SSH beanstalk from terminal using DNS - amazon-web-services

I am running an app in AWS Beanstalk, I use jenkins to do automatic deploys, manage crons, ecc, jenkins connects to the EC2 behind Beanstalk using the public ip.
The problem arises when the instance scales, since the IP of the EC2 will be different, I have to manually update Jenkins every time.
One of the simplest options would be to open the port 22 in the loadbalancer, but since I am using the recommended application loadbalancer, it only allows me to open the port 80/443. I was wondering if there is a way to create a dns record in route 53, that will automatically point to the right IP every time it scales?
I would like to avoid changing load balancer, because there are at least 20 environments that will need to be reconfigured.
I tried to look but no-one seems to have this issue, so either I have the wrong architecture, or it is too easy to fix.


Connect to AWS EC2 Instance over HTTPS

I have a MERN application with the frontend hosted on Netlify. I currently have the backend hosted at However this is quite slow and so was looking for something with faster load rates.
I have set up an EC2 instance on AWS and it is much faster, but I am struggling to enable HTTPS traffic.
The current setup:
EC2 instance set up and backend running. (I have ran it locally over http and it works fine).
AWS: security groups enabled https
The issue is that when I try to connect over https, it does not work.
I have tried various things including the ACM certificates (I have a certificate for my domain), creating load balancers that would direct to my instance, but I don't seem to succeeding. Admittedly, I don't fully understand what exactly I need to do here.
The outcome I want is to simply interact with the backend, which is on an AWS ubuntu instance, from my frontend over https.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
if you are going the Load Balancer way, should be fairly simple.
Yes, it is a good idea to use ACM to provision Certificate for you.
Make sure that the Security Groups are well configured
In your case the Load Balancer should accept traffic from port 80 and 443
The Instance security group should be open where you have configured the instance to listen, it depends on your impmenetation
In the target group make sure that you have configured the target port correctly (that is the ec2 open port, where recieves traffic), also make sure that the health check is configured correctly.
I attached a quick summary how this little architecture should look like

How to debug RDS connectivity

I have an Elastic Beanstalk application running for several years using an RDS database (now attached to the EB itself but set up separately).
This has been running without issues for ages. There's a security group attached to the load balancer, that allows traffic on port 5432 (postgreSQL).
Now I've set up a new environment which is identical, but since I want to use Amazon Linux 2, I cannot clone the existing environment (a cloned environment works as well, BTW). So I've carefully set up everything the same way - I've verified that the SG:s are the same, that all environment properties are set, that the VPC and subnets are identical.
However, as soon as my EB instances try to call RDS, it just gets stuck and times out, producing a HTTP 504 for the calling clients.
I've used the AWS Reachability Analyzer to analyze the path from the EB's EC2 instance to the ENI used by the RDS database instance, and that came out fine - there is reachability, at least VPC and SG-wise. Still, I cannot get the database calls to work.
How would one go about to debug this? What could cause a postgresQL connection with valid parameters, from an instance which is confirmed to reach the RDS ENI, to fail for this new instance, while the existing, old, EB application still runs fine?
The only differences in configuration are (new vs original):
Node 14 on Amazon Linux 2 vs Node 10 on original Amazon Linux ("v1")
Application load balancer vs classic load balancer
Some Nginx tweaks from the old version removed as they weren't compatible nor applicable
If the path is reachable, what could cause the RDS connectivity to break, when all DB connection params are also verified to be valid?
Edit: What I've now found is that RDS is attached to subnet A, and an EB having an instance in subnet A can connect to it, but not an instance in subnet B. With old EBs and classic load balancers, a single AZ/subnet could be used, but now at least two must be chosen.
So I suspect my route tables are somehow off. What could cause a host in 10.0.1.x not to reach a host in 10.0.2.x if they're both in the same VPC comprising of these two subnets, and Reachability Analyzer thinks there is a reachable path? I cannot find anywhere that these two subnets are isolated.
check the server connection information
verify information
telnet <RDS endpoint> <port number>
nc -zv <RDS endpoint> <port number>
note: keep in mind to replace your endpoint/port to your endpoint available in database settings

SSL Install on AWS

I've been tasked with getting a new SSL installed on a website, the site is hosted on AWS EC2.
I've discovered that I need the key pair in order to connect to the server instance, however the client doesn't have contact with the former web master.
I don't have much familiarity with AWS so I'm somewhat at a loss of how to proceed. I'm guessing I would need the old key pair to access the server instance and install the SSL?
I see there's also the Certificate Manager section in AWS, but don't currently see an SSL in there. Will installing it here attach it to the website or do I need to access the server instance and install it there?
There is a documented process for updating the SSH keys on an EC2 instance. However, this will require some downtime, and must not be run on an instance-store-backed instance. If you're new to AWS then you might not be able to determine whether this is the case, so would be risky.
Instead, I think your best option is to bring up an Elastic Load Balancer to be the new front-end for the application: clients will connect to it, and it will in turn connect to the application instance. You can attach an ACM cert to the ELB, and shifting traffic should be a matter of changing the DNS entry (but, of course, test it out first!).
Moving forward, you should redeploy the application to a new EC2 instance, and then point the ELB at this instance. This may be easier said than done, because the old instance is probably manually configured. With luck you have the site in source control, and can do deploys in a test environment.
If not, and you're running on Linux, you'll need to make a snapshot of the live instance and attach it to a different instance to learn how it's configured. Start with the EC2 EBS docs and try it out in a test environment before touching production.
I'm not sure if there's any good way to recover the content from a Windows EC2 instance. And if you're not comfortable with doing ops, you should find someone who is.

AWS EC2 - How to upgrade instance without changing existing public IP?

Is it possible to upgrade EC2 instance without changing existing public IP address? My mobile application is live and unfortunately we didn't use elastic IP in web services. So if I upgrade current instance, it will generate new public IP and the old application users won't be able to use mobile application.
Is there any way to keep current IP as it is? Or any other way to upgrade it without loosing existing users? Please suggest.
Consider this a lesson as to why you should use a load balancer and a DNS entry, especially for anything public-facing. What were you going to do if you the instance failed? Or the availability zone went down?
Personally I would spin up a set new larger instances behind a load balancer, create a Route53 DNS entry that points to the load balancer, and then release an update to the client that points to the DNS entry. As clients update, traffic will gradually move to the load balancer. The undersized single instance's load will drop, so if it is overloaded it will eventually return to normal. Eventually you can kill the old instance when all/most clients have upgraded.
It depends on what sort of software you are running exactly
If you have an application that is sessionless then it would be simple to bring up another server on a different IP and then use route53 to switch over the traffic, with both servers running at the same time
If the application is stateful though and if it stores the sessions locally on the host then that's more of a problem
One possible approach is to bind an elastic ip to the running host, reconfigure your software to listen on all addresses ( a lot of configuration controls allow this with an address of ) then change DNS and gradually see the traffic migrate to the elastic IP, while both addresses work
Once the new address is fully in use (depends on your TTL) it becomes much easier to switch to a new host by reassigning the EIP

With AWS I removed elastic IP and can no longer access the instance

I have a load balancer and EC2 instance with AWS. I had problems with e-mail restrictions and was recommended to use an elastic IP. I then read somethere that you can't use elastic IP and a load balancer so I removed the elastic IP. I can no longer access my instance even when I've rebooted it and waiting 2 hours later. I can ping it (after enabling ICMP with network security) but I can't SSH or go to the web server. All the network settings remain, which included allowing TCP ports for HTTP and SSH. Does anyone know what has happened to make port 80 and 23 no longer accessible? This is a real nightmare for me because I did a bit of a marketing campaign, got increased traffic, noticed emails weren't getting sent, then in an attempt to fix that I've screwed the server completely so the website is down at the worst possible time :(
I fixed it all up. This isn't a direct solution to the problem, more like a workaround. I couldn't connect to that server no matter what, so I created a new instance and that worked. It was as if the Linux server itself was corrupt, not the AWS settings. I detached the volume from the old instance and attached it as a secondary volume on the new instance. When I logged into the new instance I was able to mount the secondary volume as a new drive and I just copied the files over that way. I don't have a bloated server so this wasn't really a big deal to pull off. Anyway, if you can't log in to a server anymore, you can always mount it to a new instance and access it via the file-system