C++ - How to reserve some class objects to only be instantiated by a certain class - c++

I'm defining a unique_id_generator class, which is kind of, sort of a singleton i.e there is just one instance for a given type_id. There can be many different type_ids, but for a specific type_id, there is just one instance.
Now I want to make sure that type_id = 0 goes to a very specific class. Basically just that specific class can use type_id = 0 and then the rest can be used freely.
I'm wondering through which design pattern can I ensure that happens?
I don't want to control or govern type_ids given in general.
FYI, I'm already using a private constructor to block un-guarded instantiation of the class.
I can't control who instantiates a unique_id_generator first. Also based on design, I don't want to route requests for unique ids through the specific class which gets type_id = 0.
Any thoughts/advice is greatly appreciated.

The only solution I could think of is to define 2 instantiation methods. One public and one private as follows:
class UniqueID
friend class MySpecialClass;
static UniqueID * GetInstance(int type_id)
assert(type_id >= EXCLUSIVE_CNT);
return Instantiate(type_id);
int type_id_;
int seq_id_;
std::map<type_id, UniqueID*> type_to_obj_map_;
UniqueID(int type_id)
type_id_ = type_id;
seq_id_ = 0;
static UniqueID * GetExclusiveInstance(int type_id)
assert(type_id < EXCLUSIVE_CNT);
return Instantiate(type_id);
static UniqueID * Instantiate(int type_id)
if(type_to_obj_map_.find(type_id) == type_to_obj_map_.end())
type_to_obj_map_[type_id] = new UniqueID(type_id);
return type_to_obj_map_[type_id];


Object instantiation through factory method not giving desire result

In below code snippet I do require to instantiate the object through factory method in order to call the selected adapter (i.e. adapterTwovalue)but while calling through factory method i am not able to get the desire results. When we assign static declared object's address (i.e adapter = &at) it works but with factory i usually get the blank output.
I tried as well with (adapter = new adapterTwo()) to instantiate the object but output string is giving blank results. As per my requirement i need to populate the all the getters in connect function which is pure virtual function to frame the response.Anybody can suggest how to achieve this using factory method.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class IAdapter
enum FactoryList { AdapterOnevalue = 0, AdapterTwovalue };
virtual void connect() = 0;
static IAdapter* CreateList(FactoryList);
virtual ~IAdapter() {}
class LibraryOne
string property;
void SetConnection(string property)
this->property = property;
string getConnection()const
return property;
class LibraryTwo
string broker;
void SetBroker(string broker1)
this->broker = broker1;
string getBroker() const
return broker;
class AdapterOne : public IAdapter
LibraryOne one;
string constring;
void SetClientconnection(string constring)
string GetClientconnection()
return one.getConnection();
void connect()
constring = GetClientconnection();
//Adapter to use library two
class AdapterTwo : public IAdapter
LibraryTwo two;
string brokerstring;
void SetClientbroker(string constring)
string GetClientbroker()
return two.getBroker();
void connect()
string constring = GetClientbroker();
cout << "final value=" << constring;
IAdapter* IAdapter::CreateList(FactoryList SelectList)
IAdapter *ListObject;
switch (SelectList)
case AdapterOnevalue:
ListObject = new AdapterOne();
case AdapterTwovalue:
ListObject = new AdapterTwo();
ListObject = NULL;
return ListObject;
int main()
IAdapter *adapter = 0;
//LibraryTwo obj;
AdapterTwo at;
//cout << at.GetClientbroker();
//adapter = &at; it works
adapter = IAdapter::CreateList(IAdapter::AdapterTwovalue);//it doesn't work
//Just do the operation now
return 0;
You can see the complete solution in below share link.
Here is the explanation.
(1) setClientBroker() or all other adapters related setter functionality needs to be implement as a virtual function in Interface with default parameter value " " (blank string).
(2) you need to always use override keyword (c++11) feature in derive class for setters so that compiler will cross check during compilation whether proper virtual method is being overridden or not.
(3) instead of using local raw pointer , always use smart pointer . below is the
implementation link for the same.
With your code I expect the output: final value=.
It will not print final value=amqp cause you need to call SetClientbroker("amqp") on the right adapter object (adapter in your example).
Anyway, I would think about putting a virtual method SetString in the base class, so you could simply do:
int main()
IAdapter *adapter = 0;
//LibraryTwo obj;
//AdapterTwo at;
//cout << at.GetClientbroker();
//adapter = &at; it works
adapter = IAdapter::CreateList(IAdapter::AdapterTwovalue);//it doesn't work
//Just do the operation now
return 0;
EDIT after the comment:
You need to cast the object, at this point (as suggested by #Aconcagua).
But IMHO it's not elegant at all. I think you are going to loose the benefits gained with the factory method.
IAdapter* adapter = nullptr;
AdapterTwo at;
adapter = IAdapter::CreateList(IAdapter::AdapterTwovalue);
You have created two independent objects here (as calling new within createList): at and the one adapter points to.
AdapterTwo at;
Now sure you get the expected output if you let adapter point to at, but how could the other object be aware of the string you set in the first one?
adapter = IAdapter::CreateList(IAdapter::AdapterTwovalue);
adapter->SetClientbroker("amqp"); // (*) !!!
You need to set the broker at the other object, too. As being different objects, you even can set the brokers independently:
AdapterTwo at;
IAdapter* adapter = IAdapter::CreateList(IAdapter::AdapterTwovalue);
adapter->SetClientbroker("aconcagua"); // (*) !!!
Output now would be (if you called connect on both objects):
final value=amqp
final value=aconcagua
Only: The marked lines ((*)) won't compile as your base class does not provide the appropriate setter!
There are now different solutions for this problem. You could, for instance, just cast the object:
// if you are REALLY 100% sure the object is of appropriate type:
// if NOT:
AdapterTwo* a2 = dynamic_cast<AdapterTwo*>(adapter);
// appropriate error handling
You could find a more generic name for the set/get Broker/ClientConnection functions, have them already pure virtual within IAdapter and override them in the two implementing adapter classes, so you could then just call adapter->setXYZ("ampq");. [Edit: according to your comment to the question, not an option in the given case]
My personal favourite is providing an additional parameter to your createList function such that the setter would already be called within the factory - possibly with appropriate default: empty string, if you opt for a std::string parameter, or nullptr in case of char const*. You'd only call the setter if the parameter is not matching the default, of course... Alternatively, you could have two overloads.

Partial Mock or new class or what else?

I have a question about testing.
I have a class that returns anomalies. in this class I have two different method that simply returns two different types of anomalies and one that return all anomalies (of both types)
this is the example code:
public interface IAnomalyService
IList<Anomaly> GetAllAnomalies(object parameter1, object parameter2);
IList<Anomaly> GetAnomalies_OfTypeA(object parameter1);
IList<Anomaly> GetAnomalies_OfTypeB(object parameter2);
public class AnomalyService : IAnomalyService
public IList<Anomaly> GetAllAnomalies(object parameter1, object parameter2)
var lstAll = new List<Anomaly>();
return lstAll;
public IList<Anomaly> GetAnomalies_OfTypeA(object parameter1)
//some elaborations
return new List<Anomaly> { new Anomaly { Id = 1 } };
public IList<Anomaly> GetAnomalies_OfTypeB(object parameter2)
//some elaborations
return new List<Anomaly> { new Anomaly { Id = 2 } };
class Anomaly
public int Id { get; set; }
I've created the tests for the two method that retrieve the anomalies of type A and type B (GetAnomalies_OfTypeA and GetAnomalies_OfTypeB).
Now I want to test the function GetAllAnomalies but I'm not sure what I have to do.
I think I have to way for testing it:
1) declare GetAnomalies_OfTypeA and GetAnomalies_OfTypeB in class AnomalyService as virtual, make a mock of the Class AnomalyService, and using Moq I can set CallBase as true and mock the two method GetAnomalies_OfTypeA and GetAnomalies_OfTypeB.
2)move the method GetAllAnomalies in another class called AllAnomalyService (with interface IAllAnomalyService) and in its constructor I will pass an interface of IAnomalyService and after I can test the GetAllAnomalies mocking the IAnomalyService interface.
I'm new at unit testing, so I don't know which solution is better, if is one of the mines or another one.
Can you help me?
thank you
Mocking is a good tool when a class resists testing. If you have the source, mocking is often not necessary. Try this approach:
Create a factory which can return AnomalyServices with various, defined anomalies (only type A, only type B, both, none, only type C, ...)
Since the three types are connected in some way, you should check all three in each test. If only anomalies of type A are expected, you should check that GetAllAnomalies returns the same result as GetAnomalies_OfTypeA and GetAnomalies_OfTypeB returns an empty list.

How to use a variable from another class

I have a class Overview where i try to save a Customer.
Now i want to use that Customer in another class. Now i'm using Public Static value, but my teacher said it's not good to use static variables. Can you solve this
public class OverView {
public static Customer CurrentCustomer;
CurrentCustomer = new Customer("Tom",23);
public class removeCustomer{
Customer removeCustomer = OverView.CurrentCustomer;
Your teacher is right, do not interface with static variables directly, implement getter/setter methods
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutator_method for more information!
Even better: in your example, you don't need to touch the instance of Customer at all. The "remove" functionality should be a member method on the Customer class. I'm not even sure that you need currentCustomer to be static, but I kept it static.
public class Customer {
//Customer constructor, etc.
* * *
public void remove() {
//remove the customer, whatever that entails
public class OverView {
private static Customer currentCustomer;
public static void someMethod() {
currentCustomer = new Customer("Tom",23);
* * *
//all done with this customer
//but notice that the currentCustomer object still exists
You need an instance of Overview to access its non-static members. Try:
public class OverView {
public Customer CurrentCustomer = new Customer("Tom",23);
Public class removeCustomer{
OverView ov = new OverView();
Customer removeCustomer = ov.CurrentCustomer;
It is also adviseable to not declare the CurrentCustomer as public, and implement public get/set methods to access it

GOF State Pattern State Transition Implementation Issues

Firstly, can anyone explain how a state object can be shared when the state object has no instance variables ?
This text is taken from GOF, page 308, item 3 (consequences section):
The state object can be shared.
If state objects have no instance variabkes - that is, the state they
represent is encoded entirely in their
type - then contexts can share a
state object. When states are shared in
this way, they are essentially
Can anyone explain this text ?
Secondly, what are the approaches to the state transition decision? I mean the decision of which next state to propagate?
Please help.
In the state pattern you have an represent the state of an object by using state-objects. These state-objects represent a certain state, but they do not have any mutable state of their own. This means they never change. Therefore, any number of objects can use the same state-object at the same time (even from different threads). If the state-object had mutable state, other objects would have to worry about their state-object being changed from elsewhere.
The using of one object instance by many others can be seen as an instance of the flyweight-pattern.
As for the second part of your question, here is an example:
class SomeStateMachine;
class AbstractState {
// abstract baseclass for all state-classes
void input(const std::string & data, SomeStateMachine & caller) = 0;
class FinalState : public AbstractState {
FinalState * getInstance(); // always returns same instance
class InitialState : public AbstractState {
InitialState * getInstance(); // always returns same instance
void input(const std::string & data, SomeStateMachine & caller) {
std::cout << data << std::endl;
caller.m_State = FinalState::getInstance();
class SomeStateMachine {
SomeStateMachine() : m_State(InitialState::getInstance())
void input(const std::string & data) {
m_State->input(data, *this);
friend class InitialState;
AbstractState * m_State;
So you basically pass a reference to the calling object to every method of your state-object. This way, the state-object is able to change the state of the caller when needed. This example might not be very beautiful, but I hope you get the idea.
The paragraph is basically saying that you encode your states as individual classes - then the instance type is the "state" and the classes don't need any instance variables because their type encodes all the information you need.
E.g say I want to have three states "Open", "Active" and "Closed". I might define the following classes:
abstract class State {};
class Open extends State {
public Open() {}
class Active extends State {
public Active() {}
class Closed extends State {
public Closed() {}
Another option - I'd suspect this is the combination with flyweight being hinted at in the GOF text would be to create a state class which a bunch of static members (one for each state) which can then be shared -
public class State {
private string name;
private State(String name) {
this.name = name;
public final static State OPEN = new State("Open");
public final static State ACTIVE = new State("Active");
public final static State CLOSED = new State("Closed");
I had to go digging to remind myself of how all this stuff worked in detail. Kerievsky has a good description of this (I've heavily borrowed from one of his examples above!) and how the state transitions can be handled by sub-classing from the state class, to create classes that manage each transition. See "Refactoring to Patterns" (ISBN: 0321213351)
EDIT(2): His web site has a class diagram for his example - http://www.industriallogic.com/xp/refactoring/alteringConditionalsWithState.html

Should class methods accept parameters or use class properties

Consider the following class
public class Class1
public int A { get; set; }
public int B { get; set; }
public int GetComplexResult()
return A + B;
In order to use GetComplexResult, a consumer of this class would have to know to set A and B before calling the method. If GetComplexResult accesses many properties to calculate its result, this can lead to wrong return values if the consumer doesn't set all the appropriate properties first. So you might write this class like this instead
public class Class2
public int A { get; set; }
public int B { get; set; }
public int GetComplexResult(int a, int b)
return a + b;
This way, a caller to GetComplexResult is forced to pass in all the required values, ensuring the expected return value is correctly calculated. But if there are many required values, the parameter list grows as well and this doesn't seem like good design either. It also seems to break the point of encapsulating A, B and GetComplexResult in a single class. I might even be tempted to make GetComplexResult static since it doesn't require an instance of the class to do its work. I don't want to go around making a bunch of static methods.
Are there terms to describe these 2 different ways of creating classes? They both seem to have pros and cons - is there something I'm not understanding that should tell me that one way is better than the other? How does unit testing influence this choice?
If you use a real-world example the answer becomes clearer.
public class person
public string firstName { get; set; }
public string lastName { get; set; }
public string getFullName()
return firstName + " " + lastName;
The point of an entity object is that it contains information about an entity, and can do the operations that the entity needs to do (based on the information it contains). So yes, there are situations in which certain operations won't work properly because the entity hasn't been fully initialized, but that's not a failure of design. If, in the real world, I ask you for the full name of a newborn baby who hasn't been named yet, that will fail also.
If certain properties are essential to an entity doing its job, they can be initialized in a constructor. Another approach is to have a boolean that checks whether the entity is in a state where a given method can be called:
while (person.hasAnotherQuestion()) {
A good design rule is to make sure that all constructors initializes objects to valid states and that all property setters and methods then enforces the valid state. This way there will never be any objects in invalid states.
If the default values for A and B, which is 0 is not a valid state that yields a valid result from GetComplexResult, you should a constructor that initialized A and B to valid a state.
If some of the fields are never allowed to be null then you would typically make them parameters to the class constructor. If you don't always have all of the required values available at once then using a builder class may be helpful.
For example:
public Builder {
private int a;
private int b;
public Class1 create() {
// some validation logic goes here
// to make sure we have everything and
// either fill in defaults or throw an error
// if needed
return new Class1(a, b)
public Builder a(int val) { a = val; }
public Builder b(int val) { b = val; }
This Builder can then be used as follows.
Class1 obj1 = new Builder().a(5).b(6).create();
Builder builder = new Builder();
// do stuff to find value of a
// do stuff to find value of b
// do more stuff
Class1 obj2 = builder.create();
Class2 obj3 = builder.create();
This design allows you to lock down the Entity classes to whatever degree is appropriate while still allowing for a flexible construction process. It also opens the door to customizing the construction process with other implementations without changing the entity class contract.