Google Cloud doesn't allow me to create my first project with admin role - google-cloud-platform

I'm trying to create my first project in google cloud with organization's administrator account. I have access to the administrator's email and passwords and I am logging in with that account to do so. The problem is that when I click on create new project I receive the following error:
There was an error while loading /home/dashboard?project=proven-now-305315&authuser=1.
You are missing at least one of the following required permissions:
Check that the project ID is valid and you have permissions to access it. Learn more
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The detail is that in my resource administration panel I already gave the permission that they ask me to the resource as shown in the following image:
As I have read, the project IAM Admin role should grant the resourcemanager.projects.get role and as you can see in the image the resource rcv # .. which is the administrator has it activated, however I keep trying to create a new project and it doesn't allow me to do it. Any idea?

In case anybody else, like me, reaches this answer, I want to point out that the accepted answer is correct, but for me I had to also make sure that within the settings, I ensured that Project Creation Settings on the right pane and under the section of Cloud Resource Manager Api Settings was set to on. It was turned off by default. Many people on my team overlooked this as it is significantly smaller text.
This may be an option that was not present before or it was turned on by default in the past. For us, it was turned off.
Please refer to the included image for a visual representation of the
settings that need to be turned on.

The problem was for some reason the Google Cloud was disable for all users, I solved following this instructions. Solved with this!
To activate this service, please follow the steps:
Access the admin console and go to Apps -> Additional Google Services
Look for the service “Google Cloud Platform” and click on the box next to it
In to top right corner click in “ON”
Confirm you want to turn it on in the pop-up box.


Disable/Hide/Remove Docs menu in Apache Airflow GUI

I have installed Airflow in my Ubuntu system and trying to deploy Airflow to production. I would like to turn off the menu Docs on the UI (browser).
I was reading setting permissions on the menus here access-control but it is hard to turn off this menu for each role. I am curious to know if we can Disable/Hide/Remove Docs menu from the root.
There's no one-click way to turn it off globally. I wonder why it's hard to turn it off for each role? The only way to truly perform this in one action is to query the metastore directly and remove the menu access on Docs permission from all roles using a single SQL query.
Assuming you don't have too many roles, it takes just a few clicks in the UI. First you'll need Admin permissions and go to Security -> List Roles. In there, edit each role and remove the menu access on Docs permission.

Cannot create groups in GCP or Google Groups - as owner

Just wanting to start to setup a GCP environment for my own domain, play around some. Running into a setup issue where I cannot create Groups, whether from GCP (Menu > "IAM & Admin" > Groups) or just Google Groups.
Google Groups tells me I haven't got the correct permissions. Google Cloud Platform tells me I'm missing required permission cloudidentity.groups.create.
I managed to create a bunch of groups in Google Admin, but they're not the right ones (apparently).
Now, I'm owner of my domain, it has Google for Work (Basic) and I've enable Cloud Identity (apparently do not need it as it's just for me, but was running low on ideas).
Any idea how to fix this?
Google's help pages send me in circles. Google GCP & Admin docs likewise keep telling me to just "click Create".
Ok, this is very silly, but: you must have "Groups for Business" turned on in the Admin Console as an App for everything to start working.
With the App "Groups for Business" turned off, you can still create Groups (lol, whut?), assign them to Users, but somehow, they don't work.
Turning on Groups for Business and going back into the "Getting started" in Google Cloud Console magically got it to work.
(P.s. - I don't recall turning the App off, it's been years since I looked at that)

macOS Catalina screen recording permission

I am working on a screen recording app using C++ in XCode. The problem is that when I compile and start the app I always have to give permission for screen recording in "Settings > Privacy".
Is there a way to always grant the permission in XCode or sth similar? It is really annoying when developing/testing the app to always manually grant the permission when re-compiling.
Sign your debug builds Luke
In order to grant macOS "Screen Recording" permission for development (or any other permission like microphone or camera access) you must sign your debug builds with your AppleID certificate. This applies for Swift/C++/Objective-C or any other language.
It's easy and free to do:
Simply click at your project
Go to "Signing & Capabilities"
Select "Development" in "Signing Certificate"
Pick your certificate in the "Team" (if you don't have any there will be an "Add Team" button which lets you download a free one after providing your AppleID)
After that your build settings should look like that:
(you may need to go use Product -> Clean Build Folder and rebuild)
If permissions appears revoked...
Also if the system still doesn't give you permissions you need to go to system Settings -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy and under an appropriate category you need to REVOKE the permission and grant it again after rebuild. This will prompt for app quit - do it and run the application again. From now on it will always have permissions.

Google G-Suite API Console not showing Enable G Suite Domain-wide Delegation

I'm working with a client to setup service account credentials, for the purpose of reading G-Suite Directory information over API.
I've done this a dozen times before with no issues, and now I'm having a problem with a setting not showing up for the client.
Below is an image that shows what I would see normally. The area circled in read is where the ability to enable Domain-Wide Delegation exists.
However, the client does now see that section. Instead they see this button. And clicking the button just displays the Client ID's, but doesn't have an option to Enable Domain-Wide Delegation.
We haven't gone through the entire setup to test if this service account works, and I haven't been able to duplicate this UI interface with my testing accounts. I always get the "Show Domain-Wide Delegation" from the first image, and not the button.
The client says they are a Super Admin on the G-Suite Admin Console. I have detailed instructions for all the steps prior, which they said are exactly correct. The only difference is when they get to this page.
I was hoping someone would have some insight into why this interface would be different, and what might be some ways around fixing it?
If you don't see the checkbox, it means you don't need to enable it. You can get the client ID from the UI or by looking at the JSON private key you downloaded, and use that to authorize your scopes in the Admin console.
(thanks #kspearrin who also mentioned that in the comments)

Permission denied to delete project Google Cloud, how to proceed?

I am having a very tinted design on the dashboard. I'm trying to delete but I get the message "does not exist, or you do not have permission to access it." . All right, but. How can I not have permission because I am the only user to use the service. I need to delete but I am facing this difficulty.
I am the only user of the service.
No one else uses the platform
Project permissions:
I faced same issue and finally figured this out. I hope other people can benefit from this.
If your project is under "No Organization", you can simply go to IAM, make sure you are owner, then go to project, delete/shutdown buttons will be enabled, you can delete the project.
However if you have created an organization, even if you are owner/admin of a project, you do not have delete permission. First you need to go to admin settings page and grant yourself "project deleter" role, then you will be able to shutdown/delete a project.
To give yourself "project deleter" role, go to IAM -> settings, Open dropdown at the top where you can select a project, click on all, click on your oganization name. Here you will see your email as "Organization Administrator". Edit this and add "Project Deleter".
Did this help anyone?
Only project owners can shut down the project, so make sure you are logged in as an account with the Project Owner permission before you try to delete the project. You must first disable billing before deleting any project by shutting down the project. If you are as an owner of project make sure that your log in with the right email.
Also, shutting down a project does not delete the project immediately. It only requests deletion of the project. The project owner will receive an email notification that the project has been marked for deletion
To shut down a project using the GCP Console:
1) Open the Setting page (found under IAM & admin) in the Google Cloud Platform Console.
2) Click Select a project.
3) Select a project you wish to delete, and click Open.
4) Click Shut down. Then click DELETE PROJECT. A confirmation screen describing what will happen appears.
5) Now enter the Project ID, then click Shut down.
For more information about shutting down/deleting the project please have a look at these following links with:
Open IAM and check for project permissions. check members and their roles. Check who is the owner of the project. what is your role? If you are the owner under roles and still not able to delete the project, then raise an issue in