Spanish-German, there's nothing left to compute. Then the inductive case peels the first item off the English-Spanish list and searches for a Spanish-German translation that matches. If it finds one, it uses it to build the result; otherwise, it just recurs on the remaining English-Spanish list. This way, on each iteration we at least discard an English-Spanish translation from that list, and we discard Spanish-German translations as they are used. So it seems intuitively likely that this will work and terminate without producing a bunch of extra choice points.
It seems to do the trick:
?- translatable2([dog-perro], [perro-hund], X).
X = [dog-hund] ;
X = [dog-hund].
The extra result there is because we hit both terminal cases because both lists became []; this isn't attractive but it isn't anything to worry about really either.
Now one thing that sucks about this solution is that it treats the first two parameters as in-parameters and the last one as an out-parameter and there isn't really anything you can do about this. I don't know if this is an issue for you; translatable/1 should not have this limitation, but because member((Spanish,German), SpanishGerman) happens before member((English,German), EnglishGerman) it winds up generating an infinitely large list, searching in effect for the missing Spanish-German translation.
Still, it feels like it should be possible to come up with a general purpose predicate that works as long as you supply any two of these inputs. I can do that if I know that all three lists are complete and in the same order:
translatable3([], [], []).
translatable3([X-Y|XYs], [Y-Z|YZs], [X-Z|XZs]) :-
translatable3(XYs, YZs, XZs).
And you can see it work like so:
?- translatable3([dog-perro], [perro-hund], X).
X = [dog-hund].
?- translatable3([dog-perro], X, [dog-hund]).
X = [perro-hund].
?- translatable3(X, [perro-hund], [dog-hund]).
X = [dog-perro].
But I don't know enough about your constraints to know if that could be a legitimate answer. My suspicion is no, because languages don't work that way, but who knows?
Anyway, that's three different approaches; I hope one of them is helpful to you!
I want to clear a list without cutting. I tried:
filter([H|T],[H|S]) :-
filter([H|T],S) :-
But it doesn't work.
Here is what happened when I tried:
?- filter([1,0,-6,7,-1],L).
L = [-6,-1]; %false
L=[0,-6,-1] %true
Here's one way to do it:
filter([ ],[ ]).
filter([H|T],X) :-
( H > 0 -> X = Y ; X = [H|Y] ),
Because the if-then-else construct in Prolog is sometimes described as having a "hidden cut", meaning that Prolog will not retry (backtrack) the logical outcome in the "if" portion of this construct (it commits to the first and only outcome), it's conceivable that your course instructor might object to this solution (even though no actual cut is used).
But your solution is partially wrong. You lump the zero elements with the positive ones, where your Question's wording suggests only the positive entries need to be "cleared" from the list.
--the question has been edited--
Using this data, I need to create a list:
So, given a query like:
make a new list with their respective team number.
What I'm trying to do is creating a list, adding elements one at a time.
check([H|T]) :-
append([R],_, X),
Could someone help me complete this?
You need to find all the team numbers for which the name of the team is a member of the list of team names that you are interested in:
?- findall(Number, (
team(Name, Number),
member(Name, [milan, lazio, roma, inter])), Numbers).
Numbers = [1, 3, 4, 4].
To return the numbers in a given order, just apply member/2 before team/2, in this case member/2 generates names (in the given order), and team/2 maps them to numbers:
?- findall(Number, (
member(Name, [lazio, milan, inter]),
team(Name, Number)), Numbers).
Numbers = [3, 1, 4].
A lot of time since I used Prolog but an answer -more or less- would look like:
check([]) :- true.
check([X]) :- team(X,_).
check([X,Y]) :- team(X,N), team(Y,M), N < M.
check([X,Y|T]) :- check(X,Y), check([Y|T]).
See this question for a very similar problem.
From what you say you might be better off making a list and then sorting it. That way you'd know the list is in order. Of course it's tricky in that you are sorting on the team ranks, not the alphabetic order of their names.
But the question you asked is how to check the list is in sorted order, so let's do it.
check([ ]). % just in case an empty list is supplied
check([_]). % singleton lists are also in sort order
check([H1,H2|T]) :-
R1 <= R2,
Note that the recursion reduces lists with at least two items by one, so the usual termination case will be getting down to a list of length one. That's the only tricky part of this check.
Added in response to comment/question edit:
Sure, it's good to learn a variety of simple "design patterns" when you are getting going with Prolog. In this case we want to "apply" a function to each item of a list and build a new list that contains the images.
mapTeamRank([ ],[ ]). % image of empty list is empty
mapTeamRank([H|T],[R|S]) :-
So now you have a predicate that will turn a list of teams LT into the corresponding list of ranks LR, and you can "check" this for sorted order by calling msort(LR,LR):
check(LT) :-