Why doesn't visual studio find soundio.h? - c++

I've been working with visual studio 19 and cmake. The initial objective is to link spdlog and libsoundio libraries to my project, to achieve it the following CMakeFile was created to compile my project.
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.8)
set(APPNAME DrumHero)
#C++ version
set(SOURCES src/drumhero.cpp)
set(HEADERS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/drumhero.h)
set(DEPENDENCIES_LIBS spdlogd libsoundio)
link_directories("C:/Program\ Files/libsoundio/lib" "C:/Program\ Files/spdlog/lib")
include_directories("C:/Program\ Files/libsoundio/include" "C:/Program\ Files/spdlog/include")
add_executable (${APPNAME} ${SOURCES} ${HEADERS})
set_target_properties(${APPNAME} PROPERTIES
All libraries are installed and located in Program Files.
I copied the example program from libsoundio, but visual studio is showing some errors related to libsoundio, it seems that the library is not found by visualstudio, like the errors shown in the image below:
What it's most strange is that the code compiles, but when the .exe is executed the following message is shown:
The execution of the code could not continue because libsoundio.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program to fix the problem.
Why is libsoundio not found?

If your code has sucessfully compiled, you have two options: Either copy the libsoundio.dll in the same folder as your .exe, or else, copy that DLL into a typical Windows path for DLLs, for example, C:\Windows\System32.
The first method should be easier if you want to deploy your application to another computer. That is the reason why Software for Windows is distributed as Installers, which create a folder in your machine and copy multiple files, sometimes DLLs, in the same path as the .EXE


Generating dll from an existing code on Windows using CMake and VS

I have downloaded an SDK written in C++ (OPC UA) that creates a .exe file on compiling with Visual Studio 2015. It has a bunch of CMake files. How could one see if it is possible to generate a .dll from such an SDK? Do the CMake files have this information or should there be any macros inside the headers I would have to search for ? The SDK has Visual Studio sample projects (.sln) that I am using to create .exe.
The CMakeLists.txt looks like this
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.0 FATAL_ERROR)
endif ()
endif ()
# set CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE to LAZY by default to hide 'Up to date' output when building INSTALL target
endif ()
The questions that already have been asked regarding this topic are from the people who are writing their own code. I intend to use the code from the SDK. Apart from changing the CMAKE file to include the dll do I need to make changes in the source code as well?
It has a bunch of CMake files. How could one see if it is possible to generate a .dll from such an SDK? Do, the CMake files have this information or should there be any MACROS inside the headers I would have to search for ?
If the CMake project generates a library, then the statement add_library must appear somewhere. Note, however, that hierarchies of CMakeLists.txt files are possible, for example, the CMakeLists.txt you included adds two subdirectories. Consider the CMakeLists.txt files in there as well. Since an executable is generated, a call to add_executable must appear somewhere as well.
I intend to use the code from the SDK. Apart from changing the CMAKE file to include the dll do I need to make changes in the source code as well?
I am not familiar with this SDK, but I would guess that examples contains the sources for the executable and src contains the sources for a library. If you just want to try something out, you can modify the example code or add a new example. In this case, you only have to modify the CMakeLists.txt in the examples directory (i.e., add your new source code file).
If you want to use the SDK as external dependency, check whether there is a FindNameofmySDK.cmake included in the CMake modules list or whether there is a NameofmySDK-config.cmake somewhere in the SDK sources or your installation. In this case, you can create a CMake project for your application and use find_package to look for the SDK.

CMake on Windows 10 doesn't generate executable

So I have a tiny C++ project that I code on both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04, and I'm using CMake to coordinate relatively platform-independent build processes. I'm no master of CMake, but it worked up until recently, however now I cannot get the solution generated by CMake-gui to actually compile into an executable to run, despite my usage of add_executable. Here is my CMakeLists (there's a hideous mix of platform-specific stuff in there, however it appears that CMake simply ignores it):
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
project (TestProject)
ADD_LIBRARY(LibsModule Game.cpp Game.h TestGame.cpp TestGame.h)
target_link_libraries(LibsModule -lpthread)
target_link_libraries(LibsModule -lm)
target_link_libraries(LibsModule -lX11)
add_executable(TestProject TestGame.h)
target_link_libraries(TestProject LibsModule)
This compiles and runs fine on Ubuntu using CLion, however on 64-bit Windows 10 using VS17 it fails upon trying to run the executable it expects to be generated because the executable doesn't exist in the build folder (but the .lib file noted is generated just fine).
I've seen some mention that a third party antivirus program could cause this, but I have no such thing installed.
Now I'm pretty new to CMake so if this file is completely off the mark I would really appreciate a clear explanation as to what I'm doing wrong, this code is made from a short study of basic CMake usage.

ITK: Can't find ITKCommon-x.xx.dll when executing HelloWorld Example

i successfully built ITK 4.13 (as 'Release') on Windows 10 with the latest Visual Studio version (Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64 compiler). Then i tried to built the ITKHelloWorld example using the following CMakeLists.txt (as shown in the example by ITK):
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
find_package(ITK REQUIRED)
add_executable(HelloWorld HelloWorld.cxx)
target_link_libraries(HelloWorld ${ITK_LIBRARIES})
Built runs without errors or warnings. Running the generated HelloWorld.exe file result in an ITKCommon-4.13.dll not found error.
The ITKCommon-4.13.dll was built by ITK, thus, i think i have to change something in the CMakeList file, but don't know what.
Any guess or solution?
Edit: The include(${ITK_USE_FILE}) expression in CMakeLists searches for UseITK.cmake, but this file is located in the source of ITK not in the build folder. Could this be a source of the error?
Edit2: Running a VTK Example also shows errors caused by not finding required .dlls.
There is no problem with your project. Windows can use dll libraries on runtime only if they are in PATH location. So there are two options: either you add bin/Release directory of ITK library to Windows's PATH system variable (the directory that contains all the ddls), or you just copy all the dlls from that directory to the one that contains your new application.
Precisely, you don't need to copy all the dlls, you can check by e.g. Dependency Walker, which ones are really needed.

C++ How to run programs in Clion when you need to include OpenGL libraries?

Hello I need to work with OpenGL and want to create my project in Clion. But Clion cannot compile and run my projects because of the libraries I need to include. I can create my own makefile and run the program in terminal, but I want to do it in the IDE. How can I make this happen?
First make sure you installed all libraries correctly using the compiler you configured in clion/cmake. Assuminf you have a fresh CMakeLists.txt like
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3.2)
project(MyGL CPP)
add_executable(demo-run main.cpp)
For linking your libraries you need two things. First tell the compiler where to find the include files and second which libraries to link. You could just hard code you local installation like
target_link_libraries(demo-run path/to/glfw.lib path/to/opengl.lib path/to/jpeg.lib ...)
target_include_directories(demo-run PRIVATE path/to/glfw/include path/to/opengl/include path/to/jpeg/include ...)
however this is not very portable and if you want to work with another compiler or on another machine your project file will fail. Instead you can use the package system of cmake
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_search_module(GLFW REQUIRED glfw3)
find_package(JPEG REQUIRED)
find_package(GLEW REQUIRED)
find_package (OpenGL REQUIRED)
find_package (GLM REQUIRED)
The glfw part is a bit tricky and works only on linux i guess see http://www.glfw.org/docs/3.0/build.html.
This code is not tested at all and you may need to specify some enviroment variables so cmake can find the packages or provide additional find scripts like https://github.com/lighttransport/nanogi/blob/master/cmake/FindGLM.cmake.
I would recommend to use the CMake build tool which does the work generating Makefiles for you and is also directly supported by clion. When you open the directory containing a CMakeLists.txt (CMake Project File) with clion, it should be automatically be loaded and compiled (if not just hit build)
A very simple example CMake project would look like this
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.9)
project (OpenGl-Stuff)
add_executable(your-binary src/your-code.c src/your-code.h)
target_link_libraries(your-binary opengl)
# target_link_libraries will search for libopengl on standard system paths,
# maybe the library is not called libopengl, then you have to adjust the name above
this cmake project will generate the binary for you and link it against opengl

generate vs studio can not open boost library

I have a cmake file that adds boost to a project.
the section that I add boost to project is as follow:
set(BOOST_LIBRARYDIR ${BOOST_ROOT}/lib64-msvc-12.0)
find_package(Boost COMPONENTS thread system unit_test_framework filesystem REQUIRED)
and I add boost to my project in this way:
When I compile my code, I am getting this error:
cannot open file 'libboost_filesystem-vc120-mt-gd-1_57.lib'
looking at project file, I can see that this library was added to project in correct way (input section of linker):
I have a similar setup on another computer which works perfectly. The difference between the two computer is:
working computer: windows 7 +VS 2012
not working computer Windows 8.1 + Visual Studio 2013.
Since libboost_filesystem-vc120-mt-gd-1_57.lib is obviously not the same as
boost_filesystem-vc120-mt-gd-1_57.lib you will have to either change the name in the generated project's properties or in cmake itself.