Add a link to tasklist navigation bar in Camunda - camunda

I'd like to add a button that opens a link in the tasklist navigation bar:
I read the documentation and it's clear that I have to add a plugin to the tasklist app but I can't figure out how to do it based on the given example.
Any hints, please? Thanks!

I found the Camunda docs very un-helpful. Consequently, I decided to find existing plugins to better understand what is needed. Luckily, I stumbled upon a sample project called tasklist-plugin-easy-search.
I cloned this project and used it as a base.
Within your newly cloned project , make sure that the class name in
is referenced in a file called org.camunda.bpm.tasklist.plugin.spi.TasklistPlugin that resides in the directory
There are a limited number of locations on the Tasklist webpage whereby you can place your plugin.
Please have a look here.
Once selected you can change the code in /code-master/snippets/tasklist-plugin-easy-search/src/main/resources/plugin-webapp/easy-search-plugin/app/plugin.js
var Configuration = ['ViewsProvider', function (ViewsProvider) {
ViewsProvider.registerDefaultView('tasklist.navbar.action', {
id: 'claim-interface-plugin',
label: 'Search',
url: 'plugin://claim-interface-plugin/static/app/claim-interface-plugin.html',
controller: Controller,
priority: 1000
Finally, to integrate this plugin into you Camunda web app, you should create a Jar file. Next, shut down your Camunda web app if it is running.
Thereafter, go into your Camunda web app directory and place the Jar in
Start up your Camunda web app.


How to pre load ember engines?

Am using ember-engines in my project, After user lands in host ember application, I want my other ember engines to preload (say after 10 seconds), so that when user navigates to other tabs, there wont be any lag in UI.. i dont want to disable lazyLoading of my ember engines since that will increase the size of vendor js and css of host app during initial load.. Any reference for this is appreciated (I was not able to find any example or reference for this).
We can use loadBundle method of asset-loader service included by ember-engine as follow:
assetLoader: service(),
preloadEngine() {
this.assetLoader.loadBundle('<name of the engine>');
The loadBundle method return a promise and resolves when the engine bundle loads successfully.

Ionic2 web app routing configuration

I am working on ionic2 project, which is web project (i.e. runs as a website on browsers not a mobile app). Here I am facing difficulty to give specific URL for pages. How do I implement routing in my project ?
I also worked with angular2. Where we can give URL to components. But here that thing is not working.
Take a look at this website:
and read up on the nav controller here:
Some Context: While Ionic2 does use the native browser for each platform, it uses a special controller to change routes
NavController is the base class for navigation controller components like Nav and Tab. You use navigation controllers to navigate to pages in your app. At a basic level, a navigation controller is an array of pages representing a particular history (of a Tab for example). This array can be manipulated to navigate throughout an app by pushing and popping pages or inserting and removing them at arbitrary locations in history.
Before diving deeper into Ionic I suggest obtaining an understanding of this controller.
This sample ionic project will also help with the understanding of navController:

Ember CLI / browser refresh / production / 404

I developed my webapp using Ember CLI 0.1.15, with emberjs. 1.8.1
I built the app with this command: ember build --environment production , and then I made a WAR out of the files produced under the dist folder of my project, and then I drop the WAR on my tomcat's webapps folder.
So, when I open the app: http://mytomcat/myapp/ ... it went fine, I saw my login screen, I logged in, and navigate around in my app, everythings fine. I could also do the back/forward button, and ember handles the transition well.
But when I click the refresh button on my browser -- the address bar of the browser was showing http://mytomcat/myapp/inventory/ at that moment -- I got 404 reply, from the tomcat.
Then I figured out why it happened: the refresh button sends a request to the tomcat for the path /myapp/myinventory/ ... of course the path /myinventory does not exist on the server. All those routes we see on the browser -- except for the base url, http://mytomcat/myapp/ -- are generated on the client-side.
So, my question is: what's the right way (in ember) to deal with this situation? I need the refresh button to just works. Any way for ember to intercept the refresh button clicked event?
I guess this issues is related to this: , but it does not have the answer I need.
Thanks in advance,
--- UPDATE ---
Probably relevant:
Inside config/environment.js file, there is a property called locationType. Set its value to hash
Manually moving files from your /dist folder is time consuming and annoying. Instead, you can specify an output-path property in your .ember-cli with the location inside webapps you are trying to move the files to. Another option is to specify this option to ember server or ember build

ASP.NET MVC 4 Project placed within another ASP.NET MVC 4 project's folder

I have a simple main web project. I also have a second project that is related to the main project but is meant to be a bare bones web service. I want to place the web service project inside of a version folder inside of regular folder in my main project. For example, a folder in my main project called "WebService" with a subfolder for version 1 called "v1" would result in the following urls:
Url to access the main project's index action in the home controller:
Url to access the web service v1's index action in the home controller:
After setting up the projects like this, I'm getting a 404 when trying to access the web service. What can I do in my Global.asax in the main project, or IIS (or anywhere) to get this URL mapping approach to work? Thanks in advance.
You should be able to achieve this by modifying the default route located in App_Start/WebApiConfig.cs
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { Action = "Get", id = RouteParameter.Optional }
change "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}
to "/WebService/{controller}/{action}/{id}"
After trying things here and there, the answer was in IIS.
In IIS you can add "applications" inside of your sites.
Right click the folder in your site where your "second project" is (in my case the folder is "WebService") and select "Add Application..."
In alias type the ending path to the URL that you want (in my case my alias would be "v1").
Point the "Physical path" to the folder where your second project resides (in my case my web service project resides in "WebService/v1/webservice_v1").
Click OK and you're done.

django building a site with different apps

I want to build a site with a dynamic menu which should be delivered from an separate app named menu. This app uses a base template.
On the other side there is a content which cames from another app named customer.
When i call domain/customer/show/1 for example the site should show the selected customer and also the menu from the menuapp but the customerapp shall be independent.
How can i solve this?
I recommend to try django-sitetree or other app from this list